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Athena Popadomalus on Tour

The Foreign Minister of the United States of Izaakia Athena Popadomalus had boarded the state jet at just before midnight in Izaakia during an early autumn storm and the take off has been somewhat choppy. However, as an regular and experienced flier, she dropped off before the city lights of New Mako City had faded in the storm. The four engined Izaakian Aeronaughtics Skycoach was nicknamed the Black Prince after 16th century Montacian Prince and pirate who was responsible for the exiled Montacians foreign policy of pillage and retribution. 

The state of the art plane is equipped with a war room, various classified air defence systems, and on the inside is designed for comfort and luxury. Foreign minister Popadomalus felt most at home in this environment having grown up in luxury as the daughter of Izaakias second largest food producer.

She woke up at 5am as usual, had a shower, got dressed, and applied make-up, and by 5.30 she was in the conference room on the Black Prince, getting prepped on her forthcoming visit to Qaweritoyu. She was told about Brax Appleton the vice-president of Qaweritoyu and what the Izaakian aims and discussion points were for the forthcoming visit. Then by 8am, seatbelts were on and the IAF Black Prince landed in Clearhill airport, and FM Popadomalus dressed in a dashing ensemble in Izaakia Turquoise headed for the door, and looked out to see VP Appleton.
Gianni: “Izaakia, I hate you so much. You’re such a good bad guy. Must be because of your genes“.
Gianni, 21:42 14 Dec 2020, # Pacifica Discussion

A horrible wailing sound like a siren filled an empty room. It was like a warning siren, like something was about to happen. The sound was an alarm. The room was empty because Brax Appleton was not in it, he had beaten his alarm clock to the bathroom yet again, as he usually did. He brushed his teeth in time to the alarm, when it happened every morning, it was almost like background music. 

Appleton was Vice-President of Qaweritoyu and he loved his job but today would be different. For the first time since his appointment the previous June, he was leading a state visit by himself, until now, he had attended under the President's leadership. He reflected on this now as he brushed his teeth and tried to relax into the thought. He was sure things would just fall into place as the day proceeded. He suddenly realised he had spent ten minutes brushing his teeth due to thinking, spat out the toothpaste and returned to his bedroom, where the alarm was going off. He shut off the alarm, got ready for the day ahead and headed out the door.

Being Vice-President, Appleton automatically had a five-piece suite in the Presidence, the palace the elected President lives in during their term. The President himself lived in the rest of the building.

The Vice-President reached the President's office door and knocked.

'Come in!' called the President from inside.

The Vice-President reached out, pushed the handle, opened the door and walked into the President's office. 'Morning!' he beamed as he entered.

The President sat back in his chair and smiled, proudly. 'Good morning, sir,' he said. 'How are you feeling?'

'Nervous,' was the Vice-President's reply.

The President's smile widened and he motioned to a chair in front of him. 'Please sit down, Brax, I have something I want to say to you.'

The Vice-President did not hesitate as he came forward and took a seat opposite the President. The President was a man who always made him feel at ease. 

The President continued to smile. 'Now, Brax, I do not say anything here today to be cheesy with you, that is not my style and you know that, of course,' he said.

'Yes, sir,' replied the Vice-President.

'Err... and I do not want you replying to me either, because I know you will try to resist praise, just take it and run for a change, cut out the replying now. Brax, you are not an idiot. I do not appoint idiots as Vice-President of Qaweritoyu. If it turns out that you are an idiot after all, you will know all about it because you will have been sacked. Relax into today, it is not as difficult as it looks. I know you, Brax, I know what you can do, I know what you are capable of, I know the excellent work you do but the country still do not know you without me being with you all the time and today I will not be with you. Today, you get to show the country who Brax Appleton is. Relax, by yourself, take your time. You can reply now, is that OK?' he asked.

The Vice-President nodded. 'Yes, sir,' he said, relaxing a little.

The President grinned. 'I don't look or get stressed, Brax, because this is all second nature to me and it will be to you too. Are you taking the convoy?' he asked.

'Yes, I am. Will we be blocking traffic anywhere?' asked the Vice-President.

'No, I don't think so, it's an informal visit. All OK?' asked the President.

'Yes, looking forward to this now,' said the Vice-President.

'Good man! That's the attitude I need to see!' exclaimed the President. 'Enjoy your day,' he said.

'Thank you, sir, see you later,' said the Vice-President, leaving the office.

The President picked up the phone and dialled a number. 'Have the convoy ready, please, Brax is on his way, thank you,' he said down the phone.
* * *
On arriving at Clearhill Airport, the Vice-President and the convoy of Presidential SUVs were directed around the side of the airport, through customs and then airside, where they sat awaiting Minister Popadomalus' arrival into the airport.

The Vice-President sat in his SUV, watching the skies and talking on his phone to the other staff in the other SUVs. There were four, one to go ahead of the Vice-President, the Vice-President's, the Minister's car and one to go behind that car, to alert traffic to the convoy. 'All ready in the Minister's car?' asked the Vice-President. 'Yes, sir,' came the reply. 'Very good,' said the Vice-President.

An IAF Black Prince then approached and landed in the airport.

'Is that her?' asked the Vice-President.

'Yes, sir, I think so,' came the reply. 'Are we to come with you?'

'No, no, not at all, enjoy staying here, I'll go and meet her and then we can head for the beach, does that sound fair?' asked the Vice-President.

'Yes, sir, it sounds lovely,' came the reply.

'Oh, it will be, probably the easiest day at work for you today,' said the Vice-President, leaving his SUV, closing the door, and heading over to the plane, stopping where airport staff advised him to for his safety.

Inside the airport, passengers looked out at proceedings with great interest, wondering what was going on. There were murmurs all around. 'Is that the Vice-President?' asked one person. 'I think so!' replied another.

When Minister Popadomalus had stepped off the plane, the Vice-President moved forward and greeted her with a wide, bright grin and a handshake. 'On behalf of the President and the nation, Minister, welcome to Qaweritoyu. Is this your first visit?'

Foreign Minister Athena Popadomalus emerges from the door of the aircraft in a Turquoise jumpsuit, feeling the intense early morning summer sun and a cool refreshing breeze. She makes a quick glance back to ensure her aides are following close behind before she bounds down the aircraft stairs rather quickly as she is wearing trainers, much to the surprise of her heal wearing aides who struggle down afterwards. She gives a quick salute to the Izaakian Secret Service personnel at the bottom of the stairs, and says “That’ll be all boys, we’re amongst friends here”. 

She spots her host Vice President Appleton and makes a beeline towards him, feeling lucky she went on holiday recently to get a bit of a tan, as to not look so pasty. She opens her arms and goes straight for a hug, much to the surprise of Brax Appleton who’s never met her before, and says

“Hello Mr Vice-President! Lovely weather we seem to have, looks like I chose the right day to come, and may I say it’s a smashing looking country from above, do you know I’ve never been here before. Anyway, it’s pleasure to meet you, and may I introduce my two aides” looking around, and she sees them slowly getting to the base of the stairs and shouts “Come on guys, get a shift on! Don’t keep the Vice President waiting” turning back to Vice-President Appleton who hasn’t managed to get a word in yet she says “Anyway, the lanky one on the left in Blue is Mia, and the ginger-nut in orange on the right is Pheebs.”
Gianni: “Izaakia, I hate you so much. You’re such a good bad guy. Must be because of your genes“.
Gianni, 21:42 14 Dec 2020, # Pacifica Discussion

The Vice-President smiles around at them all, having tried to speak several times and getting cut off. Eventually, he just sort of elbowed his way in. 'I also have a few people with me, the President and I are virtually allowed to go nowhere without some people from J88, the President's Secret Service, if you're not familiar with the name. They're also harmless, you have your own car, Cataleya is your driver,' he said, turning to face the terminal building. A few passengers, realising it was him, started to wave. He waved back and grinned. 'You see them over there?' he asked, gesturing with his eyes in the direction of the terminal building.

“Ahh, the infamous J88, yes we know lots about them, probably more than you’re comfortable with, anyway, glad to have them, my security is at high alert at the moment too, with the whole N&GB situation. So, let me know, where are we going?” As she makes a move with VP Appleton towards the car “I believe we’re going for an informal setting? Always best that way, it helps to build relationships outside the formal planned formats”.
Gianni: “Izaakia, I hate you so much. You’re such a good bad guy. Must be because of your genes“.
Gianni, 21:42 14 Dec 2020, # Pacifica Discussion

Athena Popadomalus leaves as of 28 April 2022 - conversation after this point in the thread is before this date.
Gianni: “Izaakia, I hate you so much. You’re such a good bad guy. Must be because of your genes“.
Gianni, 21:42 14 Dec 2020, # Pacifica Discussion

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