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[LQ] War in Ryccia - Printable Version

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RE: War in Ryccia - VPRB - 03-26-2015

(03-25-2015, 03:42 PM)Ryccia Wrote: We also leave 100 of our nuclear weapons to Bruuma.

As this disposition was made by the legitimate government of Ryccia while still in charge, it is valid and we are sending our forces to recover the 100 nuclear warheads. We demand the other nations who have forces in Ryccia to not interfere, to avoid unpleasant incidents.

RE: War in Ryccia - Darkstrait - 03-26-2015

Darkstraitese forces will continue to occupy Ryccia for the time being, as the Ryccian government is in chaos.

We will not interfere with Bruuma's collection of the Ryccian warheads.

RE: War in Ryccia - Escade - 03-26-2015

The government of Escade has moved a sizable force into Ryccia to prevent occupiers or looters. We will help the legitimate Ryccian government to recover their nations. Countries that have been asked should file for reparations but show mercy.

RE: War in Ryccia - Ryccia - 03-26-2015

Ryccia has fallen into anarchy. No government is taking place, and people dispute themselves for power or just resources. Meanwhile the foreign occupiers are being brutally beaten up by civilians.

That is all...

RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-26-2015

Resentine will deploy the Royal Engineers Corps to assist in rebuilding Ryccia, and assist in recreating the Ryccian Infrastructure.

As for the Request from (Ryccia) and Bruuma regarding nuclear weapons,

As any form of the Ryccian Government left before this demand was made, Resentine does not recognize Bruuma's request for 100 Nuclear Warheads. Any attempt to obtain them from sites currently occupied by Resentinian Forces will be met with the arrest and deportation of Bruuman Personnel. Should these Personnel attempt to engage Resentinian Forces with armed force, they will be shot. Any survivors will be shot again. Should Bruuma continually press for the release of these weapons that are currently occupied by Resentinian Forces, Resentine will demand to the SCO that all Bruuman Forces be deported from Ryccia.

Resentine will advise that if Bruuma truly wishes for any nuclear weapons, it speak to the current occupiers of RATSPT, as you will be getting none from any other facilities.

War in Ryccia - ProfessorHenn - 03-26-2015

Sporaltryus will move to occupy the RATSPT in it's entirety, if no other nation wishes to interfere.

We will be instituting a number of reforms in the RATSPT, for the nations that wish to know.

Jasper Henn

President of Sporaltryus and Aquica

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RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-26-2015

(03-26-2015, 09:06 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Sporaltryus will move to occupy the RAPTST in it's entirety, if no other nation wishes to interfere.

We will be instituting a number of reforms in the RAPTST, for the nations that wish to know.

Jasper Henn

President of Sporaltryus and Aquica

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

To the Extent of Resentine's knowledge, the current occupiers of RAPTST is Sedunn. You'd best speak to them before attempting to occupy it.

War in Ryccia - ProfessorHenn - 03-26-2015

To the extent of our knowledge, Sedunn only wishes to occupy the sites relating to the RATSPT's nuclear weapon programme. We have no intent to challenge this claim.

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RE: War in Ryccia - Resentine - 03-26-2015

(03-26-2015, 09:09 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: To the extent of our knowledge, Sedunn only wishes to occupy the sites relating to the RATSPT's nuclear weapon programme. We have no intent to challenge this claim.

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Thank you for clarifying.

RE: War in Ryccia - RandomGuy199 - 03-26-2015

Karnetvor asks Sporaltryus which reforms does it plan to implement. We also think that Sedunn should be consulted first.