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[IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Printable Version

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[IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - latomus - 07-12-2018

The earthquake, however, must be to every one a most impressive event: the earth, considered from our earliest childhood as the type of solidity, has oscillated like a thin crust beneath our feet; and in seeing the laboured works of man in a moment overthrown, we feel the insignificance of his boasted power.
- Charles Darwin

In the kind of city he lived in—a loud, busy, bustling, dusty, developing place—you either found sleep tuning out the street dog incessantly barking outside or spent the night awake. He was a heavy sleeper—he belonged with the former. But tonight, the 11th of July, 2018, he couldn't drift off no matter how hard he shut his eyes. Tonight, the street dogs weren't barking. They were crying by ten o'clock, whimpering by eleven, and gone by midnight. His wife, suffering from the same cacophony, sighed with relief when it died down and put their two daughters to bed at 12:04. Returning to their bed, she draped her soft arm around his shoulder, urging him to sleep. His eyes glazed over looking into the red lights of the digital clock on the bedside table. His vision straightened as soon as he felt her breath fall into a slow, steady, sleepy rhythm. The clock read 12:15—15 minutes into July 12th, 2018.

He couldn't fall asleep like his wife did. The sudden silence left him, if anything, more uneasy than the anxious cries of the street dogs. Something had set them off, then sent them running. He listened carefully to the hushed night outside their orange-lit blinds. A car accelerated around the corner of their tenement building. The trouble brewing remained imperceptible to his ear over the quiet din of the city's night life, but he was convinced it was coming. He continued to lay on his back, brooding over what could have drove the dogs into a frenzy. The same instant he came to realize what natural disaster dogs barking preceded, the disaster had already begun.

The ceiling fan shook first. Its pull chain flew wildly around, clattering and stirring his wife, who murmured a barely-conscious groan. Then, their mattress began to tremble to and fro, finally throwing her eyes wide awake. The digital clock bounced around on the bedside table, the red lights indicating 12:23 in the morning before it shook right out of its electric outlet. He tossed the sheets to the other end of the bed and was on his feet by the time she whispered "Earthquake!"

He rushed straight to the door. "Get up, off the bed!" he shouted to his wife, watching the ceiling fan threatening to come right off its mount directly above her. She obeyed, rushing to fasten herself around his waist with her arms and white knuckles folded together. He opened the door and jammed a shoe between it and the door frame. He knew if the door frame warped with the door still in it, they'd be unable to open it—and unable to reach their children. "Stay close to this wall," he instructed. He gestured to the glass door hidden by the orange-lit blinds on the opposite side of their bedroom, which led out to their third-floor balcony. "If this keeps up," he had to yell over the roar of rattling furniture and decorations, "that glass'll shatter. I'm going to grab the kids."

He crept out of the bedroom, making sure the shoe kept the bedroom door open, then steadied himself against a wall that shook like it was on springs. He heard their cries over the shattering window pane at the end of the hall. A picture frame dropped off the wall beside him. Dishes clamored and exploded as they fell to the tile floor in the pitch-black kitchen. The door to the girls' bedroom, their frightened screaming wailing behind it, was already rattling in its frame. He burst it open with his shoulder and ran to the bed they shared as dust fell from the vibrating ceiling. He wrapped his arms around the crying, shadowy silhouette of his terrified daughters and hauled them to the floor. "Okay, let's get out of here!" He half-led, half-shoved them into the hallway, the safest place for them in the apartment. Placing them against the still-shaking wall, he wiped the tears off their cheeks. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get your mother." Heading back into his own bedroom, he found her just as he left her. As he predicted, the glass door had shattered. She was kneeling against the opposite wall, clutching her bare leg. 

"Are you alright?" he asked her quickly.
She lied and nodded. He couldn't tell the difference in the dark. He led her slowly out into the hallway and to the girls, who eagerly latched onto their mother for comfort. In one group hug they waited out the rumbling storm, every second feeling like an eternity. The orange light no longer bathed the blinds. The quiet night was replaced with the roar of chaos outside—shouts, screams, crumbling concrete, twisting steel, splintered wood, cracked pavement, liquefied soil. Then, it grew louder and louder, like the destruction was heading straight for them. The girls screamed as the floor leapt from underneath them. A violent shearing, whistling sound drowned everything out, and suddenly they were staring out over the crumbling city and the tranquil stars above. They were still alive, still standing—but the same could not be said for their kitchen. Along with the whole middle of their tenement building, it had collapsed, swallowed by the unsteady ground, leaving only their hallway and bedrooms still standing.

At last, the horrible rolling, undulating, rippling earth ceased its quivering. A silent breeze leafed through the lighter debris, blew the dust over the heavy boulders of concrete and twisted branches of steel. Its hollow howl quickly gave way to the wails of the wounded and the abandoned in the distance, the stench of death and the acrid smell of smoke a ways off. A new orange light lit the city—an unchecked blaze had started near the city center. 

Above and beyond the city, the mountains gave their silent condemnation, while the people of Mamaqaqa crawled out of their destroyed homes or climbed down by bedsheets from their half-collapsed tenements to look for the missing and grieve over the broken, twisted corpses. At least the dark night concealed the worst injuries from his daughters' innocent eyes. Unfortunately, it also concealed the one in his wife's leg.

"I need to call the Department," he told her as they watched the city burn. She grit her teeth and nodded slightly, resting her weary head on his chest.

The International Press — 12 June 2018

MAMAQAQA (IP) — The capital city of the Qhichwa Republic has just suffered its largest earthquake in recent history, and the casualties continue to mount. Seismologists from nearby Aramanchovia indicate that the earthquake was a 7.8 on the Richter scale—the largest to strike Qhichwa since the Great Earthquake of 1924. The country's own Department of the Interior was unable to comment; the epicenter of the quake was located only 60 kilometers from the country's capital, Mamaqaqa, and serious structural damage has affected to all buildings, residential and governmental. 

The full scale of this catastrophe remains unknown at the present time. All power, telephone, and Internet lines have been severed in the destruction, and the only information that has been provided has come through the overworked and temporarily-relocated government currently seated at Mamaqaqa International Airport, which only has one runway still in operation. President Cauac Quenti and his family remain unharmed by the quake.

Radio announcements indicate that a national emergency has been declared, and that residents of Mamaqaqa should evacuate immediately owing to ongoing fires across the city still not contained by firefighters. The Qhichwa Department of Health, which is overseeing the relief efforts, was unable to comment to the IP on the number of casualties, but experts suspect it may be in the thousands, while the quake may have cost billions in property damage already.

The Qhichwa Republic has asked the IP and other news services to relay a communique to all governments, relief organizations, and private individuals worldwide, requesting material assistance in the form of medicine, food, temporary shelter, and experienced relief and aid workers, particularly doctors and surgeons. Replies should be directed to Director Raimi Pariapichiu, Qhichwa Department of Health as soon as possible.

This article will be updated as more information becomes available.

[ OOC: The OOC thread for this roleplay can be found here. ]

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Hammerstar - 07-13-2018

"My Peony?" Asked Rin.

[Image: flowers-soft-sakura-cherry-apple-blossom...-sprin.jpg]
The Peony looked out of the wooden windows in her room, gazing at the breeze crashing towards the cherry blossom tree in the cold winter day. She felt somekind of a disturbance, something felt off, as if something major has happened at that present moment in time. The steam from her cup of tea exposed in front of her face, she did not bother to put it on yhe table, rather continuing to hold that beverage in her hands.

"Meimei, meimei ! " shouted Rin, looking quite worried.

The Peony broke off from her trance, a weird feeling was felt inside her heart. Unease, and there was only one time this year when she felt this way before.

"....Rin, something is amiss."

The Peony offers the Qhichiwa the swift aid by the Peocracy in response to the recent earthquake. Sending soldiers, supplies, medicine and the famous "Jade Rabbits" to aid the victims of the earthquake.

"Being the leading chair of the World Forum Health Council, we shall do whatever it takes to aid our Qhichiwan brothers and sisters."

In other news, Doctor Valentine, Chairperson of the Health Council, issues a swift order for member WF states to provide aid to the Qhichiwan earthquake.

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Pax Dracon - 07-13-2018

Imperial Senate, Elysium, Pax Dracon

In the quiet aftermath of another session of the Imperial Senate, Grand Minister Octavian Viranius spoke with some of his colleagues in the atrium of the ancient and, according to some idealists at least, sacred forum.

"Grand Minister, with all due respect, do you think it wise that we allow so many work and education visas to be processed from these other nations?  We hardly have enough openings in employment and housing," one of the Senators said quietly.

"Marcus," another spoke up, "don't tell me you've bought into the nonsensical claims of the more 'moderate' voices of the Cultural Purity League... You know those idiots will say anything to try and send us back into a period of seemingly endless isolation."

Marcus stammered slightly.  "I... well... you... make a good point..."

Octavian sighed and rubbed his temples, quietly muttering something about 'feeling his age because this bickering' when an aide ran up with a tablet and frantically opening an application as several other members of the Senate rushed to television screens in shock.

"Grand Minister Viranius!  Grand Minister!  Urgent news from abroad!"

"Julia, calm down!  What is happening?"

Julia took a deep breath before showing him and the two other Senators the news broadcast, a look of horror spreading across all of their faces.  "Earthquake, sir.  And... it's bad.  Very, very bad..."

"Is the Empress informed?"

"Aye, sir, but..."

"Good.  All of you, gather as many members of the Senate as you can.  An emergency session is in effect!"

Two hours later, the emergency session at this point might as well have been a formality due to the shared horror of even the most hard hearted members of the legislature.  There hadn't been an earthquake of this scale in Pax Dracon for nearly a hundred years, but the records of the devastation still left an impact even in the current age.

"All in favor of dispatching relief aid and the Medicae Order to the Qhichwa Republic, say aye," Octavian gravely intoned to his colleagues.  He knew that few had the moral bankruptcy to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others.  The Serevan War had proven that.

The chamber practically shook with a resounding and unanimous 'Aye!'

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Dillguy9 - 07-13-2018

July 11, 2018; 7:27 PM WCT; Office of Harmakmian President Tel Jonas

President Jonas was sitting at his desk reviewing the budget for his great, little country when Senior Advisor Ural Min bust into his office, almost breaking the glass doors. Ural started sputtering out random, disjointed words until Tel said to calm down and breathe.
"Mr. President, you need to turn on the television, now!"
"What happened?!"
"Just watch.'

Tel reached for the remote inside his desk and turned on the large flat-screen to the left of him. The president got up and looked at T.V. in horror as he saw the images of what appeared to be the mountain country of Qhichwa.
"...And here are the ruins are what were once a group of houses. The damage and loss of life are almost unthinkable. Billions of dollars of property damage and thousands of dead and injured. We can only hope for the best for Qhichwa."
Tel Jonas' mouth was gaping wide in horror when he said:
"Ural, get the council and the assembly ready. We are going to send our aid."
"You got it sir!"

Ural ran off to assemble the President's Advising Council and the Harmakmian General Assembly, while Tel still looked at images in horror.

July 11, 2018; 9:03 PM WCT; Harmakmian Capitol Building

Chatter was abundant in the capitol until Speaker of the Assembly Ryon Ikwa banged his gavel.
"Order, Order! Our great President has called this meeting to discuss the events that happened in Qhichwa and what we should do about it."
Tel Jonas rose from his bench and spoke:
"Only two hours ago one of the most powerful earthquakes in the last half a century hit the developing nation of Qhichwa. It caused insufferable damage to the country's infrastructure, government, and lifestyle. Thousand either died of were injured, and billions of dollars of homes and businesses were lost. If that happened to us, would you want help? All I am asking is for you to vote for helping the Qhichwans. Thank you."
More chatter rustled through the politicians until Ryon Ikwa banged his gavel one more time.
"Now all in favor of sending help to Qhichwa say aye."
A unanimous 'aye' echoed through the room as the politicians were moved by their president's speech.
"My council and I will now decide the appropriate response to such an event."
Everyone was leaving the great rotunda when a familiar, low, and annoying voice was heard. It was the greedy politician of the 7th District, Femwar Yuik. The remaining politicians stayed to hear his often controversial comments.  
"Now Mr. President, helping out a country is all fine and dandy, but what does the great nation of Harmakmis get out of helping a dinky little country. We outta use this as a carrot in front of a rabbit's head. We can't just be giving out a billion dollars to get a handshake. Those Qhichwans better help us in our times of need. They should worship us."
Tel Jonas' face began to twitch and his fists began to ball.
"You listen here Mr. Yuik. You shouldn't have to think twice about helping out someone, and you better not want something out of it. It is our duty to help a fellow South Pacific nation. I hope Qhichwa helps us out also, but that is not why I am doing this. It is so I can sleep well at night knowing I did something that matters and made sure the world still is going 'round. If you can't understand that, you should resign as delegate. Understood?"
"Yes Mr. President."

Femwar Yuik briskly ran out of the room, looking that he was about to tear up. Tel Jonas let out puff of air and dragged his hand down his face as he realized that this was going to be a long night.
To Qhichwa;
From Harmakmis;

I, Tel Jonas, the President of Harmakmis, is sending $1.5 billion dollars to help repair the damage as well as sending drop packages, the Harmakmian Elite Taskforce, and the Harmakmian Relief Squad to help out. Expect relief very soon.
Thank You and Best Wishes,
The Harmakmian Goverenment
Tel Jonas; President
Gillo Rans; Vice President
Hal Barnes; Secretary of State 

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - GI-Land - 07-15-2018

"My Leader!", Tom Kirchmann, chancellor of GI-Land, said as he suddenly entered the living room of Gianluca.
The king was already looking at the TV, dressed in his pyjamas, being obviously tired. 
"Can't you knock, Tom?", he asked a bit annoyed, before he swiftly changed the subject.
"I heard everything already, just tell the ministers of Defense and the Exterior that we will send some troops to this country to help looking for dead people and building up some temporary camps for the survivors, alright? Now let me sleep, please"
He passed the chancellor on his right side, gave him a little pat on the shoulder and left for the bedroom.
Mr. Kirchmann however was surprised and confused. How can the leader be so annoyed and chill about all that?
"My Leader, that's......don't you think, you should...", he began to break his confusion, maybe ask for a bit of reason, that one should talk with the parliament about it or that he should address his ministers directly and not through the chancellor. "Tom, I should nothing, except for going to bed right now. The day was exhausting and as a regional powerhouse we only need to help and that as fast as possible", Gianluca explained.
"Uh....sure. But maybe be a bit more enthusiastic about it? It's a good chance for GI-Land to show the world once again, we're here for them!", Kirchmann tries to somehow describe how he feels about Gianluca's way of doing things at the current moment.
The Leader just sighs. "It's neither for our friends nor for our enemies important, how enthusiastic I am in the middle of the night, when things like that happen. Just talk with our ministers and set up something for the press. If you want that article to be enthusiastic: Go for it! But I'd prefer a neutral, objective tone. It's not that this country is our closest ally. Good Night, Tom."

The King left the room and the chancellor stood there just a little longer, trying to comprehend his Leader's behaviour, but in the end fulfilling his orders anyway.
Already a day after the last aftershocks have ended, 1500 Gianlucian troops arrived in Qhichwa and helped as good as they could by searching for survivors, building up temporary camps to sleep in for the survivors and providing medicine and food as far needed.
Financial help came only from GI-Land's neighbouring nation of Snolland. Two billion Snorks, around a billion Gianeuros (OOC: 1 Gianeuro = ~1 Euro), were sent as crisis relief.

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Republic of Ubesii - 07-15-2018

Early in the morning in Sanis, the smell of the sea flowed in with the cool breeze through the open kitchen window and filled the apartment, the rising sounds of traffic mixing with and nearly at the point of drowning out that of the gentle tide. On the small TaLi table in the sparse living room sat a small box of half-finished LaMian from the Huawan restaurant down the street, as well as a pair of glasses and an open laptop on which the early morning news, at present a repeat story about the recent launch of a new rocket in Makalis meant to explore a nearby asteroid, gave one of the only sources of light to the room. Under the TaLi's blue blanket, legs crossed and mind focused more on her meal than that of the news, Alena Teisin sat slightly hunched over as she continued to make quick work of the leftovers. The other light came from the bookcase in the corner of the room, filled to the brim with a mix of language and medical textbooks, as well as an assortment of graphic novels from various countries, upon which sat a small potted Tchara, the red ribbon still loosely hanging from the base, a spray bottle and the desk lamp sitting next to it. By the time she had finished, the story had finished and moved on to a piece about the rescue of two Sedunnic tourists lost hiking on Mount Leina yesterday evening, somewhat more interesting given that it was an event she had been personally involved with. Before the story could finish, however, it was suddenly interrupted:

"Late last night, an earthquake struck Mamaqaqa, the capital of Qhichwa. Estimated at a 7.8, the initial quakes have left much of the city in ruins, with casualties estimated to be in the thousands..."

By the time the call came in early that afternoon, she was already packed and ready, dressed in the red and grey as she left, slipping a note under the door of her next-door neighbors and quickly giving her family a run down of the situation while running to the metro station. She spent the ride to the base sitting silently, occasionally scratching the side of her seat absentmindedly as she thought about the rapidly approaching task, a disaster on a scale far larger than anything that had happened in Ubesii since the late 19th century. She returned to the moment as the train came to her stop on the eastern outskirts, quickly heading to the base where she and many more would be carried across the sea.

"...The Assembly has unanimously decided that the Republic will allocate 2,000 troops and 2 billion Sajs for the relief of Qhichwa in this trying time for the nation and its people, effective immediately. In addition, the government will also open up a relief fund for citizens to donate directly to the Qhichwan situation shortly."

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Bzerneleg - 07-17-2018

It was 4:00 AM, the President and the First Lady were having a good sleep after a long day of going around the country to campaign for Republicn Senate candidates. Until a Secret Service agent wakes the President and informs him that his Chief of Staff wants him to be at the Emergency Room immediately due to a big event going on somewhere in The South Pacific. 

"I gotta go, Ellen." said the President.
"What's going on?" asked the First Lady.
"Probably something big." the President replied.

The President then kissed the First Lady's forehead and rushed to the Emergency Room.

"Oh god damn it! I just had to deal with a god damn hurricane!" the President said angrily after the Chief of Staff presented him the reports of the earthquake.

"Sir, due to the aftershocks caused by the earthquake, a lot of fishing boats have been damaged at the coast of the States of Normandie and New York." said the Chief of Staff.

Other members of the National Security Council then briefed the President of the event.

"Due to the fact that Qhichwa is far away from us, it was still strong enough to cause us some damage. The earthquake caused major damage for the fishing industry on the East Coast of Bzerneleg. Many lost their boats and 3 fishermen were reported missing. It also caused damage to the people living on the islands of New York and Roosevelt Island." said the Secretary of Homeland Security Anne Fritzon.

"The earthquake destroyed several air bases on the islands of Roosevelt Island and Normandie. Soldiers stationed there were forced to send back to land after the earthquake." said the Chief of the Defense Staff Herbert Merle.

"Our Ambassador to Sedunn has passed away during her vacation to Qhichwa, sir. You may need to appoint someone to replace her." said the Secretary of State David Rasmussen.

The President was then showed footage of the earthquake.

"Oh Lord." the President said softly.

The President then took a moment to consider his decision towards the Qhichwa Earthquake.

"Okay. Secretary Rasmussen, I want you to inform the King and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sedunn of the Ambassador's death. Also write a letter to Qhichwa that we are willing to offer assistance and will stay in touch with them to solve the issue. Coordinate the assistance process with the Homeland Security and Defense Secretaries."

"Yes, sir." Secretary of State David Rasmussen replied.

"Chancellor Carnegie, tell the Parliament that we need the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to pass a 650 billion Franc appropriation bill to fund the assistance of the Qhichwa Earthquake. Tell the House Ways and Means Committee that they need to introduce a bill that would temporarily lower tax rates for people affected by the earthquake and increase unemployment benefits for the fishermen and women. Direct more funds from the Exchequer to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Defense Department."

"I'll do it immediately, sir." Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Carnegie replied.

"Secretary Irving and Chief of the Defence Staff Merle, coordinate the sending of 5000 troops to Qhichwa. Logistics is faster by air than by water so let the Air Force do the logistics job. The Navy should also send some ships and aircraft carriers to Qhichwa immediately with food and water supplies. Also prepare for the reparation of those damaged air bases, we don't want to have a weak military." 

"Yes, sir." said the Secretary of Defense Joseph Irving and Chief of the Defence Staff Herbert Merle.

"Secretary Fritzon, work with the FEMA Director to relocate citizens living on thosse islands to emergency centers inland while at the same time rebuild those islands and their power lines as quickly as possible."

"Yes, sir." Secretary of Homeland Security Anne Fritzon replied.

"Alright everybody, let's get to work." said the President.

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Pronoun - 07-17-2018

Levi Herdes was a man with the appearance of business. Especially after becoming the Chancellor of Esfalsa, he never seemed to cease the energetic, almost impatient manner in which he walked around, always with a notebook in one hand and plenty to busy his mind. On this morning, he strode around the Government Office scanning the headlines of a newspaper when his phone rang.

"There's been an earthquake in Qhichwa," the caller began. Herdes recognized the voice as his chief of staff, Lillian Hanchett.

Herdes was a man who enjoyed the company of numbers. "What magnitude?" he asked.


"Where was the epicenter?"

"Sixty kilometers from the capital."

"How many casualties?"

"We don't know. All telephone and internet lines are down, and the government is in no position to provide statistics. Expert estimates are that casualties are in the thousands and property damage in the billions."

Herdes had stopped and, sensing the urgency of the situation, turned around and headed towards his office. He called his aides, briefed them on the situation, and began delegating tasks. "I need a presidential memorandum authorizing relief efforts, and a speech to raise awareness about the crisis and our response. We can figure out the details later, but we'll need to ensure support in the Legislature first," he said over the phone.

Once finished, he proceeded to contact several key members of the Esfalsan Legislature. It was unlikely that relief efforts would face serious legislative opposition, but the Legislature could pause implementation of the memorandum while they considered and voted on it. Speed was of the essence.

[Image: SMTToZW.png]
Chancellor Herdes Authorizes Emergency Relief in Response to Qhichiwan Earthquake
International Edition

Chancellor Levi Herdes today issued an executive memorandum authorizing emergency relief in response to the earthquake in the Qhichwa Republic, which recorded a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale.

"The size of this crisis cannot be underestimated," said Mr. Herdes said at the press conference concerning the earthquake. "We are faced with a predicament for all of the South Pacific: billions of dollars of property damage and, worse, thousands of casualties. It is Esfalsa's national responsibility to respond."

The memorandum allocates declares a foreign emergency and allocates 750 million Esfalsan dollars in funding for the next two months and 1.5 billion Esfalsan dollars for the ten months afterward and allows Esfalsan

The memorandum further authorizes the allocation of 1,500 soldiers from the Esfalsan army and five destroyers of Esfalsan navy, each of which is equipped with a helicopter hangar to access areas cut off by damage from the earthquake. These relief efforts will be overseen by the Qhichwa Department of Health.

The memorandum has yet to be approved by the Legislature, but due to the declaration of emergency, implementation will proceed unless the Legislature rejects the memorandum.

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Bzerneleg - 07-18-2018

After the meeting with the National Security Council, he called his Press Secretary to schedule a press conference.

"George, I want you to schedule a press conference at 12PM in the Press Briefing Room about the Qhichwa Earthquake." said President Blythe.

"Sir, the Nationalist Alliance is going to take advantage of that and attack you for investing abroad and not in our country. It's going to do harm for us in the election." Press Secretary George Bundy replied.

"The Nationalists don't even have a seat in Parliament, let alone a successful presidential candidate. Go set up for me please." said the President.

"Yes, sir. I'll do it now." the Press Secretary replied.

[Image: DJYD8ZU.jpg]


Statement by the President on the Qhichwa Earthquake

Dear fellow citizens,

What we have witnessed today is a terrible tragedy in the Qhichwa Republic. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 strike the capital of our friend and ally. It damaged and destroyed that is in its way, buildings, apartments, all damaged. There are many casualties though there isn't still a specific number.

And a pain for a country in The South Pacific is a pain for us all. As a country in The South Pacific, it is an obligation and duty to help other countries during crises and provide them with aid to help them recover. And that's why, today, I have signed a presidential memorandum to provide assistance to the recovery and redevelopment of Qhichwa after this disastrous earthquake.

The memorandum includes a 350 billion Franc (US$673 billion) disaster assistance and recovery package, which is composed of 150 billion Franc in aid for the Government of Qhichwa, 40,000 tons of food and water supplies, as well as essentials for the citizens of Qhichwa.

The 200 billion part will be to fund Operation Amicus, which means 'friend' in Latin and it is an operation that I established today to assist Qhichwa in disaster relief. It will involve 50,000 troops and servicemembers, 300 aircraft and 34 naval ships. It will focus on the reconstruction of Qhichwa's power, internet and telephone lines, government and residential buildings, construction of temporary shelters across the country, as well as search and rescue missions to help rescue people who have been trapped inside collapsed buildings or reported missing.

We will also be sending architects and engineers to help the Qhichwa government to in the future formulate stricter building regulations to ensure that it is safe during earthquakes and natural disasters like this. We will also be sending doctors, physicians and surgeons as well as some from private hospitals in Bzerneleg to be providing free health services for the people of Qhichwa in hospital camps and ships.      

RE: [IC] Man in a Moment Overthrown - Qwert - 07-19-2018

"Those are really strange machines...", the old, scruffy looking man said to himself. And what were those big orange containers?

The man sat down on a rock. It was his favourite spot for his new hobby: plane spotting. He reached for a plastic bag from a local convenience store and grabbed a can of cheap beer.

From his small hill close to the fence he could see almost the entire Goends Airport, and in an area that normally wasn't very busy at all, people were running around like ants and strange stuff was being brought onboard grey military transport aircraft. All the activity almost had him forget about his beer. He opened it, but unfortunately some of its contents escaped like water in a fountain. He sighed loudly.

There was a loud noice as the engines started on one of the larger planes. It taxied slowly to the runway and made what seemed like a clumsy take-off. It looked heavy. Then another plane started its engines. What was all this good for, he wondered.

He didn't talk to people a lot anymore. He couldn't remember much of the news he watched every day either. But what he saw was infact part of the Sedunnic emergency relief efforts to the Qhichwa Republic. VIOM*, a government agency of the Sedunnic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, had been tasked with the planning of the relief efforts and had in the first transports that the old man saw put together emergency supplies, field hospitals and shelter from its own stock and various other government agencies and private organisations.

The old man cracked open another beer as he watched the second plane take off.

*Veserd drē Īsskaimmet Ommnul gjī Mej, Sedunnic for "The Agency for International Development and Aid"