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[11:27 PM] Cormac: I thought about trying to make Slytherin work as a family name, but I feel like it would seem too pretentious/overdone.
[11:27 PM] Cormac: Plus I'd just end up switching to Gryffindor every six months.
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

After a bit of a kerfuffle over Yuno suppressing posts on TRR's RMB...

[9:06 PM] Cormac: I'm considering bringing Norman the Turtle over from TSP just for @Yuno1's reaction. Tounge https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=24403270
[9:06 PM] frattastan: I feel like he will join us soon anyway.

Awwe....he deleted it...

(It was a RMB Turtle post)

[11:29 AM] Imki: After chipping off the third lump I've found this morning they better pray I never find them because I will shove my foot so far up their backside they'll be picking my toe nail polish from the roof of their mouth for weeks to come :angry:
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

[4:27 AM] Seraph: The RMB is raising my blood pressure...
[7:04 AM] Pencil Sharpeners: ...It's turning me into Belschaft.

Oh noes! Discord is down!
Founder of the Church of the South Pacific [Forum Thread] [Discord], a safe place to discuss spirituality for people of all faiths and none (currently looking for those interested in prayer and/or "home" groups);
And The Silicon Pens [Discord], a writer's group for the South Pacific and beyond!

Yahweo usenneo ir varleo, ihraneo jurlaweo hraseu seu, ir jiweveo arladi.
Salma 145:8

Presented without context:
[10:22 PM] Seraph: Although this evening's managed to maintain a tower-like prominence without any collapsing or extraneous gooeyness.
Did some LC, MoRA, CRS stuff in the past. Do a lot of World Census stuff now.

(03-27-2017, 06:09 PM)Pencil Sharpeners Wrote: Presented without context:
[10:22 PM] Seraph: Although this evening's managed to maintain a tower-like prominence without any collapsing or extraneous gooeyness.

To be honest, I was disappointed the innuendo wasn't pounced upon right away. Tounge You're free to do what you like that that one, though. XD
Founder of the Church of the South Pacific [Forum Thread] [Discord], a safe place to discuss spirituality for people of all faiths and none (currently looking for those interested in prayer and/or "home" groups);
And The Silicon Pens [Discord], a writer's group for the South Pacific and beyond!

Yahweo usenneo ir varleo, ihraneo jurlaweo hraseu seu, ir jiweveo arladi.
Salma 145:8

[6:09 PM] Ausstan: Jesus christ, I'm away for 3 days, only 3 days!!! And you guys have a nuclear war while I'm gone!!! That's it, no more chances. You're all grounded.
[6:10 PM] Belschaft: We didn't start it  Sad
[6:10 PM] Ausstan: ...
[6:10 PM] Ausstan: You think that excuse will work on me!!!
[6:10 PM] Ausstan:  Angry
[6:11 PM] Belschaft: ....
[6:11 PM] Belschaft: Yes?
[6:11 PM] Ausstan: That's it, I'm taking your computer.

[00:59 AM - 01:13 AM] Coco speaks with Aumelodia from Lazarus in Spanish
[01:36 AM] GI-Land: "Was für Sprachen kannst du sprechen?" (What languages can you speak?)
[01:36 AM] Coco: "Nur deutsch" (Only German)
[01:36 AM] GI-Land: "Und Englisch und Spanisch, oder?" (And English and Spanish, don't you?)
[01:36 AM] Coco: "Sag mal wie geht's auf Spanisch" (Say "How are you?/What's up? in Spanish)
[01:36 AM] GI-Land: "Que tal?"
[01:36 AM] Coco: "Was heißt das?" (What does that mean?)
[01:36 AM] GI-Land: "Egal" (Not important)
[01:36 AM] Coco: "Sag schon Smile" ([Come on,]Tell me Smile )
[01:37 AM] GI-Land: "Non, je ne vais pas dire cet chose" (No, I won't tell you this)
[01:37 AM] Coco: "Pourquoi" (Why)
[01:37 AM] GI-Land "Parce que je ne vais pas" (Because I won't)
[01:37 AM] Coco: "Tu ne va pas quoi?" (What won't you do?)
[01:37 AM] GI-Land: "Dire à toi, que je sais parler allemand" (Telling you, that I can speak German)
[01:37 AM] Coco: "Moi non" (I don't)
[01:38 AM] GI-Land: "Ce n'est pas vrai et tu le sais" (This is wrong and you know that)
[01:38 AM] Coco: "Qu'est-ce qui n'est pas vrai?" (What's wrong?)
[01:38 AM] GI-Land: "Que tu ne sais pas comme parler allemand." (That you don't know, how to speak German)
[01:38 AM] Coco: "Je ne parle pas allemand" (I don't speak German)
[01:39 AM] GI-Land: "Mais oui, tu parlait allemand avec moi" (But yes, you spoke German with me)
[01:39 AM] Coco: "Non je viens de te le dire" (No, I will tell you something)
[01:39 AM] GI-Land: "Ah, intéressant" (Ah, interesting)
[01:39 AM] Coco: "Je ne t'aime pas" (I don't like/love you)

[Image: 7686178464_fdc8ea66c7.jpg]

Sorry for the long post and sorry, if you didn't think, it was funny.
Coco is just adorable, but at the same time very mean (like you can see above) Sad
Ah and also: If you're French: Excuse my French, I know it's not good/far from good ^^
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

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