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[DRAFT] Commend Tsunamy

Here's a little something I've been working on - my first foray into SC writing! I want to present it here before presenting it on the NS forums, because I figure who else to better help make it historically perfect than fellow South Pacificans Smile

What bothers me about it right now is that Tsu's charge in 2003 to make sure the Coalition didn't die after the game glitch coup has a bunch of details, but other things don't. I'd like to add a few things on what he did for the Milo and Hile coups, and maybe list some of the other accomplishments in the various offices he has held.

On the other hand, it's probably approaching the limit already in terms of size. But better cut later than not have enough. There are plenty of things in there that could be worded more concisely.

Quote:The Security Council,

Guided by the precedent for Commendations issued by this august body for phenomenal contributions toward a single region, such as in SC#51 or SC#119,

Believing that Tsunamy, a nation founded in the earliest days of the South Pacific, has gone beyond the call of duty in their service to their home region,

Recalling Tsunamy's leading role in 2003 to save the newly formed Coalition of the South Pacific, in which a natural disaster enabled a coup d'etat by The Xyz Affair and the resulting dissolution of the Coalition's primogenital Delegate nation Killer Monkeys, by seeking foreign assistance through diplomacy, establishing a new regional forum, and salvaging the Coalition's Charter that had previously been stored in Killer Monkey's jurisdiction,

Further recalling Tsunamy's subsequent roles in defeating coup d'etat attempts of the Coalition by Milograd in 2013 and Hileville in 2016,

Impressed by the varied governmental positions that Tsunamy has held in the Coalition of the South Pacific, including Minister of Intelligence, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Vice President, Chair of the Assembly, and Delegate,

Emphasizing that Tsunamy has held the Delegate position in the South Pacific a total of three times for a combined 777 days,

Noting further that Tsunamy has played a key role in security, both of the Coalition itself as well as the nations contained therein, starting with their role as Minister of Intelligence in 2004 and continuing to this day as tenured member of the Council on Regional Security,

Affirming furthermore that Tsunamy has administered the regional forums of the Coalition (from 2003 to 2012 as well as from 2014 onwards) for most of its existence,

Fascinated by Tsunamy's relentless drive for grassroots democratic involvement of all nations in the South Pacific, the fruits of which are seen most notably in the innovative Local Council, now a core component of South Pacifican democracy, which encourages and allows all nations in the South Pacific to contribute to their governance without requiring membership on the regional forums,

Deeply convinced that their mentorship to newer nations, their pragmatic approaches to problem-solving, and conviction in reaching decisions through consensus, have shaped South Pacifican culture in immeasurably positive ways,

Amazed that a nation with such an astounding record of service to their region has escaped recognition of this body for so long,

hereby Commends Tsunamy.
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
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Looks great! TSU deserves this a lot. Good work, Roavin.
[Image: tspsig.png]
Legislator of The South Pacific
King of Machina, Defence Realm of Illuminati Alliance
Citizen of The East Pacific
Former Positions:
Overlord of Masterz
Seargant of HYDRA
Talon of Firehehlm
Munifiex of The Roman Empire
[Image: rv43j5bZ3p1Rs0A01odvThXy-TLzgwlhUTl_mY9E...66-h654-rw]

Looks good. maybe I'm cynical, but I suspect the response from the international community may be rather less friendly given TSP's current reputation.

On the Hileville coup, I found a post where Tsu said he attempted to negotiate with Hile, here: https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=16793772
Not sure if it's worth mentioning. I suspect Tsu could tell you more about that.
Did some LC, MoRA, CRS stuff in the past. Do a lot of World Census stuff now.

I'm all for it, although I have the feeling some people will not look at it fairly because "DEFENDER CONSPIRACY!!!" and stuff like that.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Yes, this could most certainly be seen as a defender conspiracy, although Tsunamy has done a lot for the NS community at large. I'd run this past @Tim before making a choice.
[Image: tspsig.png]
Legislator of The South Pacific
King of Machina, Defence Realm of Illuminati Alliance
Citizen of The East Pacific
Former Positions:
Overlord of Masterz
Seargant of HYDRA
Talon of Firehehlm
Munifiex of The Roman Empire
[Image: rv43j5bZ3p1Rs0A01odvThXy-TLzgwlhUTl_mY9E...66-h654-rw]

I don't see your point, Roland.

I'm relatively new, especially de facto, but I've never heard of Tsu being a defender. So how does the author of the resolution somehow effect how deserving the nominee is?
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GP logic.

Sent from my KOB-L09 using Tapatalk
Founder of the Church of the South Pacific [Forum Thread] [Discord], a safe place to discuss spirituality for people of all faiths and none (currently looking for those interested in prayer and/or "home" groups);
And The Silicon Pens [Discord], a writer's group for the South Pacific and beyond!

Yahweo usenneo ir varleo, ihraneo jurlaweo hraseu seu, ir jiweveo arladi.
Salma 145:8

Well we're not in a rush. An accomplished WA author once said "a good resolution needs to stew a while in the drafting stage before being put in the oven" (I'm paraphrasing and I don't remember who said it but I remember the sentiment). So we'll look at it here together for a while, then it'll stew in the NS SC forum for a while, before being submitted.

Anybody want to give a hint on Tsu's involvement in the Milo coup that I could include?
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

Are defenders not allowed to author resolutions anymore? Somebody had better come and take my badge then.
Benevolent Thomas-Today at 11:15 AM
"I'm not sure if Altmoras has ever been wrong about anything."

(09-18-2017, 05:54 AM)Altmoras Wrote: Are defenders not allowed to author resolutions anymore? Somebody had better come and take my badge then.

With the current climate, I wouldn't be surprised if they start doing that Tounge

On the other hand, BT successfully passed Wop's Commendation.
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

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