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TSP Radio

Hello everyone!

I was thinking of implementing a News/Talk radio. Aired through Youtube (or a different media streaming site, however I think Youtube is more accessible).

It would air bi-weekly, and feature all the Southern Journal articles, updates from all Ministries. Maybe some comments, fun things we heard around the RMB and IRC. That kind of thing.

Also, when the time comes for elections; thorough election coverage; it would be a different and new way for non-forum (and existing) Nations to hear the various platforms and who's who running for election.

Any ideas would be fantastic!

I think it's a great idea , and it would allow non-form TSPers join in on all the fun!
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

For something like this, it requires time and dedication from enough people to keep it going. Take Rejected Radio for example. After it faded into obscurity, an attempt was made to restart it, but that lasted far less than when it first started. If you're gonna do this, make sure you're willing to commit to it.


You are absolutely correct. I'm glad to lend as much of my time as I can.

There will be some kinks to work out. I'm not looking for this project to come out in a blaze of beginning glory, but I think with a lot of planning and help from the community this could be loads of fun.

I think you should ask Tsunamy, to do a poll to see if people would watch the clips. Then you would get an idea to see if people would watch them. Then after the first one you should ask Tsunamy again to do a poll but this time ask people if they liked it and if they would keep watching them.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

That's a fantastic idea. I'll get in touch with Tsunamy

Another thing you could consider is using a streaming program or something like that. You could have the radio station run for certain hours and people can tune in to it when they want to. You could also record anything you want to and put it up on youtube so that anyone can see it. You can get people in to do different segments and you could make it last longer by playing music on it too.

EDIT: I realised the program I had in mind won't work very well at all so unless you guys know a good program my idea won't work.

Streaming (live radio) wise, I know of FlatCast. If it's a more podcast-like thing, I think Soundcloud would work fine


First, I'll look into both of them! Although I believe it should start out as an edited show. The idea of a live show would be fantastic on a later date; I do think it would be a huge hit.

Second, Hosts. I don't mind giving my voice to the radio; however I'm very open to anyone else willing to speak on the show.

Third, judging by the current poll on the RMB, there seems to be a genuine interest in a TSP Radio Show.
Would anybody have any ideas on what we could broadcast? Some of my ideas are:
-Southern Journal articles;
-Funny Stories around IRC and RMB
-Maybe some RP news if the RP community is willing to share;
-InterRegional news;
-Of course I would like to hear all ideas from everyone Smile

Last, a new library has opened up near me and they have a creative studio: a recording booth including a high end microphone with access to a computer with all the editing programs we would need. I do (as many others) have the required equipment at my home, but I would offer my time seeing as the studio is in walking distance.

Again, I would love to hear from anyone about concerns/comments/ideas... anything really! As I've stated before, I do not expect this to be a thing within the next few weeks; it has the possibility of being an amazing project.

Thank you everyone!

1. I agree that at first it should start out on youtube or something like that.

2. I wouldn't mind speaking on the show, I think it could be great fun!

3.I agree with everything you suggested. Maybe at election times you could have a broadcast from everyone running for a job. I would also suggest international news, and things like that. I would split the SJ and news stuff away from all the other things as some people won't care about the news and other will only care about the news.

I think if people do put the effort into this and keep it going it could be really successful! I would be glad to do whatever I can to help.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

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