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Qvaitican embassies (closed)

Application to Establish an Embassy in the Pacific Republic of Qvait

Basic information:
(1) Where would you like your embassy to be located? We would like our original building in MacArthur Avenue, or if possible, an empty plot would suit the job.
(2) Where would you like your consulate(s) to be located? 5 of the Qvaitican economical/cultural hubs.
(3) Would you consider your nation as an ally of Qvait? That is still debatable

National Information:
(1) Residing in TSP? Yes
(2) Full name of nation: The Anarcho-Pacifist Technocracy of Hammerstar
(3) Form of government: Constitutional Technocratic Democracy
(4) Head of state: High Paladin Dietrich Fillo Do Xeo
(5) Head of government: Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena
(6) Foreign minister (or equivalent post): Sapphire Paladin Hannelore Trump

High Ambassador:

[Image: xKtb8ie.jpg]
Name: RJ Fischer
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Family: Currently Dating
Mental Issues: Just a grandmaster in Chess
Education: Two Doctorate degrees. Doctor in Enigmaology, and Doctor in Chance and Probability
Language: Speaks 10: Latium, English, Finnish, Swedish, Russian, German, French, Qvaitican, Chinese and Japanese
Relations: Reginald LeClés's close friend, Best friend of Anatolus Karpov, and Chess Grandmaster in Hammerstar
Record: No criminal records
Job History:
Professor in Enigmaology: (2003-Present)
Non-Fiction Author (2003-2007)
Chess Teacher (1998-Present)
Chess Grandmaster (2000-Present)
World Chess Champion (2005-2006, 2008-2009, 2013-2014)
International Relations Delegate (2005-2008)
Senior International Relations Delegate (2008-Present)


[Image: yBAQycq.jpg]
Name: Anatolus Karpov
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Family: One wife, Cannara Karpov
Mental Issues: Just a grandmaster in Chess
Education: One Professorate degree. Professor of Philosophy
Language: Masters in 5: Chinese, Russian, Greek, Latium, English
Relations: Best Friend of RJ Fischer, Apprentice to Lord Ferdinand Pendragon, Close friend of Renatta IV and Chess Grandmaster in Hammerstar
Record: No criminal records
Job History:
Professor in Philosophy: (2003-Present)
CEO of Karpov Inc (2010-Present)
Chess Teacher (1997-Present)
Chess Grandmaster (2000-Present)
World Chess Champion (2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2014-Present)
International Relations Delegate (2007-2008)
Senior International Relations Delegate (2008-Present)

(1) Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation? Yes, with additional restrictions according to SCO
(2) Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation? Yes, with additional restrictions according to SCO
(3) Would you like us to establish an embassy in your nation? (Please link your embassy program if one exists.)
(4) Please list any drugs, alcohol, animals, or plants you will be bringing into the country:
Standard Liquor and wine, a couple of Hammerstarian plants, and Canine units for guarding

(5) Do you have any special requests or comments? An armoury, a dojo, a huge library, and a chess table in every room/office.
(6) Do you have any additional information we should know? I guess that is enough.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Application to Establish an Embassy in the Pacific Republic of Qvait

Basic information:
(1) Where would you like your embassy to be located? 05 Qvaitican Plaza
(2) Where would you like your consulate(s) to be located (refer here)? Sydney and Stockholm
(3) Would you consider your nation as an ally of Qvait? Yes

National Information:
(1) Residing in TSP? Yes
(2) Full name of nation: Liberum Hominis in Terra
(3) Form of government: (Senatorial) Dictatorship
(4) Head of state: Dominum Perdere
(5) Head of government: Dominum Perdere
(6) Foreign minister (or equivalent post): Carliol Pertinax

Ambassadorial information:
(1) Ambassador (full name): Simon Strickland
(2) Age: 52
(3) Gender: Male
(4) Picture: [Image: 5500513_f260.jpg]

(5) Ambassador’s family, if any: Wife (Susan Strickland, married for 25 years), 2 children (Mark, 23, and Amy, 19)
(6) Are there any health, mental, or security issues associated with your ambassador that the Qvaitican government should be aware of? None (Has had surgery on his shoulder when he got shot in the Second Civil War, when he was in his early twenties)

(1) Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation? Yes
(2) Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation? Yes
(3) Would you like us to establish an embassy in your nation? (Please link your embassy program if one exists.) You did so already.
(4) Please list any drugs, alcohol, animals, or plants you will be bringing into the country: None

(5) Do you have any special requests or comments? Ambassador Strickland would like to share a bottle of 60 year old scotch with the leader of Qvait
(6) Do you have any additional information we should know? None

The Ryccian embassy and consulates are effectively closed.

Qvait accepts the LHT's application and President McBane would enjoy to share some scotch with the ambassador. Smile
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Basic information:
(1) Where would you like your embassy to be located? : 07 Thatcher Avenue
(2) Where would you like your consulate(s) to be located (refer here)? : Stockholm
(3) Would you consider your nation as an ally of Qvait? : No, Neutral.

National Information:
(1) Residing in TSP? : Yes
(2) Full name of nation : The Kingdom of Nejopia
(3) Form of government : Monarchy
(4) Head of state : Pehaco Teanocuah
(5) Head of government : Pehaco Teanocuah
(6) Foreign minister (or equivalent post) : Nevocae Nejoteah

Ambassadorial information:
(1) Ambassador (full name) : Joaneh Potuhca
(2) Age : 45 year
(3) Gender : Male
(4) Picture :
[Image: 1445296906-cadre-20110825122827-erod59.jpg]

(5) Ambassador’s family, if any : Single.
(6) Are there any health, mental, or security issues associated with your ambassador that the Qvaitican government should be aware of? : None

(1) Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation? : Yes.
(2) Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation? : Yes.
(3) Would you like us to establish an embassy in your nation? (Please link your embassy program if one exists.) : Yes.
(4) Please list any drugs, alcohol, animals, or plants you will be bringing into the country : None.

(5) Do you have any special requests or comments? : There will be many axes (see for later in Facts about nations) (one for the embassador, one for the ambassy, and some for other persons).
(6) Do you have any additional information we should know? : None
[Image: tNH1rwi.png]

The Qvaitican government has accepted the application submitted by the government of Nejopia.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Application to Establish an Embassy in the Second Republic of Qvait

Basic information:
(1) Where would you like your embassy to be located? Anywhere you wish
(2) Where would you like your consulate(s) to be located (refer here)? Stockholm, Chicane, Vienna, Sydney
(3) Would you consider your nation as an ally of Qvait? No

National Information:
(1) Residing in TSP? Yes
(2) Full name of nation: The Federation of Kys
(3) Demonym: Kysian, Kynian
(4) Form of government: Federation
(5) Head of state: Three Presidents
(6) Head of government: Three Prime Ministers
(7) Foreign minister (or equivalent post): Alexis Minister

Ambassadorial information:
(1) Ambassador (full name): Charles Takogariki
(2) Age: 64
(3) Gender: Male
(4) Picture:
[Image: 330px-David_Koch_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg]

(5) Ambassador’s family, if any: Natalia Fakawiarais
(6) Are there any health, mental, or security issues associated with your ambassador that the Qvaitican government should be aware of? Diabetes

(1) Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation? Yes
(2) Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation? Yes
(3) Would you like us to establish an embassy in your nation? (Please link your embassy program if one exists.) Yes http://thesouthpacific.x10.mx/thread-3414.html
(4) Please list any drugs, alcohol, animals, or plants you will be bringing into the country: Just a male Pug named Erik
(5) Do you have any special requests or comments? ---
(6) Do you have any additional information we should know? ---
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


To: Eminence grace, Foreign Minister of Qvait
From: High Ambassador RJ Fischer

Greetings minister. Wonderful weather isn’t it?

Alright enough chitchat, please inform the President that the Technocracy is not pleased with Qvait for they have not given a lot of effort in creating a stronger relation for both of our countries. This is quite despicable, seeing that both of our nations are neighbors, we should band each other instead of breaking up. We have yet to hear from Qvait in its economical sector, and Qvait’s cooperation with Hammerstar is quite low. Therefore, I bring to you an invitation from out High Paladin to meet Qvait’s head of state in Milau, a city that is close to the border of Qvait-Hammerstar.

We respectively thank Qvait for its hearty and friendly relations, to show your mutual feelings, we ask that you apply for a Qvaitican embassy in Hammerstar to show how dedicated Qvait is to the technocracy.

Please respond wether you are available for a face-to-face meeting, otherwise, the High Paladin suggests that we could do a video conference.

Thank you


Hammerstarian High ambassador to Qvait
RJ Fischer

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Application to Establish an Embassy in the Third Republic of Qvait

Basic information:
(1) Where would you like your embassy to be located? 9 Qvaitican Plaza.
(2) Where would you like your consulate to be located? Cambridge.
(3) Would you consider your nation as an ally of Qvait? Potential.

National Information:
(1) Residing in TSP? Yes.
(2) Full name of nation: The Democratic Republic of Erinor
(3) Demonym: Erinoran/Erinean (Minority: Serevan)
(4) Form of government: Bicameral Parliamentary Republic
(5) Head of stateUra'sia Yena Yamera-Hyudo
(6) Head of governmentUra'sia Yena Yamera-Hyudo
(7) Foreign minister (or equivalent post)Sityara of Foreign Affairs, Sirea Fasya-Arkhando

Ambassadorial information:
(1) Ambassador (full name): Tacyo tuneo Nyava-Tacyo
(2) Age: 42
(3) Gender: Male
(4) Picture: Not Available

(5) Ambassador’s family, if any: Wife (Feolda area Arkhanda-Yeno) and two daughters (Ara Feolda-Tacyo and Verra Feolda-Tacyo)
(6) Are there any health, mental, or security issues associated with your ambassador that the Qvaitican government should be aware of? No.

(1) Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation? Yes.
(2) Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation? Yes.
(3) Would you like us to establish an embassy in your nation? You already have done.
(4) Please list any drugs, alcohol, animals, or plants you will be bringing into the country: One Ficus, one hamster, two goldfish.
(5) Do you have any special requests or comments? Nope.
(6) Do you have any additional information we should know? No.

OOC message for everyone: I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the map of Qvait is outdated and so is the embassy application. Please resubmit your applications.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

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