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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident

*Meanwhile, in TIK base at Dedric*

"Ms Otto...."


"Permission to speak freely..."

"Go on.."

"Test 131#, it failed ms... I don't think that the technology available to us right now is.... Adequate enough."

"Then build it.."


"If you have really concluded that every path explorable at this moment could not lead to the desired outcome, then you must make another path.."

"I'm sorry?"

"DON'T GIVE UP! I want all those documents known, decoded and translated! We need to milk out every information we can find about this!" Shouted Otto-Lynn

The entire science faction are working day and night to decode all the information they had. Plus, the computers had been working non-stop to find the cure for the dark creatures. OttoLynn is not a sort of person to simply give up, neither is Ms. Trax

"The algorithms we got from the documents recovered could be compared with the naturalist documents.

"Indeed, I hope we can get a better result."

"I.... I want a cure, there is always a cure.... I don't want to kill them...."

"I know how you feel Ms. Trax."

While Otto and Trax made sense of the documents. Leonie establishes contact with the reinforcements. The reinforcement plane is known as Layton, named after the group of engineers who had to delay the building up to 4 days because they are too busy completing a 20.000 piece puzzle, and solve 100 riddles. Since then, they named the plane to honour the greatest puzzle master, Professor Layton.

"Calling Layton.. Calling Layton.."

"Layton here..."

"Patch me up with you CO."


"..... This is Adrian Cooper..."


"Is that you Ms. Gratin."

*Adrian Cooper is the most junior of high commanding officers, unlike other members of Commander A's inner circle, Adrian Cooper was a captain (Which is on par with PFC). He is incredibly skilled in combat and tactics, but his attitude and personality does not fit the other commanding officers.*

"This... This is a dream right? Ms Elena.... She sent you?"

"Tao and Strauss has been busy tracking the missing nuke, and Isabella is training some new recruits. So to be concluded, I am the only commanding officer left to actually send reinforcements to Baliish."

"Great.. I'm working with a kid that's still got a bedtime..."

"H..Hey! I heard that you know.."

"Hahaha, just kidding.. Maybe.. So, how's progress?"

"Strong weather and our troops are prepped, we are ready for combat."

"........Well, it's better if you all see it first hand anyway.."


"The commander wants you to keep posting. Alright?"

"Yes Ms. Gratin.."

Meanwhile, the Commander asks the recon troops to scour the island and report anything they can find. Especially regarding information on the Library itself. As he was sipping tea in his office, he was reading through the reports.

""Dark Ones Coming" and a "Bad Temple"........ Temple? What could they possibly mean..."

After that he issued an order and asks to find anything that looked like a temple, wether it is sitting in plain sight, covered in vegetation, or built inside a mountain.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Messages In This Thread
The Baliish Incident - by Resentine - 04-26-2015, 02:17 AM

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