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RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 05-03-2015

Floodport, Transsuneria
The Caasdian involvement was unknown to the coalition. It remained to be seen if the HAHOs had been spotted by any coalition units.

Transsunerian Coast
There was little resistance left, and the Darkstraitese and Karnetvoran units advanced quickly. The force assembling on the beaches was staggering, and the fire power was superior to everything in Transsuneria.

A Sedunnic cruiser signalled loudly to the KSS Liberty as it passed closely. The crew assembled at the rails, saluting crew of the Liberty. The Caasdian frogman was not spotted by the Sedunnic cruiser.

Soormann HQ, Transsuneria:

The walls trembled as yet another well directed barrage hit the base. Soormann, sitting in his office as usual, was not himself. He had failed at everything. He was not angry, as he usually was, but looked very sad. A few hours ago he had had two infantry battalions at his base, what now remained was unknown. It did not matter, the coalition displayed a hopelessly potent force. He would not even stand a chance with his two remaining brigades that were dug in too far away.

Soormann knew he was the only one who could have saved Transsuneria. He suddenly felt a strong feeling of wanting to tell the world about his plans, what he wanted to achieve and why. But would anybody listen?

"Grandmaster, please!" A man with the markings of a captain managed to open the door that was almost stuck in its frame that had become skew from the bombardments. Soormann looked up from his desk, but remained in his bent-over position over the desk. The captain continued. "I know we took the oath, but the cause is lost, there is no last resort. Not even escape."

"I, I..." Soormann could not find the words. Suddenly the room went dark. A distant explosion, telling the two men that the generator bunker had been taken out, followed. The lights were restored a second later as the back-up system was started. "There will be a trial... Must explain..." Soormann hesitated. The captain lost his patience and carefully took a step backwards, as he still feared an outburst of anger. "No more of this. I'm ending it."

A minute later, the captain was rushing through the bunker together with two unarmed soldiers, each holding pieces of white fabric. The main bunker entrance, facing the southern gate area, had not been breached. Through a small hatch, one of the soldiers threw out a white t-shirt. The men waited nervously before opening a small door. They left the bunker with their hands up, still holding pieces of white fabric. The only thing they could do was to wait and hope for the best.

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-03-2015

6 miles off the coast, the stealth submarine HMCS Foreshadowing received a signal from the device now attached to the KSS Liberty.
The captain burst into the signals room, banging his head on the low door frame.
"Give the signal for Operation Just Desserts to begin."

He then picked up the telephone, dialled the weapons bay and gave the order for the experimental torpedoes to be armed.

RE: The Distress Call - RandomGuy199 - 05-03-2015

Soormann HQ
"They're surrendering! Hold your fire!" said Lieutenant Voskov, the commander of the Karnetvorian forces in the field. The soldiers complied, but they were still ready to fire if something went wrong. Voskov then informed the Navy about the surrender. 

KSS Liberty
After the crew learned about the surrender, a celebration started in the ship's deck. The ship's radio operator, Sgt. Frederick Irving, was ready to have some rest, but he received a call from the KSS Constitution, other of the fleet's vessels.

"Liberty, this is the Constitution"
"Liberty here. Did you hear about the surrender?"
"Well... Yes, but there is a more important situation at hand"
"What could be more important?"
"One of us saw a diver closing in to the side of your ship"
"A diver. It is obviously not a Soormen; we saw it after news of the surrender reached the fleet. We tried to track him, but he disappeared"
"Copy that. I'll inform the captain"

Irving informed Captain Izmailov. He sent a diver to inspect the ship. The diver found the device, and brought it to the Liberty's bridge. "It seems to be some sort of tracking device", said one of the officers. He continued, "we don't know what, or more accurately, who, put it here. All I know is that it isn't the best idea to have it laying around." Another officer asked the Captain, "What should we do with it?" The Captain answered, "Simple; turn it off, and try to find out where it comes from." He then informed the rest of the fleet about the situation; the ships moved two kilometers to the northeast to avoid the tracking. Two helicopters were sent to patrol the area. 

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-04-2015

"Captain, they've taken the SBLEG aboard."
"Good, send the signal to the agents on the ground to acquire the briefcase, and request the WCTAAN for their extraction."
"Aye-aye captain."
"And trigger the SBLEG countdown while you're at it."

50 miles away, the We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name (the retro style airship aircraft carrier, pride of the Caasdian Air Force) received new instructions, and began to move towards the coastline.

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 05-04-2015

(05-04-2015, 04:50 AM)caasd Wrote: "Captain, they've taken the SBLEG aboard."
"Good, send the signal to the agents on the ground to acquire the briefcase, and request the WCTAAN for their extraction."
"Aye-aye captain."
"And trigger the SBLEG countdown while you're at it."

50 miles away, the We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name (the 3 square mile flying aircraft carrier, pride of the Caasdian Air Force) received new instructions, and began to move towards the coastline. As it moved, a series of lights on the base of the aircraft began to grow in intensity, until they matched that of the light from above, cancelling out any shadow.

(OOC: This is meant to take place in present time, even though not specifically stated. Sadly, a flying aircraft carrier is not realistic, at least not that large. Maybe some kind of airship capable of launching one or two fighters, like those in the 30s, is more feasible. Such a ship would however be very slow and easily spotted - a sitting duck. In other words, probably not something you would use in a surprise attack or whatever you are planning Smile)

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-04-2015

(05-04-2015, 11:54 AM)Qwert Wrote:
(05-04-2015, 04:50 AM)caasd Wrote: "Captain, they've taken the SBLEG aboard."
"Good, send the signal to the agents on the ground to acquire the briefcase, and request the WCTAAN for their extraction."
"Aye-aye captain."
"And trigger the SBLEG countdown while you're at it."

50 miles away, the We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name (the 3 square mile flying aircraft carrier, pride of the Caasdian Air Force) received new instructions, and began to move towards the coastline. As it moved, a series of lights on the base of the aircraft began to grow in intensity, until they matched that of the light from above, cancelling out any shadow.

(OOC: This is meant to take place in present time, even though not specifically stated. Sadly, a flying aircraft carrier is not realistic, at least not that large. Maybe some kind of airship capable of launching one or two fighters, like those in the 30s, is more feasible. Such a ship would however be very slow and easily spotted - a sitting duck. In other words, probably not something you would use in a surprise attack or whatever you are planning Smile)

(OOC: Noted and edited Smile )

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 05-04-2015

"They've surrendered!"
A cheer went up from the Darkstraitese soldiers. After intense fighting for about two hours, the soldiers had breached the bunker, only to find the men inside waving white rags. Shock troopers were now searching the bunker for Soorman himself.

Meanwhile, a sailor aboard a Darkstraitese frigate noticed something in the water. It looked like a submarine. As the water was fairly calm, he was barely able to make out an insignia. All he could tell was that it was dominated by orange in the center.

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-05-2015

Inside a bunker in the heart of Floodport
"Cicero*, this is Copper Smoketown . Do you receive?"
"Loud and clear Copper Smoketown . Do you have the briefcase?"
"Briefcase is acquired, yes. When will extraction get here?"
"Extraction should be overhead now, find Brass Symphony and Prague Hawaii and get to the roof."
"Understood, Cicero*. What if we are caught?"
"Activate your distress beacon, and we'll do the rest."
"OK, over and out."

On board the HCMS Foreshadowing
"Captain, we've may have been sighted. A Darkstraitese frigate is overhead and someone seems to be looking over the side at us."
"Ok, contact the coalition representative at Cicero* and try to get this smoothed over, it's imperative that this goes off without a hitch."
"Aye-aye captain."

On board the RCAS We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name
"Drop the ladders."
"Yes captain."
"Have we been given the destruction orders yet?"
"They're coming through now, the decryption will take a few minutes."
"Good, the sooner we are rid of this briefcase, the better. Prepare the information broadcast, just in case."
"Yes sir."
Cicero* headquarters, Lidpointthwaite-with-Jumpminstersome, Caasd
"Send the new orders to Boa Periwinkle and Swordfish Minnesota."
"Yes ma'am."

* one of the three Caasdian intelligence agencies

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 05-05-2015

Word of Soormann's surrender soon reached out all over Transsuneria. The Soormann Fighters and the Purists capitulated unconditionally. Spontaneous parties were started by the citizens and the Federationalists. The Soormann Fighters aborted every plan of using the sarin.

Soormann HQ:
Grandmaster Soormann, now dressed in his best uniform, sat down at his trusted desk. He could clearly hear yelling in the outside corridors and weapons being thrown to the ground. The voices, now clearly in English, were getting nearer. Soormann rested his arms on the desk, making sure his hands were clearly visible to the soldiers soon about to enter his room. He straightened himself and tried his best to look as confident as possible. The door was suddenly mercilessly kicked in and three soldiers stormed into the room nearly as fast as the door.

"Get up. Slowly. Stretch out your arms to the sides, as far as you can." One of the soldiers approached the desk and pulled it away, breaking one of its legs in the process.
"I am Grandma... I am Soormann."
"We know. Now, turn around and put your hands on your back", commanded one of the soldiers. Soormann complied.
"Darkstraitese huh?"
"Yes", replied a soldier as he put handcuffs on Soormann.
"We will now bring you to a detention centre. You will soon see an officer. Just follow my lead." Soormann nodded. He was lead out of his office. Walking down the corridor, he could see soldiers in other uniforms disarming his colleagues and bringing them in carefully controlled groups to the surface.

The light met his eyes as he left the bunker for the last time. To his left he could observe a group of Federation soldiers. They were approaching him, and they did not look happy.

The Sedunnic cruiser Holltyn, Transsunerian coast:
"Captain, large object spotted. It just come into range!" A woman shouted from her seat by a computer screen showing the situation in the airspace around.
"It is moving slowly. It is unusually large, never seen anything like it. The echo does not match anything in our database."
"Acknowledged. Com, request satellite assistance."
"Yes captain."
"Meanwhile, keep it monitored."
"Captain", the com officer got the captains attention again. "Command estimates 35 minutes."
"Not soon enough. Tell our allies. They might have aircrafts nearby and available."
"Yes captain." The captain relaxed. The war was over, and the distant object was not his problem right now.
"Captain, it's Satellite Command again."
"Go ahead."
"They've detected what appears to be an unidentified aircraft flying over Floodport last night."
"I take it our friends have been notified already?"

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-06-2015

On board the RCAS We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name
"Captain, we're being monitored."
"Activate the countermeasures, move us to code 2 and tell Cicero that we have an X6 in progress."
"Yes sir."
"Are the agents aboard?"
"Yes sir, they're being brought up now."
Copper Smoketown burst into the cabin, banging her head on the low doorframe.
"Captain, we have the briefcase. Do we have destruction orders?"
"Yes, we are to proceed to ---"
He stopped as an explosion rocked the airship.

Cicero headquarters, Lidpointthwaite-with-Jumpminstersome, Caasd

"Ma'am, the coalition representative says that they can't get through to the fleet, they say something is blocking their frequencies."
"Contact the WCTAAN and the Foreshadowing, tell them to go to code 1 and begin Operation Infinite Cascade."
"Yes ma'am."

"We've lost contact with the WCTAAN."

On board the HCMS Foreshadowing

"Captain, the WCTAAN has been fired upon, but none of the fleet have done it."
"Activate the experimental scanner, and feed everything up to the command desk."
"Aye-aye captain."