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Activity Problems

Ohhhhhh. I didnt really understand what you were saying. I admit mate it is a bit wrong, though I wasnt trying to drive them away. It just seemed that sandaoguo or others were going to push this through quickly, and could possibly be confusing to others. I guess I'll delete it.
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Although I looked over my post and yours, and I didn't try to stop people from joining. But I telegramed them with what could be happening.
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Possibly not the greatest phrasing by either of us there, but now is really a good time to join, because they'd have a massive say in the future of the region, than if they waited a while. Anyway, I don't think there will be anything super sudden about any changes.

Anyway, I think it might be a bit hard to make any real judgments, or conclusions, on the current activity levels of the region, we've just gone through a period where a lot of people would be having finals/exams, Christmas and New Years celebrations. That is a time where people will be concentrating on RL, not NS, and only in the coming days will we actually get a real idea of activity, once people return from their holidays. Already, we have seen 3 citizenship applications, within the past couple of days. That is going to increase, as more and more people return.

I'm not saying we don't need change; we do. But I am saying that it's not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. You can talk about how golden the past is, but it's always going to be just that, the past. Sitting here dwelling on that doesn't help anyone. Invariably there's a reason why the past is the past, and usually that is because we've moved on. Times have changed, and so have we. We need to keep changing, to keep up with the times, but that doesn't mean we have to kill everything the region stands for because a few people took holidays.

If you really want to help, how about going and joining the MoRA? As I see it, there is only a dedicated staff numbering only a few, and many sitting here. It's a bit hard to get a whole heap done, when the region as a whole is apathetic towards the ministry. Helping out there would do a little more than sitting around here arguing over which part of the charter should be destroyed first. Just an offer to spend 5 minutes a day doing some for the MoRA would accomplish a lot more than that.

I understand that isn't everyone's cup of tea, but is wholesale change really that necessary?

Casual observation. One of the reasons I have become more focused elsewhere is that TSP had become "Do it my way, or  don't do it" by a small group of people in control. Goemania and I WERE the SPSF for almost 2 years. Geo go taken way by RL issues and I did get a few people to join, but the SPSF WAS active. We were doing ops almost every weekend if not 2,3 times a week. Documented by the Mission Log that was maintained. One person had an issue with the methodology and just made not worth playing. He didn't want to join the SPSF, becuase he didn't care for Gameplay, but he was intent on telling me how to play it. The SPSF, at one point, had the FA connections with lot of groups, which it has no longer.
We hosted an amazingly successful Worlds Fair  few years back, but have gotten to the point the existing group found the last one not worth promoting. We made an "appearance", but not a presence.
The fact the Brutland and Norden is no longer a citizen is a travesty. After all the work he did creating one on the best Regional Maps in the game, he was ceremoniously dumped for not updating the map AFTER posting his computer blew up and he needed time to get it fixed. We're about to see how rigid those rules are.

There MAY be activity and talks going on, but they exist in secret between a core group in the cabinet forums. Reports of what is taken place would help. The SPSF with 2 or three active players at a time doing their own thing seem to create a problem not telling people what they're doing. The rest of the cabinet should be held to the same standard.

There are over 5100 nations in TSP at the moment. There is no way your going to find one structure to make them all happy. The region needs to allow people to explore new activities and give them the venue to pursue it, not the rules the have to play it by.

(01-04-2016, 08:31 PM)Punchwood Wrote: By the way Kris has left, not "decreased his activity." He was so arrogant he thought he could win every election and when he lost he radged quit. However I would like to see Kris return.

Considering the fact that you have no idea what might or might not be going on in my life, or what might have been the real reason for my decreased activity, I don't think you are in a position to make those kinds of accusations.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

In some ways I don't agree with GR's assessment, but I'd also argue that doesn't constitute radical change.

Let's lower the voting thresholds as has been talked about. I think making it easier to make changes is a good thing. My take on the 75% during the bicameral stuff was respecting the rule of law at the time — but that's doesn't mean we can't make it easier to change.

I'm not saying that re-imagining and reworking the government isn't a good thing. But I fear making an argument for "radical change" is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In that vein, I think we should be asking what changes we can make to the current system to make it easier to move forward.

Finally, I'm not opposed to Hile's Constitutional Convention, but I am against doing anything outside of existing law. Instead of wasting this incredible amount of agreement now, can we draft legislation that lowers our amendments and law changes?
[forum admin]

What kind of level would you be looking wanting to lower them to?

What was the previous suggestion? 50%+1 for change to laws and 66% for the Charter?

Even could even go to 60% for the Charter if we felt it required.
[forum admin]

(01-05-2016, 10:58 AM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Considering the fact that you have no idea what might or might not be going on in my life, or what might have been the real reason for my decreased activity, I don't think you are in a position to make those kinds of accusations.

Sorry Kris but the fact that you left at the same time you lost an election you thought you were going to win doesn't look good. Plus you didn't even say anything you just left.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

I actually decreased my activity midway through voting, when I was tied with Hileville, so that had nothing to do with it. I can see why people might think it was related, but I am happy to clarify that it did not. I decreased my activity because I realised I was spending an excessive amount of time in this game, sometimes at the expense of my real life, and this coincided with other events that allowed me to turn my attention away from the game.

I have also been abroad on vacations for the past two weeks, so opportunities for participation were not as abundant. I still check the forum every once in a while, but I just don't think I should be as involved as I once was. I hope people can respect that decision.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

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