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What do you think about the Ryccian Bulletin?

(03-16-2015, 06:53 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Why? Your "idea" of RP is far too different from the rest of TSP's idea of RP.

Is your planet MT?

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

(03-17-2015, 04:22 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote:
(03-16-2015, 06:53 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Why? Your "idea" of RP is far too different from the rest of TSP's idea of RP.

Is your planet MT?

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!
I said recently in my Message to the SCO that I'll be relocating to the place Brutland and Norden is(Not in his land, but near him in his area). I believe that the area in which B&N is part of TSP Planet, no? 
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Alright, I need you to answer these questions.

Why do you have your own continent?

Why do you have your own planet?

Why do you have 3 billion people on this continent?

Why do you consider all this Modern Tech?

Why do you always have to have the upper-hand?

Oh dear.
The SSFR are back.
Wheee. Just what the region needs at a time of perceived crisis: a bunch of militants.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Uh...is it me or is Ryccia a dystopian, eternally-at-war state?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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Seems like it sometimes, doesn't it?
Darkstrait is at war a lot, but there are times when you just have to cool the jets (pun intended).
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


The SSFR is back, but as a political party. We denied the publishing of The Worker a few days ago, but it seems that they did not accept it. They hacked our server and published their paper. Luckily, they only hacked to publish the paper, as they did not damage our server, they just hacked and encrypted their paper in the publishing servers.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


So you can stop irritating me, here:

Why do you have your own continent? What?! No! That's only an archipielago. Plus, B&N is there(OOC: None of the claims seemed pleasant for me. Before the map even came out, I already made Ryccia's map. Also, B&N is VERY INACTIVE in the forums, or so I think).

Why do you have your own planet? Taion was in TSP's Solar System(I guess?), so Ryccia researched for a long time until they built a huge rocket to transport lots of passangers. The design of these rockets are VERY hard to make and only carried around 50-60 people, so they were and still they are being produced en masse. Since both TSP Planet and Taion are in TSP Solar System's habitable zone, many rockets left and in 2-4 months, many people arrived. Soon, more improved rockets were produced to facilitate Ryccia-Taion Communications and Trade, and satellites were put all around the TSP-Taion Route to try to provide connection. It is the reason why communications are so blurry in a Ryccia-Taion Communication.

Why do you have 3 billion people on this continent? In Ryccia, having lots of children was normal since 500 AD, when women are estimated to have given birth to an average of 7-10 children in their whole lives. This was meant for the increasing of workforce. But it got so out of hand, when the first Ryccian Census was published in 1975, the government, the people, everyone was on shock. So, the government campaigned for birth control, by suggesting in its ads that women have 1-2 children, or no children at all. This is working, as in 1975, 3.6 billion people were counted, and in 2015 Census, there were only 3.4 billion people in Ryccia, which means -200 million people. And settling Taion was a miracle. 1 Billion People(rockets were and still are being produced en masse) have left to Taion.

Why do you consider all this Modern Tech? ...My weapons, my buildings, everything EXCEPT my rockets are MT. The rockets are PMT or PMT+.

Why do you always have to have the upper-hand? Sorry. I'll try to RP more reasonably, okay?
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


(03-17-2015, 05:25 PM)Ryccia Wrote: So you can stop irritating me, here:

Why do you have your own continent? What?! No! That's only an archipielago. Plus, B&N is there(OOC: None of the claims seemed pleasant for me. Before the map even came out, I already made Ryccia's map. Also, B&N is VERY INACTIVE in the forums, or so I think).

Why do you have your own planet? Taion was in TSP's Solar System(I guess?), so Ryccia researched for a long time until they built a huge rocket to transport lots of passangers. The design of these rockets are VERY hard to make and only carried around 50-60 people, so they were and still they are being produced en masse. Since both TSP Planet and Taion are in TSP Solar System's habitable zone, many rockets left and in 2-4 months, many people arrived. Soon, more improved rockets were produced to facilitate Ryccia-Taion Communications and Trade, and satellites were put all around the TSP-Taion Route to try to provide connection. It is the reason why communications are so blurry in a Ryccia-Taion Communication.

Why do you have 3 billion people on this continent? In Ryccia, having lots of children was normal since 500 AD, when women are estimated to have given birth to an average of 7-10 children in their whole lives. This was meant for the increasing of workforce. But it got so out of hand, when the first Ryccian Census was published in 1975, the government, the people, everyone was on shock. So, the government campaigned for birth control, by suggesting in its ads that women have 1-2 children, or no children at all. This is working, as in 1975, 3.6 billion people were counted, and in 2015 Census, there were only 3.4 billion people in Ryccia, which means -200 million people. And settling Taion was a miracle. 1 Billion People(rockets were and still are being produced en masse) have left to Taion.

Why do you consider all this Modern Tech? ...My weapons, my buildings, everything EXCEPT my rockets are MT. The rockets are PMT or PMT+.

Why do you always have to have the upper-hand? Sorry. I'll try to RP more reasonably, okay?

Better sit down because it's science time.

Let's start with your continent. You claim its a simple archipelago yet but by your claims to support a population of over three billion your "archipelago" is continental in scale even by generous estimates. If we assume the population of the entire TSP is similar to that of Earth, Ryccia would represent half the entire planet's population. We have only two real world instance of a nation with a population in the billions, with the next one less than a tenth of the Ryccian population. I won't even begin to explain reasons that China and India has such a large population which includes everything from geographical factors to their late industrialization. Comparing population densities, if we assume a denser population like in many Asian nations it would at minimum be the size of China (based on India's much higher density) to the size of the entirety of North America, while using the presumably more relevant Western nation densities it could be as large as the entirety of the Afro-Eurasian landmass. And of course there many reasons nations rarely approach that size and most of the ones that do collapse due to the vast cultural and administrative problems that emerge.

Have you ever seen those environmental posters along the lines of "if everyone lived like Americans we would need five Earths"? Now if we are to assume Ryccians have a similar standard of living (which between the massive dystopia I get the impression it's supposed to be) then the Ryccians alone would be using the resources worth of two Earths.

And while I'm not sure what you mean as to being on B&N's archipelago, but I won't even consider the issue of using someone else's territory without their permission.

As for the planet, you run into a lot of issues with two planets orbiting close to each other. Several different effects cause these orbits to shift over time and these eventually add up in an explosive way. It is possible for two planets to share the same orbit, it requires one planet to be much larger than the other and for them to orbit at a very precise distance apart. It is hardly the most stable however; it is theorized that Earth once shared an orbit with such a body, let's just say this "stable" orbit led to the creation of the moon from the debris.

On to the Ryccian Space Program. Currently the largest spacecraft we have has a crew capacity of 7, and such craft usually only carries supplies and a satellite at best. Even then such craft are usually limited to low earth orbit. The International Space Station supports only a tiny crew of 6. Sending a larger crew ten times larger into space isn't simply a matter of adding ten times more fuel. By adding more fuel you've increased the mass further, requiring more fuel... the process causes the requirements to rise exponentially with mass. This higher mass means more force to counteract the force of gravity, necessitating more and stronger engines. Even modern rockets cost in the range of $500 million per launch, and using modern technology it would cost ten times that per launch at the absolute minimum. To send up a billion people would cost in the range of hundreds of quadrillions.

There's a simple matter of why you can't just be "partially FT". To make a craft of that scale remotely practical that means massive technological revolutions of every kind: more powerful and more efficient rockets which leads to improvements to the combustion engine and rocket-based military equipment (ICBMs, rocket artillery, etc), improvements to computing for the control of craft, improvements in the efficiency of power generation (particularly solar), improved materials to build these better and stronger devices. The funny thing about revolutionizing a specific field is that, especially when it comes to space travel, these developments end up sparking innovations which end up producing major impacts on every field. You can't develop one field without affecting everything in some way.

Ryccia, is your RP for fun or for fun + precision in detail?

I mean I would probably only RP for fun because unnecessary adherence to rules of normality would make it less fun.

Also, you make me want to rejoin the RP stratosphere Tounge


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