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The United Cascade


Monday, 1 June, 2015

Issue #131: Awesomiasa proposes comprehensive immigration framework in SCO

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — For months, Qvait tried to pass an extradition treaty in the Southern Cooperation Organisation (SCO) but to no avail. However, fellow member Awesomiasa has proposed a comprehensive immigration framework that would create a Common Travel Area, an international criminal database, suppress visas, and the extradition agreement that Qvait has pushed for under the West Administration.

The establishment of a Common Travel Area (CTA) would make travel easier among SCO member nations. Creating a CTA would dramatically affect Qvait's strict immigration policy, but the government of Qvait would probably go along with the SCO immigration framework since it only affects travel among SCO member nations and not travel outside the SCO. In the Qvaitican Senate, the politicians who are opposing this framework are the further-right Conservatives, who argue that passing the SCO's immigration framework would mean giving up part of Qvait's sovereignty. However, the more moderate centre-right Conservatives and Democrats, who are larger than the further-right Conservatives, support the framework.

Even though the further-right Conservatives propose passing provisions of the immigration framework, the rest of the Senate wants the framework passed in its entirety. It is evident that everyone in the Senate will support an international criminal database and an extradition agreement. However, the Senate wants Mr. Simon Harawira, the Awesomiasan representative to the SCO, to clarify the framework's provision on asylum seekers. Conservative Majority Leader of the Senate Joshua Fornell told a reporter that many other senators are unsure what Harawira intended on the asylum seeker bit, but are sure that the representative will clarify want he meant for us."

Even though the SCO immigration framework is supported by the Democrats, the further-left section of Democrats are pushing for their long-standing "Open Border, Open Immigration" policy for Qvait, which has gained much, but not enough, support over the last few years. However, members of the United Conservative Party (UCP) say that some restrictions are necessary for the security of Qvait. The Qvaitican Republic has had an open border since it first joined the South Pacific, but does not have an existing free migration policy. Despite the national arguments over other aspects of immigration, the Qvaitican Senate seems very supportive of the SCO's comprehensive immigration framework.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Monday, 1 June, 2015

Issue #132: Construction of federal buildings in Stockholm is completed

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — The construction of federal buildings in Stockholm has been completed as of 2 June. Once construction was completed, many Qvaitican architects agreed that the three federal buildings are masterpieces. Vice President Dominic Frost gave his opinion to the editor of The Qvaitican Cascade, saying that "these buildings will encapture the dreams of many Qvaiticans. Furthermore, these buildings will show Qvait's power and influence in the world, which has been, in my opinion, underrated."

Standing at the height of 3,000 feet, the skyscraper, which is called Executive Qvait, is now the permanent home of part of the executive branch of the Qvaitican government. As the building stands at the center of Stockholm, it is surrounded by a semi-circular 1,500-foot-tall Capitol Qvait, home of the Qvaitican Congress as well as several executive agencies. At the top of Executive Qvait is the presidential office, where the window faces southeast, toward the Abrams Bay, which leads to the Pacific Ocean. The direction of which the window faces is also where a portion of the circle of Capitol Qvait is removed. Filling the space removed is a 1,000-foot-tall building called Judicial Qvait, where the Qvaitican Supreme Court is and several executive agencies. The roof of Judicial Qvait is leaned at a downward angle towards the ocean.

Before the completion of the buildings, the de facto, but unrecognized, home of the President was in Sydney. However, now that Executive Qvait has been completed, the building will be home for President Gabriel West once he returns from his visit to Ryccia. Furthermore, the existence of the buildings means that the No Fly Clear Sky Act of 2014 has now been enacted. As such, no aircraft may fly within 50 miles of Stockholm. As a result of the legislation, the Stockholm International Airport is now under military control and will not be used by commercial airliners. However, the airport may be used by, of course, the government, and foreign dignitaries. The nearby cities of Brooklyn and Chicane will not be affected by the legislation.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Wednesday, 3 June, 2015

Issue #133: United Conservative Party in danger of losing 2016 election says Noez

VANCOUVER, QVAIT — Revis Noez, an editor at The Vancouver Times, published an article saying that the United Conservative Party (UCP) is more likely than ever to lose the 2016 election. Having surprisingly survived the 2015 election, the UCP will probably not be saved by a last-minute surge of votes in the next election. In was on 3 April, 2013, when the Republican and Constitutionalist Parties merged to form the United Conservative Party, which has been very successful in the last few years. However, a progressive trend that has begun in 2015 might falter the political party in the next election.

Before the merger, Lieutenant Colonel Victor Cutter, a Republican, defeated Constitutionalist Governor MacArthur Knight and Democrat Governor Shawn Euron with 36.4% of the votes in 2012. The next year, Knight defeated Euron with a 57% vote. In 2014, for the first time, the United Conservative Party was on the ballot. However, the UCP was taken by surprise that year when centrist Dmitri Buzinsky defeated both Conservative Governor Gabriel West and Democratic Senator Donovan Gaunt. Despite both the Consevative and Democratic failure in 2014, the Conservatives would narrowly take back the executive branch in the recent election when Governor West defeated Governor Euron with 43.9% of the vote while Euron had 43.6%.

On the Left, the people with the most potential to run are: former Governor Shawn Euron, incumbent Senator Donovan Gaunt, and incumbent Congresswoman Margaret Harrison. Of the three, two have made the nomination: Euron thrice and Gaunt once. Despite his multiple failures of becoming the President, his reputation was saved by his near victory in the 2015 election. However, eyes are leaning towards a younger and more successful candidate. Congresswoman Harrison has remained in the Qvaitican House of Representatives since 2012, having been re-elected once. She is 2–0 in being elected, and has an 83% approval rating by her district, the 12th of Algonquin, which has been split evenly between Conservatives and Democrats.

The editor of The Qvaitican Cascade approached Congresswoman Harrison, asking her if she plans to run for President. She smiled and said that "if that is what it takes to get the Democratic Party in the presidential office, then so be it." When asked about foreign policy, she said, "If I was President, I would want Qvait to be involved in the world. In my opinion, the Democratic Party has fell out of touch in this policy with its voters and that is why the party keeps losing." The timeline in which people can announce their presidential candidacy is between 1 July and 1 August. After that, the primary election will be on 3 November. Then, the general election will be on 5 January, 2016.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Thursday, 4 June, 2015

Issue #134: Qvaitican Congress votes to further centralize the education system

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — By a vote of 414–86 in the House of Representatives and 82–18 in the Senate, the Qvaitican Congress voted to further centralize the education system of Qvait in the National Education Standards Act (NESA; pronounced knee-suh). As such, all public schools, colleges, and universities in the country will be registered into a national database of schools at the website, education.qv.gov. On the internet, these schools will be listed and categorized as either: preschool, elementary, middle, high, vocational, online, two-year college, four-year college, or university.

As part of the NESA, all primary and secondary education schools in the country will be year-round starting on 4 January, 2016. However, since summer vacation for students will be between 22 June, 2015 and 4 September, 2015, that means that the 2016 school year for students will be 15 months in length. To accomodate for the lengthy year, winter and spring break will last for an entire month in December and April, a three-week break in July, a two-week break in October, and the school year will end on Wednesday, 30 November, 2016, therefore making the 2016 school year 12 months in length excluding breaks. In the 2017 school year, schooling will start on 2 January and end on 22 December. In between, students will have a two-week break in April, a three-week break in July, and a two-week break in October. If students need to makeup credits, they will do so during their July break.

The NESA will also affect terms in schools. All primary and secondary schools will have their school years divided into two semesters: Semester 1 (January–June) and Semester 2 (July–December). At the end of each semester, students will have to take a final exam that will be administered by the national Department of Education through the teachers. The exams will be sent from the schools to the Department of Education, who will score the exams and report the scores to the schools, parents, and the students. It is the preference of each teacher to decide if he or she will count the exam as part of the student's grade.

At the post-secondary level, the NESA will allow each college and university to determine the terms and their length, nor will it affect the material of the classes in post-secondary schools. However, the academic performance of all students in the country will be made available to all post-secondary schools. Despite the many changes made to public schools in the country, private schools will be unaffected by the NESA, which created much support for the bill by the Conservative congressmen and women.

On the athletic side of the NESA, it will allow for an easier keeping of player and team statistics at the preference of each player and team. This was pushed by the National Athletic Association of Qvait (NAA), who was also pushed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), who wanted to have the statistics of high school athletes made available to colleges and universities that are recruiting athletes. Furthermore, the NESA will make more athletic programs available for high schools that do not have athletic programs such as hockey or even shooting. This will be done so by allocating $500 million for the assembly of hockey rinks or fields for golf, archery, shooting, and other sports.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Friday, 5 June, 2015

Issue #135: Qvaitican Congress redefines voting age, thoughts on the 4th Qvaitican Congress

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — Initially, voters must be of 18 years of age to vote in the primary election, the election that determines a political party's presidential nominee. However, by a vote of 471–29 in the House of Representatives and 97–3 in the Senate, the Qvaitican Congress passed the Revised Voting Age Act, which allows 17-year-olds, who will be old enough to vote in the general election, to vote in the primary election. With this move, the controversy regarding citizens who cannot vote in the primary election even though they will be 18 years of age for the general election has been removed.

The RVAA is one of a number of bills in which there was universal agreement in the 4th Qvaitican Congress. The new Congress overwhelmingly voted in support of extending the National Health Service on 27 May and the National Education Standards Act yesterday. In an online poll administered by Qvaitican News, 74% of Qvaiticans agree with the actions taken by the 4th Qvaitican Congress. In a comment by writer David Kennan, he said that "the 4th Qvaitican Congress truly cares about the health, literacy, and suffrage of its population."

Despite the positive comment by Kennan, Bradley Quinn, the editor of The Sydney Sun, argued that the divide seen by the voting on the Death with Dignity Act on 25 May is only caused by the religiousness of half of the politicians. "Politicians like Vice President Frost and Senator Ressick are voting against it because it conflicts with their religious beliefs." Quinn alluded to the Qvaitican Constitution, which guaranteed the separation of church and state. "However, the politicians are not willing to leave religion out of their job, which is to serve the Qvaitican people."

The official approval ratings for the 4th Qvaitican Congress in the months of April and May are 82% and 75% respectively. With regard to Quinn's argument, it is possible that the divisiveness on the Death with Dignity Act is what led to the seven percent drop in approval. However, it is likely that another divisive issue will come to vote, which is predicted to be the issue of abortion. Representative Jennifer Stevens (D-Euron) introduced a bill that proposes that abortion is made legal. However, Conservative representatives have told reporters that they hope to limit abortion to only cases of when the life of the mother is in danger.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Saturday, 6 June, 2015

Issue #136: President Gabriel West returns home from visit to Ryccia

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — After spending a week in Ryccia, President Gabriel West has now returned back home to Qvait. The President has assured the Qvaitican people that his visit to Daonlathas was a productive one, "We are one step closer towards Ryccian accession to the Southern Cooperation Organisation, which has been my priority in this Administration's foreign policy since the beginning." Secretary of State Giovanni Giletti told a reporter that the President is "only giving half of the story."

The Secretary of State told the editor of The Qvaitican Cascade that it was a three-party talk between Qvait, Ryccia, and Laiwan. Of course, before the talks were held, President West address the Ryccian Parliament, which was on national television in Qvait. However, after the presidential address, the delegations got to work. They started discussing the drastic improvements to Ryccian infrastructure and transportation because of the Rebuilding Ryccia program. Then, the parties started discussing the possible Ryccian and Laiwanese SCO membership and the Talyan situtation.

With regard to the Talyan situation, Secretary Giletti said that the Ryccian military has the power to stabilize the situation, "There is going to be no need to commit Qvaitican soldiers to the conflict, since it is only a small and isolated situation." The most productive part of the visit was convincing the Ryccians to resubmit an application to join the Southern Cooperation Organisation. The Secretary of State said that Ryccian membership to the SCO is the number one priority of the West Doctrine, the current administration's foreign policy. President West said, "Our plan is to strengthen Qvait's relationship with Ryccia, which we have managed to do well."

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Monday, 8 June, 2015

Issue #137: Qvaitcan Congress creates the Department of Immigration

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — Recently, there has been a surge of emigration from other countries to Qvait, making the work tougher for the Departments of Justice and of Intelligence and Security. As such, the Qvaitican Congress, by a vote of 342–158 in the House of Representatives and 65–35 in the Senate, created the Department of Immigration, the executive branch's eighteenth executive department. After the creation of the department, President Gabriel West appointed Conservative Hayden Everett as the inaugural Secretary of Immigration.

Because of the creation of the new department, several agencies originally part of the Departments of Justice and of Intelligence and Security have now been relocated. The following agencies are now part of the Department of Immigration: Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection. The creation of an executive department entirely tasked with immigration is supposed to make immigration into Qvait more organized.

The creation of the Department of Immigration comes after Awesomiasa proposed a comprehensive immigration framework in the Southern Cooperation Organisation (SCO). President West said, "Ahead of the immigration framework, the creation of the Department of Immigration will help in the enforcement of the agreement once it is agreed to."

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Monday, 8 June, 2015

Issue #138: Remembering MacArthur Knight

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — On Saturday, 8 June, 2013, President MacArthur Knight, the nation's first Jewish president, was assassinated in his sleep by a North Qvaitican communist. Today, the Qvaitican government remembers him by designating the eighth of June as Remembrance Day. When he was elected President, many scholars believed that Knight would be called "Qvait's greatest president." However, two months into his presidency, he was assassinated.

[Image: itfoe-reagan.png]
President MacArthur Knight on 4 June, 2013.

MacArthur Knight was born on Saturday, 16 August, 1944 to Robert and Evelyn Knight. Born as the oldest of three brothers, he would set an example for his brothers. By the time he was in high school, Knight had a deep interest in politics. At the time, Qvait was under the control of the old Soviet Union, but was rebellious of communist subjugation. When he was 23, half of Qvait sought independence from the Soviets, thus starting the Qvaitican Civil War. Living at the border of North and South Qvait, Knight and his family had to pick sides.

On 12 July, 1964, MacArthur Knight and his youngest brother, James, sided with the nationalists (South Qvait), but his other brother, Wayne, sided with the loyalists (North Qvait). Their parents would not tolerate the divide and would seek refuge in a neighboring country. In 1964, the nationalist Knight brothers were given training from Walter Mason, a Qvaitican war hero who fought against the invading Soviets in the 1920s, but would be forced into hiding after the Qvaiticans surrendered in 1932. Through training, the two brothers learned how to shoot and hand-to-hand combat among other things. Their training would last six months and would end in December.

After finishing their training, the two brothers would fight on the battlefield as the two Qvait's went to war. In January 1965, the two brothers would be separated as MacArthur would fight at the Battle of Odessa, while James would go to fight at the Battle of Algonquin Springs. The Battle of Odessa would be a South Qvaitican victory, but it would be a defeat at Algonquin Springs. The consequence of the defeat was the death of James Knight, which would deeply affected MacArthur. However, MacArthur Knight knew that in order to make sure that his brother's death was not in vain, he would have to fight on.

After his brother's death, Knight would go on and fight in the Battles of New Braxton, Siempra Falls, and in the Second Battle of Algonquin Springs. In 1977, Knight would battle in the most significant fight, the Battle of Stockholm, where the battle was fought to a stalemate, In the end of the war, an armistice was signed and the city was divided north and south. Becoming President thirty-six years later, he vowed to reunite the country, but was assassinated. However, his Vice President, Johnathon Victor, would carry out Knight's dream, defeating the North Qvaitican government in the Second Civil War, thus reuniting the country.

From many accounts, MacArthur Knight was always a friendly person to be around. Former President Victor Cutter remarked that Knight was "the greatest friend anyone could ever have." After his death on 8 June, 2013, many of Knights friends, such as Presidents Cutter and Victor, and his constituents observed Hanukkah because of his Jewish faith. Then-President Johnathon Victor said, "The least we can do is honor him and his faith. MacArthur was a man that I looked up to, a man who many people looked up to." Even though he is not alive, many Qvaitican families put an extra plate at the dinner table in the belief that Knight is there with them. MacArthur Knight (16 August, 1944–8 June, 2013) is and will always be known as a role model to millions of Qvaiticans.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Wednesday, 10 June, 2015

Issue #139: The Left in Qvait undergoes depolarization, 2016 election

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — This morning, the Democratic, Social Democratic, Liberal, and Progressive Parties merged to form the Labor Party. Since 2012, the Democratic Party has failed to win enough votes because the Left was polarized between the many different political parties. On the Right, the Republican and Constitutionalist Parties merged in 2013 to form the United Conservative Party and has been very successful. However, with the progressive trend of Qvait and now the depolarization of the Left, the new Labor Party is on even footing and is predicted to win next year's election.

To begin what a number of political analysts believe is the "Labor offensive," Governor Natalie Cruz announced that she will register in July to be a presidential candidate under the Labor platform. Governor Cruz, who was Governor Shawn Euron's campaign manager in the previous election, said that she was urged by Governor Euron to run. Governor Euron, who failed three times in 2012, 2013, and 2015 to be elected President, came up short in the last election, losing by three-tenths of a percent to then-Governor Gabriel West. Because of Euron's unluckiness in the three elections, he told a reporter that he will not run for President again.

Besides Governor Cruz, another Labor presidential hopeful is Congresswoman Margaret Harrison, who announced her intent to run right after Governor Cruz's announcement. Even though all eyes were on the Conservatives in the last few elections, it seems that the attention has shifted left. Last week, the polls leaned towards Congresswoman Harrison. However, after Governor Euron endorsed Governor Cruz, the recent polls indicate that there is going to be competition for Congresswoman Harrison. George Foreman, a political analyst from Amsterdam, told the editor of The Qvaitican Cascade that the "number one issue in the Labor primary will be Qvait's membership in the Southern Cooperation Organisation." Governor Cruz is against SCO membership while Congresswoman Harrison supports it.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History


Friday, 12 June, 2015

Issue #140: Qvaitican government officials furious with several SCO leaders

STOCKHOLM, QVAIT — After a vote shut down Laiwan's potential entry into the Southern Cooperation Organisation and a breakdown in the accession bid for Ryccia, Qvaitican government officials are infuriated. President Gabriel West and SCO Representative Jonathan Brennan tried to have Ryccia admitted into the SCO, but are failing in doing so. After the Sporaltryus delegate proposed an international pact in which it would impose sanctions on Ryccia and Laiwan and isolate the two nations, it was then that Qvaitican officials became increasingly angry.

In a public statement, President West said, "I am not mad, I am furious! Right after regaining membership in the Southern Cooperation Organisation, Sporaltryus wants to go after our ally Ryccia. It is as if Sporaltryus wants to crash and take control of SCO operations. I support our SCO Representative Jon Brennan's statement in which he said that the Sporaltryans need to ease the relationship of their nation with Ryccia. I cannot tell you how frustrated I am." President West told the Qvaitican people that it is his goal to make Ryccia a member of the SCO, but he has failed. When asked about what to do now, the President said, "I will try again to get Ryccia in the SCO, but the stubbornness of some of our fellow members in the SCO is preventing that."

Right now, the matter of Ryccian accession has been put to vote, but many Qvaitican government officials who are kept away from what is happening in the voting room already believe that the vote is a lost cause. Secretary of State Giovanni Giletti is another official who is furious, "The entire time we have been in the SCO, everything has been going our way, and with Sporaltryus regaining membership, things have not been going our way, but with Sporaltryus." Soon later, the Sporaltryan delegation proposed the Castietyan Pact, which made emotions in the Qvaitican government get even worse. Vice President Dominic Frost said, "There is no way in hell that we will allow Sporaltryus or any nation to impose sanctions on Ryccia or Laiwan or even attempt to isolate the two nations.

Copyright 2013–2015. Qvaitican Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

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