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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) War in Ryccia

Official Transcript from F111, "Echo 1", Preparing to engage Punchwoodian Fleet
Location: Just off the Eastern Coast of Ryccia
Time7:45 Theron Time

Captain Michael Godfrey: That is a lot of ships..... We're only going to be able to make one, maybe two runs..... That'll be enough. Alright Echoes, get ready to drop in 30 seconds.

Echo 5: Roger that boss.

Godfrey: [hanges radio frequency] All Squadrons, this is Echo 1. Current estimate is one to two runs, so drop all of your payloads quick and make them count.

Foxtrot 1: Copy that, Echo. Prepping to drop in 25.

Geronimo 1: Copy that lead, Dropping in 31.

Godfrey: Roger that. Delta and Coyote, keep their fighters and AA guns occupied. Once we make our runs, we'll be clear of their fire in five, maybe ten seconds. Bug out immediately after. Go full afterburners. No heroics here, I want as many pilots to come back as possible.

Delta 1: Copy that, sir.

Coyote 1: Roger.

Foxtrot 1:[Foxtrot Squadron begins dropping Napalm and ASMs against enemy AA frigates] This is Foxtrot 1, we are going for our run.

Delta 1: I just lost D3. Confirm, one pilot down.

Godfrey: Copy.[Switches Channel] Echo in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, NOW! NOW! NOW! DROP PAYLOAD, DROP PAYLOAD![Cluster Bombs fall upon the Punchwoodian Destroyer and the surrounding ships] Echoes, bug, bug bug! Full Afterburner!

Echo 5: This is 5, I've got a fighter on my tail!

Coyote 6: [Jumps on Echo Channel] Echo 5, I'm engaging that fighter. [Explosion behind Echo 5]

Echo 5: Thank you, C6.

Coyote 6: Just doing my job. C6, out. [Jumps back to Coyote Channel]

Echo 2: Sir, I think we lost 7 in the run. 4 looks pretty banged up as well.

Godfrey: Damn. Alright, let's RTB. [Switches back to Command Channel] Geronimo, what's your status?

Geronimo 1: Making our run in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, NOW! [Geronimo Drops Cluster and Napalm bombs onto the Punchwoodian Carrier] GOOD HIT! GOOD HIT! GOOD HIT! I think she's sinking! Holy shit sir! [Explosion in Geronimo 1's wing] Oh shit..... I'm not gonna make it.

Godfrey: Gods be damned! Geronimo, you WILL make it! Hurry! Full afterburner!

Geronimo 1: That's a Negative Captain.... I think... I think I see their command ship.... [Angles bomber to PSS Woodea] Captain, It's been an honor... I think I'm bleeding......

Godfrey: I said no heroics, dammit! You will turn that Bomber around this instant! That's an ord-

Geronimo 1: Sir.. Screw your orders.... Once again, it's been an ho-[Passes out]

Godfrey: Wake Up, dammit! Wake-[Geronimo 1 crashes into PSS Woodea's bridge] Dammit! Geronimo 1! Geronimo 1!

Geronimo 3: He's... He's gone sir. This is Geronimo 3, assuming command.

Godfrey: Copy that 3. is Geronimo clear?

Geronimo 3: Affirmative sir. We lost 5, 1 and 4, but we're clear.

Godfrey: Copy that. Delta, Coyote, Pull out and Return to base. I repeat, pull out and RTB, over.

Delta 1: Copy sir. Just got me, 3, 6, and 4 left. RTBing now.

Coyote 1: Roger that sir. Only list 5 and 4. We are a clean slate sir. Bugging out.

Godfrey: Keep on alert, Squad leads. They might just try to follow us home.

Foxtrot 1: Copy that sir. We'll watch your backs.

Godfrey: [To himself] Bloody heroics.[Changes back to Echo Channel] Echo 2, remind me when Air Command is making it's next run.

Echo 2: Later tonight sir. But those guys have it easy. They're getting Naval support.

Godfrey: You're joking.

Echo 2: Negative captain.

Godfrey: Alright. Radio silence until we get home. Echo 1, out. [Turns off radio] I'm getting too old for this.....

Even though they had sustained many losses, The 5 squadrons that took on the Punchwoodian fleet managed to make it home with no incident. It was clear that the damage done to the Punchwoodians was significant, but, the official losses to the fleet remained unconfirmed until the squadrons were able to look at their plane's tactical logs in the "Black Boxes". When Godfrey returned to base, he was immediately informed by Hardeck himself that Godfrey was promoted to Colonel. Geronimo 1 had a King's Cross and a Purple Heart awarded in his honor for his actions.The next flight would be engaging at night, with support from the Royal Navy this time.
[OOC: I'm sorry it took so long to post this. I got caught at a party for a while.]
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi

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War in Ryccia - by Jay Coop - 03-22-2015, 04:55 PM

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