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Languages and Cultures of TSP

The Frost Empire is a multiethnic empire with no official language, but the native language of the mainland is Hinomoto (Japanese), while the native language of Reizen is Rekina. Learning Hinomoto and Rekina is mandated since primary school to preserve both languages. Aspiring government officials are taught austral and latin in addition to Hinomoto and Rekina. Rucian is a popular minority language among workers due to the folksong Katyusha.

The Culture of the Frost Empire is similar to that of Japan, the United States of America and South Africa. Reizen province is heavily inspired by apartheid regimes, pre-revolutionary war USA, and Balkan instability.

Antarcha: The official language is Antarchese and Austral.  Most people under the age of 60 are fully fluent in both languages, while only 57% percent of people over 60 are fluent in Austral.

Anserisa : The main official language is Anserisan but most people are fluent in Austral since it is part of the school's curriculum. Anserisan is a language which would be equivalent to a modified French (mostly ending the words in "a" or in "o" with a lot of Latin words thrown in the mix. The Académia Anserisana is regulating the language and some people are calling for the use of a reformed Anserisan, New Anserisan which would be just the equivalent to French.

EDIT : I've found that portuguese (without the accents to save me the trouble with changing my keyboard) is looking really similar to Anserisan, so I guess New Anserisan would be more like portuguese. (I'll have to use Google Translate even more)

Eggraria has two official languages: Deovalish and Austral.

Deovalish was the only official language until the Secular State Act of 1952, in which Austral was made an official language to compete with demands of the religiously-charged language.

Deovalish is a native tongue of the nomadic tribes that originally settled in the area, oftentimes flowering their language specific to the texts of their particular gods. Due to the very limited speaking and writing of the language, Universal Deovalish was created during the foundation of Eggraria and was named as conventional Deovalish.
You may know me as Eggraria!
Roleplayer and Writer

Minister of Culture

Office of WA Legislation Staff
Roleplayer - the State of Eggraria

Citizen of The South Pacific above all else.


Holy Free has two official languages: Freian and Austral

Freian is a WIP

North Prarie's main language is Prariean, which is a mix of Julietan (A french equivalent from tribes that originated in Bailtem and settled in North Prarie) Arendalian (the same, but from Keyli and Norwegian) and nomadic tribe languages to create a language that is very similar to Austral, but with some Germanic components as well. 

Most Prarieans are bilingual, and because of international business and relations Austral is on track to becoming the main language.
Midwesterner. Political nerd. Chipotle enthusiast. 
Minister of Culture of the South Pacific // Former Prime Minister


The historical language of Landland is Bojus Hrugava, it translates as "Our Noise".

The everyday used one is 
[Image: i2w6luy.png]

The Kingdom of Royaltica's official languages are Royaltican, Austral, and Tamil (Royaltican is a combination of Hawaiian and Tamil. Austral is English, and Tamil is a real language spoken in India). Austral is the language used for international purposes and for Royaltica's large tourism industry. Royaltican and Tamil are the languages most commonly spoken for regional matters.

75% of the Royaltican population is fluent in all three, 20% is fluent in Royaltican and Tamil, and 5% is fluent in only Royaltican.

The culture of Royaltica is similar to the culture of Hawaii and South India.

Due to the international nature of the Izaakian population with no native language the Austral language is the language of Governance, Education and Business.
However, other languages from across the world are free spoken around the nation.

Proktethia’s official languages are Prok (which is pretty much just Greek) and Austral.

Procus Rega’s official language is Procus Kluh (which means Mighty Speech)which is basically Proctethian (my conlang) with a few minor differences and one major difference - a different writing system.

Pselroskun's most spoken language is Pselroskun but the languages Austral, Ziri, Yawnawa and Banari are also spoken.

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