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The Reunion

"Ah, yes the Constantinople Gardens. Many in the Empire have forgotten about it, but if you live in this world, you are bound to hear of it. I do apologize once more for my outburst, I was really looking forward to that notification"

If the King was going to ignore the Imperial Cabinet, then so be it. Chancellor Ferul took the time to text the Deputy Minister of the Interior pertaining to some governmental affairs he had to resolve. Liat remained intrigued. In her electronic notes, she was scribbling down her thoughts of the matter, as well as anything of importance. The Emperor, with nothing better to do, remained attentive to the developing conversation between this foreign monarch and a commoner.

For his part, Marcus Argenworth was recording this conversation for his piece. He was also interested in this King, as he took time from a high-profile state visit to talk with such an unimportant person. He was still nervous, however.

When the King took out his sword, the Ryccian delegation noticed, most of all the Emperor. The craftmanship of that sword was exquisite. For those raised in wealth and grandeur, they had an eye for these sorts of luxuries. A blade of beauty, most certainly.

When their barbarian Queen spoke, the Emperor and Foreign Minister Liat were perplexed. So many children...how does the average Stoinian family manage to not be overburdened by such a colossal responsibility? How is the average Stoinian woman not exhausted of giving birth to so many infants?

The Chancellor was not weirded out, at least initially. After all, Velpans have their numerous young in litters. He himself had five children from two of these events. However, he recalled that humans have their children one pregnancy at a time, anf thus he too was confused.

When the Queen talked about a law mandating their King marry a commoner, most did not care, but they did think it odd. Only one person was disgusted: the elitist Imperial Chief of Staff, Junius Igniae Gloria Navitas Heatherstone Valieta, Count of Valieta. To this stuck-up, posh aristocrat, it was anathema to marry a commoner of such low rank. A farmer from the middle of nowhere marrying into the distinguished ranks of royalty?!

Horrified, he let out an audible gasp of shock, but his face flushed with embarassment when he realized his mistake. Moreover, the Minister of Finance, who was next to him, got irritated and stomped his foot with her high heels.

Liat was amused when she noticed Josefina's little act. "Serves this arrogant buffoon right", she thought.

Those of the delegation who were born in the Core and in The Rim were shocked when the King offered Mr. Argenworth a cigar. Smoking in this day and age? How appalling!

"Um...if it does not harm me, very well"

The journalist was uncomfortable with this. In the culture of his region, the Core, smoking had gone extinct hundreds of years ago. It was considered taboo to smoke a cigar. To drug one's self into numbness was an abhorrent practice. Even if modern cigars did not contain any addictive substances, the cultural stigma built over millenia was strong.

"Pardon me, Your Highness, but, in order to be certain, how does one make use of this again? I am afraid I have no idea how to do this...you take that artifact and light it, yes?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King took his lighter, after making a small cut at the end of the cigar. When lighting it up he held it between his thumb and held it at an exact angle. Truly there was an art form here. He then handed it over to the journalist.

"Now hold it between your thumb and index finger. Between any other fingers it is considered a slight taboo. The trick now is to not inhale into your lungs, although not harmful it isn't recommended for first timers. Just take a small puff and keep the smoke in your mouth. Then for the most optimal taste you breath it out through your nose. You will feel your muscles relax and so will you will feel, though you won't be intoxicated in any way. The Barisium is a special substance which doesn't interact with the brain in any way, just relaxes the body. It also has the smaller dosages so there shouldn't be too much of a problem."

The King smiled and joked. 

"Perhaps if the talks go well, we could import it to your nation."

The probability wouldn't arise though, the King thought. Probably because of Ryccian decadency, but nonetheless the Stoinians would be up to it.

"It is good to see you haven't forgotten the Imperial traditions. We Stoinians can appreciate that. Now please explain to me about that seven-star restaurant in Daolthas. You mentioned about being on the government list. So this journey is paid for by the government?"

The King tried to maintain his tone, but just at the end of it, it was obvious he was shocked. Were these people that decadent or was it a form of gaining votes. Truly the Stoinian couple were perplexed.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Argenworth felt relaxed. This "Barisium" substance must be some kind of drug, but if the King of a nation dared to engage in this behaviour, then it must be safe...right?

"Indeed, Your Highness, it is paid by the local Constantinople government. In exchange for paying more in taxes, you can enter a government list that gives you luxurious amenities incurred by the government when your turn arrives. For those of us who cannot possibly afford these trips and items, it is a nice feature. The more you pay in taxes, the better your rewards may be. Only wealthy worlds such as ours have these policies, but I imagine your more opulent planets have something similar?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King was perplexed. Somehow it felt like the government was gambling with its people. How could one do such a thing? Why give these souls a false hope at something and cash in on their hopes. This was a cruel thing in the eyes of the Stoinians. The King would have to be diplomatic as to not offend it. He tried to keep a straight face, but it was clear he was questionable. The same was valid for the Queen.

"This practice really intrigues us Stoinians. First of all, we try to limit our taxes as much as possible so that the individual can chose on their own. Our government is founded on the principle that citizens should be left alone as much as possible and leave the majority of the decisions to them. We believe in that individual right. Our internal markets are also quite competitive and so vacations are feasible for most of our citizens. It's also mandatory through schools to visit our capital and Velutaria, to learn of the places that shaped us."

Now the heavy part would come, he tried to keep his calm. He wanted to call such acts demeaning and disrespectful. No, he had to maintain reasonable relations with them. He continued, but it was clear he was getting annoyed. 

"Secondly, does your government openly endorse gambling? Because from our perspective it feels like the government is gambling with its people. Sure it isn't in your eyes, but my gut doesn't quite agree with that. Has anyone even done the math? If you just keep the extra tax money, wouldn't you eventually get there? For the Stoinian Government to do such a thing would be considered outrageous. It leaves the fate of hard working tax payers by a lottery, an individual should be able to make his own fate. Not let it in the hands of any government. You also mentioned it only happens on the rich worlds. Wouldn't this policy be better on more rural worlds, who I suspect wouldn't even dream of such opportunities?"

Once word of this got upon in the Star Kingdom, the opposition could possible use this as a justification of war. Not only had they already committed an act of war, they were influenced by xenos and their values and their government tosses them around as if they were dices. The Ryccians were shocking them more everyday. Nonetheless, perhaps the Ryccians on the rural worlds were more like the Stoinians. He prayed to God they were.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Gambling with our lives"? That is not the case.

"From what I know, the government has no stance on gambling. There is a limit on how much people can splurge in gambling. You must carry a special card that has your allotted funds. This was created in order to prevent over-spending in these recreational activities. There is also a maximum amount you can contribute in the state's levies. That restriction was also created in order to prevent the people from overburdening themselves in order to increase their chances on the government list"

"I have done the math, Your Highness, and it would take me my entire life to save for a trip like the one I wish to incur on. That seven-star restaurant charges a fortune for their dishes, not to mention that the elite accomodations and the stipend for shopping provided by this award would be far too costly for me. It is generally understood that the tax money not spent on the prizes goes towards the improvement of public infrastructure and facilities. For example, in my district, the local authorities managed to renovate a hospital and purchase more robots due to an increase in their funds"

"Only the wealthiest of planets can afford this lifestyle. Poorer worlds cannot incur on the cost of such a system. Some in those worlds even believe it is an detestable practice, but I beg to differ. How can we permit that the wealthy amongst us be the only individuals to enjoy the most luxurious of services if we can provide for all to have a chance in this modern age?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


So this practice had its limits. Clearly the Ryccian government wasn't as mental as he previously thought. Though his guts still weren't satisfied, he realised they never would. This would be amongst the cultural clashes they would have to deal with. Perhaps the xenos are the easy part and maybe these twisted parts of society would prove more difficult.

"I may have been to early to judge this practice, I am sure it is well intentioned. Nonetheless, my guts still feel bad about such a practice. It feels wrong from our perspective. But if your people are fine with it and it is just a reflection of your people, than I don't think it's our place to dictate what you should do."

Hopefully this would fit well with the Ryccians. Regardless of that, there would be outcry at home of these practices. Though if directed well enough, it could be light in a different light, which would limit the outcry. It wouldn't disfavour the Ryccians too much if played right.

"Well we in Stoinia have a different way in realising that. Or I guess it's our mentality on what is good. You see everyone knows that the best food is made by your grandma and thus most quality restaurants try to mimic such recipes. The essence is not in the rarity of ingredients, but the taste is the most important. Although I imagine you would be well taken care of in such a restaurant, but probably too much for Stoinian comfort. We like to do things with our hands and we don't like have someone help us with every little thing. That's why robots are outlawed in our country, as they are deemed decadent in our Kingdom. Which again can be referred too our nationalistic traits we won with the xeno races that attacked us."

The King took another puff. Then pondered for a moment.

"I believe we both have a different sense of what luxury is. We consider to be basic things such as a roof over our head, a family, a partner maybe even a weapon to be luxuries. I guess the wars with the xenos have made us that way. When you lose a lot of things in such wars, people are bound to view basic things as luxuries. I think that's one of the main different views between our peoples. I am sure this will be quite interesting for the papers."

The King puffed once more, taking the last puffs from his cigar. He then looked at Argenworth again and jokingly said. 

"Well Mr. Argenworth, I am here on a state visit and shouldn't leave your officials waiting. That tax payer money has to be used for something."

"I believe you have enough information for now about us. May you enjoy your seven-star restaurant on Daonlathas, but never forget your roots. Be sure to write in the papers that we aren't like the monsters you previously thought."

He sheathed his sword, finished his cigar, closed the portable ashtray and put in a pocket. He then stood up and handed out his hand, wanting to give the journalist a firm grip. Nonetheless he had a big smile on his face and so did the Queen.

"I wish you the best of luck. Perhaps I will see you again in a few days at my press conference, if you aren't on Daonlathas by then. Good luck and say. What do you think now of your distant Terran Brethren?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

What he thought of them? That was a difficult question to answer. Certainly the King was a nice fellow and he had explained a lot regarding the background of his nation, but looks can be deceiving. He did not know what to believe.

"Perhaps we should not judge a book by its cover", said the journalist.

Argenworth shook his hand gently, as was the custom in the Core to do so to strangers and acquaintances. He was surprised by the firm grip of the King when he reciprocated the gesture. Did this monarch consider himself a friend to Argenworth so quickly?

The journalist gave a soft smile in return.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I appreciate that you took your time to speak to a commoner such as I. May the odds be ever in your favour"

As security escorted him out, the Ryccian and Stoinian delegations departed for the inside of the palace. They proceeded to the guest dining room.

[Image: OqePFz8.jpg]

"Ah, I must apologize if the décor is ancient for your tastes. This furniture has existed for generations here, as you may imagine", said the Emperor.

"Personnel culinaire, commencez à servir les plats!", commanded the Emperor in French.

Immediately, servants from the palace entered the room and began to deliver the plates. For the King, a vegetable soup had been served as a first meal. It was proper Ryccian etiquette to commence with a soup dish. The servant commented.

"Your Majesty, this is a Acaltbury soup prepared with the freshest and most exquisite vegetables and herbs imported from the planet of Juno. It is served for your pleasure"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Stoinian officials looked around the room. They were astonished, the style was near identical to the Stoinian Royal Palace. This was remarkable. Sure the paintings were of Stoinian struggle, but they can't expect that from Ryccians.

"No, your Majesty. This architecture feels just like home. The ones we have in our palaces is quite identical to this style. Another reminder of our shared ancestry, I suppose."

The trio sat down. The King and Queen at one end while the Chancellor sat on the right of the King. As they were served they looked at the soup and realised it looked quite familiar.

"Merci beaucoup."

They said at the servants and some were shocked that these foreigners spoke Tigonese or French as they called it. The soup was quite peculiar though, it had to be a vegetable the Stoinians didn't know of.

"Quite good your Majesty. Give the compliments to the chef. And again I am sorry if I delayed your plans with the journalist. It was my first time I saw a Ryccian commoner and it seemed the only chance for me to meet one without security risks. I am here to meet you and the officials of course, but also learn from your people, directly if possible."

He proceeded to drink more from his soup as the Emperor would answer him.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"No worries, I can understand the rationale behind your decision"

The servants then proceeded to lay out trays of elegantly-decorated sweet pastries, jams and breads. Small cakes were elaborately designed to appear as roses, diamonds, and other graceful shapes. Fancy fruits were served in baskets. They also provided glasses of water to those dining. A pink drink was also served in a small glass.

"Drink not that pink liquid yet, King Andrei. That is for when you are full", said the Emperor. "If you wish your fruit changed to a certain lower temperature, you may ask a servant standing by to cool it for you"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King was growing suspicious about the pink liquid. Was it used to vomit and make room for new food like the Romans did with feathers? Nonetheless he wouldn't use any servants to cool his fruits, certainly the fruits were all right as they were.

"Then what is the pink liquid used for, your Majesty? I certainly don't hope it isn't the equivalent to the feathers in the old age of Rome."

The Chancellor and Queen both took a piece of fruit, which couldn't be found in the Kingdom. Both enjoyed the exotic tastes. The Queen also inspected the dishes more closely as they were elegantly made.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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