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[IC] Vamapin Siread sutaciraduinea - The Feast of Created Light - 14th December 2016

Yena yawned over her coffee as she waited in the cleared-out executive lounge of Cira International Airport with her aides, security guards and her old friend, Sirea, who was glancing casually through the opinion pages of the day's copy of Anturin Vrassad, though she glanced up at the sound.

"Have you been burning the candle at both ends again?" she asked with a smile.

"Just last night."

"You don't have to be personally responsible for all the preparations yourself, you know?  My department have been on it for weeks, along with the Court of Culture and countless others."

"I know it's just.. after that trip to Grovne, I really want to make as good an impression as Vimmru managed.  I had to be sure everything was perfect.  This is the first time that Erinor has invited international leaders to attend the opening ceremony of the Feast since the fall of the monarchy!"

"You'll do fine.  The Feast itself will do more than half the work for you, anyway."

Yena nodded and glanced at her watch.  The Peony and King Gianluca IV would be arriving shortly.  Already, she knew, the carpet coloured purple and teal in an old Varsan pattern (purple and teal being the traditional Erinoran colours of royalty) was being rolled out to where the planes would come to a halt and parasols were being set up to protect their visitors from the baking sun, although Gianluca would, most likely, be more than used to it.  There would be chilled glasses of watered down Qassora cafulilea, served with lemon and lime, as was traditional for welcoming guests during the feast, and, for the Peony, a shawl of traditional Erinoran lace, woven in the stark geometric style which was developed in the Kheri sacrei to mimic Varsan art, and which had remained the same in folk culture for centuries.  Everything was exactly as it should be, and yet still Yena worried.

"You should have had tea," her friend chastised, glancing over once more.

"Perhaps," Yena sighed, reflexively glancing at her watch again and then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a plane coming in to land.

"That'll be the first of them," Sirea said, putting the newspaper down on the seat next to her and taking to her feet, mimicked by any number of security personnel.

Yena simply nodded, set her half-drunk coffee cup down on the table and then rose to join her.

"Let's go make that first impression, then," she said.

It was 4 a.m., when Gianluca woke up in the morning.
He hated waking up early, but he said to himself: "I have to lead a country. No time and right for complaining about the time I've to get up."
He has still some work to do. Reading some draft bills, that he may or may not pass, reading the latest newspapers and having a few thoughts on this thing with the chancellery.
He had nothing to eat until a secretary reminded him of his departure to Erinor.

"Oh God, no! We can't have a bad first impression at our first meeting! Go and tell my security to get ready to head to the airport, please. I drive by myself and we don't use the terminal, but drive directly on the runway."
He chose a black suit with a white shirt. A dark-green tie completes the outfit, he wants to wear.
Fast he headed downstairs to the foyer of the Königspalast, where media representatives already awaited him with their cameras and microphones.
He just passed the crowd with the help of his security service and got into his black Mercedes.
The convoy drove fast through Atlantis and headed to AGB Airport. The governmental aircraft was already ready to take-off, when Gianluca arrived and rapidly got into the plane.

He took his seat in the office, combed his hair and ate a salmon sandwhich, while writing in his personal journal.
He had to admit, that he had no idea, what was awaiting him. Only, that he got the possibility to talk with the Peony and the Ura'sia.
Gianluca hoped, that latter could tell him, how to handle the situation with the Atlantics a bit better, regarding the Ura'sia's political "problem" with the Serevan Isles.
Furthermore he wanted to ask the Peony maybe, where to get more of this huawanian tea. He really liked this beverage.

Eventually the pilot told him via a board announcement, that they will arrive in a few minutes at Ciria's international airport.
The plane landed and got into position, so the carpet is right in front of the stairs, that are brought to the door of the aircraft.

"Now it's time to shine", said Gianluca to himself, while stepping out through the door.
His first look, like always, met the airport-building in the background, next the purple-teal carpet.
The King got down the stairs and followed the way, the carpet was showing him, until a person, he was sure, the Ura'sia, came up to him and reached out a hand.
She was taller than him, like many other people are.
He accepted the invitation to shake hands.

"Good morning, I guess, you are the Ura'sia?
Thank you for the invitation to this festival. It's an honor for me, to be here."
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

Yena smiled and greeted the Leader and King of GI-Land and Atlantis warmly, offering him the refreshment of a glass of watered down Qassora cafulilea.

"You won't have had our national drink, I assume? It's made from fermented sweet chilli peppers and is infused with the petals of the Cafulila, a fragrant flower which only blooms at night. We take it watered down and chilled like this, with the citrus fruit on the hottest days of the summer and it is traditional to welcome guests with it at this time of year." She gestured along the carpeted path to the terminal building. "Shall we head into the shade? There are others we must wait for but the executive lounge is being held especially for us and they do wonderful coffee."

"That sounds like an interesting mixture", Gianluca said.
He took a sip of the drink, then followed Yena into the terminal building.
When stepping into the shade and, a bit later, the climatized building, the King felt pretty good. His shirt was warmer than he expected at first. His suit being black didn't help much either.

"By the way, I don't drink coffee. I hope that's no problem. Normally I drink cocoa, like many GI-Landians do. And as a matter of fact, I've got some for you!
Original GI-Landian, one of the best cocoas you can get in the world!"
He smiled at Yena, while presenting the little metal box, where the cocoa powder is in.
"I just put it on the table here for now. If you want to have the full aroma, you have to make the cocoa with a cocoa machine instead of just mixing hot water and the powder by hand. If you don't have one, I can bring you one next time."
He chuckled a bit, like always, when he said something, that he meant serious but wants to put between him and the person as some sarcastic saying.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

The Ura'sia was surprised by Gianluca IV. He wasn't at all what she had expected, but she accepted the gift of cocoa gratefully.

"My favourite coffee is a mocha anyway," she replied with a smile, then gestured over to where her old friend was standing. "This is Sirea Fasya-Arkhando, my Sityara Jukhirs evendem, or Angel of Foreign Affairs in Austral. We have a long tradition of naming those who have power over the various aspects of our land after the celestial beings left behind by the Dreamers of Revaran mythology. In the days of the Kingdom it was considered a form of flattery to such beings, but now it is just an old tradition which we keep because there is no need to change it and because we like that it is unique to Erinor."

"Pleased to meet you, Your Highness," Sirea said with a curtsy, "I trust that your journey was pleasant?"

The Leader listened to the explanation with curiosity.
Seeing a person dropping a curtsy in front of him was something new. In GI-Land you just have this formal handshaking. Getting greeted with a curtsy is quite rare like unicorns are.

"No need to be sooo formal!", he chuckled (but this time not for the same reason as before). "Gianluca or, if you want it a bit more distant, Mr. President is totally fine". He asked himself, if he was rude at this point, but then decided to think about this later on and continue with answering Sirea's question: "Well, I had to fly over water and I have to admit, that I'm not very comfortable about it, but besides that my journey was pretty pleasant. Thank you!"
He smiled at her, before he said: "Oh, before I forget! Now, that I'm already talking to the Angel of Foreign Affairs: The ambassadors you sent are doing a great job. The people are, at least at the moment, pretty interested now in Erinoran culture and the time the people in the embassy take for each one to answer the questions about Erinor is incredible. I haven't seen often so much patience and endurance in the faces of an ambassadorial staff"
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

As the two parties had conversed, The Peony, wearing only a red with white-embroidered Ao Dai dress with a white scarf along with a brown leather bag, sat inside the plane. She had recently finished a lecture on Embryology in Lotus University, and sped up to the airport, took a ticket, and got inside the plane en route to Erinor. The only difference in her attire was a small pin of the flag.

You read it right, she took a ticket, The Peony used a commercial aircraft for her diplomatic visit, in coach to boot. She didn't like burdening the other countries, who is she anyway? She's just a humble doctor that was chosen to lead a small country known by some as Huawan, her position does not make her a celebrity, and grandeur was never her choice of lifestyle. So from her arrival to the airport until this precise moment, many took a picture of her and even spoke with her, as such, she responded politely and did not mind the attention, but she chooses strategic locations, one that seldom has the probability of people crowding over The Peony.

So there she was, reading about a research paper on the brain's memory retention system that was sent to her by mail just today, it was quite intriguing really, still needed some work though, she decided to study further on this subject when she returns from her little visit.


The Peony looked to her side, she had noticed a boy travelling alone to Erinor, blue shirt and brown pants, possibly 7 years old. A red tag was placed stuck on his chest, "young flyer" was written, he's flying alone, and he's sat against his seat, feeling rather nauseated. A stewardess came to offer the boy some water on a cup, but the boy refused. The stewardess placed the cup of water on the cupholder, and then unwittingly referred to the woman beside the boy.

[Script in red are in mandarin]

"Hello, I have a favor to ask, could you please keep an eye on this boy, he's feeling rather unwell"

The Peony looked to the stewardess, bowed and smiled.

"Why of course."

The Stewardess, realizing her mistake, bowed deeply in regret. The Peony excused the behavior, and tended to the boy.

"Hi what's your name"

"Bao Ping"

"Feeling unwell? Do you need some medicine Bao?"

"Yes miss."

"Alright, could you describe what you're feeling right now"

As the boy explains, The Peony took out her stethoscope and analyzed the boy's body, irritation of the vestibulocochlear portion of the body is her diagnosis, or in other language, the boy has motion sickness. and she gave him some medicine while telling him to rest for a while.

"I can't sleep"

"Would you like me to tell you a story?"

"Yes please"

So there she was, the head of state of the Peocracy telling a story to a little boy that might not even remember the person beside her. The boy slept tight after a glass of warm water, and The Peony decided to shut her eyes, when she woke up, they were already in Erinorian airspace, and the plane was about to land, she proceeded to wear her scarf over her head like a simple hijab. She had emailed her secretary to inform the Erinorians that she will be disembarking on a public vessel, and that four martial artists, the royal guardians, had already arrived before her.

She disembarked the plane after bowing gratitude to the air staff and the pilots, unaware of what is prepared for her.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

As Sirea was still listening to Gianluca, an aide came scurrying up to Yena looking slightly harassed.

"My apologies for the interruption, Ura'sia, but I have several updates for you."

She smiled and shook her hands in a 'don't worry about it' gesture, then leant over towards him so that he could whisper in her ear.

"Firstly we've had a late response from the Frost Empire. Neither the Emperor nor the President could make it today because of preparations for the Sky Festival, but her Imperial highness Isara F. Firenze will be attending, as will Foreign minister Nagisa Kuribayashi and Assembly Chair Shizuka Oda. Their flight should be arriving shortly."

Yena nodded.

"Secondly, we've received a message from the Sedunnic Foreign Minister and Vice-head-of-State, Hevv Gjieramm, to say that he too will be arriving soon."

Yena felt a stab of guilt at forgetting that the Sedunner would be joining them as well, but did her best to conceal it.

"Finally," the aide continued, "I've just been informed that the Peony is here."

Yena started.

"Here? Already? But why wasn't I alerted sooner? And why isn't there another plane at the executive gate?"

"Apparently, she arrived on a commercial flight. A couple of airport security personnel recognised her from her Stream account and brought her to our attention. She had already met up with a couple of her bodyguards by then. I've arranged for her to be sent here, but, perhaps it would be best if you met her halfway?"

"Of course," she straightened herself up, brushed some imaginary dust off her suit and glanced over at her friend and guest. "My apologies Gianluca, Sirea, but I have just been informed of pressing business elsewhere in the terminal. We shouldn't be too long."

* * *

"I am glad you have found them to your satisfaction," Sirea said once Yena left the executive lounge, "we do our best to ensure they are well-trained for such enquiries. Your ambassadors, too, have been most accommodating to any requests we have made of them and there has been much helpful discussion about the relationship between you member states and our own relationship with the Serevan Autonomous Region. I believe that's one of the things you were hoping to speak about with the Ura'sia?"

* * *

Yena hurried through the airport terminal, kept away from the throngs of passengers by a couple of bodyguards and a handful of aides, but also restricted in her own movements to the extent that she hardly felt she were moving at all. Then suddenly the crowds and her protectors broke before her and there, standing in the middle of the concourse with two other Peonic citizens flanking her and a couple of airport security guards leading the way, was the Peony.

"Ah, Ni Hao!" Yena greeted, offering a slight bow whilst cringing a little at her own poor pronunciation, "I'm very sorry about this. We didn't realise that you would be taking commercial transport, or we would have prepared better for your arrival. The others are all meeting in the executive lounge, if you'd care to join us there. I can offer you some chilled, watered Qassora cafulilea, if you'd like it. It is traditional to welcome guests with such at this time of the year."

Was it so easy to read his intentions out of his eyes (or mind)?

"Yeah, I-I thought about speaking about this with the Ura'sia. We've got some problems down there, that could endanger the election-results for my party, maybe you heard or read about that. Maybe, before we continue, do you mind taking a seat? This sofa looks comfy down here."

Again he smiled at Sirea, who answered positively and sat down with Gianluca.

"So, what I would be interested now, is, firstly, not the thing with Atlantis or respectively with the Serevans, but to talk best to the Peony. You're the Angel of Foreign Affairs, so any tips for me? I never met her before, like many leaders of the South Pacific."

His face had some kind of concern in it. The current political situation and knowing, that the relations to the Peony weren't as good as, e.g. with Erinor or Sedunn, didn't allow him, to have a faux-pas.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

Sirea felt a pang of sympathy with the GI King and Leader, but before she answered she gestured to one of the waiting staff for them to come over and she took a glass of Qassora cafulilea from the tray, before the waitress offered another to Gianluca.

"To be completely frank, your... Gianluca," she corrected with a smile, "I'm not really sure. None of us has ever met the Peony before today ourselves and we haven't had much direct communication with her either. She seems rather... blunt, I think and her attitude to diplomatic relationships seems to be unconventional, to say the least. All I can suggest is that we take her as we find her and, for our part, we'll do our very best to make sure she feels welcome here in Erinor."

She took a sip of her drink and enjoyed the contrasts of the ice-cold liquid, the citrusy bite and the piquant, fragrant flavour of the spirit itself.

"Can I ask you one thing, however?" She said as the gentle burning sensation carried on down her throat. "Why are you particularly interested in speaking to the Peony?"

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