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That's right, I presume. However, that does not take away the fact of his behaviour.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


(04-29-2016, 11:13 PM)Ryccia Wrote: That's right, I presume. However, that does not take away the fact of his behaviour.

I never said it did. I just want to make sure we are keeping our values intact.
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
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CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021

(04-29-2016, 08:41 PM)Cormac Wrote: My role in Osiris should have no bearing on my citizenship here. Osiris is not an ally of the South Pacific and I have not committed any crime against the South Pacific or any of its allies. I am no security threat to the South Pacific for very specific actions taken in Osiris for very specific reasons, all of which have nothing at all to do with the South Pacific. This wasn't a coup for the sake of a coup, and I'm not about that. I have participated here in good faith for months now and have not given anyone any reason to believe I'm a security threat to this region in that time.

By couping Osiris and turning it into a dictatorship, you have demonstrated that you have no respect for democratic governance and the rule of law, the core principles of the Coalition. What, we're supposed to believe your disdain for these values is somehow limited to Osiris? Didn't you support the coup here just a month or two ago?

(04-29-2016, 09:55 PM)Cormac Wrote: Ah, I see we're intent on violating the spirit, and possibly the letter, of the amnesty that the Assembly passed.

Yeah, I don't think so. A key condition of the amnesty was that supporters of the coup had to admit wrongdoing, but clearly you don't think it's wrong to topple democratically elected governments just because you happen to disagree with the latest election results.

If somebody doesn't petition the Cabinet to have you declared a security threat, I will. Those who believe it's okay to coup have no place in the South Pacific.

We are losing focus here! Let's just vote on what position we will take (Neutral, For OFO or Against OFO) and then go from there.
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
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CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021

I'm sorry some of you feel the way you do. I doubt you're alone, you're probably vocalizing how others feel as well.

I want to be clear on a few things. I did admit wrongdoing in supporting Hileville's coup, and I meant that. I believed at the time that it was the right thing to do, but I was wrong and it was a mistake. I wanted to participate here afterward to make amends for that. I don't think I've done a particularly good job of that.

I'm not a security threat to the South Pacific. Having supported Hileville's coup and been very wrong in doing that, I wouldn't support a future coup against the Coalition. I haven't leaked from this private hall during this situation in Osiris and, until the line between Osiris and my citizenship and involvement here became blurred, I abstained from this discussion altogether.

I'm not the arch-villain caricature some are trying to put forward. I supported the Coalition against Milograd in 2013, I fought The Dourian Embassy in Osiris every day for a month in 2013, and I opposed both the People's Republic of Lazarus and Stujenske's 2015 NLO coup in Lazarus. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but the black and white caricature of me some are putting forward isn't reality. I'm a person, not a caricature, and my actions as a person playing this game for four years have been complex and mixed.

Osiris does not see the South Pacific as an enemy region. Osiris will not be terminating relations with the South Pacific. If the South Pacific terminates relations with Osiris, then Osiris will wish the South Pacific all the best, until we meet again.

With all of that cleared up, I resign my citizenship in the Coalition of the South Pacific. I won't put the Cabinet through the bother of petitions to declare me a security threat, appeals, etc. If I'm not wanted here, I accept that. Osiris is my home anyway, and it's not right for me to be giving so little time to my citizenship here but still hanging onto my citizenship. I don't respect when people do that in Osiris, and I shouldn't do it here.

The South Pacific has bigger things to deal with right now than to be distracted with me and whatever threat some believe I represent. I would argue that the South Pacific has bigger things to deal with right now than Osiris, in general. If Osiris didn't matter to you three weeks ago, it shouldn't matter to you now. I'm perplexed that some who have shown such disdain and indifference toward Osiris under normal circumstances now see this as a pressing issue. The pressing issue is your own region and community. I hope you won't lose sight of that.

All the best, until we meet again.

Do we need to publically say that Cormac has resigned his citizenship?
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
Has Been
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CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021

I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
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[Image: B9ytUsy.png]

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