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IC- FiHami Rising - Printable Version

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RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-16-2020

Date: January 16th, 2020
Time: 15:00
Location: Ha'Hani, FiHami

"Prime Minister Kai, I would hope you listen to me when I say, that the Antarchi are pushing into the outskirts of Ha'Hani now. We have evacuated all the residents in the southern portion of Ha'Hani, and the Hospital has been thoroughly evacuated. We don't have enough troops to fight. Now that Finix is dead and ki Ha'Coron' has no power, you must assemble FiHami's parliament to vote on a draft, or request help from outside." Minister of Defense Toa'a Kaio spoke to the tall, short-haired woman in front of him.

"With all due respect, mr. Toa'a, we already have Antarcha's help, we don't need to risk diplomatic embarassment on their end." Was all the woman responded, setting aside a document she was trying to read. "The situation is nowhere near desperare enough for a draft."

"Mrs. Kai, the Antarchan fleets have been pushed out of Huah-Huah Harbor again. We have no help on their end reaching us."

"If the Antarchans can't get in, then no one else will, either. Like I told you yesterday, the best course of action is to continue doing what we are doing until Antarcha cleans up the harbor."

"What if we open a military airfield to the north?" Toa'a sighed, realizing his defeat.

"No, Toa'a. I'm aware that we have the Rainbow Feathers deployed at the moment? Would you lile to explain?"

"The HK authorized it, not me. But yes, they are on the field as we speak."

"What is their mission?"

"Search and destroy."

The jungle was oppressively hot and humid today, slowing everyone's movement. Finix wiped the sweat off of her forehead with one hand, and the other hand on the bow she carried. They had been searching several days now, and John had complained about being lost 3 times already.

"Ki Ha'Coron', watch out!" Kaiko suddenly exclaimed, grabbing the back of her shirt and yanking her back before she could step in what looked like a bear trap.

"Thanks, Kaiko." Finix said, studying the trap she had almost stepped in. "We must be close. Fi-ha, Alai, flank left. Kaiko and Huahani, flank right. John, follow me. Make sure your comms devices stay in range of me, report any findings or emergencies."

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-17-2020

Date: January 17th, 2020
Time: 10:00
Location: Ha'Hani, FiHami

"Eti, what are you doing?" Sikupa walked into his residence, watching his mate's adoptive mother run around, packing things.

"I'm being deployed on the front lines, medical team." Was all she said.


"You'll be alone unless they call a draft, I know that's never fun. But please, hang in there, Finix will be back soon."

"Yeah. My fishing business won't sustain itself." Sikupa sighed, throwing his morning catch into the freezer."

"Hey, cheer up young man. I can tell you're worried." Eti walked over to where Sikupa stood, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Talk to me."

"I worry that we'll be stuck fighting Antarchi forever. The tune is old, I just want things to be peaceful for once, I want it to be safe so I can take Finix places without her freaking out about back home."

"I know."

"And how old are you? Like, you're 45! You shouldn't be sent out to a literal warzone!"

"That was very generous of you, I'm actually 48. And you're right, I'm getting old, I don't have the energy I had when I was younger... but look at the bright side, either we suceed or die fighting."


The complex sprawled across the jungle, in many twisty labrynths. Finix and John could only stare at what could only be assumed as the Antarchi base camp.

"Holy..." John muttered.

"There is no way we are getting through with just six people..." Finix shook her head, turning around to head back. She grabbed her walkie talkie, barking an order to return to Ha'Hani as quickly as possible.

"We have reports from the Rainbow Feathers that they had found the Antarchi base camp. They said that it would take a lot more than si- er... five people to tear through. We need foreign support, now."

"Mr. Toa'a, didn't I say that we aren't going to-"

"Kai, I am stating this as your Minister of Defense. This is a battle we cannot win."

"Fine. I'll authorize a small task force from overseas, but nothing more."

"Thank you, Prime Minister."

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-21-2020

Date: January 21st, 2020
Time: 18:00
Location: Ha'Hani, FiHami

"Kaio, send a word to me when the gifts from Great Novania come in. I wish to get this war over with as soon as possible." Finix said, scanning through her phone for the news of the day. She paused, shaking her head in disbelief after a minute, putting her phone down. "I need to make a massive push to get Puani worthy of being an influential leader in FiHami. She's ignorant and spineless at the moment, but I can cling to a hope that she can be made a decent enough leader."

"Ah, reading about Texetei', are we?" Toa'a asked, looking over to Finix' seat on the private jet they boarded, courtesy of the Ari Fi CEO's generosity and gratefulness to Finix for having saved his life a few years ago.

"Yes. I sincerely hope that we can avoid him becoming the Speaker."

"You should see his Stream posts. They are laughable, honestly."

"Huh?" Toa'a handed Finix his phone, allowing her to scroll through Texeteti's posts on stream. Finix' face visibly cringed, and after a few seconds, she shook her head, reading aloud. "This idiot is posting so much... 'The Huawanese...' er... I'm not saying that word... '... should get their money grubbing hands away from my...' yet another word I refuse to say... '...seafood. I think it'll be great to show them who's boss by nuking their oceans.'"

Finix worriedly shook her head. "The Peony is a good friend of FiHami. Why would this idiot write this?"

"You're missing the best post." Toa'a took his phone back for a second, scrolling, then handed it back.

"Ok... 'All this chit-chat about the Kalkarra war about Valkyria and Hystaiga makes me wonder how much they are messing with our radio waves in our brain to brainwash us all and make us their mindless drones for world domination and all this dumb chief can do is worry about superficial problems like the Antarchi. Doesn't she know that the Antarchi are just Valkyria and Hystaiga's mindless radio wave drones sent to suppress me from uncovering the truth?' um..."

Finix merely made a high-pitched whine of utter confusion as she struggled to hold on to her brain cells after reading what she had just read.

"You ok there, ki Ha'Coron'?" Toa'a asked, looking at the girl with a concerned expression on his face. Finix looked as if she was about to explode.

"I'm... just... I can't... why? I'm trying really hard to stay away from these tensions and if that, whats-her-face... Stella Kaufmann catches wind of this man's stream and learns that he has the support of the surviving Ha'Coron'... I shudder to think what would happen to our beautiful country."

"He's outright said that when he's elected Parliamentary Speaker he's going to repeal the World Forum charter and immediately declare war on Valkyria, Hystaiga, and Huawan." Toa'a added.

"Wait... 'Bruuman honey is the Valkyrian's secret bioweapon, made to destroy your innards. Watch what you eat!' And Puani supports this???"

Finix handed the phone back to Toa'a, slamming her head against the table that sat in front of them. She stayed like that for the rest of the duration of the flight between Great Novania and FiHami.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-22-2020

Date: January 22nd, 2020
Time: 05:00
Location: Fields Temporary Airfield, Ha'Hani, FiHami

Today would be the day that they would end the war. Tonight, in fact. The plan was simple: Go from FTA, march south as quickly as possible. Arrive within sight of the Antarchi base camp at 20:00, and wait for the base to lull itself into rest. Then, Finix, the Rainbow Feathers, and the Great Novanian task force would storm the base as quietly as possible, rescue any and all civilians from the area, and then move to a safe distance. As soon as they were a good ways away, Finix would radio over to General Finixi Hastofi, who would send the unmanmed aircraft over and annhilate the base.

"Thank you, my siblings, for coming today. Whenever we are ready, we should start the march. It could be a while, depending on how slow we move, how much we stop, how often we are engaged, and other factors."

Finix began making her way to the wild jungles, followed by the squad of brave men and women.

Time: 18:00
Location: Tikiri'i Recording Studios, Ha'Hani, FiHami

"Ara Kirifi, FiHami! I am Jeff Haddock, and today we are live with Ha'Coron' Puani of tribe Kokostali! How are you today?"

"Hi there... I'm fine, just fine." Puani looked at the man on the couch across from her, who seemed very bright and energetic. She couldn't help but feel a little intimidated and nervous from his energy.

"Glad to hear it! Now, we are all wondering, how has your work as Ha'Coron' been since Ha'Coron' Finix' death?"

"Death? I talked to her just yesterday. Finix is doing well? She's filled in as a temporary Prime Minister."

"Wait, but her death was announced last week? You were the one who gave public eulogy?"

"Oh, I remember now! Mr. Toa'a told me that he was going to sign Finix' death certificate and push the narrative that she died to the world to trick the Antarchi or something, while Finix was recovering from that weird man that I saved her from. I forgot his name..."

"This is huge news! Look at that FiHami, and the rest of the world! Finix isn't dead! She's alive! Why keep it a secret?"

"So the Antarchi don't find out, of course! They're going to storm an Antarchi base tonight or something."

"The end of the war, then?" Jeff asked, leaning in.

"Of course!" Puani smiled.

Time: 19:00
Location: Unknown

"Puani WHAT???" Finix shouted in disbelief, suddenly very nervous visibly. "Sikupa, tell me that this is a joke!"

The Great Novanians and the Rainbow Feathers merely stood, looking at each other very, very confused, while also glancing at Finix, who was on the phone, visibly shaking.


Finix hung up the phone, trying to regain her composure once more.

"Guys, we have to storm in, NOW. We cannot wait for tonight, we were uncovered to the world. No time for secrecy, shoot any soldiers on sight, if you get a few civilians leave as quickly as possible let's go!" Finix shouted, loading up a rifle. She quickly stormed in the edges of the camp, shooting anyone that tried to get in her way. Quickly, the rest of the team entered, splitting up to cover as much ground as possible.

They only managed to save 3 civilians before the Antarchi began swarming them. Finix gave the retreat order, signalling for the Rainbow Feathers and Great Novanians to take the kidnapped Finixi citizens to safety while she held them off.

John refused to leave, and insisted on providing cover fire while Finix messaged the General to send the airstrike immediately. Very quickly, Finix finds herself pushed to the ground, and the next second, watches John take the bullet that was meant for her. He drops to the ground lifelessly.

I'm still too close... I have to get away...

Finix saw no way out of the situation she was in, until she saw her adoptive mother running towards her, followed closely by a few dozen members of the FiHami Militia.

"Finix! Are you hurt?" Eti shouts, checking Finix over.

"Grab him, let's go! They're going to bomb this place in about half a minute!" Finix shouts, helping Eti grab John's body and drag him away with them. They manage to get away in time to feel a few explosions knock Finix and Eti down to the ground, but avoid serious injury.

Eti and Finix laid on the ground for a solid second after the strike ended before getting up.

"Are you ok, Eti?"

"Yes, Finix. I am ok. I know you didn't have the opportunity to do what you wanted to do."

"We recued 3 people, which is better than none, in my opinion."

Eti hugged her adopted daughter, suddenly burtsing into tears, while Finix returned the hug, albeit awkwardly.

Time: 21:00

"We are going to support Battalion A tomorrow on the field. After we secure a solid victory against them, and Battalions B and C secure their victories, we will have won." Finix announced on the dinner table. "There's no use hiding my identity anymore since someone gave that away. Hopefully, the citizens of FiHami and the nations of the world will forgive me for the serious thing I faked, although I am extremely sure that none of them will, and that will be ok, that will mean that it is time for the Ha'Coron' to be retired from being a leading figure in FiHami."

"Fi, no need to worry about it. I'm just glad we got you out of there in time." Eti sighed.

"I am very grateful. The Great Novanians are on their way home now, I am forever indebted to them, and glad that we only suffered one casualty given the situation."

"John lived as a coward but died a hero." Sikupa spoke up, setting his fork down. "He will be greatly missed."


RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-22-2020

Time: 22:00

"Puani, do you have time to talk?"

Puani shrugged, putting down the elaborate painting she had been working on.

"Of course, Fi. Do you like the flower I'm painting?"

"The reports have come back from the drone strike. Over 500 people's lives lost because someone forced us into a corner." Finix spoke deliberately, glaring right through Puani. Puani couldn't help but nervously smile, which only seemed to aggravate Finix more.

"Oh? Who would do such a thing?"

"Are you truly this idiotic? You did! By essentially telling the Antarchi the details of our plan! You told them I was alive, live on TV! No one aside from specified trusted people and certain foreign ambassadors were supposed to know!"

"Oh, that was supposed to be secret?"

Finix whipped around to leave the room angrily, swiftly walking out of the room. Finix turned around once again to face Puani.

"Those 500 that could have been saved are on YOU."

Puani shrugged, returning to her painting.

I don't know what she's on about.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-23-2020

Date: January 23rd, 2020
Time: 12:00
Location: Ha'Hani, FiHami

"STAND YOUR GROUND!"  Finix commanded, shouting over the wailing and gunfire.  On both sides, people's lives were cut short for the island.  

Yet they continued to fight.

As more and more soldiers ran out of ammo, they charged for the opposite side, wielding swords sharp enough to split hairs.

Their lives, however, would continue to be cut down by the Antarchi, who refused to go down, running around like cockroaches with one foot missing.  

This would go on for hours, never relenting even a little bit.

The Finixi Militia's tireless charge pushed the Antarchi further in.  Not once did they falter, though many would continue to fall.

"FLANK RIGHT!"  Finix commanded, firing a tirade of arrows at the unfortunate Antarchi soldier who managed to catch the eye of the young chief.  The Finixi Militia obeyed promptly, herding the Antarchi army in the direction of their choosing.

They all die here, tonight.

The Finixi Militia stepped over the bodies of the fallen, pushing further into the Antarchi-controlled territory, and out of Ha'Hani as the hours went by.

By sunset, one of the Antarchi commanders attempted to begin a retreat.  However, the Finixi would return the years of oppression with a fire unmatched by the bright sun itself.  They would send in more air strikes to further cut down the Antarchi's numbers, allowing the Finixi militia to corral them closer to their doom.

There would be no mercy for those who fought at the wrong side of the battle.

The Finixi Militia fought valiantly against the Antarchi.  Finix could taste the victory, her lips curled upwards slightly.  

In the corner of her eye, she spotted a gunman aiming right for her.

I die valiantly, at least.

The next second, she finds herself on the ground, spitting out some grass and dirt from her mouth, expecting to look up and see the graceful, fiery feathers of Ha'Finix itself.  She rolled over, opening her eyes, face-to-face with her adoptive mother.


"Finix, you're not alone, keep fighting..."  Eti wheezed.  "You've always been like a daughter to me..."

"Eti what's wrong?"  Finix felt the alarm start to rise in the back of her mind, as she became more aware of the situation around her.  Eti went limp, lying lifelessly on top of Finix.  "ETI!"

I never got to show how much I appreciated what you have done for me...

The battlefield, however, continued to move forward.  Sighing, Finix scattered a little bit of dirt over Eti's body, then looked around for any flowers.  She spotted a brilliant bush not too far away, and ran to it, picking off some of the elaborate red and pink flowers.  She ran back, and elaborately lay the flowers on her adoptive mother's body.

"Ki Ha'Finix, ki toa heshe anosa ki matu ki olei.  Ia'a ki ha'ahuah."
(translation: Dear Great Phoenix, this brave warrior walks to you in death as in life.  Guide her to the sky)

Finix ended her ceremonial prayer, then grabbed the bow she had dropped.  She looked to where the Finixi militia stood now, fighting ever-so-valiantly.  She ran forward, with a new anger welling up inside of her, determined more than ever to end the lives of those who took the lives of innocent FiHami citizens once and for all.

"Shoot them down, rain Ha'Finix' fury on the oppressors!"  Takatela Hastofi shouted, firing her gun one by one at any members of the Antarchi army.

Well into midnight the Finixi Militia continued, until the remaining soldiers surrendered.  They were very promptly arrested, to await trial and sentencing by the House of Elders.  

There would be a time to celebrate, but now, it would be time to mourn those who were lost, rest, and recover.

The war was finally over.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-25-2020

Date: January 24th, 2020
Time: 20:00
Location: Huah-Huah Public Beach, Huah-Huah, FiHami

The sun set on the first day since the Antarchi surrender, yet life felt different. Some dislocated citizens put together a party to celebrate the victory and subsequent return to their homes. Some of the coordinators thought to invite Finix and Puani over, as the chiefs of FiHami, as a gesture of goodwill, so, at Puani's insisting, Finix left her house and arrived on the beach just a few hours ago. The atmosphere was jovial, many people danced, drank, and talked amongst themselves, telling the tales of valiant battles and tragic loss.

Puani quickly made herself at home on the beach, dancing with the people on the surprisingly clean white sands. She talked with the people, swapping stories, names, and the like. Finix watched from a shadowy area, watching with a creeping sense of jealousy and pride intertwined in each other like vines.

"She could actually make a much better leader than I, if she could stop being so mindless all the time." Finix felt herself smile somewhat, allowing her mind to wander into what she could only imagine would happen if Puani's absent-mindedness would disappear.

"Finix, come join the party!" She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. Finix instinctively whipped around and went to punch whoever was behind her, stopping herself short when she saw it was Puani herself.

"Apologies, Puani."

"Finix, you should relax a little, enjoy yourself. One night won't hurt."

"It's ok, I prefer just watching-"

Finix gasped as Puani suddenly dragged Finix to the middle of the crowd, listening to the crowd cheer loudly.

"I convinced ki Ha'Coron' Finix to join us!" Puani smiled, turning around to the live musicians, giving them a brief nod. They seemed to nod back, quickly changing their tune to a quicker-paced song, and they all began to dance.

"I know you love this song, I made sure to request it special for you when I heard they were organizing the party." Puani leaned over, whispering into Finix' ear.

"I don't want to hear-" Finix began to say, only to be interrupted once again. Finix swore she could feel her blood pressure rise with how annoyed she felt.

"Look, I realize I messed up big-time the other day, I know I am rather dumb with most things. I really only ever studied the arts, like my father did, and my grandmother, and so on. I never even bothered to touch politics, or sciences, or anything. I'm trying to learn, please be patient with me."

Finix sighed, interrupted again right when she was about to speak.

"You've worked so hard your entire life, yet I never see you have fun. I know you're a quiet person. But let loose, just this once. Try to relax and enjoy yourself."

"I don't want to. I just want to be alone right now."

"You're not going to get to experience this moment again, Finix. I know your mother just died and all, but she wouldn't want you to mope around on the shore when you could be having fun and making friends."

Finix thought for a moment, glancing quickly at the people having fun amongst themselves, dancing to the music, chatting, and just having fun in general.

"You know what? Fine. Just this once."

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-26-2020

Date: January 26th, 2020
Time: 14:00
Location: Silverleaf Tea Shop, Huah-Huah, FiHami

Today was an unusually calm day in the minds of those who had come out to protest.  No one came out to the streets to tell them to go back and do "manly" things, or to tell them that they were acting irrationally.  While that was nice for once, it was irritating because no one was receiving the message.

Hushi Jones was a rather tall, thin man.  His father was an Antarchi man, but of course, he happened to take on more after his mother, a Finixi woman who went by Kailie Ifi'ifi.   Hushi had his mother's silky, wavy dark-brown hair.  He also had his mother's cocoa eyes, sharp eyebrows, and face shape.  The only thing that gave away his Antarchi blood would be his light-tan skin and angular nose.  

Unfortunately, these characteristics weren't enough to save him from the harsh judgement of the Finixi matriarchy, which is why he stood outside with other men, in the oppressively hot and humid afternoon, holding signs advocating for men's rights.

"Tekai, we should just go in.  No one's showing up.  Our message is falling on deaf ears once again."

"Hushi, the Finixi woman just want you to do that so they can call you a pathetic excuse for a man."  The man who responded waved his hand dismissively, continuing to wave his cardboard sign in the air, despite the beads of sweat dripping down his face.

"Hushi, there's a car coming.  Look lively!"  One of the few females at the site, Carly Hastofi, elbowed Hushi's side, smirking. 

The car slowed down, coming to a stop.  The windows were fairly tinted, so that no one could see inside, until the door opened, and a familiar face stepped out of the car.  She was followed by another familiar face, but considerably taller and stockier than the short chief.  

Rather than bow down, as customs would have them do, the men stood, standing, silently.

"What are you all doing?"  The short chief asked, seemingly searching for a pair of eyes to lock onto.  She swept her gaze to Hushi, who stood, trying to ignore the fact that the chief of FiHami, with every power in the world to end his life right then and there, was glaring directly at him.

"Are any of you to answer?"

"We are protesting men's rights.  We are often swept under the rug and the glory always goes to the women for everything.  We deserve credit for contributions we have made."  Hushi answered, careful not to let his voice quiver.

The chief stared for a few seconds more, then turned to the other woman with her, and to those in the car.  She then turned back around to face the men, and began walking into the crowd.  Another person seemed to exit the car, this time a man, tall but averagely-built, joining the two women with him.

"Why did none of you invite us as well?  Are there extra signs?"

Tekai set his own sign down, and ran to the side, where extra signs lay, reserved for if hecklers got physical.  He approached the party with the signs, handing one to each one of them.

"Ki Ha'Coron', it's not fitting for someone of your caliber-"  Tekai began to speak, only to be interrupted by the chief.

"Call me Finix, all of you.  I only require formality from certain disrespectful people.  Allow me to fight alongside you."  Was all she said.  The man who accompanied her stayed towards the front, while she and the other woman with her made their way towards the back.  Of course, very quickly the throngs of people came, but the younger chief did a good job of scaring away hecklers.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-29-2020

Date: January 29th, 2020
Time: 13:00
Location: Kitten's Paw Enclave, FiHami

Despite the afternoon sun beating down on the jet-black sands and jewel-tone ocean, the cave remained nice and cool, with a refreshing breeze softly moving through.

The Kitten's Paw Enclave was sheltered far off the beaten path, known in the Finixi language as ki Lo'o Leri ki Toa, or "the resting place of warriors". The path was difficult to find and grueling to hike through, but the view was so worth it.

Hushi picked up his paintbrush and dipped it in the freshly-mixed blue paint, then spread the brilliant blue across the canvas in front of him. Here, he could paint without having to worry about women looking at him the wrong way for painting in public spaces, or exercising any form of creativity.

I wouldn't trade this place for all the riches of the world...

Time: 15:00
Location: Ha'Hani Solar Stadium, Ha'Hani, FiHami

After much delay after the war and the "death" of the Chief, and subsequent craziness, Football was back in business.

Mari, of course, was excited to get back on the saddle. The past few weeks had seen those over 18 on her team leave to fight. And, the coach had been killed. Their new coach, Jill Michie, seemed very tough and unwilling to form relationship with any of the team, unlike their late coach.

"Hastofi! Drop 20, zoning out!" Coach Michie shouted, glaring at Mari angrily. With a sigh, Mari dropped and did her 20 pushups, standing back up to attention once she finished.

"Are we going to continue this behavior?"

"No, Coach Michie."

"Good. Now Listen!" Coach Michie yelled, droning on once again about how the team was "going to change" and everyone would listen to her no matter what they thought. Mari did her best to act like she was paying attention, but in reality, she was just waiting for every opportunity to show this new "coach" that she was unwanted.

"To your drills!!!"

Time: 17:00
Location: Kira's Diner, Huah-Huah, FiHami

"So, now that all of that is finally over, how about a vacation? You've wanted to travel the world, why don't we do so now, especially before your first year of school hits?" Sikupa heartily took a bite of the crab legs on his plate, chewing enthusiastically. He watched Finix nibble indifferently, but not letting her lack of energy affect his attempt at excitement.

"Perhaps one day."

"Come on, Fi. You'd love to walk through any random city in Huawan, or perhaps visit Valkyria-" Sikupa paused, rethinking his words. "Never mind about Valkyria... but it'd sure be interesting to visit Sedunn, or perhaps GI-Land? Or we could properly see our friends in Antarcha? Or maybe to our cousins-"

"I don't think it's best to go right now."

"Finix, come on. I know it all sucks right now, with Eti gone but-"

"We are caring for the child of Benjamin Owens while the rightful father is wrongfully imprisoned. Vacationing will be impossible until Owens is back home, where he should be."

The pair looked to the tiny child in the high chair next to them, watching the small human smile and laugh. The child's bright, blue eyes exuberated joy, but the innocent looks hid the tiny dictator at home.

"Who's to say-"

"Sikupa, hush. The answer is no until Ben is home. And that is final."

"I want mommy!" The infant babbled, hitting the table in front of her with her chubby little hands, sending little bits of the child's small crackers flying.

"Your mommy is dead, Lilly. Now eat." Finix said, looking directly at the small child, who began to cry loudly.

"Fi, I fear the day you have children of your own." Sikupa shook his head, trying to stop himself from laughing, as he stood up, picking the crying child up and doing his best to console her. "You don't say that to a 1 year old, may Ha'Finix have mercy on your future children."

"But it's the truth, I don't see what's wrong-"

"Fi. Think of how Eti treated you when you were younger, or how she cared for Lilly. Gentle and kind. Smiling, lots of hugs."

Finix stood up, doing her best to force a "smile" on her face. The second Lilly looked at Finix' face, she screamed louder.

"We'll work on it." Sikupa shook his head, walking out of the store. Finix sighed, leaving several thousand Flamethrowers more than what their meal cost on their table, and mouthing "SORRY!" to the waiters and waitresses running around the diner.

RE: IC- FiHami Rising - phoenixofthesun14 - 01-31-2020

Date: January 30th, 2019
Time: 20:00
Location: Ha'Hani Solar Stadium, Ha'Hani, FiHami

The look on Mari's face when Azure Federation dealt the final blow to the opposing team sent shivers down her spine, though she couldn't tell if it was from excitement from the challenge or fear from the realization that next week would be the final game.

"Do ya think you could block some of those, Egoist?"  She felt a playful nudge from one of her teammates,  who giggled, patting Mari on her back.

"Hm?  Oh, of course I can.  I am the best goalie in the league, after all-"  Mari began to speak, interrupted by the increasingly familiar sharp tap on her opposite shoulder.  Mari sighed, turning to face the coach.

"You will take that 10 notches down if you value your position!"  She shouted.

"Listen lady, you hardly know what you're doing.  I'd rather be coached by a log than by you."

"Excuse me?"

Mari rolled her eyes, standing up.  She could hardly hold back her annoyance, and figured it was time to leave.  To her shocking delight, several other teammates stood up as well, following Mari out of the stadium.

"Anyone who leaves now with Hastofi will be barred from playing in the finals!"

Date: January 31st, 2020
Time: 09:00
Location: Ha'Hani, FiHami

"Kilaui, what is taking so long to do your investigation?  Benjamin is innocent, everyone knows this at this point."

"Benjamin isn't innocent.  We're still collecting evidence-"

"Ms. Kilaui Kuri, listen to me."

"Fi, I'm listening."

The nation's Parliamentary Speaker stood tall compared to the chief of FiHami, but Finix still clearly dominated the room.  The young chief was simmering on burning embers, stirred by the stiff atmosphere to almost explosive heights.  Kilaui knew she needed to choose her words carefully, though she had an agenda of her own.

Date: June 12th, 2019
Time: 08:00
Location: Unknown

"If I fabricate these papers for you, and pay you 50,000,000 flamethrowers, will you keep my business afloat?"  The man smiled, waving a fat stack of flamethrowers around in the air.  "Of course, I'd also want you to make sure that Parliament works in my favor."

"Yes, Mr. Sterling.  Please, I am very grateful for your generosity."

"Of course you are.  I'll have the emails soon, then you can coup for the position.  I trust you, Ms. Kuri."


"Finix, I promise you, Benjamin Owens is completely guilty.  These career politicians are all the same."

"His daughter is living under my house when she should be raised by her father.  This investigation has been going on for months now, why is there no advancement?  You have promised to finish this scandal a long time ago."

"Finix, you're 17, you don't understand-"

Kilaui had no sooner realized her mistake than when it left her mouth.  She felt the atmosphere suddenly crash down in the room.  Finix took a step closer to Kilaui, prompting her to take a step back.  Finix would only forcefully fill in the gap.

"Ms. Kilaui Kuri.  You know very well that those emails were heavily edited.  That wasn't Benjamin, that was someone attempting to frame him.  You were the leading runner-up in the election, and it's a little bit fishy that you would try to coup.  This investigation that you talk of has lead to nothing.  Do you think I am stupid, Ms. Kuri?"

"No, Fi-"

"You will address me as ki Ha'Coron' if you value your continued service to FiHami."

"Hai, ki Ha'Coron'."

"You will release Benjamin Owens immediately."

"I cannot do so, ki Ha'Coron', Owens is still being investigated."

"Very well."  Finix turned around, exiting the room swiftly.  Kilaui shivered, vaguely annoyed by the child who thought she controlled the country, but also afraid of what this child could do.