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Office of Assembly Affairs

Start Date: February 27th 2019
End Date: June 17th 2019
Reason: School is completely in the way and I fully apologize for being unable to vote last month and this month, I had exams last month and I had school all month this month.

"For the choice of the people, liberty and democracy!"

(02-27-2019, 07:08 AM)Seanadia[TSP] Wrote: Start Date: February 27th 2019
End Date: June 17th 2019
Reason: School is completely in the way and I fully apologize for being unable to vote last month and this month, I had exams last month and I had school all month this month.

Unfortunately, you were unable to cast a single vote this month. While I am happy to exercise discretion and waive your absence, you will need to meet the voting requirement in March or else lose your Legislator Status in the beginning of April.

With that being said, a Leave of Absence for your circumstances is possible but as per the guidelines, please keep your request to under one calendar month (i.e. February 27 - March 27). What do you think?

(02-16-2019, 09:44 PM)Amerion Wrote:
(02-16-2019, 08:35 PM)Sutabre Wrote: start date:Monday
End Date:unknown
Reason: i am going on vacation for a few days

Hi @Sutabre, I have recorded your LoA to begin tomorrow on Monday the 18th to next Monday on the 25th. If you return sooner or if you wish to extend your LoA, please do let us know in this thread. All the best Smile 

back sorry it took the vacation longer than exepected

(02-28-2019, 08:19 PM)Sutabre Wrote: back sorry it took the vacation longer than exepected

Welcome back Happywide

[Image: Iuj8lyn.png]
33rd Assembly of The South Pacific
In session: 1st to the 28th of February 2019

Number of Legislators: 67

Presided by the Chair of the Assembly, @Amerion
(2) Within the first week of each calendar month, the Legislator Committee will remove legislator status from a legislator if they failed the voting requirement in the past month, if applicable, or otherwise no longer meet the eligibility requirements as described herein. The Legislator Committee may exercise discretion and not remove legislators under reasonable extenuating circumstances.

(3) A legislator fails the voting requirement if they are absent for more than half of all votes finished in the previous calendar month, if a minimum of two votes occurred. Legislators who have an approved leave of absence from the Chair shall not be considered absent for votes in the given time frame.
Legislator Committee Act, Article 3, Section 2 & 3 [Image: rxtQsR3.png]
The Legislator Committee has the authority to remove Legislator status from Legislators who fail to meet the voting requirement and/or fail to maintain their eligibility as Legislators.

A Legislator meets the voting requirement if they are present for a majority of all votes conducted in the previous calendar month if a minimum of two votes occurred.

On the advice of the Chair, the Legislator Committee has the power to exempt Legislators who failed the voting requirement under reasonable extenuating circumstances, in which case they would receive a warning. Should they have once again failed the requirement in the following month, they would lose their Legislator status.
31 December 2017 — 1 March 2019
Ceased to exist on 7 February 2019.
11 January 2019 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (1/6 votes).
25 January 2019 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (1/6 votes).
25 January 2019 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (1/6 votes).
18 November 2018 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (0/6 votes) & CTE’d (10/02/19).
14 November 2018 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (0/6 votes).
14 January 2019 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (1/6 votes).
13 January 2019 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (1/6 votes).
5 January 2019 — 1 March 2019
Failed the voting requirement (0/6 votes) & CTE’d (17/02/19).
TBD — 8 February 2019
Resigned on 8 February 2019.
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[Image: F4SCRpm.png?1]


March 3, 2019

Esteemed Legislators,

Upon the powers reposed in me by the Charter of The South Pacific[1] as Chair of the Assembly, I hereby appoint @islands_of_unity and @Kurnugia to the office of Deputy Chair of the Assembly. 

Both individuals have proven themselves to be active and contributive members of this Assembly, and thus have distinguished themselves from the rest as outstanding Legislators who, through their work, contributed to the progress and advancement of this region.

Islands of Unity has been a well-known Legislator who joined this region in April and has made a number of praiseworthy contributions to our region since then, including his tenure as Minister of Regional Affairs. His experience in Cabinet and governmental affairs and profound passion for public service are very much needed to form an even better, more functional Assembly Administration Team.

Kurnugia, despite only serving in the Assembly for a small period of 4 months, has shown what he is capable of. Not only has he recently been promoted to the rank of Soldier in the South Pacific Special Forces, Kurnugia has been active in discussions within the Assembly and on other governmental projects, most notably those of the Ministry of Regional Affairs. I do believe that by selecting Kurnugia to become a Deputy Chair and the inaugural Chair's Fellow, he will turn his enthusiasm and energy into bringing fresh changes to our Assembly.

After the appointment of Legislators Islands of Unity and Kurnugia, the Assembly Administration Team membership is as follows (placed in order of seniority): @Bzerneleg (Chair), @Rebeltopia, @islands_of_unity and @Kurnugia. Islands of Unity and Kurnugia, welcome to the Assembly Administration Team!

[Image: 7Su5vxW.png]
Chair of the Assembly

[1] Charter of The South PacificArticle IV. The Assembly, Section 3 states: 'The Chair may appoint a deputy or deputies...'
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I wanted to change my registered nation for legislator from Tamil Cholan to Tamizh Cholan.
Thanking you,
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(03-07-2019, 07:39 AM)Bzerneleg Wrote:
[Image: F4SCRpm.png?1]


March 3, 2019

Esteemed Legislators,

Upon the powers reposed in me by the Charter of The South Pacific[1] as Chair of the Assembly, I hereby appoint @islands_of_unity and @Kurnugia to the office of Deputy Chair of the Assembly. 

Both individuals have proven themselves to be active and contributive members of this Assembly, and thus have distinguished themselves from the rest as outstanding Legislators who, through their work, contributed to the progress and advancement of this region.

Islands of Unity has been a well-known Legislator who joined this region in April and has made a number of praiseworthy contributions to our region since then, including his tenure as Minister of Regional Affairs. His experience in Cabinet and governmental affairs and profound passion for public service are very much needed to form an even better, more functional Assembly Administration Team.

Kurnugia, despite only serving in the Assembly for a small period of 4 months, has shown what he is capable of. Not only has he recently been promoted to the rank of Soldier in the South Pacific Special Forces, Kurnugia has been active in discussions within the Assembly and on other governmental projects, most notably those of the Ministry of Regional Affairs. I do believe that by selecting Kurnugia to become a Deputy Chair and the inaugural Chair's Fellow, he will turn his enthusiasm and energy into bringing fresh changes to our Assembly.

After the appointment of Legislators Islands of Unity and Kurnugia, the Assembly Administration Team membership is as follows (placed in order of seniority): @Bzerneleg (Chair), @Rebeltopia, @islands_of_unity and @Kurnugia. Islands of Unity and Kurnugia, welcome to the Assembly Administration Team!

[Image: 7Su5vxW.png]
Chair of the Assembly

[1] Charter of The South PacificArticle IV. The Assembly, Section 3 states: 'The Chair may appoint a deputy or deputies...'

My question is to the Chair: why has the Chair appointed Islands of Unity as Deputy even though he was removed from this same position by the previous Chair? http://tspforums.xyz/thread-5131-post-18...#pid180240

[-] The following 2 users Like Awe's post:
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(03-10-2019, 10:36 AM)Awe Wrote: My question is to the Chair: why has the Chair appointed Islands of Unity as Deputy even though he was removed from this same position by the previous Chair? http://tspforums.xyz/thread-5131-post-18...#pid180240

[Image: F4SCRpm.png?1]

Dear Legislator Awe,

First of all, let me start off by recognizing the controversy and disputes surrounding Islands of Unity and his past actions, along with his attitude towards certain groups in our region. Although this response contains several matters which I and Islands of Unity both consider to be personal, I do nevertheless feel compelled to deliver a straightforward and honest answer to your question. As the Chair, I am accountable to you, the Legislators, and am willing to make sure that such duty is being fulfilled.

In this response, I will not point fingers at anyone, but instead redirect it to myself and focus on the reasoning behind the choice and the process of consideration that leads to it. I appoint Islands of Unity to the position of Deputy Chair due to his commitment to public service, his genuine care for our region and its people and my trust in him that he will be able to distinguish what's right and what's wrong and that he put the interests of our region above those of himself. 

I see in him the potential to develop the qualities necessary for leadership. Just as anybody else in this region, Islands of Unity has the potential to contribute, in one way or another, to its progress. I do not feel the need to bring up his record, because to the best of my knowledge, everybody knows it. He tried to delay progress in the Assembly by motioning ancient and defunct bills that were dead a long time ago and not applicable to our current laws. He expressed his resentment towards the 'South Pacifican establishment' by saying that they are an obstacle to change and other undesirable comments directed at people who he associated with the Establishment. 

The actions that I mentioned above are unacceptable and certainly not appropriate for a Legislator and public official of our region. I will not try to cover the bad things he did, nor will I attempt to act as his shield to defend him from such bad actions. But I will embrace such mistakes, as how a true friend and compassionate boss/public official should act, and try my best to help him improve and become a better public official and person. Everyone will ultimately make mistakes, some will do it more often and to a worse degree than others, but nevertheless, with true passion and commitment, everyone will improve and so will Islands of Unity. I am no stranger to the bad ideas and thoughts he had, however he has grown since then. One thing that I have learned from experiences both in life and during my time in The South Pacific is that you won't ever understand something until you actually experienced it. He fell, he tumbled, he was down, he got beaten, he got ignored, but he has risen to become a well-behaved member of this Assembly. And @islands_of_unity, when you see this, give yourself a pat in the back that you have been able to become a better version of yourself after all the times you fall and tumble.

Islands of Unity has become an active and productive member of our community, having served as Minister of Regional Affairs and is currently a member of the Ministry's Advisory Council. One person whom I absolutely adore, was Robert F. Kennedy, who once said: "Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not." Applying the quote to Islands of Unity's situation, if people pay more attention to the 'why not' more than 'why', things would have been so much better. So, I will just ask a very simple question. Please give me one time when you really sat down and talked to Islands of Unity about the issue, empathize with and understand him, and propose to him advices and solutions so he can truly improve and become an exemplary member of the Assembly and the region. Just one. 

Because I have. His actions come not from his own interest to rise to the top of the government, but from his deep love and passion for his region. And there were times when he did or could potentially do things that would go terribly wrong for him and this region. I went straight to the DM and told him "No. You can't do that. Here's why." "No, Islands, you can't encourage people to sign up for Legislator just to build up your base and get more votes in case you run for an election." "Islands, if you want to accuse Roavin for the Roavlands, you have to get evidence." Those were the words. And to the people who kept on clinging on the fact that Islands of Unity gravedug a bunch of old bills without contributing to help improve the situation, instead of blaming and dashing him for all the things he did wrong, why not help him up and together discuss on ways to improve?

Now, to conclude my response, I would like to make it clear that I am not and will not try, in any way, to prove that my decision was correct. No person shall be a judge of themself. Therefore, I will leave it to other people, to time and to history, to decide whether what I did was right. Because the way we are perceived and looked at is a reflection of our actions and attitude towards one another. Are we the land of second chances? I do not know, as I am not able to speak for everyone else, in which some of them may agree and some disagree. But should we be a land of second chances and accepting people who have made undesirable mistakes but are truly willing to improve themselves and contribute to our region. Yes, I do think we should and I will make sure that as we move forward together, no Legislator shall be left behind.

                                                                                                                                   [Image: 7Su5vxW.png]
                                                                                                                                       Chair of the Assembly
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I thank the Chair for their impassionate response to this matter. I wish Islands the best of luck in his endeavours as Deputy Chair of this esteemed Assembly.

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