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I want to be the delegate and here is why

No need for fancy drawn out speeches that take a day and a half to read, I simply want to be delegate. I am new here and I'd like to be the delegate.

Got questions? Ask em.

How would the region benefit from you being delegate?

(01-02-2018, 08:14 AM)nakari Wrote: How would the region benefit from you being delegate?

Good question. I'll make us more active and push more of our game side community to the forum side. It really boils down to what the community wants in the end. Do they want something that is more forum based like what we have here or do they want us to have a greater game side focus? Having both is fine and great but the experience is a bit more immersive on the forum side and it would be nice to use the influence of the delegate position to encourage more people to join our forums here and become active in all aspects of the forums. How you facilitate that is pretty easy, basically make it so that delegate positions on WA issues are selected by plebiscite on the forum.

Any other questions?

As a new player, what experience do you draw from outside NS that you think will help make you a good delegate?

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Founder of the Church of the South Pacific [Forum Thread] [Discord], a safe place to discuss spirituality for people of all faiths and none (currently looking for those interested in prayer and/or "home" groups);
And The Silicon Pens [Discord], a writer's group for the South Pacific and beyond!

Yahweo usenneo ir varleo, ihraneo jurlaweo hraseu seu, ir jiweveo arladi.
Salma 145:8

(01-02-2018, 08:35 AM)Taoiseach Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 08:14 AM)nakari Wrote: How would the region benefit from you being delegate?

Good question. I'll make us more active and push more of our game side community to the forum side. It really boils down to what the community wants in the end. Do they want something that is more forum based like what we have here or do they want us to have a greater game side focus? Having both is fine and great but the experience is a bit more immersive on the forum side and it would be nice to use the influence of the delegate position to encourage more people to join our forums here and become active in all aspects of the forums. How you facilitate that is pretty easy, basically make it so that delegate positions on WA issues are selected by plebiscite on the forum.

So, you're arguing that you want complete forum-side supremacy and that rather that meeting people where they are (the RMB), we should force them to join the forum?

Also, you're aware that the history of NationStates proper had been to make the RMB more dynamic and TSP, in particular, had led the way in creating gameside offices and function, right?
[forum admin]

(01-02-2018, 10:41 AM)Tsunamy Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 08:35 AM)Taoiseach Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 08:14 AM)nakari Wrote: How would the region benefit from you being delegate?

Good question. I'll make us more active and push more of our game side community to the forum side. It really boils down to what the community wants in the end. Do they want something that is more forum based like what we have here or do they want us to have a greater game side focus? Having both is fine and great but the experience is a bit more immersive on the forum side and it would be nice to use the influence of the delegate position to encourage more people to join our forums here and become active in all aspects of the forums. How you facilitate that is pretty easy, basically make it so that delegate positions on WA issues are selected by plebiscite on the forum.

So, you're arguing that you want complete forum-side supremacy and that rather that meeting people where they are (the RMB), we should force them to join the forum?

Also, you're aware that the history of NationStates proper had been to make the RMB more dynamic and TSP, in particular, had led the way in creating gameside offices and function, right?

Love your cute enthusiasm! No I did not say that I want complete forum side "supremacy". You see the word "supremacy" is such a nasty little thing with ties to colonialism and fascism which certainly isn't what anyone wants for our region. Nor did I say we should force them to join the forum.

What I do want however it to encourage greater utilization of our forums something that should be a shared goal for everyone here so as to avert stagnation in the future. The best way to encourage forum participation is by word of mouth promotion on the message board on game-side and also by promoting greater say in delegate affairs through plebiscite.

If you or anyone else still wishes to derive their sense of fun and amusement from the gameside you are perfectly welcome to do so. I do not intend to dismantle it in the slightest, I do however intend to promote the absolute majesty of mickey in the forum (And majesty of mickey is a figure of speech, not something nefarious you can read into my answer).

(01-02-2018, 11:28 AM)Taoiseach Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 10:41 AM)Tsunamy Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 08:35 AM)Taoiseach Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 08:14 AM)nakari Wrote: How would the region benefit from you being delegate?

Good question. I'll make us more active and push more of our game side community to the forum side. It really boils down to what the community wants in the end. Do they want something that is more forum based like what we have here or do they want us to have a greater game side focus? Having both is fine and great but the experience is a bit more immersive on the forum side and it would be nice to use the influence of the delegate position to encourage more people to join our forums here and become active in all aspects of the forums. How you facilitate that is pretty easy, basically make it so that delegate positions on WA issues are selected by plebiscite on the forum.

So, you're arguing that you want complete forum-side supremacy and that rather that meeting people where they are (the RMB), we should force them to join the forum?

Also, you're aware that the history of NationStates proper had been to make the RMB more dynamic and TSP, in particular, had led the way in creating gameside offices and function, right?

Love your cute enthusiasm! No I did not say that I want complete forum side "supremacy". You see the word "supremacy" is such a nasty little thing with ties to colonialism and fascism which certainly isn't what anyone wants for our region. Nor did I say we should force them to join the forum.

What I do want however it to encourage greater utilization of our forums something that should be a shared goal for everyone here so as to avert stagnation in the future. The best way to encourage forum participation is by word of mouth promotion on the message board on game-side and also by promoting greater say in delegate affairs through plebiscite.

If you or anyone else still wishes to derive their sense of fun and amusement from the gameside you are perfectly welcome to do so. I do not intend to dismantle it in the slightest, I do however intend to promote the absolute majesty of mickey in the forum (And majesty of mickey is a figure of speech, not something nefarious you can read into my answer).

There was nothing "cute" or "enthusiastic" about my questioning. You openly admit you're new here, don't explain why you want to be delegate, offer no rationale for why you want to be delegate nor a platform for what you'd do as delegate and seem to not understand the direction of the game or the region.

Fwiw, I think promoting RMB users to join the forum is a noble — and oft-cited — goal. However, we've also dealt with significant pushback from people who refuse to join the offsite forum, hence why we've attempted to give more representation to in-game nations. And, "forum supremacy" isn't a nasty word, but a way to look at the game dynamics.

Finally, while I appreciate the seething sarcasm, no one was reading anything "nerfarious" into your answers. I asked pretty straight forward questions about how you see our setup based on the minimal amount you've told us about yourself and how you see the role. Please take it as such.
[forum admin]

What experience do you have tarting for endorsements, and how will you utilize that experience to continue growing The South Pacific's endorsement numbers? Please be as specific and detailed as possible.
[Image: Lj1SunN.png]
Formerly Banned For Still Unspecified "OOC Toxicity"

What prior experience in TSP do you have? I'm particularly interested in your involvement in our executive, legislative, judicial and local branches of government.
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

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