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The Reunion

"For our part, we do not permit the practice of bounty hunting as you describe it in our territories. However, Ryccian citizens are free to perform such tasks if you so permit it within your lands, as they are outside our jurisdiction. We have no objection that you exempt those wishing to travel to your planets to fulfill these bounty hunting missions from the visa system, but our laws forbid this profession in our nation and thus we cannot give way to Stoinian citizens doing the same"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"I see, any Ryccian willing to train himself in this practice is welcome to do so. Notice I said Ryccian, not Ryccian Terran. However there will be an extensive selection process. But is the private investigator license of our Bounty Hunters not to be valid in Ryccia or is this practice is forbidden as well?"

"Now on the matter of technology, we believe that each nation should be able to bring some of their technologies to foreign markets. However they will have a patent on it for the next 10 years for exclusivity and with extensive royalty contracts for usage of such technologies. Are there any sectors in which the Ryccian Government, would like to proceed with this?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Private investigation that does not interfere with the responsibilities of law enforcement is completely legal, of course, albeit local laws depending on the planet may vary. Some may even ban these activities if they so desire, but I cannot recall of any jurisdiction that has enforced such a prohibition"

"We are of the opinion that a decade is not sufficient. Usually, our copyright laws stipulate that the timeframe for the existence of patents is around 25-40 years, with variations on industries and jurisdictions. Patents relating to healthcare are dramatically shorter, at only 5 years. Our companies, both public and private, would feel confused and a tad uncomfortable with the suggested number of years. We suggest a time period of 35 years, although we are open for negotiation and compromise"

Ferul was gambling here. The Stoinians were a younger nation, and their own self-descriptions suggested that their technologies were less advanced overall compared to the Ryccian Empire. If there was to be any technology sharing, the Empire must retain the strategic advantage. If the risk paid off, it would be in the national interest.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


35 years?! The Chancellor nearly gave his surprise away, but thankfully kept his cool. Although he perhaps gave a few subtle expressions of surprise. No this was unacceptable to the Stoinians. This would make the Stoinians look like the lap dogs of the Ryccians. Stoinians had welcomed them with open arms and now they wanted to dominate the Stoinians in key economic and technological areas. Paying xenos for future essential technology, the thought unsettled both the Chancellor and the King. This further confirmed their suspicion to be very careful with th Ryccians. Regardless, a few years on the margin couldn't hurt, let's see how big of a gambler Ferul was. Stoinians had secured their card of learning Ryccian tech from universities and if this went sour, the knowledge would still be obtained, although the expertise had to be regained. Something the Stoinians were more than eager to put time and effort in.

"It seems we have different timeframes for patents. Most of our timeframes are about 10 years, but we would be willing to change that instead of 35 years, we go with 14 years. Though I must say that from the looks of it, our internal markets seems more competitive than yours. If the Ryccian companies aren't willing to adjust to our markets. Than I fear that they hardly will reach even your suggested 35 years. Of course if you have different thoughts, just say so."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"They are tough, I shall grant them that"

Ferul was reflecting on his circumstances. He knew the Stoinians would love to assist the Empire due to their stalwart pledge to defend every human they encounter. That is what they told the Ryccians. But even so, one cannot rely on mere words alone. One has to see actions, both past and present. What if their neighbours detest the Stoinians and these xenophobes go into another of their genocidal wars with Ryccian technology? What if they are lying through their teeth and they are simply just planning to steal Ryccian technology? He knew the Stoinians were astonished by such a high demand. After all, whilst their senses are weak on this regard, Velpans can detect incredibly strong emotions that create a torrent of chemicals with their scent. Besides, the keen-eyed would not require this sense of smell, for it was visible, if only briefly, for the observant. He knew he had angered the Stoinians immensely. The issue was how much he should infuriate them.

"Perhaps it is preferable to reach a medium. Your laws dictate periods of 10 years, whilst ours is around 25 to 40 years. Let us meet and the middle and say 22 years. Our companies shall feel some familiarity with this timeframe, allowing them to plan ahead for the future"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


They had dropped about 13 years. Maybe they aren't as stuck-up after all, a good change of scenery for once. Now they showed real interest in the Stoinians and the Chancellor now felt they were going somewhere. 20 years would be optimal he thought. Enough time to fully adjust to the respective markets. Although in Stoinian terms this would be the absolute limit for patents, in Ryccia this would likely be the shortest acceptable timeframe.

"Very well, I see your point for your companies. But if you drop down to a timeframe of 20 years, than I believe we can come to an agreement. Not excessively long to us and not absurdly short for you, wouldn't you agree?"

"It should also go without saying that these technologies should not be made included in any further trade deal with third party nations. For example we will allow you Ryccian technologies to be sold to the Treecuu Star Empire for example. Our recently discovered northern neighbour with whom we already have signed a non aggression pact. It would only be a mere time before we start trading with them as well. For that reason selling to third party nations cannot be allowed. I think we both agree that both of our technologies should be kept safe between us."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Of course, the technologies we acquire from you shall not be sold to other states and viceversa. We respect that"

"Now that we settled the issue of racial equality, we can be guaranteed that Ryccian tourists shall be safe in your lands. We can now speak of tourism visas. We propose that 80,000,000 tourism visas be permitted each year. This can be scaled back if both populations show less interest in visiting the other, or viceversa if tourism becomes a popular activity between our two states"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Chancellor would have wanted more, but since not all planets are included a good 80 million to start off was a good bargain. The Ryccians were even open to further extend the deal, truly a favourable deal for both parties.

"We agree on these terms. But this does bring the question how we will inform the public about each other. People will know the potential risk once they ask for visas, but this hardly is an incentive to get people to visit our nations. We therefore thought of linking both our information networks. Now this will take some time as both our engineers will have to find compatibility patches for our networks systems. If this would prove to be to hard a shock, we could allow tourism companies to open headquarters in each other's nations and allow acces to advertise online in the respective nation. I imagine the latter would be a far more interesting option for you."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Yes, the latter is more adequate"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Good than only two matters remain. The matter of cross currency exchanges, however I feel like that should be handled by economic specialists from both nations. That way we can ensure there won't be economic instability once trading gets into a full wind."

"The other matter is that of embassies and diplomatic posts. We suggest that the Ryccian embassy be place next to the Treecuu Embassy on King's Square in Sinaia. From there the embassy can coordinate with the diplomatic posts on the other planets open for Ryccian visas. I also believe that the people working in these institutions shouldn't be incorporated in the initial 50.000 work visas. Can we expect a similar system with an embassy on Daonlathas? Oh and before I forget, since foreign policy is partly made with military approval we will appoint a Legate from the military as Ambassador. Don't worry the Diplomatic Corps also serves as bridge between the civilian government and the military so there won't be hardliner military veterans serving as "Ambassadors". Of course the Embassy would be escort be a small attachment of a maximum of 10 additional military personnel. We request that the military personnel be accepted as part of the diplomatic attachment. Would this form any problem? They will also be required to adhere to special diplomatic protocol in accordance to your nation."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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