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Recall: Minister of Foreign Affairs

(08-25-2014, 08:13 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: Can I ask why Osiris is choosing to close their embassy over a remark made about a citizen? This seems a little over the top to me.

Unless, of course, Hobbes holds a position in Osiris I'm unaware of.

Cormac previously declared that TSP and Osiris were never going to be allies in the foreseeable future, so I suppose ending in-game embassies was just a matter of time.

This is definitely over the top. Osiris has decided to declare war on Lazarus, because a Lazarus official made an off-hand remark about how Cormac needed to get more endorsements because people were giving the official ideas. (In other words, joking about couping Osiris.) Milograd's coup of TSP was also used a few times as justification, which I'm frankly annoyed that people keep doing, since we've long since gotten over that.

Since then, Lazarus has become the new punching bag of the month for NS Gameplay. I have been correcting biased articles about Lazarus' recent forum move. Because I was told about the forum move before it happened, and before Lazarus at large was told, some have accused me of being part of a secret plot to control Lazarus' forums. In reality, I was sent an unsolicited message on IRC for technical help, which is why I knew beforehand that the forum switch was happening. In taking an educated guess as to why the move wasn't made public days before it happened, I suggested (based on the frantic request I received) that perhaps they wanted to make sure they had a backup before going public, in case Hobbes would end up deleting the forum before they could save important info.

Despite stating explicitly that it was a guess, political opportunists twisted my words into a blatant accusation that Hobbes was going to destroy the forums. Because I've been seen as defending Lazarus (now the enemy), certain people (like Cormac) are intent on attacking me and making diplomatic incidents out of nothing.

Messages In This Thread
Recall: Minister of Foreign Affairs - by Cormac - 08-25-2014, 06:41 PM

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