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RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-24-2015

Official Transcript from Emergency Resentinian Military Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting. All members present
Location: The Hexagon, Theron, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Time: 11:30 PM, Theron Time

Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock: I do apologize for assembling everyone this late, but a rather critical situation has occurred. One of extreme danger and importance. General Brady, you have the floor from here.

Major General Steven M. Brady: Thank you, sir. Just to be clear, everyone in this room is now authorized to hear about the operation?

Braddock: As of about ten minutes ago, actually.

High Admiral Thomas M. Day: What operation? [Glares at Brady] What were you up to?

Brady: We will discuss that in a moment, Admiral. Right now, actually.

Major General Tyler Mcfadden: Proceed with this, Brady.

Brady: Thank you. Unknown to most of you, there was an operation authorized by myself, the Marshall General, and General Hardeck, codenamed Operation: Fallen Eagle, to aquire Ryccian Nuclear Weapons-

Lieutenant General Tara McAllister: Nukes? Have you lost your goddamn mind? Do you remember what they almost did to our country? You should be arrested where you stand, all three of you!

Brady:.... And Destroy them to prevent their use.[McAllister, still looking disapprovingly, acknowledges the statement] However, when our Special Forces teams landed and infiltrated the facilities, we found that all of the nukes we had targeted, the six-thousand weapons Ryccia had "ready for launch", were all missing.

Day: Missing how?

Brady: While the missiles themselves were still there, they were disassembled. After a through investigation by our teams, the Warheads for each of these weapons have been determined as missing. None were present in any facilities we investigated.

McAllister: Bullshit.

Brady: [Turns on Projector] These slides contain photos taken by SpecForce teams as they searched the facilities.[Clicks through slides] As you can obviously tell, no Warheads of any kind were found.

Mcfadden: My god...... How bad is this?

Brady: Assuming we are calculating for all missing Warheads, that being six-thousand, the possible explosive potential, in layman's terms is..[Brady doing math in his head] enough to destroy the South Pacific.....[A little more math]... twice, over? Yes, at least twice over.

Day: ..... We need to lock down the country. I could have a blockade up in 3 hours. No ships in or out. Air patrols around the clock.

McAllister: No, for all we know, they could already be out of the country. Anyone remember the V10 Rocket Program? Those Cruise Missiles that were developed late in the Civil War? The final version, the V10 Mk 4, Had the ability to reach space. I say we launch one of those babies up with one of the Nuclear Detection systems we built back in the war, and we have it look for anomalies of radiation.

Mcfadden: They may not be out of the country. I advise we use a combination of Special Forces and Army Airborne Troops, using these Nuclear Detection Systems, and sweep the entire country for these weapons.

Braddock: I've already considered all of these options. Military funding has been allocated for the Rockets. However, the King IS authorizing a Blockade on Ryccia until those nuclear weapons are found. We can't move Airbornes from their current duties, but SpecForce will be deployed to search for these missing weapons. I'll get Army Mechanized over to any other launch facilities to secure the rest of the weapons as soon as possible, and prevent any more from going missing. Also, Hardeck?

General Ferris Hardeck: Yes, Marshall?

Braddock: We've developed some special Nuclear Detection ECMs for your fighters. 'd like you to make flyovers of the country, see what you find.

Hardeck: Of course.

Braddock: While the King is already aware of the situation, none of these conversations are to leave this room. We'll come up with some bullshit story to cover for the V10 program, but the rest of this is highly classified. Anyone caught leaking information to people who are not considered mission critical will be tried and found guilty of treason. Anyone questioning our actions are to be told that it is "Standard Military Procedure". Understood?

All: Yes, Marshall, Sir!

Braddock: Good! Dismissed!

Unbenounced to both it's allies and Ryccia, Resentine is now on an active hunt for Ryccia's Nuclear Arsonal. All branches are involved, and several operations are underway to find them. This includes a blockade of Ryccia, and active hunt by Special Forces, the construction of Rockets, and constant flyovers of Ryccian Territories. No details of that conversation are released to anyone except the King himself, and any operations associated with the hunt are dismissed by troops and generals as "Standard Operating Procedures". All Countries are left in the dark about the current heightened status for the Royal Military.

RE: War in Ryccia - Jay Coop - 03-25-2015

The Qvaitican Navy sent a fleet to help the Kringalians against the Ryccian Navy and the Battle of Dragonia has begun.

RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-25-2015

Official Statement from Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock, Commanding Officer of the Federation of the Resentine Kingdom Royal Army and Marshall-General of the Royal Resentine Armed Forces
To: All Nations involved in the Current Ryccian Conflict, including but not limited to: Darkstrait, Qvait, Laiwan, Kringalia, Punchwood, Ryccian Royal Loyalists, Escade, Sporaltryus, Sedunn, and Karnetvor
Topic:Ryccian Nuclear Weapons Program

It has come to the attention of my Chiefs of Staff that Ryccia's nuclear arsonal has not yet been secured. The Royal military of Resentine is now going to address that problem immediately.

After very meticulous and long debate, the Chiefs of Staff of Resentine's Royal Military that it cannot trust any large power with an attempt to secure and safe-keep these weapons, most especially ones that already keep nuclear weapons of their own. In this decision, the Resentine Military has deployed three Mechanized Brigades to secure Ryccian Nuclear Sites, and begin an official count of all weapons in Ryccia's stockpile. We will not be disassembling them, as we did not bring the gear with us to give us that capability, and we will not be taking any, as that would require too much effort on the part of our military. All we will do is count them and make sure there are as many as Ryccia claimed.

While we are doing this, however, we politely ask for the cooperation of all nations as for non-interference. We do not mind other forces near or even at Nuclear Test Sites, but we do politely ask you keep your forces away from the actual weapons. Should any personnel attempt to interfere with our counting of Ryccia's nuclear stockpile, said personnel will be arrested and tried in a Resentinian court. Anyone attempting to use harmful force against our troops to gain access to Ryccia's nuclear weapons will be stunned via electric stun gun and then delt with appropriately. Anyone who continually uses hostile force against our troops to gain access to Ryccia's nuclear arsenal will force the Military to take more hostile action, including but not limited to; The use of Pistols, Semi-automatic Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Machine guns, 30mm Auto-cannon, and 120mm Tank Cannon.

We would once again like to thank all nations for their current cooperation and hope for their continued cooperation in this endeavor.

, Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock

Marshall, FRKRAF Chief of Staff

RE: War in Ryccia - VPRB - 03-25-2015

(03-24-2015, 09:54 PM)Ryccia Wrote:
(03-24-2015, 09:10 PM)VPRB Wrote: Maximum security encrypted communication from an emissar of the V.P.R.B. to a representative of the Ryccian King

"We have heard of your plan to reduce your nuclear arsenal, and we are willing to buy  your surplus of functioning nuclear warheads. We are willing to pay a generous price and we can provide as currency oil, mineral, money, gold, diamonds, weapons, including chemical and biological one, which would certainly give you the upper hand against Isvou. We will collect the warheads perferably in a  neutral location,but we will also be able to pick them up on Ryccian soil if needed. The offer for biological weapon included a modified strain of the Catacomb virus. Let us know, but remember: the clock is ticking"
Secret Message to the emissar
Well, yes, we could send you the 6,000 nuclear weapons we were preparing to dismantle. I spoke to the King in secret, and he approved this. However, how are we going to fool the other nations in this handout? Maybe we could do it in Ryccian territory, and close off the dismantling site, and then fake some evidence so they can believe us? We can do it in Naobu Island, an island 90% desert with no towns except Fort Naobu, where the soldiers of Naobu are stationed. Even better, the whole island is a military base with a no-fly zone(OOC: Its like an Area 51). We close off the island because of "radiation", put all those nuclear weapons on secret Bruuman ships, you pay us in resources, as we won't fight with chemical or biological weapons, and there! Nukes for Bruuma! We also need to sign some kind of Bruuma-Ryccia Nuclear Weapons Agreement, in which we promise to never fire nuclear weapons on ourselves?

Also, they are uranium-built, not plutonium-built, so they can deal more damage than plutonium nuclear weapons.

Here's the payment arrangement. We will sell you each nuke for a good amount... how about $10 million per warhead? $60 billion in total. Is that agreeable? We also want payment in:
55% oil
30% diamonds(as there are some diamond shortages, as our diamond mines have hit lows this year)
15% money

Is this reasonable?

(OOC: This message is top-secret, so the only way anyone can know about this is that we declassify this. So, ICdly, you have seen or heard nothing)

I propose 55% oil, 25% diamonds and 20% money. Let me know on this one. We will pick the warheads at Fort Naobu with our ships, while at the same times our tankers will deliver the oil to one of your refineries, the money will be transfered from our secret accounts to yours and one of our emissar will personally deliver the diamonds to one your representative, possibly on a neutral ground.

As for the other nations, I suggest we create a decoy: a warhead will be found on a captured Isvou's facility or vehicle - I'm sure you can arrange that - along with papers implicating him in the theft and revealing that all the warheads have been loaded on a ship, loaded with radioactive waste, which (we) will conveniently have sunk the day before on an ocean trait with a floor so deep recovery would be unfeasable. 

As for our dealings, if caught we can justify them as following: the money and the diamonds will be restitution of black funds deposited by Ryccian secret services in Puerto Pollo and Bruuma in the past. The oil will be delivered by a front company and will be actually "confiscated" by Ryccia as a fine for trying to smuggle it into the country. As for the presence of my ships at Naobu, they will be justified as a joint military reasearch on radioactivity for the purpose of developing cleanups measures.

RE: War in Ryccia - Ryccia - 03-25-2015

The war is over, and the Prime Minister has been overthrown. We would like our lands back, please.

RE: War in Ryccia - Ryccia - 03-25-2015

(03-25-2015, 05:51 AM)VPRB Wrote:
(03-24-2015, 09:54 PM)Ryccia Wrote:
(03-24-2015, 09:10 PM)VPRB Wrote: Maximum security encrypted communication from an emissar of the V.P.R.B. to a representative of the Ryccian King

"We have heard of your plan to reduce your nuclear arsenal, and we are willing to buy  your surplus of functioning nuclear warheads. We are willing to pay a generous price and we can provide as currency oil, mineral, money, gold, diamonds, weapons, including chemical and biological one, which would certainly give you the upper hand against Isvou. We will collect the warheads perferably in a  neutral location,but we will also be able to pick them up on Ryccian soil if needed. The offer for biological weapon included a modified strain of the Catacomb virus. Let us know, but remember: the clock is ticking"
Secret Message to the emissar
Well, yes, we could send you the 6,000 nuclear weapons we were preparing to dismantle. I spoke to the King in secret, and he approved this. However, how are we going to fool the other nations in this handout? Maybe we could do it in Ryccian territory, and close off the dismantling site, and then fake some evidence so they can believe us? We can do it in Naobu Island, an island 90% desert with no towns except Fort Naobu, where the soldiers of Naobu are stationed. Even better, the whole island is a military base with a no-fly zone(OOC: Its like an Area 51). We close off the island because of "radiation", put all those nuclear weapons on secret Bruuman ships, you pay us in resources, as we won't fight with chemical or biological weapons, and there! Nukes for Bruuma! We also need to sign some kind of Bruuma-Ryccia Nuclear Weapons Agreement, in which we promise to never fire nuclear weapons on ourselves?

Also, they are uranium-built, not plutonium-built, so they can deal more damage than plutonium nuclear weapons.

Here's the payment arrangement. We will sell you each nuke for a good amount... how about $10 million per warhead? $60 billion in total. Is that agreeable? We also want payment in:
55% oil
30% diamonds(as there are some diamond shortages, as our diamond mines have hit lows this year)
15% money

Is this reasonable?

(OOC: This message is top-secret, so the only way anyone can know about this is that we declassify this. So, ICdly, you have seen or heard nothing)

I propose 55% oil, 25% diamonds and 20% money. Let me know on this one. We will pick the warheads at Fort Naobu with our ships, while at the same times our tankers will deliver the oil to one of your refineries, the money will be transfered from our secret accounts to yours and one of our emissar will personally deliver the diamonds to one your representative, possibly on a neutral ground.

As for the other nations, I suggest we create a decoy: a warhead will be found on a captured Isvou's facility or vehicle - I'm sure you can arrange that - along with papers implicating him in the theft and revealing that all the warheads have been loaded on a ship, loaded with radioactive waste, which (we) will conveniently have sunk the day before on an ocean trait with a floor so deep recovery would be unfeasable. 

As for our dealings, if caught we can justify them as following: the money and the diamonds will be restitution of black funds deposited by Ryccian secret services in Puerto Pollo and Bruuma in the past. The oil will be delivered by a front company and will be actually "confiscated" by Ryccia as a fine for trying to smuggle it into the country. As for the presence of my ships at Naobu, they will be justified as a joint military reasearch on radioactivity for the purpose of developing cleanups measures.

This is a good idea. But Dave Isvou fled. Maybe we could create a decoy on Dave Isvou's now arrested second-in-command, Pedro Payko?

RE: War in Ryccia - VPRB - 03-25-2015

(03-25-2015, 07:50 AM)Ryccia Wrote: This is a good idea. But Dave Isvou fled. Maybe we could create a decoy on Dave Isvou's now arrested second-in-command, Pedro Payko?

Yes, but only if Payko can be eliminated before he can contradict the false evidences. Otherwise we can still blame Isvou so the other nations will focus on hunting him. The end of the war forces us to accelerate the process: the operations must start immediately. I'll have the ships, the tankers and the emissar on their way and the banks ready to transfer the money. Can you take care of the decoy ship and of the planting of the false evidences?
For the diamonds, I suggest we meet by boat in international waters. 

RE: War in Ryccia - Qwert - 03-25-2015

"This is Sraved. We are glad to hear from you. We are also pleased that the war seems to be over. However, the Sedunnic units in this area are still ordered to enforce the no-fly zone on your territory. It will be in effect until all Ryccian units have been demobilized. The major concern is your nuclear arsenal, given the volatile political situation in Ryccia. The Government of Sedunn requests that Sedunnic units be allowed to secure launch sites and facilities until the situation is resolved and Ryccia is stable enough to handle such weapons. Ryccian representatives would of course be welcome observe said Sedunnic units. Over."

General Kjonnerr stopped transmitting. He knew the Governor General well and had on several occasions been invited to the Mirrey Mansion since he was stationed in Vastraenn. The Governor General was a reasonable man and he would hopefully grant his request. But Kjonnerr also knew the Governor General was a man of honour who would do anything it took to protect his country.

General Kjonnerr called for a staff member. "Ready the CBRN units and our ranger companies. We would like to move quickly should Mirrey grant us permission."

RE: War in Ryccia - Ryccia - 03-25-2015

We, the Ryccian Government, give up our sovereignty to the SCO, due to further pressure will cause our people to suffer greatly. We will stand down. We will leave RATSPT to Sedunn until a new administration of Ryccia comes. The King has fled to an unknown location, and the rest of the government will flee inside Ryccia.

We also leave 100 of our nuclear weapons to Bruuma.

RE: War in Ryccia - Jay Coop - 03-25-2015

Even though the war is over, the QDF will continue to occupy the country of Ryccia. It has set up a detention center in the Hishu Islands for war criminals.