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Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Printable Version

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Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Unibot - 04-06-2015

It's come to my attention, once again, that the candidate, "Evil Wolf" did not declare a full Conflict of Interests Disclosure.

Here is Evil Wolf's Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

[Image: cRsdQNH.png]

Quote:9. Conflict of Interest Disclosures must include current World Assembly Nation, all past and present aliases used, all past and present involvement in other regions and organizations, and all current positions held across NationStates.

Evil Wolf was required to note that he was formerly an officer in The Rejected Realms. He did not disclose that he was formerly an officer in The Rejected Realms. Officer in The Rejected Realms is a position equivalent to The South Pacific's 'minister' -- you must be elected to take office. Evil Wolf was elected as Officer, but failed to disclose that he was ever an officer in The Rejected Realms. He first served as Officer of Foreign Affairs - when he went inactive, the Delegate (Guy) altered his position's name to Officer of Finding Carmen Sandiego and later, Officer of Please Challenge Me in response to his gross inactivity. Evil Wolf would taunt the delegate by returning from inactivity each time he was remasked; asserting that he was 'still an officer' and 'still ready for service'. The omission of Evil Wolf's past position in The Rejected Realms overlooks a failure on his part to remain active to a community and undermined the veracity of his Conflict of Interests disclosure.


(Evil Wolf's original campaign thread) 
(Evil Wolf's election)
(Evil Wolf contesting his reassignment)

My question for the court remains the same as the last: does the failure of an improper filing of a Conflict of Interest Disclosure invalidate Evil Wolf's candidacy? And if so, how should this be resolved? Is the election to be restarted, or is Glen-Rhodes, the victor of the election by default? 

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Wolf - 04-06-2015


I guess I forgot to list "officer" under "The Rejected Realms" in my CoI.

Clearly this means that Sarah Palin is now declared president and Ron Paul owns the Moon.

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Unibot - 04-06-2015

(04-06-2015, 09:50 PM)Wolf Wrote: *shrugs*

I guess I forgot to list "officer" under "The Rejected Realms" in my CoI.

Clearly this means that Sarah Palin is now declared president and Ron Paul owns the Moon.

Or, this means that you were tied for the position of MoFA with an invalid CoI and therefore should not be considered as a potential victor, because citizens were not properly informed of your past history because you neglected to disclose it. Especially when you were running for Foreign Affairs in TSP and were assigned Foreign Affairs in TRR too. 

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Wolf - 04-06-2015

I would just like to point out that Unibot wants these elections voided because I forgot to list being "The Officer of Finding Carmen Sandiego" in TRR.

Take a minute to process that.

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Unibot - 04-06-2015

You were elected simply as 'Officer'. You were assigned those positions later by the delegate.

Your original position after your assignment was 'Officer of Foreign Affairs', then 'Officer of Finding Carmen Sandiego' and then 'Officer of Please Challenge Me' - the latter two were positions you were assigned to as Officer solely because you neglected your duties so extensively in foreign affairs that the delegate made an effort to get you removed from your position.

You've provided no indication on your CoI that you were elected as Officer.

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Wolf - 04-06-2015

Unibot, I would like to point out that you have failed to list the position of "Delegate" in several hundred regions you've liberated, thus violating your CoI in every election you've ever been in.

How do you respond to this blatant misleading of voters?

Also, I would just like to lay this down as well:

22:24 GlenZNC I mean if the court rules that all past positions need to be listed, my COI is invalid too. So.

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Unibot - 04-07-2015

I've only served as de jure delegate in four regions - The Rejected Realms, The South Pacific, Balder and Eastern Islands of Dharma. My presence as delegate elsewhere for the purposes of defending was not recognized legally anywhere - I was not elected, nor did I take the delegacy to serve as their local WA delegate. 

Suffice to say, I've noted I did serve as a defender with the UDL and the FRA.

Your argument, however, is not an argument at all. It's a 'sure I'm guilty of it, but so are you' -  arguing that I'm guilty of something does not invalidate the claim that you are guilty of doing something. It just stalls for time and muddles the argument.

Furthermore, there's a big difference between defending a region where the act of being delegate is a temporary, extralegal measure .... and being elected in a cabinet position in TRR and not mentioning in your CoI that you served in said position. 

It's very clear that the latter is the intention of this procedure. You mentioned many of your former positions in your CoI and did not include one where you were elected and struggled to perform - while I'm sure you'd rather TSP citizens not know you were formerly MoFA in TRR and did a terrible job; you shouldn't have tried to hide this fact from them in your CoI.

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Wolf - 04-07-2015

Hide? No.

Forgot? Yes.

If anything, I wasn't a bad Officer of Foreign Affiars in The Rejected Realms, as I was only allowed to be in that post for less than two weeks, I think about 9 days in all, before being reassigned as the Officer of Finding Carmen Sandiego. Delegate Guy and I didn't get along very well.

Regardless, however, my failure to find Miss. Carmen Sandiego in The Rejected Realms in 2011 does not reflect on my ability to be Minister of Foreign Affairs in The South Pacific.

I wasn't hiding anything, I simply forgot about a post I wasn't really allowed to serve in from mid Nov 2011 to early Jan 2012. Less than two months.

RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - southern bellz - 04-07-2015


RE: Legal Question: Evil Wolf's CoI II - Kris Kringle - 04-07-2015

@SB: I think it would be reasonable to limit comments to the submission of amicus briefs and wait for the Court to decide whether it will hear this question. While everyone has an opinion on this matter and the right to post it, I assume it would be more useful for the Court to read only from those who have a relevant legal argument or further evidence to present.