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Huawan-Valkyria meet, Hai Lan Conference at the Royal Eastern Government Office

[Image: NIkVgPl.png]

Location, Ghour Pass
Time: Morning

"How is Mr. Lister?"
"My Peony, please do not trouble yourself with the my affairs to train the royal guardians."
"I hired him Rin, I believe I am entitled to some context?"
"He's doing quite well, his martial arts are quite crude and would need some refinement. He has trouble handling a compact weapon as well."
"You mean a gun?"
"Royal Guardians must be above any military personnel in this country, even above the famous "Condottieri" of Hammerstar, with it, immense amount of etiquette and service training to you."
"Do you think I made a mistake then?"
"By Allah with great training, he shall be a loyal shield to you, my Nuwang."

Breakfast in the Train cabin was interrupted by Miss Diao Chan, who rushed into the observation car. She did not run, but more to a fast walk. She seemed quite troubled, which is a usual sight in her menial tasks, and concerning foreign politics, which Diao Chan rarely becomes troubled about.

"Come join us Meimei."
"My Peony," she bowed, and The Peony signalled for her to arise. "I've just gotten a telegram from Justice Bao Xiàosù."
"Our Ambassador to the Federation?" Asked The Peony
"Yes, the Honorable Justice." Answered Diao Chan.
"....Rin, leave us."
"I beg your pardon, My Nuwang, High Delegate."
Rin bowed, turned and walked out of the train car. As The Peony poured a cup of tea for Diao Chan.

"Please." Offered The Peony, "you lose your judgement if you seem tense."
"To a point that you've known me for so long that you can say that."
She sat down and accepted the cup of tea, sipping it.

"Hammerstarian Bronze Pine Fine Needle Tea, infused with the Forget-Me-Not flower variation 112."
"Those fools always know how to charm us."
"And yet they are lethal." Said The Peony as she sipped her tea, now on the Federation?"
"The Reizen Independence Movement has declared their independence from the Frost Empire, My Peony."
"Those fools have done and gone it haven't they?" The Peony responded, "The Harm-Gord talks was also a feedback of the current situations, and I certainly see its going to develop."
"What should be our response?"
"...Continue monitoring the situation, Justice Bao is such a senior man, yet he's the one who could assess someone greatest. A man that people think is just an old coot fooling around, would surprisingly become their downfall."
"A lot of people seem to underestimate that man, despite his impressive record."
"Indeed, you can seemingly grade a person's worth by how they respect their elders." Said The Peony, while taking another chocolate mantou from the table, "and his last year as ambassador to the Federation pressures me to look for his successor, I wonder who it should be."
"One thing for sure, if the people of the Federation are as cold and austere to that of Aram, then I suppose we can find someone much more adaptive and observant."
"Of course, my Nuwang."

She then took another sip of her tea and wiped her mouth with the tissue.

"Well then, let us proceed in discussing the upcoming talks."
"Shall I summon the other ministers?"
"Please do.

In Attendance

The Peony, Doctor Yan
High Delegate of Huawan, Lady-Miss Diao Chan
The Empire's Exchequer, Lord Kim Sol
Transitional Eastern Governor, Lady Kyung-Soo Han
Royal Lieutenant-General of the Peonic Armed Forces: Lieutenant-General Rem Kara Hara

The train ride was a quick one, The Peony herself wishes to see the amount of time it took from end to end. With the new Eastern government, an increase in volume between the two territories is unavoidable. The station of Hai Lan was an amazing one, and while it may not be a railroad hub, it certainly is a marvel for such a great city.

[Image: Birds-eye-view-of-Shanghai-South-Railway...glazed.png]

A receiving party was done in the platform, as such, the Transitional Governor awaited for her Nuwang's arrival with great interest.

"My Peony! Welcome to the newly refurbished grand station of Hai Lan." Said the Governor as the entire party bowed to their Nuwang, and waited for her signal to ease them.
"The pleasure is mine governor Kyung-Soo, I believe the conference room is ready?"
"And a motorcade is prepared, please follow me." Said the Governor, leading the way of the delegation.

The party walked right towards the motorcade, which was sited just near the platform, a path usually taken by some trucks carrying mechanical parts.

"Do you know how the Qvai..I'm sorry, the Valkyrian delegation would arrive in Hai Lan."
"We have some representatives waiting for them at the airport, as such the Valkyrian ambassador is there as well."
"I guess it is time to brief you honorable governor," said Diao Chan, "especially this would concern much of the Eastern territory and its provinces."
"Let us begin then." Said Governor Kyung-Soo.

Discussions of the topic of the briefing continued. With concerns of the Cultist movements, the Valkyrian reformation's effects towards bilateral relationships, the augment of a new tunnel section to the Eastern Territory, as well as Valkyria's recently strong agendas in the military
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[Image: 3wpsPL3l.png]
Margaret Harrison and Michael Mendez in July 2018

[At Executive Valkyria in Stockholm]

Chief of Staff Michael Mendez: Are you sure you want to attend a meeting with the leaders of Huawan, considering the short notice of it?

Chancellor Margaret Harrison: Huawan is our neighbour, which entitles them to a great degree of deference. They want to discuss a number of issues because they are uncertain of our country's future. It would be unacceptable for any state, let alone a neighbouring state, to be concerned about our state. That is unacceptable on our end. The old state—Qvait—lost all of its credibility after the Operation Affirmed leak in 2015. We have built a new state—Valkyria—and our credibility is stronger now. We must attend this meeting because our state is one of the most influential in the world. We cannot faulter.

Mendez: With all due respect, Chancellor, our credibility and legitimacy is being challenged and this upcoming meeting is evidence of that. The cultists are doing that. The opposition is doing that. The people of Huawan are concerned about a domestic issue in our country. If they are talking about our cultist problem in Huawan, then that means it's definitely being talked about elsewhere. The OCMI is being overwhelmed and Jake Marshall is walking free and may even become an MP next year. We are in deep trouble. What kind of message are we sending to the world if a cult leader becomes an MP in an influential opposition party?

Harrison: That will be The New Right's problem, not ours. July is a lifetime away, so many things can change before then. Besides, Jake Marshall is a fringe extremist who will never sit in the halls of Parliament. He will either get killed for what he is doing in Silesia or he will be arrested for any other heinous act that he committed. These cults are an endemic problem and Huawan has nothing to worry about.

Mendez: The cults are knocking on their door. What are we supposed to tell them? 'Don't worry about it.' And what if the cults cross the border? They will shut down the railroads. A section of our economy will disappear overnight.

Harrison: Huawan is a landlocked country. It is because of this that they will not shut down the railroads. We both benefit from the it, but Huawan would take a greater hit on their economy if they decide to shut them down. Besides, we can tell them that there will be increased security at our border and I presume they will reciprocate. We had this with the coca issue and now it's the cult issue.

Mendez: That's exactly what I'm talking about, Chancellor. First, it was the coca issue. Now, it's this. We are falling on swords! And on the railroads, they could turn to Kringalia instead for exporting their goods and there is no mountain range separating them from Kringalia. They can easily trade without any geographic opposition. Between the three of us, we are all friends, but the money from Huawan's exports would be better served in Valkyria than in Kringalia.

Harrison: Then you must understand why we are going to Huawan. We must clean this up. The coca problem—there is no problem. It's the cult problem that matters. The cults will try to overthrow our government in July, but they will fail because there are more of us then there are of them. If they try to intimidate our voters, they will go to prison and the Electoral Commission will call for a new election. We have built a system that is stable and will not fail against forces of tyranny. We will be in control of this building at least until 2022. Our policy and our vision will prevail and it has been for two years now. There are many things that I didn't like about my father, but if there was one thing that I learned from him, it's that you must be strong. Even when we are at a disadvantage, we must fight and that is what we will do. The world will watch us rise up from this cultist problem and Valkyria will be stronger because of it.

Mendez: Very well. There is another issue and that is of attendance. Who will come with us to Huawan? They have requested the presence of Acting President Katelynn Williams.

Harrison: No, the Acting President has other business in Winston Island right now. Her sister is giving birth to a child. Ambassador Dawson Blackburn will greet us at the airport and take part in the meeting. As for our cabinet, Foreign Secretary Leslie Hunter, Defence Secretary Julia Burns, and Transportation Secretary Stephen Weissmüller will come with us to participate in our meeting and I want them to meet with their counterparts in Huawan. Not only must we give our reassurances to Huawan, but we must also secure greater cooperation between our two countries.

[Image: GfKFfdkl.jpg]
Julia Burns in September 2018

[On Skylines One]

Defence Secretary Julia Burns: Forgive me, Chancellor, but this communiqué from Huawan appears to show concern about our military. Don't they know we're friends?

Harrison: Last month, we acknowledged that our government has been engaged in covert action. I think the wording on Huawan's part is completely justified. They may be worried that we are involved in covert operations in their country. Let's be grateful that the communiqué doesn't say they are 'troubled'. You and I both know that the only thing our military is doing in Huawan is protecting our diplomatic missions. We are sibling countries, not enemies. We need to convey this message to Huawan.

Burns: Is there anything more to discuss, Chancellor?

Harrison: Yes, I want our militaries to begin joint exercises on counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. We need to make sure that Huawan is prepared in the event that our cult problem globalises. We can solve this problem within our borders, but it will be out of our hands if these cults cross the border.

Burns: I was informed by your chief of staff that you told him Huawan had 'nothing to worry about'.

Harrison: I did, but he is right to be concerned about the cultists crossing national borders. If the cultists do this—and I believe they're already doing it—it will be detrimental to our state and our relationship with other countries. We have economic and political interests at stake here. We already have problems at home. If these problems cross our border, these problems will multiply. That will be all, Secretary Burns.

Burns: Ma'am.


Foreign Minister Leslie Hunter: You wanted to see me, Chancellor?

Harrison: Yes, I want us to start thinking about initiating Operation Brighter Horizon. It is time for us to truly begin building a better world.

Hunter: We are gonna need to put the pieces in place, but that won't be too hard.

Harrison: Good.

[At Hai Lan airport]

Harrison: Hello, ambassador.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

"Ambassador, The Peony is waiting for the Valkyrian delegation, please allow us to escort them to the meeting point." bowed Agent Safa'a.

The Royal Guardians of The Peony rode alongside the Valkyrian motorcade to The Eastern Government Office. As such the police and the military stood in guard of the route towards it, it's the first time Hai Lan were to have such an important dignitary meeting for the last 200 years.

"I wonder whether I was a bit rude of the sudden request to meet." The Peony confides to her exchequer.
"You are anxious of the status regarding our two countries, and such discussions must not be made superficially in a teleconference, we can all see reason as to why the Peocracy demands assurance."
"I asked them quite abruptly, I must've looked quite rude."
"You are our empress, a doctor and a politician, certainly rudeness takes the back seat over accomplishment. Besides, if they couldn't, they wouldn't agree to it."

The Peony has many words to say, especially noting the fact of the economic repercussions of both states that will come about soon. With the revitalisation of the Eastern territory, The Peocracy would rely less on renting harbours to alight its cargo, and the Exchequer knows how much Valkyrian. income would be lost if they stopped signing their cargo through Valkyrian ports. Furthermore, with rising tensions and cult groups, border control of the Mikotoba tunnel is to be strengthened, and it certainly isn't an easy task, noting that the Mikotoba tunnel is the only viable and commercially sensible pathway that connects the North and South. With analysts seeing a 40% increase of passageway usage and expectation that the pressure going through the tunnel would double in size in the next 4 years, therefore it would be sensible if these things came under discussion.

Lieutenant-General Rem Kara Hara acts as deputy of the PAF Field Marshal Lord Aurel Shen-Durr, as such he feels to be an anchovy in a pond of whales. He was told that whether the Valkyrian council voting for more militarization should be a room for worry, in an unstable continent such as this one, The Peocracy may cross swords with its allies anytime. The bilateral relations between Valkyria and Huawan is a flourishing one since Valkyria came to formation, and one must hope that it wouldn't sour anytime soon.

The Peony looks to the entrance, seeing the Valkyrian motorcade arriving at the hall. As the Valkyrians exited and reporters blocked by the police, The Peony welcomed them to the building, the Valkyrians crossed a line of soldiers positioned neatly around the red carpet with the mark of The Peony opaquely printed to it, lowering their guns and their heads as dignitaries rossed them.

"Welcome to Hai Lan my friends," The Peony shook her hands at the delegation, and hers to them, "I trust your flights are well, no time for the usual filibuster, let us begin immediately."

As The Peony turned, the Valkyrian banner rolled from the left part of the ceiling, with the Peony's already unfurled in the right. Two long banners of two great nations have been rolled out, marking the beginning of the talks.

"You've done your homework, madam." Thought The Peony as she ponders the act a brainchild of the Transitional governor, it is a historic moment for the city after all.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

[In the meeting room]

Chancellor Margaret Harrison: Thank you for inviting us to this meeting. We, the people of Valkyria, believe that it is important for our two countries to remain partners, friends, comrades. It has come to my knowledge that this is the first time in centuries that this great city hosted a foreign head of government. It is an honour to be here. Let us get to business, shall we? What are some issues that your great nation wants to discuss with Valkyria?
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

"Chancellor, there is a reason we have invited you to Hai Lan instead of the Royal Palace as usual," said The Peony, "as you may recall I have proclaimed the formulation of the Eastern government, and as such proceed you with the Transitional Eastern governor's assessment."

"Thank you my Nuwang," Kyung-Soo Han said, taking the pointer to a series of charts, "esteemed delegates I hereby ask your attention to the screen. As you can see, the city of Hai Lan is chosen to be the leading governmental city of the eastern government. I myself along with my voted successor next year shall operate in this very building, as such Hai Lan along with our other port cities would become the driving force of our export and import business. We are slowly transferring our logisgics from our rented harbors in Beepee, Kringalia and Valkyria to Hai Lan, aiming to fully utilize our harbors and have 90% of intercontinental logistic transactions in the ambitious time of 3 years."

"I'm sure you know what this means," interrupted the Empire's Exchequer "for years Valkyria have been profiting quite heavily from us renting their harbors to receive excess goods we could not fit in the Mother River, just flowing to the Beepeean coastline. As such we make deals throughout the years in order to make commodities absorbable for the market. Now with the port city of Hai Lan along with our five ports, we certainly wish to adapt to it."

"I am sure your income from this is not the price of peas and kernels, our exchequer has crunched the numbers and in order for us to achieve independence on shipping while for you to not suffer the repercussions, over a 3 year adaptation process would be viable." Said The Peony, "A Head of State to another, Chancellor, cooperation between our two states must always be strong, your nation shall be under economical stress with the major changes, and ours too, therefore we ask for your opinions, would an adaptation period of three years be acceptable?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Harrison: It seems that your country will go down the path of economic nationalism. Over the years, we have crafted an interdependent relationship and this is the kind of relationship that Valkyria tries to pursue with all countries on the notion that it would lead to greater regional peace. I believe that it would not be in either of our country's best interests to disconnect this interdependent relationship. Have you decided that this will happen or is there a way for me to convince you not to go down this path?
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

"We all know that wiith the Mikotoba tunnel it would be impossible if we were to fully disconnect from this interdependent relationship. We however believe that in regards to ports, we would lose more than we gain." Said High Diplomat Diao Chan, "we have nothing to gain if we continue to route the majority of our freighters to neighboring harbors, and the amount of money used to rent so many harbor space and transport by train could definitely be used on a number of other things. It may work best for your nations coffers, but not to ours."

"We have to be frank that we wish not to turn back in growing the Eastern territory for the sake of Valkyria." Said The Peony, "this does not mean that we are looking to become an autarky, we have tried it already and we feel that there are more in the horizon if we work together, not become dependant with one another. Rest assured that as long as we are neighbors, trade between us shall be forever forthright, and our warning should be enough for both states to prepare the market to absorb the impact."

"Unless..." said Diao Chan, "you wish to have our ships continuously dock in Valkyria for another reason entirely."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Harrison: I understand. While I do not agree with this move, I respect it. Our relationship will not frayed as a result of different visions on trade. While we are on the topic of trade, I believe it would be in our collective interest to pursue free and fair trade. For a more balanced relationship, I think we should lift all tariffs on exports between our two countries and form an international trade council of sorts that will examine and compare the standards and regulations on our goods and the working conditions that are related to these goods. To put it simpler, I want our workers to be on an equal level. I want to make sure that our workers operate on similar wages, similar working times, and similar workplace environments.

As you may already know, our country currently holds the Speaker of the Assembly position at the World Forum and serves as the headquarters of the Committee for the Economy. And since we are here, you will be the first to know that Valkyria will pursue an ambitious agenda throughout the next six months. We seek to form an international trade council that will provide policy recommendations to make international trade freer and fairer between countries and we would very much like Huawan to join us in this effort. Does this proposal interest you?
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

"Thank you for respecting our decisions, honorable Chancellor." Said The Peony, leaving her exchequer to discuss the economical topics. An old man of respected ilk, and the ex-main governor of Huawan. Born in the lap of luxury to and his upbringing in high society and grueling institutions made him one of the most austere numbers cruncher in the entire nation. Introducing cost-saving edicts to The Peony's predecessor, and with his reputation trusted as the Empire's exchequer, he analyzes this strongly.

"We could alleviate export tariffs of the trade between our two countries, as of which we have pledged towards before. However the repercussions of an immediate change of working environments would be quite tough, perhaps we can meet at another time to discuss a joint agreement of workplace standards and wages. It would be quite difficult to have an operation of similar wages, noting the difference in population and industrial sector preferences." Said The Empire's Exchequer, "it would be a prospect to us that we can see this through. Speaking of which, we support the formation of the trade council and shall support and help craft the framework needed for this council. Our support shall, and only be given, if the agendas benefit the Peonic economy without severe repercussions."

"With concerns to laxer trade, we are sure the Mikotoba tunnel shall be utilized quite much for it, being the main entry between the north and the south, as well as the gates through the cordillera range." Said High Diplomat Diao Chan, "we wish to discuss the possibility to expand the tunnel's facilities to accommodate the surge of usage in the next five years, nearly doubling its capacity. Not only that, we wish to create a superstructure, a massive highway interchange."

[Image: eb4ad1e5-99f7-47e5-a8b9-e5e627ea39ac.jpg]

"This would certainly alleviate the tension in the roads and reduce traffic, a massive railway network and depot shall also be available to accommodate its needs." Said The Peony, "we wish to hear your plans to accomodate the immense demand of the Mikotoba Tunnel."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Harrison: I would like to further elaborate on my proposal. I did not mean to say that that the dentist from Huawan would have the same wages and workplace standards as that of the engineer from Valkyria. What I meant is that dentists of our countries would be on an equal footing same as the engineers of our countries would be on an equal footing. Depending on the profession of a worker, they will have the same opportunity regardless of country.

With regard to the superhighway—I regret not bringing the environment secretary with me on this trip. I don't want to commit to this proposal until I know the environmental impact of the project. We Valkyrians care greatly about our forests north of the Cordillera Range and we don't want them to be heavily disturbed by anthropogenic activity. Right now, we have a train going through the Mikotoba tunnel that is concentrated on imports and exports—industry. Instead of the superhighway, I propose we construct a tunnel on the eastern end of the Cordillera Range that transport people by using high-speed magnetic levitation technology. This would be a project that would take about ten years, but it would be a more environmentally-friendly option.

[Image: ucsSXbXl.png]

The paths that the system would take in Huawan would be up to your government, but we are already constructing this high-speed rail project in Valkyria. It is possible for us to connect this to Huawan, which is something you have already alluded to. Of course, we will need to make the rails and trains compatible, but I do not think this will be difficult. Right now, our countries are dependent on fossil fuels, which is why I am not committed to the superhighway. Until the world we live in is no longer dependent on fossil fuels and all of our cars rely on renewable energy, a superhighway may not be in the best interests of our forests. In several Valkyrian cities, gas- and diesel-powered cars will become banned by 2025. On the national level, we have plans in place to ban all gas- and diesel-powered cars by 2030. Where is Huawan on this issue?

4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

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