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Citizenship Law Amendment

(03-28-2015, 07:35 PM)Sandaoguo Wrote: Gameplayer aren't going to stop just because you say you don't like what they're doing, or they shouldn't "get to decide" things in the region. GCRs are a big part of Gameplay politics and always have been. The only reason TSP didn't experience a lot of it from 2011-2014 was because the region was already locked down into the Independent-imperialist sphere, and did things like purge the region of UDL members.

As long as our elections are open to incredibly easy outsider influence, there will be outsider influence. That will wax and wane, and this election it waxed. But it will always be there, so long as TSP remains relevant in the game and it's easy to do. If there was a "creative solution" that didn't involve making our elections more difficult to just jump right on in to, I'm sure that solution would have been created at some point in the last several years.

This is why we take the election of the delegate out of it. This wasn't a fight be anytime prior to 2011. So if from 2011-2014 we were "locked in the independent sphere" why wasn't this an issue for the previous 8 years?

Fact is, as long as the delegate is up for grabs through off-site elections, we become a juicy target. If we make a system more like the Brave Little Toaster system (not the operation) we guarantee that the delegate if trusted by a large majority of the region. That way, the region is always protected and we have a head of state who can do whatever they like.
[forum admin]

I think we previously discussed Brutland & Norden's suggestion (and also what Zaolot mentioned) about citizens being those who have an WA with a special exemption for the SPSF. I would support this suggestion and see a lot of value in it.

I'm also interested in Tsunamy's suggestion but would like to know more details such as how it works and what it means (are there other regions that operate this way, for example?)


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

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(03-28-2015, 11:28 PM)Escade Wrote: I think we previously discussed Brutland & Norden's suggestion (and also what Zaolot mentioned) about citizens being those who have an WA with a special exemption for the SPSF.  I would support this suggestion and see a lot of value in it.

I'm also interested in Tsunamy's suggestion but would like to know more details such as how it works and what it means (are there other regions that operate this way, for example?)

But that alienates those who (would theoretically have strong loyalty for TSP) that cannot maintain a WA nation in TSP and are not SPSF.

Just for instance, I'm the Vice Delegate of Osiris, so I must have my WA reside there. Let's assume I wasn't but heavily involved in Osiris Sekhmet Legion or even the Brotherhood of Malice. My WA will be mobile most of the time and switch off nations. For the most part, I wouldn't be able to keep a WA in TSP consistently.

If only the SPSF has an exemption, isn't that inherently unfair to those who do care about TSP, but can't maintain a WA nation in TSP? or is involved with other Military Gameplay groups?

Strict regionalist approaches can be troublesome by putting off people and limiting them to other places. This can still cause demoralization in those who are loyal to TSP.
Vizier of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Pharaoh Emeritus of Osiris

It's a strange situation, isn't it? On the one hand I think every region wants to convince people to devote a WA to them because of the endorsements it provides which in turn lead to better security for the delegate.

What are the alternatives that other regions work with?

I'm also amenable to trying new things out for short periods of times and keep data on how and what they effect.

I just checked the Spiritus citizenship and it seems like citizenship is removed after 3 month of inactivity. I mean perhaps instead of a posting requirement it could be an activity requirement?


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


Actually in Spiritus the only requirement is having a nation in the region; we do monthly checks to find people in violation, post the list in a dedicated thread, and after a few days (so people have a chance to refound the nation or move it back or whatever), citizenship is removed.
Delegate of Spiritus
Vice Secretary-General of the World Assembly

"When you are the potatoes guy everyone is like, 'Yeah, it's the potatoes guy!'" - Max Barry

Oh, I was basing that on this message in my inbox (also I like the friendliness of the message and the "Citizen to Free Spirit," that's a nice way to put it. I thought it was for the 3 month activity but I assume it could have been that all my nations CTed at that time.

You've been Demasked from Citizen to Free Spirit.
This can happen for a number of reasons:
Your nation left Spiritus.
Your nation Ceased to Exist.
You're 3 months inactive on the Spiritus Forum.
You resigned Citizenship.

If you would like to have Citizenship in Spiritus again, just re-apply with a new Citizenship application! I hope to see you back. Smile

The Spirit
Admin "


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


...well this is news to me! I had no idea that PM was sent when Citizenship is removed! Tounge There's no 3 month activity limit; I don't know why that's there. I'll bring this up in Spiritus...
Delegate of Spiritus
Vice Secretary-General of the World Assembly

"When you are the potatoes guy everyone is like, 'Yeah, it's the potatoes guy!'" - Max Barry

Purges, restrictions, barriers, sanctions............this is the language of democracy?

"Would you like to know more?"

Still, it might be an idea that Government posts (ie the ones we have elections for) require that a WA is present in the region for the duration of the term - it might force some of the more Cosmopolitan dilettantes to come down off the fence rather than playing both sides against each other

I could get behind removing the two post a month requirement (but we still need an acceptable level of regulation) and I think combining that with the roll call method would work out pretty well. I mean, if you can't bother to show that you still want citizenship with a simple "here" once a month, then you're probably not interested in sticking around.

Kris has said repeatedly that the admins shouldn't be held to a standard of removing citizenship as soon as thirty days have passed (he's not being unreasonable) and the roll call method does the hard part for them. No tracking everybody's citizenship to the second. Just look at a thread and remove whoever isn't on it every month. If anything, it's an even lower standard than our current law.


(03-28-2015, 11:28 PM)Escade Wrote: I'm also interested in Tsunamy's suggestion but would like to know more details such as how it works and what it means (are there other regions that operate this way, for example?)

I don't think other region have operated under such a system, but others might have a better idea.

Essentially, there was a list of requirements one had to meet to run for delegate. Be a citizen for x months and ... some other stuff. Once someone declared they wanted to run for the delegate seat, there was a campaign period (I believe) where the challenger nation could raise their endorsement level. Then there was a "voting" period where the challenger would attempt to overtake the delegate in endos.

In this way, the delegate seat was held, but power rested in the offsite government/Cabinet. Likewise, whoever held the delegate seat could be trusted and would recognize the off site government as legitimate.
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