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The Reunion

"Your scheduled visit is limited to two Imperial standard days, Your Majesty", said the Chancellor, "we have not planned for more. We fear for your safety if this visit is prolonged to a timeframe we have not accounted and planned meticulously for"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"I see. Then I fear that we will have to meet these fabled warriors on another occasion. But let it be a note that on the next visit there should be Mandalorians."

The King took his last sip from the wine before finishing his meal.

"But I think a Mandalorian at the ball would do for now. Say, when is this ball planned again?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Tomorrow, according to my itinerary, there shall be a morning ball right after breakfast"

The servants came and served the last meal: dessert. For the King, it was a Platinum Cake: a beautiful vanilla cake adorned with sweet fruits and edible platinum flakes. White chocolates coated in edible silver flakes and coloured sugar diamonds (transparent-ish sugarcubes coloured with various flashy hues with added flavours shaped into crunchy diamonds) were present.

The servant spoke in French.

"Your Majesty, I have the honour to present these desserts. This is a platinum cake prepared by a baking master invited from the capital alongside white chocolates and coloured sugar diamomds for your pleasure. Worry not regarding the metallic flakes, for they are indeed edible.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Merci beaucoup. Dit le chef que la presentation est excellente."

He responded with a smile towards the servants. The cake was quite bizarre for the Stoinians. What was the point in all that fluff? Surely it must taste good or it would be a waste of time. The King took a bite and enjoyed the taste that followed. The Queen and Chancellor both liked the cake as well.

"This cake is indeed quite delicious. You can tell the chef he has my compliments. Although we aren't accustomed to morning balls, we will try our best to be fresh for the ball. Do say, these morning balls, do they occur often?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Not often from my recollection. To accomodate the Senators and Congressmen, who must carry out their legislative duties in a timely fashion, we have opted to host this ball on the morning in order to fit with their schedule"

When the Stoinians finished their meal, the lunch was declared over. A break was to follow. Everyone headed back to their chambers. At the door, the servant assigned to the King opened the door for him, bowing his head and without saying a word. Whilst this may irritate the Stoinians, this was merely proper etiquette for servants.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King arrived in his room and immediately started searching for the Old Imperial Military music. He was stupefied by how advanced the Ryccian console was, it was like nothing in Stoinia. Surely once the students had learned of these Ryccian technologies Stoinia would have its own technological golden age. The music was very reminiscing of Stoinia's current style. He started to look into the Old Empire and formed his initial thoughts. Perhaps this Old Empire had more guts than the current one. But when he stumbled amongst references of the Mandalorians, he went deeper into their culture. He learned from their culture, learning of the role of Mandalore and their code which shared all the fundamental values with the Stoinians. Perhaps these people can be the bridge between the decadent Ryccians and the Stoinians. Time would reveal it, but now he needed to focus on other matters. Perhaps now was the time he would answer for the butchering of Velutaria, the image of the Stoinian Star Kingdom would be decided in the next hour.

The Queen spoke to him in Romanian, the aristocratic language.

"Sweety, are you ready for your conference?"

The King stood up and embraced his Queen.

"We shall see, shall we not?"

She gave him a soft slap on the face.

"I hate it when you do that. You are THE King for God's sake."

"I am still Terran sweetheart. You know that. But don't worry, these Mandalorians they referred to are quite similar to us. Although they are more tribal based than us, they share a lot of values and principles. I'll try to make us appear like these Mandalorians."

"Alright then. Don't do anything stupid the opposition at home would use against you."

He kissed her as she straightened his uniform.

"You know, I think the Ryccians are so culturally different that even they would find it hard to align themselves with them. But I'll do my best. May God be with us."

He left his room and took two Royal Guardsmen with him. His appearance changed. His pace became faster and bigger as if he was ready to go to war. And in a way he was, with the Ryccian press. Unlike the ones back at home who he was accustomed too, he didn't know anything about the press here. Except for the bold journalist, but he surely wouldn't be the rule. He arrived at the room where the press conference was held and took a moment. He had to remain calm, the task of maintaining a good image laid on his shoulders. He put his chest forward and lifted his chin up. He opened the door himself followed by two of his Guardsmen. As soon as he entered the room he expected flashes, but there were none. Of course not! The Ryccians are using holographic technology, they wouldn't have a need for it. The journalists started to shout out questions but he maintained his cool. He slightly lifted up his right hand and then lowered it. Surprisingly the journalist followed his hand and soon a silence followed.

"Greetings Ryccians, I am King Andrei Stoian the Third of the Stoinian Star Kingdom. In name of our nation I bring you our kind regards to our Terran brethren. It is truly a relief to see others of our species flourish. That isn't to say that the other species should be afraid of us. But everyone one of you has one thing in common, you are all journalists and I will treat you as such, regardless of any race or species. I don't know the journalistic rights you have here in Ryccia, but if you overstep our standards. You will know it and I urge that the others learn from that mistake. Do not fear I won't punish you, I will merely be less cooperative and you will be wasting your time and that of your colleagues. Choose your questions wisely now. Now are there any questions?"

Hand rose up in the air and journalists began to shout their questions, but not all of them. A Vurbentan held his hand up in the air without shouting. The King pointed at him waiting for his question.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
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  • Ryccia

"Greetings, Your Majesty, Noxka Vuohotso here from the Central Imperial News Agency. In our nation, there has been a great deal of controversy regarding your attitude towards other species. Some are calling you uncivilized barbarians due to your xenophobia. As this conference is being televised across the entire Empire, could you address the nation in regards to these accusations?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"I would be a fool to tell you that there isn't a xenophobic influence. But I can assure you that it has a natural cause. Your people aren't familiar with our parts of space. It was infested with pirates of barbarian races and one of them decided to attack our newly colonised world just years after we settled. That war with the Mardakii o War at Home as we call it, shaped Stoinian society in a way to distrust any other species out there. I am sure you can understand our reasoning for it. However before you start putting words in my mouth saying that I am like the Imperials of the Old Empire, I want to clarify that we aren't like that. What is still unbeknownst to you is that the Stoinian Star Kingdom isn't purely made out of Terrans. Thirty years ago in our campaign against the Mardakii we came across the Cheunh Ascendancy inhabited by the Cheunh. A blue skinned humanoid resembling to Terrans, but with glowing red eyes. They proved to us that other races have worth in them which we previously didn't see. I think that we Stoinians are at a historic time where we begin to learn of such things. Compare it in a way with your Democratic Revolution where all races gained equal rights, but in a more cultural way. Now I understand that by your standards we seem like a crude people, but it is because of our past struggles against xeno races like the Mardakii and Velutarians which shaped us into what we are today."

"You may not have noticed, but I am still looking forward to work with your officials regardless of race. In some ways I have found to have more culturally in common with a non-Terran race than the Terran race. I am sure that there are cultural differences, but only time can overcome them. So I ask the Ryccian people for time to adjust to your new ideas and the Stoinian people will return the favour. Friendships aren't build in one day, but require time to be build. Whether the Ryccian people still want it is up to you to decide. I know we had a very rocky start and that perhaps the wounds haven't quite healed yet, but if we both are willing to work on it, I am sure we will grow a strong tree of friendship."

He took a small breath and journalists began to shout out questions again from the back. The front had taken the example of the Vurbentan and were silenced while lifting up their hand. The King eventually pointed at a Velpan on the fourth row.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Your Highness, Lirgeil Ralmehen from The People's Inquirer. We decided to take a question from our readers and select it by lottery. Here is a question from an alien citizen: Shall Stoinians kill me because I am not human?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King smiled and laughed a bit. He hadn't expected such a stupid question. It truly was amusing to him. H then looked into what he suspected to be the camera.

"Dear citizien, I think you have the wrong imagery of us. We don't kill out of pleasure, but because we must. Almost every Stoinian knows the sacristy of life through hunting. I know it seems archaic, but it is what connects us to our ancestors and teaches us about the reality of nature. We aren't a barbaric hoarde that kills out of sheer pleasure. On the contrary, our society is build around fighting those barbarians. But in short no. We won't kill any Ryccian citizen because he isn't Terran. Especially since you have proven to be productive and become a pillar of Ryccian society. I will refer to my last comment and tell them that I believe every non-Terran species has their worth."

He then pointed to a Terran in the middle who was quite silent. The majority had also become silent, but a few shouted nonetheless.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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