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Her thoughts (Huawan-Frost Call) [Completed]

As the Peony flew inside her diplomatic plane back to Lián, she wonders on the multitude of interjections and talks in the Harm-Gord chamber. She knew the Reizen affair is a complicated one, but for delegates to eat one another from this in a separate chamber?

The Peocracy is the only nation that has yet to lift a finger or said a word in the entire event, while the entire nation is tuned to the talks of the Eastern government, not many people demanded her answers. But now they do, and with The Peony acknowledging the existence of such issues, answers are needed and indecision would lead to further distress on her part. She knew that escalations would continue to increase, and she must take action towards it.

She decided that Justice Bao Xiaosu would provide his assessment after the meeting with Qvait in Hai Lan, but she wants to know about it from a person who may have been on the field. Someone she knew quite closely. The Peony has never met her Frost counterpart nor that she has anyone she could talk to from Reizen. She remembers of a certain figure that tried to court her, impressively albeit unnecessarily. It would certainly be a hard decision if it goes towards the other individuals, and she hopes he would be much more accepting.

"Attend me." She said, and with it, a secretary came and bowed before being eased.
"Yes my Nuwang?" The Secretary asked.
"Get me the Frost Ambassador Arai Kishi."
"Yes my Nuwang."

A finished cup of tea later, The Peony answered the phone ringing.

"Hello Ambassador........yes I am fine, yourself?..........Excellent..........Yes may I ask for Aran?.........I believe I am unable to divulge........." The Peony took the pen and wrote the number, "Thank you.......The Imperial country code?..........Huawan, howcome?............You mean after all this time, he is still in Huawan? On what purpose?...............I see............. Thank you Ambassador, have a nice day."

The Peony closed the phone and saw the number, with her pen, she inserted the Peonic country code infront.

"So he is still here."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Frost Embassy 

[font]Ambassador Kishi hung up the phone as he wondered what the Peony wanted from the young Prince who now roamed the streets of Lian, free to study the local culture for the betterment of Frost Academia. Perhaps she wanted to deepen her relationship with the young prince thought the Ambassador as he called Aran from his phone. “Hello, Prince Aran, this is the Ambassador speaking… yes sir, I know you’d prefer to be called by your name than title… well sir, I want to inform you that her Peony contacted me about you sir… I don’t know sir, but I expect that you should receive a call from her honorable Peony soon… Yes sir, of course, I’ll be sure to let her know… I’ll call you if something comes up sir.”

[font]A Cafe in Lian, Huawan[/font][/font]

Aran closed the phone as he ordered another cup of Royal Milk tea from the Cafe he frequented in the capital of Huawan. He was surprised that Peony still remembered him, and was curious about why she asked Arai for his number. 'Regardless of the reason, I do hope that the Peony would regard me as a friend than a suitor,' thought the young Prince as he opened his briefcase pulling out a simple journal that he began to write in it to pass the time.

She presses the numbers on the phone for Aran, her mind is somewhat busy that she could not comprehend how awkward this mightve been.

"你好 honorable prince, sorry for your interruption tonight, I had thought to push the extension For Frost but I certainly didnt expect to be pressing thr extension for the mainland, I dont believe youve told me youre still in Huawan, prince Aran.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Aran picked up the cell as he answered, "Good evening honorable Peony, please don't apologize, I appreciate you calling this humble Expat. Yes, of course, it slipped my mind at the time, but I had originally meant to come to Huawan with a two year visa to study the local history and culture. I'm an anthropologist by trade, and the lack of Peonic knowledge in the Empire is in my humble opinion terrible, and one that should be rectified. I have been largely cooped up in your public libraries since our last encounter, learning the language and taking names to contact so that we may have our own translated copies in the future. May I ask what  brought you to call me, Honorable Peony?"

"I came to ask your opinions on the escalation of the recent events in Reizen, you may be an honorable antropologist but your royal and military background may shed some light. Frost knowledge of the Peocracy is terrible, the same can be said of mine with the recent events taking place."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"I see... I don't know how I can help with respect to the tragedy of Reizen, but please ask away."

"I believe you can help more than you know you can, prince Aran, well firstly is this a common fight for independence? What on earth happened?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"I'm not too sure about the origins of the war, but I can tell you that this isn't a common fight for independence. It's far more complicated... The province used to be under a system of segregation where the minority Frost colonists oppressed the indigenous peoples under the guise of colonial autonomy. 20 years ago, the Empire found out about that system and set about to radically reform the oppressive society while making amends to the indigenous peoples. Its... part of the reason why I volunteered to study and help the indigenous tribes to help them preserve their culture. Before the Empire formally dissolved the local government, there used to be a compromise system in place. One where a political appointee was approved by the people in a referendum. However, political extremists killed the last governor, forcing the Empire to install an oligarchy and suspend the democratic institutions of the Province. The local frosts didn't take kindly to losing their political rights and mobilized... peacefully at first as my Cousin Itami would say, but then violently as Isara would later claim."

"I do hope your cousins are alright Aran," said The Peony, "So it was the local frosts that instigated the entire affair? Not the indigenous community of Reizen? I suppose that an emergency government installment through an oligarchy is quite logical, but how long since the assassination Aran?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"As do I," said Aran, "Unfortunately, the assassination of the governor was a little over a year ago and was called the Night of Broken Hearts by the media since it took place February 14. Unfortunately the start of the affair is much more complicated as more moderate Frosts and indigenous people banded together after they felt that the Central Government's response was heavy handed and unfair to those who didn't support the extremists behind the assassination. They resisted peacefully, attracting the attention of Prince Itami who lobbied on their behalf, and there was hope that things could be settled peacefully... but it appears that some who favored conflict won out leading to the civil war... "

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