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[IC] Reizen Civil War

Letters are sent to the RDC and the Frost Empire from the Confederation of Harmakmis-Gordista

Dear Leadership of the Reizen Democratic Coalition,

We applaud you on your push for democracy in Reizen and your peaceful way of doing so; but we will not formally support you in the heat of battle. We do not want to attack the Frost Empire unprovoked. Once Frost attacks you, or they make another move against you. Until then, we will only supply you with aid (no weapons), support you on the international stage, and call for peace conferences. We thank you for your undying love for peace and democracy, but please stay on that path. Even if you win, you must not persecute the other groups.


Tel Jonas
President of Harmakmis, Co-leader of the Harm-Gord Legislature

Jem Katra II
President of Gordista, Co-leader of the Harm-Gord Legislature


Dear Leadership of The Frost Empire,

As you may already know, we are not formally supporting you in the Reizen Conflict. We wish to have Independence for the RDC,
but most importantly we want peace. Let us have a peace conference here soon. If you attack the RDC, we will join on the side of the RDC. Let this be a warning. All we want is peace and democracy.


Tel Jonas
President of Harmakmis, Co-leader of the Harm-Gord Legislature

Jem Katra II
President of Gordista, Co-leader of the Harm-Gord Legislature

These will be delivered promptly by air.

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles


Please see to it that they are cared for, may Allah be with you.

Your Nuwang.

Doctor Yan.

[Image: medecins-sans-frontieres-ngo-workers-pre...d500313546]
(Mangsten International Airport)
"10 Doctors, 3 surgeons, 15 nurses, 2 anesthesiologists, 2 epidemiologists, 2 nutritionists, 2 psychologists and 4 specialists. A pediatrician, internal medicine, cardiovascular and orthopedics. Along with a 20 member staff. With medical assets of nearly 10 million euros." He muses, looking at the charts of the items prepared. Indeed, the MSF prides itself on its punctuality.

Prof. Doctor Ze'ev Ping-Ronai — chief scientific advisor at the Imperial Hospital in Lián, he didn't thought that he'd be leading the humanitarian camp in Reizen. It's quite weird as well to ask for him, MSF - Pacifique Sud hasn't asked him to do anything as major in this, more often asking actual MSF doctors to oversee its programs.

Professor Zee, he is lovingly called by his student doctors, may have done a couple of operations with the MSF. Europe, Middle East, Opal Contrie, Summerstar, Spear danes, Lazarus. He's been to quite many places. He had retired his field duty to pursue scientific research in the Imperial hospital, but apparently his experience noted him of this.

Not only Doctor Liu had asked him for this, The Peony had mentioned him to take the job as well. It feels great to be back on duty again, he just hopes that times were much less harder than now. But hey, that's the risk on being a doctor in the MSF.

The aircraft bound to Shibuki loads tons of equipment to establish the first outpost. A makeshift tent shall first be deployed and followed with establishing a makeshift infirmary. The plane would definitely run back and forth from Huawan to Shibuki to meet the demands, so they have to move fast.

[Image: msf.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=400&h=225&crop=1]
The operation may become quite harder, peacekeepers aren't allowed by the empire to help the camp, and if there's anything that impartial humanitarian camps need, especially in the MSF, is neutrality. Security must be established to conform to the neutral idea, and they don't know who can safeguard the patients inside the camps.

Professor Zee sought help from the Reizen doctor, doctor Sugawara, an MSF doctor that has established a neutral medical camp long ago under his own family name. To establish the camp and talk with all the parties of the war theatre on his problem.

They have only three days to establish the first phase of the camp, before moving from the others. He knew this, and he knew the risks of the field. Professor Zee came into the plane with the rest of the doctors with this in mind. He just hopes nothing insane is going to happen.

RIM capital of Kinjishi

[Image: cc594c5cafe54e9ec2c693a0621dcfb8.jpg]
"A marvelous seaside no doubt." He looked at the beach from his hotel, "it's a shame really."

He had made his way pushing through RIM lines to Kinjishi, and booked a hotel. Of course the bugs are all cleaned, if there were any, and even if they were, he won't tell you that.

Doctor Kane drank some water and with him a map of Reizen. It's surprising that Lower Kotci is mentioned by his informant, and sources say that a transaction between Agot and Kotci may be made, of course, they are the perfect middleman if RIM are the ones getting the weapon.

"Question is, are they the only one?" He asked himself, "basically RIM is just one of the many sides of the conflict against the empire. A proxy war is all it needs for Agot to test its prototype of Catra Death, nothing is definitely stopping them from doing so, and this war theatre is the perfect ant farm. It wouldn't be surprising if the WPR or the RDC is offered something similar, it's free weaponry after all.

If his suspicions is correct, it would indeed be troublesome to destroy all the shipments if he's only inside RIM. Like it or not, perhaps he needs some assistance. If his thoughts are confirmed, she'll do the rest.

He finished his bottle of water, threw it to the bin, and dressed to impress. His next informant is someone he definitely need to impress, and if not, seduce.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

An Agot patrol has met up at the border, ready to make the transaction. A few crates of Catra Death bound for the RIM and the WPR sit along with a bunch of weapons and first aid. A few artillery pieces are in a few old trucks. Colonel Mustardgas, Roland, Noland, and a few other soliders are present.

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

The Kotci Unit has spotted the Agot patrol at the border and meets with them, and prepares to accept the shipment. Lt commander Leka orders his men to scout the area in case the deal goes bad while he uses a phone link to confirm this is happening now with the agot patrol.

Colonel Mustardgas- "So half this goes to the RIM... The other half goes to the WPR, but it is defective... We want to take them out..."

He smirks as it was actually reversed. Most of the RIM weaponry was defective, as the Catra Death was already loose in the box. Most of the people will die when the box opens. The gas masks are broken, the artillery will explode. Almost everything was going to the RIM was contaminated with Catra Death. The boxes had fans that spread it; the shells that would explode before launching had Catra Death in it. Everything was falling into place...

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

Lt commander Leka notices the colonels smirk. but says nothing, and says "very well then, we cannot guarantee how long it will take to deliver" 
the signal is given to collect the shipment and 20 troops come running down to collect the packages.

"Alright, take it away."

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

Doctor Kane walked his way to a lone cafe, Sinia Coffee. He saw the premises, and deem it to be the correct address.

He entered the cafe and saw the Barista. He knew what to order.

"Triple Shot Espresso, Sakura style."

The Barista stopped polishing his glass, and made the coffee order. Before the doctor knew it, the sound of an unlocked door was heard in the back room. He took his coffee and tasted it a bit, after analyzing that it isn't laced.

"Horrible" he thought, and walked into the back room. He heard the voice, a certain tune that certainly made a groove.


[Image: Zouk-Singapore-goat-club-2015-billboard-1000.jpg]

Danganronpa, an underground dance club in Kinjishi. With the civil war going on the people needed a place where they can drink their troubles away, an airstrike tomorrow may be inevitable, and who can blame them of living the last of their days with fun and dance. Plus, with the civil war going on, prohibition is needed, and Danganronpa does hold the largest moonshining distributing facility in the entire city.

Doctor Kane was aware of the places like these. He has been everywhere for the sake of information and data. He doesn't see one place better than the other, one scum or one formal. One shouldn't be so discriminative.

He saw his target, the informant. He sits alone with a callgirl in the booth, but Doctor Kane knows that the entire club is his sellsword. But business is business, and he shouldn't do some monkey-business. He ordered scotch on rocks, and sat in the booth. Scotch on Rocks, the only way to signal.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Ikireijin City Hall, Reizen

 “Mr. President the Ham-Gord Confederacy sent a letter pledging their support for the RDC. How should we respond?” asked the Foreign minister. “There’s no need to respond to them Nagisa. They are outsiders who are trying to meddle in our internal affairs… (Kensei sighed) If they wish to side with those who ruined our shot at ending the war then we will fight them off as we will with any adversary. In the meantime, please inform her majesty that the Navy has permission to contain the RDC on Zett island and to prepare for a major offensive. We will force these fools to negotiating table kicking and screaming, but first we will need to crush the RDC for instigating the collapse of the Grovne Non-aggression pact.” said the President. “Even if it plays into the hands of the RIM and WPR?” asked the Foreign Minister. “Yes. There is a time and place for everything and right now our honor demands that we right this grievous injury inflicted by the RDP.” responded the President. “Understood sir.” replied the Foreign Minister as she saluted and then left the room. 

RDC HQ, Zett Island

 President Minshu smiled, “We have another ally in our cause. The Empire will have to be foolish if they decide to attack us instead of negotiate peace with the people…” he then drafted a letter thanking the Harm-Gord Confederacy for its support and reiterated the RDC’s hope that the Empire will accept the Harm-Gord Peace initiative.

Fort Kakla, Gordista

Lieutenant-Major Loku pants as he finds Supreme Commander of the Harm-Gord Military, Ren Katra, older brother of Jem Katra II, and de-facto Vice-President of Gordista.

"(Pant) Ren... (Pant) ...The Frost Empire has made a major... (Pant) ... Offensive against the RDC... ... Should I get a company prepared? (Pant)."

Cold and expressionless

"No. We want peace, but we need to show the world that we are serious. Send Unit A of the Harm-Gord Special Forces, under... Lieutenant Dan... Yes, Danny DaVeto, a true hero. He is a little off the wall, but damn he is a good solider and leader. Get his unit ready to go, along with a Leopard Tank Unit, a Fighter Jet Squadron, and a few amphibious craft. Send them on the HGS Ker Lanj (air craft carrier), with five destroyers, two battleships, eight corvettes, and two nuclear subs. I want them out of here as soon as possible. Tell them not to attack unless provoked. They will not breach the blockade unless a confirmed attack has been made. (Sees that Loku has not left yet) Well go!"

Startled, Loku runs to a the main building to enact all these orders, despite it is Ren's duty.


Lieutenant Danny DaVeto has arrived at Reizen, just waiting until further instructions or a shot at them.

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

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