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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident


*The three women walked to the public library, and found a bookcase, chock full of documents and drawings about a… 'biological weapon"?*

"What are these things?" Asked OttoLynn, bemused.

"The design of the weapon has faded. But luckily the chemical information is in tact." said Leonie.

"I'll preserve them immediately, send some scientists to preserve any information they can. It's resentinian's information."

"I am not giving it to any other people."

*Minutes later, some of the vital information carried by Leonie was placed near Electra.*

"So, these are the biological weapon files." said Leonie as she looked at the piles of paper.

"The thing that might started it all." continued OttoLynn

"These things aren't mythical after all, they are infected." said Zooey Trax

They bemused at the piles of paper gathered. In front of them perhaps is the reason why all of this happened.

"We can't determine the mechanism of the weapon, but the chemical component can be understood." said Leonie, who has a doctorate in chemical engineering.

"Analyse it immediately, please. Analyse it as if your life defended on it. Until the Resentinian and the Sporaltryan troops move in to Dedric, we need to milk out every single information we have. Our objective is finding the library, this may clue us in. I don't want to kill these creatures anymore, I want to cure them."

"I will." responded Leonie, and she took the chemical component datafile.

"Hey Otto, what is that?" pointed Ms. Trax


Otto picked up an old pink book, she opened the first page, and scanned it a bit.

"January…….. Tests……… OH! OH!"

"What is it Otto?" asked Ms. Trax

"This… This is a log of the progress. They may be able to clue us in on what happened here."

"Well come on! Read it out loud!" shouted Ms. Trax.

"They were written in old Resentinian. I need you to decode one thing."

"Leave it to me" shouted Ms. Trax, and she took the book.

"Finally, we have a full grasp of what's going on. I can't wait to read the novel….. But on the other hand, I wish the entire event never happened." Remarked Otto.

*Otto analysed the other datas they recovered in the library. Being an engineer though, she finds it hard to make sense of the data.*

*Meanwhile, the Condottieri army has reached Novac. After a humongous resistance from the creatures, Commander A claimed a bittersweet victory. He cried as the main force jabbed the flag of TIK in the rugged ground.*

"Give these bodies a proper burial….." Said Commander A.

*The main troops gave these creatures a proper burial, and everyone must say grace and ask forgiveness for these creatures no matter what religion they were. Meanwhile, as the temporary base was being set, Commander A saw something behind the ruins.*

"Rasyid… Did you see that?"

"See what?"

*Rustling noises*

"There, in that triangular ruin."

*The creature behind that triangular ruin ran away, Rasyid gave the man a chase, and was able to caught the creature. He pointed his scimitar next to the head, and realises something.*



Commander A went to Rasyid, and found that it was actually a human being, with ragged clothes. Malnourished and dirty. What he wore was something different.

"Th… Those are Resentinian winter camo. You…"

*The resenitinian got up, and spoke gibberish while pointing south.*

"Commander, what was he saying?"

"I don't know… I think he's trying to ask us to go with him."

"Let's follow him."

"Charge up your sprayers, this could be a trap." ordered Commander A.

"It's been a long time since we don't have a tag battle."

Note: A tag battle is where two high level paladins team up together with limited ammo to fight against a horde of simulated troops.


"You always have a tag battle with Paladin Amelia… What's going on between you two?"

"We are just commanding officers at the same level, if you'd like to fight with someone that has the practically the same level of combat as you, you'd tag battle with him/her every time. For a learning experience."


The resentinian crawled like a goblin, they walked for minutes until they found an abandoned apartment building with sniper turrets on top of the apartment.

"Passvert?" shouted someone from the apartment.


"Pizza?" confused Rasyid as he looked at Commander A's face.

"Whosh dhem?"

*The resentinian spoke, and two gents got out and welcomed the Commander and Rasyid. They were cheering, as the two men entered the apartment building."

"Does anyone here speak German?"

*They shook their heads.*


*They shook their heads.*

"Arabic? Peruvian? Gallic? Morrocan? Arabian? Norwegian? Russian? Polarian? Italian? Chinese? Japanese? Roman? Penguinian? Kringalian? Feirmontian? Tardisian (Yeah I don't really know what language TSSS speaks)?"

*Then, a bearded man got out from the group. An eighty year old man with an old resentinian camouflage, incredibly skinny and dry. Amazingly, he is still fit despite being so malnourished.*

"How about English commander? I apologise those who speak english are on turret duty today. There is only two languages in here, Resentinian and Sporaltryan."

"Do you have a name sir?"

"My name…… My name is Alexander, Alexander Volver.."


"Yes, Volver."


"You are irritating me commander."

"No, no. Alexander Volver? Friend of Ferdinand Pendragon?"

"The one and only. How do you know about my friend Ferdinand?"

"He was the one that got us here, he was afraid of what had happened to you."

"It's been seventy years, I was the only one that survived from the expedition seventy years ago. When we landed, Most of us were expecting a bright city, but it turns out we arrived in a city that was already besieged. When we set camp we were attacked by these black creatures constantly. We were able to Only a few of us survived, and slowly, we moved here to there. Most of my friends died from attacks, others turned to that weird things, but god gave me the luck to bury some of the other survivors. I was the only one here, and I remained unseen in Novac. Sometimes I walked to the beachhead, or Dedric, sometimes I travelled to the local library in Dedric. I was alone until some resentinians landed."

"Tell us the story."

"When those resentinians landed, I was happy, and decided to go to them. Salvation at last, I thought…. Until they were greeted by a horde of black creatures. Their latin name: Homo Darka… The resentinians were slaughtered the time they arrived in Port Crescent, about one hundred dark creatures attacked them. Infiltrated their ships… I watched it, and ran back to my hiding place… I think the lieutenant would be better explaining about this. Ah, there he comes now."

*A MAN got down from the flight of stairs. He wore Resentinian winter camouflage, her knife is sheathed on her side. He appeared skinny and distraught. But she has enough composure, and was able to use it.*

"I am Lieutenant Cedric Walters, 3rd MEF. When we landed with Captain Barnes, we thought that this was a normal military op, nothing complex. Captain Barnes sent a recon force, I was inside it. Then when we wanted to report, we heard screamings, we looked out and we saw hundreds of black creatures attacking the ship. entering it, we saw……. Our troops are clawed, bitten, eaten and transformed…. We ran for our lives, fortunately we met Ferdinand. We were lucky to escape. We then aided the Sporaltyran reconnaissance force, and we were holed up here. Guarding ourselves until help arrives."

"Lord Volver, do you know what these creatures are? Being a naturalist."

"Homo Darka, creatures ones that led used to be humans that according to history, was cursed by the gods for their greed. Their skin darkened, their physiology enhanced, and they have uncontainable bloodlust and a constant erection. They were contained creatures, according to our naturalist documents. However, somehow, they broke out, and infected the population…."

*There was a silence, and it was broke.*

"There is no point of staying here, our troops are making a temporary base. I would be best if all the men and women here come to the temporary base. We'll protect you until you be saved. Lord Volver, please elaborate to us what happened 70 years ago?"

"It is the only reason for me to be alive. Oh Commander."


"Please, get me in touch with Ferdinand. He is my only friend."

"We will, oh and Lord Volver….. The Library."

"Ah, it was called the Crystal of Knowledge. We came across something of a sort close to Dedric. But I'm afraid it'll be incredibly hard to get there, Commander."


"You see, these dark creatures. They gather in the library. It's like their church. On the third moon of every seven days, most of them gather there. And when it is not the third moon, it is heavily guarded."

"Our main objective is to secure the library Lord Volver.."

"May god be with you then."

*Rasyid and Commander A secured the survivors from the apartment, and led them to the temporary base. The survivors were immediately treated medically, and given some food, water and shelter to counter that malnourishment. The defences in Novac is complete, and Rasyid ordered his men to search every buildings for clues, but it seemed impossible to find something in the pile of rubble. The Callaway has landed in the centre of the city. Where a large fountain was there. The electric fences are put up and patrols have started. Meanwhile, Lord Volver had finally reconnected with the modern world, despite being trapped to look, he smiled at how far TIK has gone since the civil war. Sometime later, Rasyid took Commander A from the crowd and initiated a private conversation."

"Permission to speak freely sir."



"Sir, all we heard from the Sporaltryan is a failed DNA sequencing, death of forces and the workers strike on carrying that nuclear missile. Resentine did not do anything more, and Sedunn and Darkstrait are basically following Resentine and Sporaltryan. Resentine and Sporaltryan did not take a step forward, and instead took a step backwards by bringing up this issue about war."

"Your point being?"

"My point is, that we are the only ones who actually accomplished something. We secured Novac, Dedric and secured the survivors before they even set foot here. We have a full 3d map of the island, full documents of the species that is in Baliish, and we are working on a cure… I'll tell ya sir, I thought they were heroic, turns out they are still binded by Political issues, they just can't accept the fact that in this island, there is something that could end the human race, and possibly destroy everything we know. Yet all they care about are the political problems at home. Hammerstar had tried to keep military away from politics as much as possible. "

"….. They are our allies, there is only 70 knights in this island. 20 of them are civilians. We still need them nevertheless. I wish that you do not bring this up with anyone else except me and the other commanding officers. They have already swore the oath."

*To be continued*

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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The Baliish Incident - by Resentine - 04-26-2015, 02:17 AM

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