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The flower's hand in marriage

OOC: It's back

@Ryccia @GI-Land @Qwert @Pax Dracon @Imperial Frost Federation

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Ambasssador Kishi sighed as he watched the Peony exit with the crowd towards the palace. Gently tapping Aran on the shoulder, he whispered, “Are you sure, you want to let this chance get away to introduce yourself to the Peony before the other suitors?” The Suitor smiled softly as he also walked towards the palace and replied, “Ambassador Kishi, you and I both know she tried to make herself scarce when she noticed our presence in the tram. Had I introduced myself now, I may have come across as someone who was a bit too eager woo her grace. In time when she is ready, she will summon us on her terms, not before.” “But then we will be overtaken by the other suitors.” Replied Ambassador Kishi in a hushed but exasperated tone. Aran Chuckled, “Nonsense, I never said I wouldn’t meddle with the chances of the other suitors. Besides we must ascertain their motives first. Who knows maybe someone in this group of political snakes might be in it for a chance at romance first, politics second.” “If only that were true for them…” said Kishi almost ruefully, and continued “well, there’s our destination, your majesty, and its time we say hello to our hosts” gesturing to the gates of the palace.

Prince Septimus blinked several times as the Peony approached the entrance, but quickly regained his composure.  He quickly but respectfully knelt down, the Drakari way of bowing to royalty.

"Your Majesty," he said in an even tone, "It is a great honor to be able to visit your country and your capital.  On behalf of my sister, Empress Hestia Drakar the Fifth, I, Prince Septimus Drakar the Third, greet you in the name of the Imperium of Pax Dracon and hope that we can forge a lasting friendship between our peoples."

Carl, as a royal, should not have to genuflex like others. Anyways, it was voluntary, but most classes would do this gesture to show respect to a monarch like the Emperor. However, recognizing the Peony's royalty, he genuflexed, showing respect for this monarch.

"Your Majesty, I am Prince Carl, Duke of Silediane, of the Imperial Union of Kyrini, Irykia, the Siculite Islands, Valivory, and the Ryccian Republics. It is of great honour to be merely in Your Majesty's presence"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Peony gazed upon the two suitors, and tried to get rid of prejudice. She only had one remark on her mind, "They're both quite handsome"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, guests of the Peocracy is certainly welcomed. We sincerely hope that relations between our two states will bloom greatly."

She took a gaze at Lady Cherche, who had constantly frequented herself with Diao Chan.

"Lady Cherche, what a pleasure to see you at last."
"It is mine, my Nuwang."
"How is the Emperor?"
"He looks forward to another batch of cookies and tea to be sent once more by his ally, and looks for you to visit him once more."
"I'm sure we can arrange that... Emperor Ivan told me that you are to be the ambassador?"
"It is my intention to try and court you for this position, I shan't lie."

The Peony looks around her surroundings.

"You're not alone it seems... I would like the both of you to attend me later on after this has blown off." Ordered The Peony.
"Of Course My Nuwang." said Lady Cherche.
"And as for you mei--"

The door knocked, Meimei's secretary.

"What is it Shizuka?"
"The delegate from the Frost Federation..."
"My Nuwang I...."
"Send them in." Ordered The Peony.

The Frostian delegation entered, while Ambassador Kishi's face is easily identified by The Nuwang, the man with military uniforms that calls himself "Aran" certainly made an impression. She did not want to be prejudicial however, and gave a short bow to them.

"Honorable Ambassador, and Aran? As I take it? I saw you on the tram earlier, what brings you to our humble country?" Asked The Peony

And as the exchange between them ensued, Diao Chan stood from her chair and bowed deeply.

"My Nuwang..." interjected Diao Chan.
"Meimei, while I strongly disagreed to your actions, I have decided that such schemes may be tolerable. I wish to see for it myself, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction saved it."
"My Nuwang..."
"Please ensure that all of our guests are treated well, and I look forward in meeting them in the garden."
"The garden...That garden?"
"Yes, that garden." nodded the Peony, "I'm sure you've instructed some people to escort these gentlemen to their accomodations?"
"Umm yes, Shizuka?" Called Diao Chan.
"Of course, honorable minister."

The four men in the room are then escorted out of the palace, and as they left, Triton entered Diao Chan's office. The Peony sighed as Diao Chan allowed the Gianlucan in, and opened her fan to keep a tight gaze at Triton.

"It is a pleasure to be of your acquaintance, prince Triton."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Triton bowed towards the Peony.

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm happy to meet you here and would like it very much, if we could get to know us better, honorable Peony."

He looked at her for a short moment, just to let her beauty sink in and burn an image into his brain.
Then he remembered, he still got his suitcase in his hand.

"Uhm, I'm sorry, but where can I leave this", he showed his baggage, "suitcase. I'm sure we aren't supposed to take our stuff with us all the time."

He tried to grin at her with amusement after having said this and waited for further instructions.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

"Likewise Mr. Triton, would you like your suitcase to be delivered immediately to your accommodation? Or would you like to see to it myself?" Asked The Peony, "nevertheless, if we would like to know each other even more, we could discuss it over dinner."

The Peony closed her fan.

"I am sure you are aware that there are many 'suitors'... I still shudder thinking of it, consider this something casual or something diplomatic, whichever is your preference, I have no need to scrutinize you so much."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

I sat down on my spot that day, fanning myself as the moon shone it's light on my courtyard. It has been quite a day filled with culture shock and awkwardness.

These.... Boys, they hold promise in their respective countries, but as one to rule with me? I have to think of the future too. I guess I can understand Shizuka's decision on leaving the leadership to me, it would be straining for her and her husband if they were to run the state. Besides, these guys are most likely forced into this than anything. The game of thrones, rule over the state coerced by older gentlemen wishing to relive the old days when they were in charge. To think that they used such bright people for this plot. Pitiful.

Even more controversial were if a foreigner are to court me. I guess I could count my blessings that I'm still attractive enough for such a group of fine men, if one were to account what little lust I have. Aran seems like the most similar to a peonic man, but I know that such austerity would be boring. Triton and Carl would be fun to hang out with, but I'm not sure if they have what it means to be with the Peonic people. Septimus seems like a nice man, and I look forward to be his acquaintance as with every one of them.

Lister is special, he didn't want the throne, but a mere bed and food, impressed by his action and loyalty, I gave him a job under Rin. An occupation to protect myself would be lucrative yet risky, and I do hope to see him in the ranks of my guardians. I do think he is okay with leaving his life in Sedunn, and start a new life as a Peonic citizen. I'm going to have to organize these papers right away.

It's been many years since my family had been the matriarch and guardian of this country, from my great grandmother. Of course when they mate their partners held some sort of office, if not having such a great status. So can I trust them to become my partner? Certainly not.

I do think there are some people I wish to ask for, just merely from curiosity. Gianluca might be a good person to be with, he does share my unusual set of antics. The hyperloop billionaire Hwa might also be good, I mean, he has an amazing personality. I'm merely not looking for a partner right now, maybe that's it.

"You're a fool."I heard the voice, it was all to familiar, especially if my mind is associated with it, negatively.

"How dare you enter without my permission? "

"21:45, that's when you said to enter. Need I also remind you that this mission is in absolute secrecy? "

"You can trust my sister, Doctor. "

"Caitlin did not want me to do anything of a sort."

"So you broke in."

"A crude way of saying it, yes."

The Peony was appalled yet coming from him, she expected it.

"Upon my summons they shall not dawdle in killing you."

"A sweet release, looking at such a view."

He sat right next to me, with his white shirt and jeans. Smells faint of perfume. I think he went immediately here from the hospital.

"No one told you you can sit here."

"And I must ask permission?" he asked, smugly

"A scream is all it needed."

"A scream is the only thing needed to infuriate Caitlin."

"Doctor, it's a mistake if you believe that she has me in a chain."

"Indeed, she is however extremely cranky if she hears of this." answered Doctor Kane, "Besides, there's enough place for a hundred butts in the floor."

He sat down with a smile, having won such an odd argument.

"Must you sit right next to me?"
"I'm in no mood to avoid you, my Nuwang. I'm sure you aren't too?"

I let out a scoff, and it was a couple of minutes until he spoke once more.

"Do you ever wondered how many butts have rested on this very floor?"
"Why are you like this, Doctor? " I asked, certainly irritated at his boorish behavior, "did you get diagnosed with scizophrenia? Tourettes syndrome? "
"It would be a lot easier if I had in order to explain myself." Answered the Doctor, "and Im sure it would give you a reason to tolerate me?"
"Wouldn't it be a better world? "
"Im just wondering that there must've been a lot of butts, just wondering whether their minds are the same when they see such beauty," he points at the courtyard, "If we are truly similar to one another, and that genetics affect how we think, would it not mean that the impression of such a sight towards your courtyard be similar? Albeit, without external effects."

Sometimes I just don't get how the hell he is inspired to think about such ideas from utter nonsense. Is it just how his mind works? That he pulls out one briliant thing from a jumble of meaningless thoughts, or did he do this deliberately to anger someone? Or attention? He does have a point though.

"Like that research on fear and happiness being genetic, and their physiological response is prelearned. I do however believe that ones character is determined by the external force. By their experiences. "

"How would one approach elation and run to survive may be amplified or subdued depending on respective characters, but such ideas are certainly instinctual. Bringing me to an idea whether instinct is catalyzed by a person's genetics or not."

"I've read about such thoughts, only it would be difficult to do a research on something intangible."



It was sometimes productive when you talk to him, which is why it would be alright not to fully avoid him. My mind is still clouded however concerning the recent happenings.

"How was your day?"

"....Doctor Kane, what do you think of me?"

"You're a fool." Responded the man, "need I say more? "

"I guess I am... "

"Interesting that you didn't try to provide a considerable rebuttal."

"I wonder why I am so uniterested in love? "

"Twenty words, on your condition."

"You are so cold."

"Acceptable, considering it is spring right now."

"Royal partner, uninteresting, childish or too austere. For good of people, didn't choose, but still longing for it."

"The people that try to court you look to you at such high regard, to a point that you do not see them as your equal."


"And the fact that you should account the people's welfare than your own upon introducing this man is noble, however you can't decide whether or not the presence of a partner would be beneficial for your people. They want you to be wed but would criticize anyone that you would wed. You are Yan royalty, untouchable, but your partner? They'll hound him like wolves."

"Perceptive. That's one thing good about you." I answered, he chuckled.

"Believe me, that is not why you're so foolish."

"Enlighten me." I gazed at him, and he looked away.

"Your foolishness stems from not braving yourself to make serious decisions on yourself. Extending the time to make it in hopes that it'll be a better outcome. You try to become a martyr like your grandmother, when your mother's socialite upbringing made you unable to become both a martyr or a socialite, choosing one would also be impossible." He explained, "as such when your precious friends came, you could not become your true self."

"Usually novels would tell us to listen to our hearts and power through it all."

"It's not exactly practical. Listen, there is no shame in deciding to be uninterested for a while if the reasons are correct, and there certainly is no shame making the decision on the correct person, and if your future partner makes the correct decision in your relationship, it may be a sweet one. Trust that they can, if you don't, dont even start. Be prepared of the things that would happen if you do."

His words are spinning, but I get the jist of it. Even though its not my intention to be told off tonight, I do appreciate his mindset sometimes.

"Thank you."

"Being single is a lot simpler, but I'm not sure being static in just one single place is something to covet upon."

"It's a nice feeling, being in love."

"The fallacy is that being in love clouds your judgement. One of the arguments against it."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"You don't need to ask what you know."

"Ah yes, Doctor Valentine."

"She was the perfect friend, the supporting lover, and the prospective partner. We talk a lot, and perhaps too much. She's now just a good memory and a lesson. I can't erase her completely because as far as we're both concerned, she's my confrere."

"She loved you Kane, I know. The times weren't exactly friendly between you, and your brash attitude along with her carefree personality didn't exactly help either of you."

"Well, that's that. I always tell myself that no matter how it goes, we'll both end up knowing what we want."

"That's enough to keep you going I guess?"

"Indeed, well here we are, both confused and got nowhere to go."

"Maybe you, this is my house."

"So I shall hang out then." He chuckled once more, and fell silent.

I looked at the moon with him in total silence, it was a calm night with the ambiance of crickets, flowing water and the wind. I had a sense of loneliness, and I would definitely choose some other company. But, call me crazy, I sensed something about him that made me... Curious.

I felt his presence on my right, but when I turned to look at his face, he was gone, again. It was apparent that we weren't going to talk about the mission today. I opened my fan and started fanning some air, when I gazed at my watch, it was time for tea.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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