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The Reunion

"We have no problem with such terms"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Gentlemen, I believe we are at an end in these negotiations. Shall we proceed to our individual chambers? We have an intriguing day tomorrow"

Ferul returned to his chambers and turned on the holovision. The opposition was, as usual, criticizing his "weakness" and other bullshit, but it appeared that public opinion was with him. Excellent news. He hoped this would last.

He was getting messages from several key Senators and Congressmen about the meeting and other political issues. He spent his night answering them, as their support was crucial.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"May this be the beginning of a new era. Our new Ryccian friends."

Both the Chancellor and King shook the hands of the Ryccian officials. They smiled and then departed to their rooms. The King was met by his wife.

"So ... How did the King of Stoinia handle himself out there?"

The King proceeded to lift up his beloved and kissed her. A kiss of pure passion, a perfect reward after an exhausting day. 

"I like to think he has proven to the Ryccian that he still have the same vigour as when he ascended to the Throne."

"Oh what now. The Butcher of Velutaria showing compassion with xenos?"

"I rather see it as beating them at their own games of deception. But enough about the Ryccians for today. Let's go sleep, for I have to show that fox who the better hunter is."

The next morning, the King had woken up earlier than most would have expected. Sadly the Chancellor couldn't join the hunt as he had to help coordinate the final results for the agreements made yesterday. Surely John would do a mighty fine job. The King had changed into his hunting attire. A camouflage suit with blaze orang markings on the shoulders and cap. For his breakfast he asked early servants if he could have some bacon and eggs on a balcony. He enjoyed the sunrise on Constantinople and the bacon and eggs had been delicious indeed sending his compliment to the chef in French, or Tionese as they called is.

Moments after finishing his breakfast, Ferul was passing his balcony by chance and asked if he was intruding. The King responded positively, inviting him to take a seat and enjoy the view with him for a moment.

"So Ferul, if I may call you that, I prefer to drop the ranks and formalities when hunting. What exactly will we be hunting today? And I understand from my envoy that hunting isn't quite as appreciated by your people. Though I imagine that it must still be somewhat relevant to your species, or would I be wrong?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Your Majesty, today we shall be hunting several animals. From what I understand, the Royal Hunting Grounds now function as a nature preserve, and thus we had the original population cloned for this hunt in order to preserve its inhabitants. I have become acquaintanced with the beasts who shall be subject to our hunt, and they are deers, wild ducks, turkeys, wolves and bears. A pack of dogs shall accompany us for tactical assistance. I am not used to hunting these animals, for they are staples of human hunting, not of my culture, so I hope they do not prove to be lethal. We should not worry for death, as a squadron of TIE Fighters and two platoons of camouflaged Stormtroopers shall guard us against any threats"

"Hunting in Velpan culture is a traditional pastime. As our biological ancestors partook in this activity for their survival, it is only natural for us to retain such a custom and view it favourably. Our elite classes have a particular way of hunting which is imbued with delicate symbolism. Whilst these gestures may be meaningless to other races, it is a core part of aristocratic Velpan hunting. For humans, hunting is a different matter. More affluent regions condemn the practice as barbaric for spilling unnecessary blood, whilst the far-flung areas of the Empire are more fond of it due to their frontier nature"

"Now, we should proceed. The event shall formally commence shortly"

Constantinople, Ryccian Empire
Royal Hunting Grounds

Ferul was dressed in a traditional hunting attire of his people. It was made of leather from a species native to Velpus, the home planet of his species. It was light, so the wearer could retain mobility whilst providing sufficient warmth.

The rifle Ferul used was coated in silver and gold. In it were carved sleek and elegant patterns. Perhaps this may be frivolous to the Stoinian King, but he did not care. He had his customs, and Ferul had his.

"Shall we enter the enclosure?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King was astonished. Cloned game just for this hunt? Then what was the whole point of it? Hunting was a way to reconnect with nature and admire both its beauty and horror in person and be part of it. And two platoons to escort them? With aerial support? This didn't look as a hunt to him. A massacre would be the right world for it.
The King had packed his gun for deer on his backpack. He wouldn't have a good feeling about this. The whole thrill of being truly bound by nature with the wild is gone. Not even the animals had lived their lives properly. Had they adjusted well enough to the environment to have any sort of decent behaviour one could anticipate.

At the enclosure the King took out a map of the enclosure scanning for passages and where the animals would be. Since it would be morning the deer should be out eating while it is cool and so he went on to guess the patterns of each animal they were going to hunt. Then a curious hunting dog came to the King. He petted it and asked for his name. Scinti. He didn't know what to quite make of it. It sounded quite Latin, but the meaning behind it had been lost to him. He asked one of the aides and told him it meant "Spark". Quite a fitting name he thought.

"One moment Ferul. We Stoinians have a tradition of blessing our hunting rifles with a smile rhyme. Perhaps you would like to receive one for your gun as well?"

Ferul nodded and handed out his gun and the King made small gestures, touching the gun and making a cross whilst saying the traditional rhyme in Romanian. Ferul must have been confused, but had it been the Ryccian Emperor, he sure would have appreciated the traditions. He then proceeded to do the same on his guns, which wasn't as elegant Ferul's aside from the marking of a Lion.

"Very well then, Ferul. Let's go hunt some deer."

He started explaining on how to hunt the deer. Since there was a valley it meant the they would need to hunt on the ridge where the sun came on. The deer would come out in the morning to warm themselves up before the ful heat of the sun came. The King explained to Ferul and the platoons how they should navigate the terrain as to not scare the animals.
Finally after a small horn call as was tradition in both nations, the hunting officially began.

The hunting party made hast to the ridge where the sun would shine upon. The King studied how Ferul used his hunting senses. Aside from sniffs and orienting his ears it didn't show anything unusual. After hiking for about an hour. Scinti had sniffed something and went over to a deer's feces in the vegetation on the lower part of the ridge. The King took a look at it. It was fresh for sure, but just to be certain he put his pinky in it. Some Ryccians might have been weirded out by it, but soon the King gave an answer.

"Very fresh. We should head upwards and take a look at the ridge. Ferul I suggest we split up, each with a platoon as to maximise our chances. You wouldn't believe how elusive they can be."

Ferul nodded.

"Good luck your Majesty. Good hunting."

The King nodded likewise and then each set out on their way.

Left Hill

The King used Scinti to follow the track of the deer and had climbed several hundreds of meters uphill against the wind. Finally, he found a good vantage point. He then started spotting some deer, but none were a buck. All these does, but no buck just yet. After calming down the dog, he finally saw a buck come out of the bushes. It was a majestic buck with a nice rack. So the King slowly set up his hunting position. Meanwhile he gave out a few doe calls to halt the buck. Fortune favoured him as the buck was broadside. He put his gun on his backpack and layed down. Looking through the scope and adjusting it for the range. It was in these moments the King felt uneasy. The feeling he had, had only worsened. The shot was there. A clean kill. He put his finger on the trigger taking a last good look at the buck.


Right Hill

Ferul had his scope on a deer who had just come out of the bushes. Unlike the King he didn't hesitate. He had shot the doe as soon as he was certain of a clear shot. These animals were cloned, so there was no reason to be picky about them. This was a sport after all he thought. He then went out to the corpse of the doe as his shot had killed her right in her tracks. The sound of the shot being heard all over the valley. Ferul was happy with his hunt. Although he wasn't quite familiar on how the animal should be skinned.

Not ten minutes later the King had arrived to Ferul's spot. With his entourage. Emptyhanded. He congratulated Ferul's achievement, although he was slightly disgusted by it. Why shoot the doe when there were bucks in the area? Had this Velpan no honour? No, it more likely had to do with the fact that it was cloned.

"Your Majesty, I see haven't found a deer yet."

"Yes Ferul, I saw a big buck. But it didn't feel quite right, it felt off. Not like the hunts that we are used to."

"I am sorry to hear that Your Majesty. But since you are more familiar with these animals, perhaps you could help me skin this deer?"

The King then showed how the Stoinians skinned and deboned their deer. Also he looked for parasites which had to be taken into consideration. Luckily there were no ticks or fly larvae in the nose holes. A good portion of meat had been harvested. Then they headed back towards the exit of the reserve as they had spent a long day in the field and they each had to prepare themselves for the ball. On the way back Ferul and the King exchanged the many traditions each species had when it came to hunting. Velpans were capable hunters for sure, but the King wondered in what other different aspects they were most useful.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Constantinople, Ryccian Empire
Arstine Palace Hall

Ferul had enjoyed the hunt. It was a good moment for relaxation amidst so much political work. This Stoinian King...he may not earn his admiration, but he certainly respected him. But now, it was time to return to reality.

To a ball meant to be an escape from reality.

The Stoinian delegation was briefed on basic Imperial customs in a ball where the Ryccian monarch attended. The Emperor was on a throne-like seat in the centre of the back, receiving visitors that bowed to him. It was ceremonial tradition to do so. The Stoinian King and his wife were given the option to not bow due to his royal status, but the rest of the delegation was officially expected to do so. To not do as requested by the Empire would formally be an insult to the throne (and thus why republican politicians constantly refused to give this basic courtesy to the Emperor), and whilst this would not be taken seriously in the bigger picture due to the ceremonial role of the Emperor, it was strongly implied that it would be disrespectful to the Imperial traditions.

Ferul had arrived, and, as expected, he bowed to the Emperor, who acknowledged his presence with a nod. Other politicians and key invitees were waiting their turn.

But they were really waiting something else entirely.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Eventually the Stoinian delegation had arrived. First the less important officials, which might have been opposite to Ryccian tradition, but the Stoinians had a good reason for this. The Stoinians all respectfully bowed down to the Emperor. All exhibiting a level of courtship found working for the King directly, to the dismay of the Ryccian Republicans. They were all modestly dressed. The Chancellor even having a tie with the Stoinian Lion on it aside from the small Stoinian pins on his suit. The Royal couple wore the same as when they had arrived. The King in his militaristic uniform and the Queen in a conservative, compared to the Ryccians, red dress.
Than was the Chancellor's turn. He respectfully bowed as much as his body would allow to not fall over. Holding it for quite a long time, hoping for eventual photographs to be taken as many as could. Though the Ryccians would likely have more advanced technology which wouldn't require his efforts.
At last the King and Queen came in front of the Emperor. The Queen slightly went through her knee, elevated her dress slightly with her right hand and turn down her head. All in a not too flamboyant manner. The Stoinian clicked his heels together as if he were to stand at a attention in the military. His staunch posture was clear from afar, but he also lowered his head slightly. A few Ryccians started talking. Whether it was positive or negative he couldn't figure it out. The attention was there and it had been enough. He didn't want to show any form of submission to the Emperor, but just a sign of open respect. Still he was decadent in the Stoinian's eyes, but so was the rest of Ryccian society. And he had a gut feeling he wouldn't need too much confrontation on this ball.

The Stoinian delegation then took its place in close proximity to the Emperor. Enjoying their first drinks and awaiting further instruction for what the ball would hold. Sure Stoinia had its balls, but the Kings gut told he they nearly didn't it quite as often as the Ryccians. Nonetheless they were here to enjoy themselves.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Constantinople, Ryccian Empire
Arstine Palace Hall

The hall was decorated in splendour. There were large tables filled with various and expensive foodstuffs for the guests. Whilst the roseven liquid that had insulted the Stoinians was officially removed from the gathering, many Ryccian invitees secretly brought their own supply to, er, "become sick" upon getting full.

The dancing had not begun yet. Many of the guests were socializing and delighting themselves on food, as was custom before a dance. Many politicians approached the King and his entourage, eager to inquire regarding the Stoinian Star Kingdom.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Petunia Argarri, Senator from Daonlathas. How do you do?"

This was the Senator from the capital, Petunia Argarri. She was a human whose family had historically recently migrated to Daonlathas. They were originally from the Wild North region, a far-flung area in the north of the Empire. She was the third generation of her family in the capital.

As a Senator from the most populous planet in the entire Empire, her voting power in the Imperial Senate had the most numerical value. Thus, by virtue of being a Senator from Daonlathas, she was extremely influential.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Senator of Daonlathas. Interesting, well if there had to be an Embassy for Stoinia it would be on her planet so he had to be on good terms with her. Although perhaps given the capital's ecumenopolis nature he suspected that she might also be influential within the Imperial Senate. The King grabbed her hand an kissed it.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Senator. Well part of me is still a bit uneasy because I came back emptyhanded from a hunt. But nothing serious the King of Stoinia can't handle. I trust you are more familliar with this kind of balls. How often do they happen? Or is it more of a thing of Core culture."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Oh, they are a regular occurrence amongst the elite of the Empire. You are correct in part, as the wealthier regions of the country tend to attend these activities more. The most glamourous and luxurious of them all is the Imperial Ball, held once every five years in the Imperial Palace back at my homeworld. There, all manner of politicians and officials congregate to partake in the festivities of high society"

"Does the Stoinian nation have any similar events as this one?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


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