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The Story of Hammerstar

The history from my country. From Past, present and Future.

  • Holy Kingdom of Lucrezia (Legendary Kingdom, archive and history are woven from stories and legends. With inscriptions on various wonders across the nation. Capital city is Luce)
    10000 BC-500 BC Reason of dissolution: Unknown.

  • Alt Respublica de Steamlannde (Legendary nation that reached steam power in early 1st century, Capital City is Vinci)
    Reason of dissolution: Mysterious illness (Which later turns out to be radioactive materials)
    1 AD - 400 AD

  • [Divided to Three]The Ancient Kingdom of Mesuria (Capital City Luna), Theodora (Capital City Luce) and Imperia (Capital City Imperium). (Historical Kingdoms) Standing close to each other, dividing the city of Silvercoat. Then jointly dissolved and united into one.
    400 AD - 1000 AD

  • The Intertwined Cultural Empire of Quintople (Historical Kingdoms) (Capital City of Renoe Capitol [Now Renoe]. Dissolved due to riots, famine and anarchy from outside influence.)
    1000 AD - 1400 AD

  • Twilight of the Maelstrom (Historical Kingdoms) (Period of war, chaos, and dissolution)
    1400 AD - 1860 AD

  • [Reestablished into two countries] The Crescent Republic of Al-Altair (Capital City An-Nur) and The Clerical Hospital of Samantha (Capital City Luna) (Historical Kingdoms)
    1860 AD - 1880 AD

  • The Regal Constitutional Palatinate of Hammerstar (Capital City Renoe Capitol) (Historical Nation)
    1880 AD - 1990 AD

  • The Anarcho-Pacifist Technocracy of Hammerstar (Capital City Renoe Capitol, then the Underground Capital of Broadsword) (Historical Nation)
    1990 AD - Present

  • The Radiant Unity of Selemine (Capital City Luna) (Historical Nation)
    2234 AD - 2500

  • The Global Technocratic Assembly of Alena (Capital City Eon)
    2500 AD - 2722 AD

  • The Interplanetary Technocratic Unity of Lunick and Solana (Earth Capital Luna, the Galactic Capital of Solana)
    2722 AD - 4000 AD

  • The Eternal Universal Federation of Elena, Solana, Clea, Luna and Nova (Earth Capital Luna, Galactic Capital Clea, Galactic Capital Elena, Galactic Capital Solana, Galactic Capital Nova)
    4000 AD - ?

Holy Kingdom of Lucrezia, a legendary kingdom
(Similar to Camelot. In which the existence of places like the stonehenge and the storybooks verify its existence)

~18000 BC - Breeding occurs between different humanoid species, and genetical variation occurs
~16000 BC - A species known as Homo Luculentus Venustus Invictus, or Homo Livi. Bipedal humanoid species, highly athletic and highly intelligent. The average height of the Homo Livi population is 2 metres, and they could adaptable to extreme temperatures no Human could endure, their bodies could adapt without cover to about -50 degrees Celsius. They are so athletic, the Homo Livi are banned in a lot of sport competitions. They live to about 500 years old, but puberty age is 20, and the estimated period of pregnancy is 40 months. (So they would take the stature and personality of the average 25 year old young-adult at 40, Furthermore, their stature would be similar to Jeanne Calment in the age of 460 years old. Livi's have a very slow growth rate.) Although they have the similar facial features that of Homo Sapiens, their faces are amazingly attractive and alluring, however their stares are famed for being 'scary', legends had said that these people have a glare so strong, they could see the insides of your soul, and that they would always know the truth. However, the Homo Livi has a weakness. They abhor violence and are extremely docile, which is why other Humanoid species took advantage of their pacifist behaviour, which is why Homo Sapiens took advantage of the Homo Livi countless of times.
~15000 BC - Genetic variation in Homo Livi gave them different facial features depending on where they live. There are three types of Homo Livi:

South Livi (Which has the facial features of Europeans and Middle Eastern, and albino men, the sub-zero temperatures of the South Pole gave them their white skin and bulky stature.)
East Livi (Which has the facial features of African, South American and Asian tribesmen. The plains and the environment of the Eastern Continent gave them their fundamental features, East Livi people are amongst the tallest Livi's)
West Livi (Which has the facial features Asian, Mongol, South East Asian and Indians. The mountainous and ragged landscape gave them their facial features, and they are one of the most intelligent Livi's, they are nomadic.)

~14000 BC - The mass migration of Livis are orchestrated as Homo Sapiens drove the Homo Livi out. The South Livi passed the sea to the Western Continent, The East Livi hopped the Rainbow Isles to the Western Continent, and the West Livi was driven to the mountains.

~13000 BC - The migration ended as the three Livi's met at a fertile land (Plot 56), they exchanged looks, and according to legend, they stepped away and claimed territories. But in fear that they are facing different Livi's and driven by fear that they may be forced to migrate once more, they spark borders, and war sparked between the three tribes on an on and off basis for ~1000 years.

~12500 BC - Horseback riding has been reached, bronze working, sailing, fishing, mining and agriculture has also been reached. The paper has also been made, and instead of ink, they used dye to draw and write using their ancient languages. The three tribes unite with their respective clans.

The South tribe (South Livi), settled in the highest mountains, presently known as the Crystal Mountains They have a despotic government and are incredibly fearless. They were strong and military (Refer them to Spartans and Vikings) They are incredibly wealthy too, with rumours that they craft the tip of all their weapons with pure hard crystal. They are ruled by a benevolent despot, who prioritises intelligence and the skill of the sword.
The East Tribe are the Nomadic tribe siting themselves in the hills next to the border of present-day Qvait, they are united nomads and skilled raiders and survivalists. They believe in their tribe leaders and the shamans. (Refer to Celts, Mongols, and Sriwijayan).
The West Tribe have the largest tribe. sited in the plains near the large river, they site their largest town in near the present day Chrome Dam. The West Livi are engineers, and created siege engines coupled with skilled sword fighters. They love to smelt items, and craft swords. Amongst all the tribes, they are studious, and their historical records are enough to fill two football pitches. They have a forum.

Homo Sapiens could not settle in the land (Plot 56), due to the cold mountains and the rough terrains. Those who gone past ran away as the striking glares of tall men and women drove them off. Those who are brave enough to stay, have been given wealth and transportation to find a settlement elsewhere, and to shut their mouths (Most of them settled to neighbouring cultures like Qvait and Kringalia.) It occurs like that until the late 10th century

~11000 BC - The bloodiest, greatest and final battle was made between the three tribes. They met at the three sides of the river in present day Silvercoat, and battled it out in there. According to legend, the battle cries started the time the sun rises, and the arrows flew, the bloods spilt until the afternoon. Where, when the three sides start to lit their torches, they realised the amount of blood, the amount of the deceased and the amount of the wounded. The battles are done out of fear, but the true nature of the Homo Livi came to them, their pacifist persona sealed the deal. They buried the bodies of the deceased in a respective, honourable manner. The burials and packing the troops are completed until sunrise. Once then the three main leaders of the tribe got together in a clearing, and said sorry to each other. They decided to unite, and the day they unite shall be remembered. They pulled out their swords and ordered the most talented blacksmith to forge the swords into one. With their knightly power, they struck the sword with its sheath in the stone, and forever mark the unity. The sword was called Aurelius, and inscribed on the sword: 'Strinxerit ferrum te qui numquam effundatis sanguinem', which roughly translates to English as "Whomever wields the blade, must never spill blood."

-10000 BC - The three tribes merged into one, and was led by the leaders of the three tribes. They isolated themselves from the outside world, and devoted themselves to welfare, technology and knowledge. Though now united, there is still major turmoil and racism, and political disorder for 2000 years. The law is only based on morale, and there hasn't yet to be a book of rules, nor a strong governmental tree. Fortunately the population is able to remain peaceful.

~9000 BC - Establishment of the first university in the kingdom, known as Lux Universus. In order to end the disorder, the University along with the Forum of the Kingdom created a language that caters to all cultures that exist in the Kingdom. So after working for ten years, they have finally completed the first national and foundational language, Latium (It's like the Latin of TSP, except that by the time TIK got out of its isolation, it is too late to make any influence to the TSP language, unlike latin.) Latium became the most popular language in the Kingdom, yet the University made dictionaries of the other languages, and intend to preserve them. They compiled all the historical documents. (Note: the university is more to a group than an actual university building)

~8500 BC - Ordonis Fenix has been created, a book of law for the Kingdom written in Latium. The Kingdom has been named Lucrezia, and its mainland called Hammerstar. Meanwhile Lux Universus has developed the basic understanding of mathematics, with the order of Lucrezia, Lux Universus must research about this so called-mathematics. (Which was called O).

~8000 BC - Forms of Dye has been discovered, and the Kingdom of Lucrezia has never been more colourful. With tunics and clothing's coloured, and buildings have been brightened from its somewhat bland brown structure. The calendar, known as the Lunae has been developed. (Unlike the gregorian, this is more to like the islamic calendar). The development of the calendar had revolutionised methods of agriculture. A lady known as Luflie Bellus had started to knit different colours of cloth together using string, and shaped these dresses and clothes with beautiful shapes. Her dresses are loved by many people, and something known as Bellus Factio, or 'Beautiful Fashion', has been made. Since then, crafters has been experimenting with Dye and cloth to create the most beautiful dresses.

~7500 BC - Lux Universus, in 1000 years, have researched and got Lucrezia complex mathematics (On par with the famous Babylonian mathematics). Furthermore, they have researched geometry, trigonometry and calculus. Lucrezia has reached architecture, construction and engineering.

~7000 BC - The Lux Universus has built the first university in the Lucrezian capital of Luce. The 'Academia de Lux Universus', and it has been one of the oldest national wonders in TSP. Made out of the purest marble, and water flows inside the university, which would then flow into the gardens sprouting and hanging in the walls of the university. (Built like the Apolostic Palace, crafted like the Parthenon, and exhibits many features like the Hanging Gardens). Meanwhile, barter has been abolished and a currency has been established, the Plata. A coin made out of platinum that weighs approximately 10 grams.

~6800 BC - A bill has been passed by the Lucrezian Kingdom, Regula Rationalis. Which states that the entire population must complete a total of 60 years of rigorous education. Thereby education became stringent, the list of requirements are longer. Some of the requirements ask for citizens to:
-Be extremely fluent in 20 languages (In present day, they are allowed to choose some international languages like Ryccian, Feirmontian, Kringalian, Sporaltryan, Resentinian, etc. Latium is a must.)
-Must be adept in at least 3 Social studies (Economics, Metaphysics, Politics, Art, Philosophy, Law, Latium Literature, History, etc) and 3 Scientific studies (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Calculus, Medicine, Biology, Astrology, Agriculture, etc). [Note: This is basically saying that you need 6 professorate degrees and actually be fantastic at that you do)
-Must be able to master three weapons(Bow, sword, Mace, spear, javelin, quarterstaff, etc), and 4 Martial Arts (Tae-Kwon-Do, Karate, Gatka, Silat, Kapoera, Kendo, etc)

[Note: at this time, most modern forms of Chemistry, Physics, Biology has not been reached yet, so Lucrezia still study Alchemy, and they still learn the basic ancient studies.]

On the brighter side, any form of education is forever free and top-notch. fitted with insanely high standards, even for today.

[Note: this may seem outrageous, but the population are avid learners and educators. Most Lucrezians are as knowledgable as a prodigy that learns and earns 10 professorate degrees from the Platonic Academy, University of Sankore, and the Peripatetic school combined. Citizens who are unable to learn this rate (Amnesia, autism, etc) would be tended to until they are sophisticated enough to learn in the rate of any other Lucrezian)

~6000 BC - After 4000 years of rule by the bloodline of the three tribes. The Lucrezian kingdom has reached Knighthood and Damehood. The leaders of the three tribes decided to make the Kingdom of Lucrezia, a Constitutional Monarchy. But a coronation of a leader is impossible without a full team of ministers. Legend states that the three leaders along with a party of people, disguised as travellers, ventured the land far and wide to search for the ministers. The mission went on for twenty years and finally, they called in eight men and women, and knighted them as the eight champions of Lucrezia. These champions are the one looking over the country until they see that Lucrezia is fit for a monarch to rule, and the Champion titles are passed down for a couple of generations until its time for a coronation. The leaders of the three tribes, has an obligation of teaching whomever is in power, and the champions, on how to run a country. Continuously passing that obligation to their sons and daughters. These men and women, are now called the Edwortheous, or now known as The Edgeworth.

~5500 BC - The original batch of Eight Champions died, and their chosen heirs took their place. They decided that the Eight champions must be classified now in a group called: The Luctora. The Lux Universus has finally perfected Latium, and added enough vocabularies for the Kingdom of Lucrezia to reach something known as Drama. The first form exercised is known as Poetria, or poetry. Developed by a man known as Shilliam Wakespeare, he and his wife Hanne Athaway, perfected something known as the Sonneto. After this, many artists learn from Shilliam and Hanne. Then they perfected something known as Drama, and the first known play ever written, known as: The Omlet, which tells of the despair between master and men after an egg has been accidentally shattered. The Kingdom of Lucrezia has reached drama and poetry, and a term known as: Frei ab Opinio 'Freedom of Opinon' has surfaced.

~5000 BC - The Luctora decided that it is time for the Kingdom of Lucrezia to finally have a monarch, they decided to give the crown to those who rose up a special challenge. In an assembly, they shouted: "Whoever can pull the Aurelius from its stone, shall rule the kingdom. There are only two rules, that the sword must be pulled with one hand, and that the stone must always touch the ground" At that moment, hundreds of people clamoured to the centre of the assembly to pull Aurelius. Then the Edgeworth at that time, told all of them: "This event shall be done every month, and in one month, only 1000 people can pull this sword.

~4500 BC - The second batch of The Luctora died, and their apprentices succeed them. Now according to legend, on the 200th day, a young serf was chased by some bullies. The boy, who was 1.3 metres tall, and was 20 years old. He was chased around the city of Luce , and without thinking, he ran inside the royal garden, which was off-limits except for the Luctora and the Edgeworth. He continued running until he's out of breath, and he then noticed that he was inside the Royal Garden, and he had lost track of where he came from. Furthermore, legend says that there are a group of eight white lions that guard the Royal Garden, and would not hesitate to hurt trespassers. The boy sighted one of the white lions, and ran for his life as he is been chased by white lions. He kept running and running until he came across a flowerbed, in which in there, was Aurelius stuck in his stone. Because it was surrounded by tall trees, it appears that the light focuses on the sword itself. So, as he hear the lions charging at him, he tried to pull Aurelius, but to no avail, he then studied the sword for a moment and pulled it in another angle, and pulled the sword with his right hand and it easily slides off from the stone. He raises the sword up in the air, and the light reflects the sword. When the group of white lions arrived at the clearing, they circled around the spectacle, and an older lion, with a crown on its hairy head, got closer to the stone. Where the boy, confused as ever, was petrified. The older lion took a breath, and roared so loud, the entire city of Luce heard it. Both the Luctora and the Edgeworth ran immediately to the royal garden, and made their way to the clearing. They found the boy, raising Aurelius up, with the lions lying towards him. According to legend, this is how the dialogue went, (translated to english):

"Hahaha… I guess you figured out the secret haven't you, boy?" said the Edgeworth.

"Pardon?" responded the boy, still confused on what happened.

"You see, the insides of the stone manifests somewhat a unique power, in which it attracts different metals. It is physically impossible to pull that blade, and that sword could not be pulled from its handle like any normal sword. No, you figured it out."


"That the huge blade was not the actual sword, the true sword lies inside the entire thing, only if you pull it from the tiny tip of its handle, were you be able to pull the sword, your hands are small enough to grab the tiny tip. Only those who is able to study the sword carefully, were to be the one that is able to unlock the secrets…."

The eight champions knelt down towards the boy, while the Edgeworth bowed at the boy, and rose up.

"I am sure you'll know the responsibility that you'll bear. There is someone else who could solve the puzzle… But it's your choice."

"….. I accept the responsibility, I know the burden I am going to bear, Please… Guide me so that I can guide you."

"Very well. "

From that point on, the boy became the King of Lucrezia, with his eight champions guarding and teaching the boy. The story of the young serf became king was documented in many literature forms and the history books. This boy, who was an unknown serf, now etched his name in history by being the first Monarch of The Kingdom of Lucerzia, his name? Arthur Pendragon.

[Note: At that time, Luce has the area of the vatican city, but half of it was only used for the royal palace and the lux Universus, the other half was used to build a royal garden]

~4400 BC At the age of 80 years old, King Arthur Pendragon had chosen his bride. Legend says that when he was a serf, he fell in love with the daughter of the Edgeworth. Felicity Chronowallace. When the daughter of the Edgeworth walked in countryside of Luce, Arthur had guided her around, and took her to places she'd never seen before. They both started seeing each other for two months until the present Edgeworth, Orson Chronowallace, died, and Felicity's father, Ronald Chronowallace took his place as the new Edgeworth, and Felicity took the shoes of Ronald to become the apprentice. Ronald Chronowallace crowned Arthur Pendragon, and after the coronation, it is rumoured that Felicity sat down on a railing between the pillars as King Arthur pondered around the Lux Universus academy. The two people conversed as they walked around the Lux Universus, and soon, they were married. King Pendragon and Queen Chronowallace, became patrons of the country. They are both tutored by the current Edgeworth and the Luctora.

Meanwhile, expansion of the Kingdom has reached great heights. A third large city is built in on top of Crystal mountain, known as An-Nur has been built, therefore expanding the kingdom to the mountains. An-Nur is famous for its mineral reserves, and to match its beauteous minerals. Another wonder has been made in An-Nur, known as the Monetarius. The story is that miners found a vast jade reserves inside one of the hills in Crystal mountain. Architects from Lux Universus came to the site and started crafting a building inside the jade reserve. It is built for the population of Lucrezia to store and loan money.

One of the initial forms of Banking has been invented, An-Nur has, from henceforth, be known as the Mineral Capital. With its wealthy mineral and gem deposits, and the headquarters of ancient banking.

Current Major cities:

Royal Capital Luce.
Mineral Capital An-Nur
Three River City of Seolfor (Now known as Silvercoat)

~4300 BC The second Edgeworth, Ronald Chronowallace passed on, and the title of the Edgeworth should befall to Queen Chronowallace (Age 170). However, King Pendragon (Age 180) decided that his champions should be the one that bears the obligations of The Edgeworth. Since then, the Luctora have a role in educating the future leaders of the kingdom. Furthermore, the first royal son, Tennyson Pendragon was born. His genetic quirk made him have white hair and skin almost chalky.

Meanwhile A young man named Flaxo Traxonna, accidentally dropped dye soluded in water in the royal dye storage. When the dye was mixed, he had noticed the unusual colours combined. He decided to draw using these dyes, and soon went nuts. He drew all over the floor with wet dye, and drew on the stone walls. When Queen Chronowallace wants to get some dye to knit a cloth for her newborn son, she was surprised to see that the royal dye storage suddenly became so… Colorful. Flaxo Traxonna was brought to the royal court, and he was asked about his weird behaviour. He simply said that he dipped dye in water, when he smears it in the wall along with other colours, he was amazed with what he made. When the royal court visited the storage, they saw pictures of flowers etched in a melody of colour. Flaxo Traxonna was given the title of the royal artist, and according to historical documents. The act of smearing watered dye on the wall was called… Peint.

~4200 BC The city of Luna has been established. A city in which it is known to have a pint where the sunrise is simply blocked by Crystal Mountain, therefore, it is one of the cities in TSP that received the least sunlight. The city was established by Flaxo Traxonna, and he painted the plain town garden into a festival of colour, its colours are so bright that in the night. The colours in the town garden illuminated the city from the night. Furthermore, the first royal daughter was born, and her name is Velocia Chronowallace, it was written that she was born on the day of the lunar eclipse, and that her skin shone so bright, it looked almost as if she illuminated. Hence the city of Luna was established. The third batch of the Luctora died, and the fourth Luctora arose.

Meanwhile, one of the most prominent members of the Lux Universus, Firenze Florencia. Claimed on one afternoon that she refused to accept various supernatural, religious, or mythological explanations for natural phenomenons, claiming that every single action has a natural cause. Her first claim was that water is the basic element, people laughed at her and mocked her stupidity, claiming that the flowing water are made of nature's sweat, and that by drinking and bathing with water, we are to become one with nature. Yet Lux Universus kept on funding her discoveries and she kept on researching about water. As a result, her research contributed to the discoveries of water treatment, bathing, plumbing, and steam. Perhaps her largest result was the fact that water was made from two molecules. By examining it from a couple of cut glass, she looked at the water, and in the end, concluded that water was made from the organic materials that we breath (Hydrogen and Oxygen). She died in 4200 BC, and with her discoveries about the strange liquid, definitions of chemistry and physics, not to mention the accidental discovery of the microscope, she has been forever referred to the "Mother of Science". But these discoveries would not be fully acknowledged until 4000 years later.

Meanwhile, Tennyson Pendragon has married one of the apprentice of the Luctora. A young beautiful maiden that is said to be able to control nature, her presence in the kingdom has made many gardens lush and green.

~4100 BC King Arthur Pendragon has decided to create a place for the common public to speak their minds, therefore, he enlisted the help of the current royal architect, known as D'lexander Aumas, to build the first citizen forum. A building in which the any resident could send a resolution or motion, which would then lead to a forum of selected individuals and in the end, may be considered by the Royal Kingdom. The forum shall be mediated by a certain figure, this figure is known as Apollonix. King Pendragon chose his 200 year old son to become the current Appolonix. From that point on, regulations, motions and actions are brought up, discussed and voted by the civil forum without any veto.

~4000 BC King Arthur Pendragon had passed away quietly in his chambers, the Queen was known to join him an hour later. Perhaps neither knew that their lifelong partner had finally passed away. The King was over 440 years old, while the Queen was 430 years old. The urgency for a new leader was existent, and the people had decided to appoint Tennyson Pendragon as King, and his queen was his sister, Velocia Chronowallace. This shall be the first of the five times the Queen and King are related, but not married. Meanwhile milling has been made easier, with the invention of the waterwheel and the windmill, grain are milled into flour, and thus after several experiments, the bread was invented. As soon as that, people started putting meat and vegetables between bread, thus the pan (sandwich) was born. Then people started grilling pan and bread on fire, creating the roppan, or grilled bread.

[hereby ends the summary of the Kingdom of Lucrezia, no one knew when it ended or how it ended, or wether the kingdom exists. There are still many more stories etched in ancient (yet preserved) manuscripts.

The position of a monarch is various, but the position of monarch has always been at the hands of the four main clans at that time (Pendragon, Stonefeather, Layton and Chronowallace). Interesting thing about the monarchies in the Kingdom of Lucrezia, when a king is positioned, its successor had always gotten a shorter lifespan. If Arthur passed away in his 440's, Tennyson passed away in his 420's, and so on. It does not apply in the royal line, the entire Livi population of Lucrezia are slowly shortened in their lifespan as generations pass. But that is the story of the Kingdom of Lucrezia, a humble kingdom in which their only interests is innovation, knowledge, enlightenment and culture. Though experts and skeptists argue that the existence of the Kingdom of Lucrezia is more to a fable than reality, believers have been using things like the Lux Universus to justify the existence of the ancient kingdom. One thing for sure, the Hammerstarian culture had rooted from there.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

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Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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