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Vanished Henn - Printable Version

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Vanished Henn - Hammerstar - 08-05-2015

Henn is 'gone' for now, and to anticipate him actually being gone, I've set up this thread.

This thread will show some letters and opinions of Henn. You may write in here, anything you'd like to say to Henn.

If you'd like confidentiality, PM it to me, and I'll post it here.

Vanished Henn - Resentine - 08-05-2015

As much as I may like to have this discussion, this is neither the time nor the place.

RE: Vanished Henn - Hammerstar - 08-05-2015

He said adios, what could be the more appropriate time than now?

RE: Vanished Henn - Ryccia - 08-05-2015

Well, Ryccia's biggest enemy is gone, but I wanted to make peace. Sigh...

Vanished Henn - ProfessorHenn - 08-05-2015

Alright. I left cold turkey, and I don't feel a thing about it. But, I just wanted to give a short explanation why I did this whole thing.

I wanted a good backstory for why I was leaving RP. I figured a nuke and a new government was a good idea, and I went with it. I kept threatening to nuke other countries so you guys would finally just lay the fuck off.
I had to ruin an entire RP for you guys to get the message that I'm leaving. For that, I'm disappointed in each and every one of you, with the exception of Awe, Faren, and Kringle, given their activity, or lack thereof, in this situation. Only my enemies were concerned and they were more than happy to send in troops.

I felt this was something of a test in ethics later on. Would you sacrifice hundreds of millions of civilians to kill a small group of people?

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: Vanished Henn - Ryccia - 08-05-2015

I was concerned about your murderous government. Not if you were enemies with me or not. I can't sit idly, seeing the Consortium murder thousands of people, silencing opposition, and taking over in such a horrid way.

I cannot coexist with such a regime in TSP.

Vanished Henn - ProfessorHenn - 08-05-2015

Well, I'm still here in TSP. Sporaltryus still exists.

You just can't see a thing inside it.

If someone wants to ask me a question, feel free to do so. But I'll only answer the good ones, I.E., what I feel like answering.

Henn out.

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: Vanished Henn - Darkstrait - 08-05-2015

Why did you decide to quit RP?

Vanished Henn - ProfessorHenn - 08-05-2015

Because the United Front was being a bitch. All the RPers in there just had to keep defending Ryccia. Seriously, what the hell?

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: Vanished Henn - Darkstrait - 08-05-2015

...that is, in all honesty, a pretty shitty reason.