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Changes - Local Council, MoRA, Cabinet, and more...

(01-09-2016, 08:55 PM)The Serres Republic Wrote:
(01-09-2016, 07:47 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: I appreciate Kris' comments and think he has a lot of experience in this area.

However, if we're going to go with two ministries instead of three, I'd sooner have Integration and a joint Entertainment/Communication. An RA with entertainment and communication would have the ability to plan and promote events.

I think Integration is the odd one out here and would sooner see such a minister as a mentor and liaison between the other ministries (including FA and Army).

Add: Hile, if you want to ax RA, how about Minister of Entertainment? I just have a thing against "culture" ...

If we are going to have a minister of Entertainment then there is a recquirement that they have some sort of reference to the mad hatter or willie wonka in there sig xD

This. And that guy from Gladiator.

EDIT: Not like what you just said was any help whatsoever either, Zak. :/


^Minor and unimportant stuff
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

I have to agree with Kris that the Minister of Regional affairs should remain a single entity for several personal reasons. This office is chartered to get new people involved and keep everyone active. The MoRA needs to learn more effective use of deputies to assist is workload distribution,
The problem, at this juncture, is, as I see it, there aren't enough bodies for two more cabinet positions and see, for the short term anyway, the same people just swapping titles every election.
As far as the Local council goes, it seems we voted to create one, elected officials and no one followed thru to make it functional. I think we need to mentor the elected officials as to what is expected and could be done and elect people who want to do it.
I do agree regional affairs needs attention tho.

I hate to be a contrarian (responding to tsu), but having a separate Ministry of Integration would not accomplish much. You could potentially have separate offices for Communications and Cultural Development due to the simple fact that each involves a wide array of projects and activities. A Ministry of Integration would not have much to do on its own right, but rather it would need to coordinate mentorship between the different ministries and refer newcomers to the respective ministers. You could certainly try and have that, but you would not be addressing the real issue, which is coordination between ministries and commitment of individual ministers to mentoring newcomers. That is something the Cabinet must do as a whole, as opposed to entrusting it to one single member.

Let me put it differently. If I took over the Ministry of Regional Affairs right now, I could pretty much guarantee to have the newspapers back in business within a week. I could guarantee to have a full festivals schedule within a week and to begin planning for them. I could even talk with various newcomers and veterans to see whether they would be interested in helping out. Those are relatively easy tasks, if one is well organised and motivated. But I could definitely not mount a decent recruitment and mentorship drive, because that would be beyond my grasp, regardless of what title I had. That would instead depend on the willingness of all ministers and veterans to help, and that would be the case whether the main coordinating responsibility belonged to the Minister of Regional Affairs, a Minister of Integration or any other official.

What we do need, and in that sense I somewhat agree with Serres (nice to mee you!), is a formalisation of the two traditional roles within the Ministry. I would love to see our Minister more openly call out for people who want to lead those two areas, or to see veterans step up and lead the efforts to revive our newspapers and constantly organise festivals. We need that, but reforms in this particular Ministry are more effective when done through ministerial actions, rather than legal changes. What I ask is that we work together to give more prominence to the two bureaus, without having to separate the Ministry, when the former would probably achieve the same result.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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I think the practical problem with having the RA responsible for Integration and our Entertainment/Culture is that we end up having a lot of culture driven activity to the detriment of FA and the Army. That's not intentional (necessarily a bad thing), but if someone is interested in getting people involved the MoRA knows what s/he needs and/or would like to do. As such, when that slows, all activity slows.

If we give Integration it's own Cabinet position we'd have someone who's solely job would be to raise activity and get people involved. Yes — that might involve harping on people — or finding creative ways to get people involved, but they would seek out the problems and attempt to fix it.

Moreover, if we're looking to break out the department, I'll maintain the Integration is less integral than the other pieces.
[forum admin]

(01-09-2016, 10:46 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Let me put it differently. If I took over the Ministry of Regional Affairs right now, I could pretty much guarantee to have the newspapers back in business within a week. I could guarantee to have a full festivals schedule within a week and to begin planning for them. I could even talk with various newcomers and veterans to see whether they would be interested in helping out. Those are relatively easy tasks, if one is well organised and motivated. But I could definitely not mount a decent recruitment and mentorship drive, because that would be beyond my grasp, regardless of what title I had. That would instead depend on the willingness of all ministers and veterans to help, and that would be the case whether the main coordinating responsibility belonged to the Minister of Regional Affairs, a Minister of Integration or any other official.

I wasn't going to respond to this but after a little thought I think a few things must be said.  It is extremely unfair of you to come back after disappearing with almost two weeks left in your term as MoRA without so much as telling anyone what was going on.  You further isolated yourself from the region and hid behind a private admin forum to meet your two post requirement so you keep your citizenship. Your departure set MoRA back because of the way you disappeared.

Whether meant or not this paragraph was written and comes across as you announcing that you want a job again.

That being said if we are going to go with two then I would suggest dropping the mandates for MoI and sticking with the Communication and Entertainment as the two separate Ministries.  We could possible move mentoring and fellowship to the Powers of the Cabinet section of the Charter making a responsibility of the entire Cabinet.

Let me just say: Kris is entitled to do whatever he wants with his life and If he chooses not to say then so be it. It should be up to the current minister to keep things going, not a previous one
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Zak, you are completely missing the point. When the previous minister left the ministry in disarray with no notice, no plans, no nothing, it can't be expected for the new minister to come along and instantly get the ball rolling again. There are always things that need to be straightened when a new person takes over let alone when the last one abandoned it. Kris is fully entitled to do as he wishes but he can't expect there to have not been repercussions to his actions.
[Image: Uy6Tvaj.gif]

I am sure minsisters have gotten by in the past completely fine with the same situation. There wasn't really anything to change. Scylla was the deputy and should've known what was going on at that point. It's not up for people like previous ministers to baby the new ones until they 'get the hang of it'. As far as I can see, Scylla is doing fine and has many things in the works. Not everyone has to be like Henn and post a thousand messages to notify everyoneof a change.
Anyway, another thread jack created. How many have there been now?
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Look guys there is no reason to split the Ministry, if something isn't broken then don't fix it. All we need to get the Ministry up and running again is an enthusiastic, active and friendly Minister.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

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