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[IC] Sporaltryan War

Encrypted personal communication from Papa Unclepear to Jasper Henn

The airborne Bruuman Expeditionary Defense Force is on its way to Sporyaltrus City and it will arrive in a matter of hours.
The commanding officer is Col. Desmond Morgan; ground troops are composed of regular infantry battalions from Bruuma and Puerto Pollo and companies from Special Forces, Air Defense and Medical Division, all with previous urban warfare experience. Weaponry includes MANPADS, mortars and some light artillery guns. The transports also carries a platoon of Red Jujus, tasked to protect our Embassy.  The Air Force will station Mig 21 jet fighter, supported by Mil Mi 28 attack helicopters and Su 25 attack planes.
In addition, my witchers will help you from Bruuma, even if you don’t believe in magic.
According to the development of the events, I may reinforce this contingent but as I stated I will not send a major force until the true nature of this war is clear.
May the souls of the capitalist invaders wander restless for eternity!
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

The government of Sporaltryus hereby declares war against Kringalia, and rescinds the declaration of war against Qvait.

The Federation of Sporaltryus will agree to peace talks with Qvait.

Henn was a very agitated man. He had declared war on a treaty ally, then on a much more powerful nation in the South Pacific, and now, he wanted to discuss peace with Qvait. Who wouldn't be uneasy? He had also ordered the "defensification" of Sporaltryus for the inevitable invasion against Sporaltryus. He breathed deeply.

"Any more positive scans of Epsilon?" He asked the person sitting across from him.

"No, Ser President." The man replied.

"Good. I don't want to bring the war to Sporaltryan soil if I don't have to." Henn replied. At that moment, a beeping started, and signaled the transmission of his messages to the South Pacific. "It is done." He sighed, then got back to work.

29 October 2014

It is with great disappointment that we take notice of the declaration of war from the sister nation of Sporaltryus. We regret that their leadership is not acting in accordance with the high standards to which all South Pacifican nations are to be held, and we also regret that our growing friendship has been put to a halt without any provocation or undue actions on our part. It is the belief of the Kringalian Government that we could have been responsible mediators and that our peace efforts should have been met with an appropriate measure of respect.

Our Senate and House of Representatives have been duly notified of this development, and have voted to reject the declaration of war and extend again a hand of peace and friendship to Sporaltryus. That being said, President Vannelli has ordered the Kringalian Armed Forces to MRL4, will increase border protection efforts and has deployed the Navy to patrol our coast. We hope these initial measures will make Sporaltryus reconsider its current course.

Lisa Scott
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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The government of the Pacific Republic of Qvait rejects the Sporaltryan declaration of war on Kringalia, and will not hold peace talks until Sporaltryus' war on Kringalia, a neighbor of Qvait, is terminated. President Buzinsky proposes a three-nation peace summit in Stockholm between Qvait, Kringalia, and Sporaltryus.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Furthermore, the government of the Pacific Republic of Qvait seeks war reparations from Sporaltryus.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

From the office of the Sporaltryan President

Sporaltryus is a fine and brilliant nation. A blockade of any kind against our country will be dealt with most harshly, so we are giving a warning to Qvait. If you do not move your warships back to defend your own nation, we will use all force necessary to destroy the blockade, even to the point of using nuclear weapons.

Also, to the point of the peace summit, we will not attend if Kringalia is attending as well. We do not wish to have Contact Epsilon, which is what we've named the invaders, to enter Sporaltryus.

Finally, on the point of war reparations, we will not pay reparations out until Contact Epsilon is exterminated from The South Pacific. The threat is very obvious to us, which is why we are attempting to remove it completely from this region.

~Jasper Henn

The government of the Pacific Republic of Qvait sees no active or existing threat to the Qvaitican or Kringalian people. President Buzinsky, in a press conference, said, "If there was a threat out there, we can handle it ourselves. We don't need a foreign army enter our own borders to deal with a supposed threat. In response to President Henn's remark of using nuclear force against our blockade: if what he describes actually happens, then tensions shall re-escalate, and Qvait will invade Sporaltryus. The use of the blockade is to deter any naval vessel from reaching Kringalia."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

As a anti-socialist nation, Ryccia is currently deciding either to invade Sporaltryus with Qvait and its allies or to stay neutral and try to diplomatically help the two nations. "A war between TSP nations is like saying that the nations do not trust themselves anymore. It is like declaring an inferno to TSP". This was the King, along with Minister of the Army Luis Carbono and Prime Minister Dave Isvou.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


In the morning hours of November 1st, a small fleet was making its way to Sporaltryan shores. It had orders to get to the shore at all costs, from a Sporaltryan General, but the fleet did not know of the blockade. A fight broke out on the flagship, the Henn.

"We are at war, and you want us to do what!?!" yelled a Lieutenant Commander at the Admiral. He threw a cup at the Admiral, who had to duck out the way. The cup smashed against the glass of the bridge, but the glass didn't so much as crack. "I will not allow us to simply try to 'sneak' past the Qvaiti ships! We will get destroyed!" The Lieutenant Commander continued to rant.

"QUIET YOURSELF!" The Admiral bellowed. "We will not sneak past the Qvaiti ships, we will destroy them!" He turned around to face the bow of the Henn, and thought for a minute. "Send a message to the fleet to arm all armaments! This will be the true test of our new fleet!" The bridge of both the flagship and all supporting ships went from quiet to bustling in an instant, and the fleet was gearing to attack the blockade head on.

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