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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident

*Back at the Regal Condottieri Base, plot 141. Troops are preparing their swords and guns. A group of scientists and monks along with bionic armies board the hoverplane. Boxes are lifted in levitating platforms, and electricity are infused inside the weapons. The rifles use concentrated air, they suck a part of the air and compress the air into a bullet-like structure, the bullets could pierce through any armor, and almost any material. Another rifle uses a high voltage of electricity, not enough to kill an organic being, but enough to stun them for a couple of weeks. Swords are also filled with a bluish matter able to slice any material with ease, and when controlled, these bluish matter are able to restrain the enemies, tying them up. The CO of this expedition, Commander A, has an electron controller, anything that has electrons can be controlled with ease, don't ask how.*

"Alright, preparations complete Frost?"

"Yes Commander A, we are ready to go."

"Indeed, the reason we are bringing you is that you are the only one who is able to protect the machine that could replenish our electrical supplies. Your skills are needed, god, you have the ability to use the air and control their density, flow and pressure. You are able to make us natural shield, though limited."

"Thank you for trusting me commander, now shall we take flight?"

"We shall."

*Commander loads his handgun with a yellow and red matter. Yellow is for stun, red is for kill. He and his assistants board the planes.*

"Let's take our leave chaps, onto Baliish. Lock on to the Sporal and the Resentinian fleet, we'll be there in no time. Scientists, while we move, we must analyze those documents, maybe they could clue us in to the mysteries of the region."

*Five planes took off vertically from Anastasia airbase, and they adjusted their engines. Their jet engines are powered by 'censored'. flew them to Baliish.*

"Let's hope those books are intact, careful men, any stupidity shall not be taken lightly."

TIK expedition has boarded and en route to join other expeditions.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Messages In This Thread
The Baliish Incident - by Resentine - 04-26-2015, 02:17 AM

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