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Raven - Spiritus

It's silly to appoint GR to finish this term.

We can either as Sopo or Hile to take over for two weeks or — shock of shocks — ask an inexperienced player to give it a try for two weeks. Sopo and Hile were working with Raven, so it will maintain a consistency in FA that everyone wants so badly.
[forum admin]

I would be worried about Sopo's CoI as Euro President, and Hileville's links to Belschaft. We'd be giving them not only a seat as MoFA, but an easy opportunity to return to the Belschaft decision and any of the other current security issues.

G-R seems like the safer bet - he's got a proven track-record as MoFA and he'll get the job done more quietly without the potential for more cabinet drama.

No matter who we put in there will be drama. This whole term has been drama.

Raven was elected to switch gears from GR. Why does it makes sense to drop back to what we didn't want this term? I vote Sopo.
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(03-12-2015, 12:09 AM)Unibot Wrote: I would be worried about Sopo's CoI as Euro President, and Hileville's links to Belschaft. We'd be giving them not only a seat as MoFA, but an easy opportunity to return to the Belschaft decision and any of the other current security issues.

G-R seems like the safer bet - he's got a proven track-record as MoFA and he'll get the job done more quietly without the potential for more cabinet drama.

We're not painting Hile with the same brush as Bels and, tbh, Sopo's conflict of interest is no worse than yours.

You can hold a vote on GR, but it'll be completed over my complete objection.
[forum admin]

I have more practical concerns, to be honest. Sopo is busy as President of Europeia. Hileville has been extremely inactive and Ravenclaw was considering his removal prior to forfeiting his position. I want us to appoint someone who we know can get the job done and is active enough to do it. It is my honest believe that neither of the current Deputies hold up against Glen in that regard.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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Exactly, Raven didn't make it a secret he was going to remove Hileville before leaving and Sopo is trying to run the presidency of Europeia.

I'm going to be blunt here. We spent much of this term trying to undo the damage Glen's previous stint at FA caused. Pen and I also ran against GR's take on FA and his current actions of blackballing everyone in the Assembly doesn't seem to imply he's changed his attitude at all.

I realize GR is a friend that has been in the government with both of you, but your personal connection is coloring your view of this.

I've also reached out to Sopo and he said he'd be willing to take on the duties through the end of the month.
[forum admin]

I vote Sopo.

(03-12-2015, 06:07 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: I'm going to be blunt here. We spent much of this term trying to undo the damage Glen's previous stint at FA caused. Pen and I also ran against GR's take on FA and his current actions of blackballing everyone in the Assembly doesn't seem to imply he's changed his attitude at all.

I realize GR is a friend that has been in the government with both of you, but your personal connection is coloring your view of this.

On the contrary, Tsunamy - I think your personal hatred of him is colouring your opinion of his term - his "previous stint" was one of the more successful outings of anyone as MoFA - far more successful than Raven - who fumbled on most of our major portfolios and left the only new treaty in shambles, with a quick, ill-prepared departure. 

His animosity with imperialists was the natural result of any honest soul in his position not wanting TSP to be walked over by foreign powers - and until you recognize that the imperialists were trying to walk over us, you're never going to understand that. For someone who keeps screaming about putting TSP first, you were surprisingly cool with the way UIAF was treating our region.

I've suggested Glen-Rhodes because he has a proven track-record of getting things done. He pushed through two successful treaties through the house against an antagonist Belschaft & SB. I'm worried Sopo and Hileville didn't seem to recognize the shortcomings of the treaty's text earlier - plus Euro and NPO don't get along at all (they cut off all relations in 2013) - if the needed changes aren't made to the text and Sopo deliberately dogs it on the NPO file because he wants TSP-NPO relations to stay cold, then we could have two botched treaties on our hands, simply because Raven got a temper tantrum and we picked the wrong replacement. 

When the only damn thing that we can claim was done on FA by Raven this term was rewriting TNP treaty (which I bloody suggested to him) we really need to look more at getting results, not getting someone in here with potentially an axe to grind on a number of issues. 

(03-12-2015, 06:07 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: We spent much of this term trying to undo the damage Glen's previous stint at FA caused.

Um, ok. Glen executed foreign policy as directed by the Cabinets he served under. If anyone is to blame for whatever damages were allegedly caused, then that person is me. I am also concerned that you are placing the blame on our side, tsu, when it is so obvious that others tried to pressure and corner us into untenable positions. We are not blameless, but it certainly is unfair and quite disconcerting to see you post as if Glen caused grave damage to our FA.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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