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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) War in Ryccia

Official Transcript from Emergency Resentinian Military Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting. All members present
Location: The Hexagon, Theron, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
Time: 11:30 PM, Theron Time

Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock: I do apologize for assembling everyone this late, but a rather critical situation has occurred. One of extreme danger and importance. General Brady, you have the floor from here.

Major General Steven M. Brady: Thank you, sir. Just to be clear, everyone in this room is now authorized to hear about the operation?

Braddock: As of about ten minutes ago, actually.

High Admiral Thomas M. Day: What operation? [Glares at Brady] What were you up to?

Brady: We will discuss that in a moment, Admiral. Right now, actually.

Major General Tyler Mcfadden: Proceed with this, Brady.

Brady: Thank you. Unknown to most of you, there was an operation authorized by myself, the Marshall General, and General Hardeck, codenamed Operation: Fallen Eagle, to aquire Ryccian Nuclear Weapons-

Lieutenant General Tara McAllister: Nukes? Have you lost your goddamn mind? Do you remember what they almost did to our country? You should be arrested where you stand, all three of you!

Brady:.... And Destroy them to prevent their use.[McAllister, still looking disapprovingly, acknowledges the statement] However, when our Special Forces teams landed and infiltrated the facilities, we found that all of the nukes we had targeted, the six-thousand weapons Ryccia had "ready for launch", were all missing.

Day: Missing how?

Brady: While the missiles themselves were still there, they were disassembled. After a through investigation by our teams, the Warheads for each of these weapons have been determined as missing. None were present in any facilities we investigated.

McAllister: Bullshit.

Brady: [Turns on Projector] These slides contain photos taken by SpecForce teams as they searched the facilities.[Clicks through slides] As you can obviously tell, no Warheads of any kind were found.

Mcfadden: My god...... How bad is this?

Brady: Assuming we are calculating for all missing Warheads, that being six-thousand, the possible explosive potential, in layman's terms is..[Brady doing math in his head] enough to destroy the South Pacific.....[A little more math]... twice, over? Yes, at least twice over.

Day: ..... We need to lock down the country. I could have a blockade up in 3 hours. No ships in or out. Air patrols around the clock.

McAllister: No, for all we know, they could already be out of the country. Anyone remember the V10 Rocket Program? Those Cruise Missiles that were developed late in the Civil War? The final version, the V10 Mk 4, Had the ability to reach space. I say we launch one of those babies up with one of the Nuclear Detection systems we built back in the war, and we have it look for anomalies of radiation.

Mcfadden: They may not be out of the country. I advise we use a combination of Special Forces and Army Airborne Troops, using these Nuclear Detection Systems, and sweep the entire country for these weapons.

Braddock: I've already considered all of these options. Military funding has been allocated for the Rockets. However, the King IS authorizing a Blockade on Ryccia until those nuclear weapons are found. We can't move Airbornes from their current duties, but SpecForce will be deployed to search for these missing weapons. I'll get Army Mechanized over to any other launch facilities to secure the rest of the weapons as soon as possible, and prevent any more from going missing. Also, Hardeck?

General Ferris Hardeck: Yes, Marshall?

Braddock: We've developed some special Nuclear Detection ECMs for your fighters. 'd like you to make flyovers of the country, see what you find.

Hardeck: Of course.

Braddock: While the King is already aware of the situation, none of these conversations are to leave this room. We'll come up with some bullshit story to cover for the V10 program, but the rest of this is highly classified. Anyone caught leaking information to people who are not considered mission critical will be tried and found guilty of treason. Anyone questioning our actions are to be told that it is "Standard Military Procedure". Understood?

All: Yes, Marshall, Sir!

Braddock: Good! Dismissed!

Unbenounced to both it's allies and Ryccia, Resentine is now on an active hunt for Ryccia's Nuclear Arsonal. All branches are involved, and several operations are underway to find them. This includes a blockade of Ryccia, and active hunt by Special Forces, the construction of Rockets, and constant flyovers of Ryccian Territories. No details of that conversation are released to anyone except the King himself, and any operations associated with the hunt are dismissed by troops and generals as "Standard Operating Procedures". All Countries are left in the dark about the current heightened status for the Royal Military.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi

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War in Ryccia - by Jay Coop - 03-22-2015, 04:55 PM

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