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(02-20-2015, 06:32 PM)Unibot Wrote: I'd like to see these logs, by the way. Not because I don't believe you, but I think it'd be good to have that on the public record.
Yes I agree.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Quote:22:07 Bel: Busy?
22:10 Bel: pokes Tsu
22:17 Bel: Tsuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......
22:26 tsu: Yes, Bel?
22:28 Bel: Busy?
22:28 tsu: What's up?
22:29 tsu: We need to chat anyhow.
22:29 Bel: What do you want to chat about?
22:29 tsu: You first.
22:29 Bel: Nah, go ahead
22:30 tsu: It's ok.  Apparently what you have you say is important.
22:30 tsu: Beside, I've been hearing interesting things about myself lately.
22:31 Bel: What have you been hearing?
22:31 tsu: What have you been saying?
22:32 Bel: That you approved an investigation into suspected electoral fraud
22:33 tsu: When did I do such thing?
22:33 Bel: Last July
22:33 tsu: I don't remember approving that.
22:34 Bel: No, you didn't. What you approved was full on electoral manipulation with the intent of electing you as Delegate, which is what the logs say. But neither of us want that to be true, is it?
22:35 tsu: That's not true either. I told you I wouldn't run against Kris.
22:35 Bel: I took the can when Cormac leaked, and insulated you *fully*
22:35 Bel: No, you didn't
22:35 Bel: I can PM you the logs if you want?
22:35 tsu: But apparently, you can manipulate logs to say anything
22:35 tsu: Please do.
22:36 Bel: Me telling you about OBT, asking you to run for Delegate, etc?
22:36 tsu: Oh, I remember you asking me to run for delegate.
22:36 tsu: and I remember my response.
22:36 Bel: Neither of us want the story to be that. I took the can for the shit, and I was fine with that, but by insulating you I ensured that you were in the clean
22:36 Bel: Since then you've done nothing to rehabilitate me.
22:37 tsu: I also didn't bury you when you originally told me about it.
22:37 tsu: Because I was trying to do you justice.
22:37 Bel: No, becuase you signed on as a silent partner
22:37 tsu: And didn't think you'd set up a phantom forum for electoral fraud.
22:37 tsu: No.  I was letting you blow off steam.
22:38 tsu: Do you think I would undermine a region I helped create?
22:38 Bel: You knew about the plan, even it's name, when it was conceived
22:39 Bel: You were fully briefed
22:39 Bel: You could have gone to Kris with it, reported it to the other CSS members
22:39 Bel: You didn't
22:39 tsu: And yet, I didn't know about the forums on TEP.
22:39 Bel: You're as much up shits creak as I am, but I made sure you had a paddle when the crap went down
22:40 tsu: Bel, I don't appreciate threats or your defamation of me.
22:40 Bel: I could have burnt you, but I didn't. Hell, I could have fought the recall motions and won - I only needed a handful of votes
22:40 Bel: I'm not threatening you Tsu
22:40 Bel: If I wanted to hurt you I could have
22:41 Bel: But I am out in the cold alone, because I choose to protect you
22:41 tsu: You are threatening me. And now telling people I told you to go do something illegal.
22:42 Bel: No, I am telling people a version of the truth - that I reported suspicions of electoral fraud, and you approved an investigation
22:42 Bel: That is... largely true
22:42 Bel: I would like for that to become accepted truth
22:43 tsu: Ok. Well, in doing that, I don't appreciate the slander.
22:43 tsu: I told you I'd be willing to testify to what the truth was.
22:43 tsu: The truth is that you approached me to run for delegate and I said I wouldn't run against Kringalia.
22:44 Bel: You don't want to testify to that version of the truth
22:44 tsu: ie ... "The truth"?
22:44 Bel: No, the truth is that I approached you about OBT and asked you to run for Delegate as it's the point
22:44 Bel: The truth the logs support is that OBT was a genuine active plan, not a contingecy developed during a CSS investigation
22:45 Bel: The truth is that you knew, and did nothing
22:46 tsu: Truth is, I was trusted a previously stellar member of the region to not subvert the electoral system.
22:46 tsu: I was giving you allowances. And now you're trying to turn it back on me.
22:47 Bel: Considering I was telling you off a plan to such, BS
22:47 Bel: I don't want to burn you, but I have nothing to lose right now
22:48 Bel: Hell, burning you would be bad for TSP as it would make the likes of Uni and Glen stronger - which is why you know I *won't* do it
22:48 Bel: But I want in out of the cold Tsu
22:48 Bel: I took the can, insulated everyone else, like a good soldier does
22:49 Bel: But I am tired of being left out in the cold
22:50 Bel: And I am equally tired of being left hanging
22:52 Bel: So, the question is simple;
22:52 Bel: Are you going to rehabilitate me? Or am I being left in the cold?
22:53 tsu: Oh Bel. I really don't think you know how much I dislike intimidation and blackmail.
22:56 Bel: And I'm an unemployed hatchet man looking for resurection
22:56 tsu: You also know I don't like martyrdom.
22:57 Bel: Only one of us anything to lose
22:58 tsu: Would you like to continue threatening me, when all I did was believe in your good side?
22:59 Bel: You left me in the cold Tsu.
22:59 Bel: I want out of it.
23:04 tsu: I don't think you answered my question.
23:04 tsu: Are you done threatening me?
23:05 Bel: I'm not threatening you Tsu. I'm telling you I want in out of the cold
23:05 Bel: I am asking you to do it
23:05 tsu: You did read the about conversation, right?
23:05 Bel: So that's a no then?
23:24 tsu: Bel, I would like to help you. But you have spent this entire conversation threatening me with something I didn't do.
23:25 Bel: You've had months to help me and you haven't Tsu
23:30 Bel: I protected you. I continue to protect you.
23:30 Bel: And you haven't done a single damn thing to help me.
23:39 Bel: I'mn not going to burn you Tsu. That only helps the likes of Unibot, and whilst you've disapointed me I *despise* him
23:39 Bel: So you have nothing to worry about

The above was from Wednesday night.
[forum admin]

I almost feel sad for Bel. You did know about OLBT however you never thought he was serious. This just makes thing a whole lot worse in terms of relationships.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Quote:22:34 Bel: No, you didn't. What you approved was full on electoral manipulation with the intent of electing you as Delegate, which is what the logs say. But neither of us want that to be true, is it?

Quote:22:40 Bel: I'm not threatening you Tsu
22:40 Bel: If I wanted to hurt you I could have

Quote:22:44 Bel: The truth the logs support is that OBT was a genuine active plan, not a contingecy developed during a CSS investigation

Quote:23:30 Bel: I protected you. I continue to protect you.
23:30 Bel: And you haven't done a single damn thing to help me.
23:39 Bel: I'mn not going to burn you Tsu. That only helps the likes of Unibot, and whilst you've disapointed me I *despise* him

Wow. I'm really not sure what to say about this.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Just a second.
Why is the formatting different between the two posts? One has time in brackets and the other doesn't. I smell a rat.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


It depends on your IRC client.


I'm just suspicious, is all.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


(02-20-2015, 08:52 PM)TAC Wrote: It depends on your IRC client.

This. I also use the same client as Tsu, so my logs have a similar format, actually. Example.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

I'm just naturally suspicious and easily worried, is all. Don't mind me.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Going to go ahead and change my vote from an abstain to a nay now...

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