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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) Ryccian Elections

OOC: A few things that people don't know that they really should:
1. It is possible to make a jetpack that works by firing a machine gun at the ground, if the machine gun is a minigun.
2. Diamond, when placed in a puddle of liquid oxygen and hit with a blowtorch, burns brightly and explosively; as the crystals expand from the heat, they shatter violently, releasing shrapnel.
3. Airplanes can be brought down easily; three have gone down in the past year alone.
(Well, the last one is common knowledge. But you get my point.)

IC: The assassins walked silently through the dark alleys of Ryccia. There was no missing the Diamond Palace, which, conveniently enough, was their target. As they neared the soldiers, they drew dart guns, except one who pulled an IR pistol and shot out the security cameras. The first wave went down under the hail of tranquilizer darts.
The assassins slipped quietly up to the palace. One got out the minigun-jetpack. Another pulled a flask of liquid oxygen from under his coat and emptied it against the nearest diamond wall. The one with the IR pistol then trained it on the wall until it began to glow yellow with heat...
The assassins ran. The one with the jetpack took off in a spray of shrapnel and spent ammo. His job was to clear a path for the others through the outer perimeter, while the others shot out the cameras and took down any guards in the way. Behind them, the diamond glowed white hot and began to ignite...
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Diamond Shine Castle
"The project will benefit... do you smell something, CEO Maria Vokyeon?"
"Yes, it smells like..."
"FIRE!!!" screamed a guard
"What do you think we are do..."
The King spotted something in the sky, and ammo came down in a barrage.
The young King shielded himself, and called the Ryccian Air Force(RAF). Within minutes, 2 helicopters arrived, trying to shoot down the unknown target.

The RAF had failed, but the target retreated, as it was spotted. The King was left with a gunshot injury in his left arm. He was taken to the Daonlathas West Hospital, in severe pain. The hospital was guarded heavily.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Commons House. Punchwoodian Parliament.

Prime Minister Lime: "Mr Speaker, we on this side of the house, believe that those living in the areas controlled by the SSFR should not have to put up with a government they do not want. The area owned by the rebels also held elections and a majority voted for the Socialist Party however they have to put up with a government they did not vote for his is simply not fair."
*Cheers in agreement*
Speaker: "Mrs Cowmadly"
Mrs Cowmadly: Mr Speker we on this side of the house also agree with the Prime Minister, however we want to know what he is prepared to do.
*Cheers from one side and shouts from the Opposition*
Speaker: "Prime Minister."
Prime Minister Lime: Well Mr Speaker, we plan to annex the region, we would perform military action on the region to prevent attacks from foreign governments. We would keep the region or gift it to the SSU until tensions in the region have clamed down so no more coups or attacks are made."
Speaker: "Mrs Cowmadly."
Mrs Cowmadly: "We agree that the region should be annexed however, we believe that it should be given straight back to Ryccia, once tensions have clamed down and they promise to hold elections again but by using STV or AV. Mr Speaker we also believe that local elections should use STV or MMP as well. The region owned currently by the SSFR should have a referendum on devolved powers."
*Cheers from around the house*
Speaker: "Prime Minister".
Prime Minister Lime: Mr speaker, I agree and I am sure the rest of my party does as well.
*Cheers from his side of the house*
Speaker: "The debate will continue at 19:00PM for now a break."

A large number of MPs stand up to leave, others leave later.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

The Assassins' Lair
"The King survived."
"As I expected. A fire is survivable if you know your way out."
"What next?"
"Well, no one really knows that we're here---"
"Wrong! Dozens of guards will attest to our presence. They know something's up. You know the King. He has a suspicious mind."
"What are we going to do?"
"Well, the King's in hospital, right?"
The assassins listened in silence as the leader continued with his plan.

Across the street from the hospital, one day later
The Assassins had rented an apartment after the plan had been decided. It was conveniently right across the street from the ward the King was staying in. The Assassins had dispersed, each to do their part in the plan. Three were in the apartment. Another one was down on the street driving around in a rental car, pretending to be lost. He was the getaway driver. A fifth was waiting on the roof of the hospital pretending to be fixing a leak, in case the first plan failed.
The first assassin, the leader, said, "Begin operation."
The second assassin said, "Yes, sir," and opened a smartphone app that allowed him to control a small drone. The drone lifted off from a tabletop and flew out the window.
The first assassin said, "Agent Caipere, start angling in to our position."
The fourth assassin, the one in the car, replied "Copy that," via an encrypted radio channel.
The second assassin said, "Beginning approach on power transformer."
The first assassin said, "Remember to evade."
The second assassin said, "Yes, sir. Fifty feet and closing."
The drone weaved back and forth toward the transformer.
The second assassin said, "Almost there...NOW!"
The transformer burst in a shower of sparks. And across the street, they saw the hospital lights go out.
The first assassin said, "Okay. There will be a panic; everyone on life support is in deep trouble. We have 30 seconds of chaos until they get the emergency generators on. Agent Caipere, get over here now. Agent Brazen, take him out."
The third assassin went to the open window with an IR sniper rifle. He carefully aimed across the street at the hospital bed that the King was in.
He pulled the trigger.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Ironhead Street
As the assasin fired, he shot a doctor who was operating him. A policeman saw him:
"Attention! Code 4645! Code 4645!"
The policeman ordered the code for reinforcements. The military and riot police stormed the building quickly, prohibiting anyone from entering or going.

The King was taken to another operation room with no windows to prevent this ever happening again. The street was heavily occupied.

"Surrender now! Come out with your hands out now!" A policeman shouted.
"We have them. They look... Darkstraitese. I repeat. Darkstraitese-looking subjects!".
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"@#$^*^%#!" the first assassin swore. "We'll have to shoot our way out. Get out the mini-pack."
The second assassin grabbed the minigun-jetpack and braced it up against the wall, his finger on the activation control. The third assassin wielded his sniper rifle. The first assassin grabbed a dart gun.
The fifth assassin, meanwhile, had pulled out his IR pistol. He lay at the edge of the roof and began picking off cops, taking out half a dozen before they noticed.
The fourth assassin pulled onto the street. Without hesitation he pulled out an explosive and a dart gun. He opened the car door, put the explosive on the hood of the car, and leaped out of the still-moving car. The resulting explosion took out three cop cars. The fourth assassin leapt into an alley and began firing at the police.
Meanwhile, the riot police broke down the door to the apartment. Unfortunately, the minigun was ready and waiting. After the first few officers went down, the rest fled. The assassins continued to fire at the fleeing cops.
Outside the building, the cops, under fire from the other assassins, and lacking cover due to the fact that the cars were burning, tried to find shelter. But the IR laser pistol, although smaller and weaker than the sniper rifle, was still capable of searing wood and chipping brick, and eventually many fled. Those who didn't were picked off, one by one.
The riot police had completely broken ranks. They had signed up to arrest civilians with bricks, not professional killers with a minigun. They hid around the building or fled outside. Those who fled were picked off.
The fourth assassin, after all the cops had fallen, grabbed a police car with the keys still in. It had been miraculously unharmed. The fifth assassin rappelled down from the hospital and the others ran down the stairs and out of the building. They all got in the car and fled.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Speakers and radio spoke out:
"All of Daonlathas is on air and land lockdown! The police will be blocking the exits to the city by air and land. Thank you very much".
Unknown Bunker
The King had finally been operated. He then went to a top-secret bunker with his generals:
"Sir, a Darkstraitese-looking subject and other subjects like this tried to shoot you".
"Ufff... It's such a pain in this arm... Well, they were Darkstraitese?"
"Yes. We identified a hair in their apartament and one of them is definitely Darkstraitese".
"That blasted Ridcully! How about we give them some of tjeir own medicine?".
"You mean... an attack on Darkstrait?".
"Yes. Send the Foreign Aces".
"Foreign Aces?!".

The Foreign Aces were descendants of immigrants who were trained to the bitter end to conduct terrorist attacks. Since they were not Ryccian by ethnicity, Darkstrait could not suspect that Ryccia was about to do what it was going to do.

Darkstraitese Capital
The Foreign Aces flew from different parts of the world, each with fake passports that looked real enough to fool anyone anywhere. They were 60, but 5 were sent. One flew from Saudi Arabia and was arab by ethnicity. Another flew from Brazil, and was brazilian by ethnicity. In addition, one flew from Kringalia, and was kringalian by ethnicity. Two others flew from Japan, and were japanese by ethnicity. They met at a cafe, pretending to talk about Darkstrait, but it was all strange code meaning their real conversation. They were going to set a homemade bomb that looked like a little chip. They were not suspected by Darkstrait in any way. Yet.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Ridcully's Office
"Sir, the Assassins have reported back."
"Did they kill the King?"
"No, sir. They are trapped in Daonlathas, but still at large. The King has ordered a lockdown."
"Hmmm. The King is devious. Watch the streets. Anything suspicious---anything at all---and we'll lock down the city."
"Yes, sir. I shall inform the mayor immediately."
"Wait... we can turn this to our advantage. Send a message to the King. Tell him that if they launch any sort of attack, we'll send troops to storm the SJS embassy."
"Yes, sir."
Official Message
We must inform the King of Ryccia and the leader of the SJS Republic that any further attack on Darkstrait will result in an attack on the SJS embassy. We will not shoot to kill, but the ambassador and anyone else will be taken prisoner.
The assassins drove the stolen cop car to the police perimeter around the edge of the city. The commander wouldn't let them through, but that was okay because he changed his mind after seeing the minigun. But as soon as the car was through, he radioed in immediately.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


(Thank you for putting much more detail in posts, it is quite refreshing to read the action.

But, I need to point something out.

Contact your victim of attack. Plot out the attack with them, what you'll use, they'll send, and how much damage will be done. Etc, you know? Thank you. It helps prevent godmodding, when one side won't die so the over ends up using PT weapons. )

Ah, the wonders of technology. I'm on Tapatalk!

Qvait reviewed the election and the Federal Election Commission is certain that the Ryccian election was fair.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

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