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In the brink of war

The Peony exited from the operating room, leaving the physician assistant to observe the patient. She had finished a two-hour surgery and had much on her mind. She sat down in the break rooms the other surgeons prepared for their turn, feeling visbly exhausted. She is going to prepare for another procedure 45 minutes later.

The Peony took out her cellular phone and saw the reports from her ministers. Local problems existed, such as the Eastern Governor election and the drought that came early. There might be signs of a forest fire, although they are unsure.

Ryccia runs its mouth once more, Ela shows off its prowess and Valkyria is going to rearm. The Reizen conflict is still not resolved and it won't be resolved for quite some time. The Finixian government is in tatters, and her head of state gallivanting out of her parliament.

The virus operation won't be resolved anytime soon as well, as Doctor Kane is currently checking a lead in Erinor.

Everyone shows off their guns and the diplomatic weather has become such a loopy spaghetti. Bruuma is going to pull out of Huawan soon, and The Peony is considering renegotiating a stronger deal and alliance with Bruuma or perhaps Kai Fa, because as of now, both Ryccia and Ela seems to be the most volatile.

The world is yet again at the brink of war, and The Peony wonders the next phase of the plan. She sends a text to High Diplomat Diao Chan and High Commodore Zheng He, to negotiate with the new people in charge of Valkyria.

There's something that needs to be done, pondered The Peony, perhaps seeing another way to secure the safety of her people than doing what she does best, in the operating room. She was called again, and after sending the message, was ready to continue another surgery.

Somewhere in the northeastern coast, a ballistic missile testing continues in Valedilene at OT ZhangHai. Marking the 8th missile test this year.

[Image: JL-2-SLBM.jpg]
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[Image: th?id=OIP.qIQYV8FkX4IjMxrP6lpYKAHaE6&pid=Api&rs=1]

The train sped out from the station, the black one with the flower patterns. The Special PHSR was of course only used by the Peony and her delegation, and she was the only one riding it save for several members of the Royal Guardians.

It was not easy after being rung after her two hour long surgery, and rushing out of the hospital to enter the motorcycle motorcade. She sat down completely exhausted, and took a couple of minutes on an empty head.

She had read the briefing on the tablet given to her by Rin and was aware of the tension. As summer enters, so is the escalation of the conflicts. The Reizen civil war had opened up a new path for the Catra death to be spread, and although antidotes have been stockpiled by the MSF, there may be a high possibility that someone will weaponize a more acute form of it, one that may be resistant to current cures.

Ela and Ryccia are going to mobilize their troops and take up an offence against RIM. It is quite odd that RIM welcomes such attacks, although outnumbered and outgunned in every prospect, their backing from a superpower like Fauderland has certainly made them cocky.

"I suppose it'll play out to their own hands anyway" Muttered the Peony, with Ryccia engaged with the Frost Empire, the Reizen front shall be divided, and the Emperor certainly could not afford to fight two wards its own. The question is, should the Peocracy intervene?

She gaved at the television, which revealed the Ryccian coup d'état. Sighed deeply, and texted Diao Chan of the appropriate action.

Her meeting with her ministers and advisors at the Ryoko Stronghold would decide everything, if war happens, the intercontinental trade route will be at risk, and that is something The Peony could not permit.

The train sped up further into a tunnel.

Doctor Valentine walked out of the WF Health council meeting in Aweiqinna angry, she had told the others that she'll be in her office, and walked out.

The attack on several medical posts in Reizen is certainly worrisome, and regardless that soldiers from all fronts are defending their own respective health camps.

She had just signed off another shipment of the Catra death antidote to be sent to Reizen, as well as some more medical equipments. It was already nerve-wracking for her about the cautionless relocation of camp sanctuary, she now has to worry about possible attacks on neutral sanctuaries as well as another Great war.

The doctor had looked at her phone before she exited, and decided to make a little detour to an empty room on the fourth floor. Someone had requested her to meet.

She walked out of the elevator and sneaked her way into the room. It was unlocked, or broken into. She sighed and entered the room, a figure she knew all to well leaned on the table.

She leaned next to him, on his right, as always.

"What do you want?"


*clears throat*, "Yes Doctor Kane?"

"I found something interesting after investigating the adenovirus." Said Doctor Kane, "The client had also accepted an order for some equipments that you'll find intriguing."

Doctor Kane handed Valentine a navy blue folder, "how quaint" she thought, it was of course her favorite color. She looked inside, and analyzed it deeply.

"Someone had taken the destroyed packages of the Catra death and is currently making a superweapon with it. A tactical bioweapon that may cause serious repercussions to The South Pacific. Noting the attacks, it seems that they are testing a prototype."

"And who are these people?"

"I have yet traced the agents to the root source, but it won't be long until they are going to launch."

"Anyone would detect the weapons by now, I had known the possibility, but this is such a quiet topic."

"Your words are spinning, Val."

"... They are submerged, at least those are my thoughts."

"Interesting, it would also enable them to avoid the conflict and launch while being unknown."

"I recall you have two particular individuals that could help you decipher this puzzle?"

"I am actually going to chat with the Broker after this."

"Why didn't you tell The Peony?"

"The information is unripe, and of course contradictable. All hell will break loose if this goes out public, including the adenovirus operation."

"What's your real reason Kane?" Asked Doctor Valentine, "surely you are not that cautious?"

Doctor Kane glanced at Valentine's figure, down to top. He absorbed how beautiful her face is, those bubbly cheeks and cat-like lips, that face looking at him all so serious right now.

"In my life, of all the important things I do, there's none I know the reason for, and I still don't think there is."

[Image: th?id=OIP.M-6j5aVdDKJZlJWLmGBnCQHaLH&pid=Api&rs=1]
Both of them leaned silently in that dimly lit room, before Doctor Kane decided to walk out to honor his appointment with The Broker, leaving Doctor Valentine inside the room stunned, leaning on that wall looking at her right side.


Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

After only a few hours of returning to her post after an extended temper tantrum, FiHami Chief Finix sat quietly at her new desk, in her adoptive mother's quaint house. She sighed at the mounds of accumulated paperwork and then out the window.

It'd be easier to just run away, this time, forever...

Finix buried her thoughts into the back of her mind once again, and opened a letter from the new Parliamentary Speaker.

To the Honorable Ha'Coron' ki FiHami,

The foreign situation is appearing to become dangerous. The Frost Empire has just declared Ryccian actions as declarations of war. It may become inevitable for our nation to be forced to defend itself from foreign powers. With your permission, I would like to appoint Toa'a Kaio as a 'Minister of Defence' position to better allocate your time and resources to diplomacy rather than war. Attatched I have listed a portfolio of Kaio's history, feats, etc.

Kilaui Kuri

Finix opened the folder, looking over the relatively young man's file, then closes it again. Her adoptive mother, Eti Nanakupe, walks into the room and up to Finix' desk, dropping off a few more letters.

"Fi, I've been reading the newspaper and the situation is getting worrying abroad." Eti said, gently laying a hand on the chief's charred shoulder.

"I have caught up with the situation. Geographically, I am not too worried. FiHami is very small and weak compared to the nations that are fighting, and we are far from them as well. I believe issues will arrive if nations from the Eastern continent get involved." Finix calmly said. "I will ensure that FiHami is well prepared if that becomes the case."

Eti smiles, and turns to walk out of the room. "Would ki Ha'Coron' like any food or water?"

"A cup would be fine." Finix smiled politely as a gesture of thanks before grabbing a piece of paper in order to write two separate letters, one to Speaker Kuri and the other to the Peony oh Huawan

To the Honorable Peony of Huawan,

I am sure that you are well aware of what is happening internationally right now. I would like to clarify, first off, that FiHami would like to remain neutral in this mess until it is deemed impossible to continue to do so. Now, it is to my understanding that you would rather stay out of things aside from civilian aid?
If so, I would like to meet to discuss a sort of agreement should war become inevitable. Even if that understanding isn't the case, I would still like to meet.

Finix Fi'Shi, Ha'Coron' ki FiHami

It has been a few short hours since the letter regarding Toa'a Kaio's appointment as Minister of Defense of FiHami. As a part of his acceptance, Toa'a had recieved a rather large folder of FiHami's most top secret information regarding military affairs. In the file, he saw a paper describing previous Parliamentary Speaker Benjamin Owens' nuclear program, which was crossed out with the new Speaker's seal and date, rendering the program null and void. Toa'a searched deeper into the file and read everything he could before setting the folder down.

Without nuclear armaments, FiHami is defenseless against other nations, should they decide to invade.

Toa'a grabbed the list of voluntary soldiers, the Toa ki FiHami and the Ha'Toa ki FiHami. He counted each listed soldier, analyzed the number of arms and their classes, FiHamian training regiments, and other military proceedings, and let out a deep sigh.

FiHami is in no shape to get itself involved in any way.

Toa'a picked up the wall phone and dialed a number. He paused as it rang, until a gruff man's voice answered.

"Hello. I am the new Minister of Defense Toa'a Kaio. Is this Ha'To'Toa Finixi Hastofi?"

"She is away. I can leave a message." The man answered.

"Inform Hastofi that I request a meeting with her as soon as possible regarding FiHami's defense situation."

The man at the other end of the line grunted and hung up, leaving Toa'a to remember the Chief Warrior and her harsh, cruel training, and her shrill voice. He smiled nostalgically about his days as a cadet under her squad 10 years ago, when he was just 17 and ready to overthrow the Antarch. His mind suddenly whirled to the horrific camp he and others were forced into just 2 short years ago, and how it took almost 3 months to gather enough strength to organize his own "regiment" and obliterate the Antarchi camp. He recalled how the Chief of FiHami, then a young 14-15 year old child who went by "Phoenix" who astonished everyone with her fierce persona and leadership skills arrived with the rest of the squad she was in, led by the late warrior Taylor Ris. Ris was, in fact, killed by the confrontation that occured immediately after the release from camp, shot down by an Antarch soldier.

Toa'a shook his head. He was just about to grab a piece of paper when the phone rang. He picked up the phone.

"This is Ha'To'Toa Finixi Hastofi, I understand you wished to discuss some matters with me?"

"Yes, Ha- er, Finixi. I need you to recruit scientists and soldiers and work on establishing a strong home defense. I would advise you to work with a person I will send a confidential email about in the next few hours, they should be able to help develop a defensive plan should we need it."

"Sounds good." Finixi hung up the phone, allowing Toa'a to turn his attention to the screen of his computer.

Upon her arrival to the Ryoko stronghold, a letter was received to The Peony by fax. After reading it, she decided to pen her answer before meeting her ministers, which was sent right away.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2016_12_06_at_7_56_33_PM.png]

To the Finix Fi'Shi, Ha'Coron' ki FiHami,

Assalamualaikum, 你好。

Honorable Ha'Coron',

The Humble Peocracy of Huawan is well informed of the situation at hand, it is truly appalling that such situations arose, one that does not warrant our gratitude whatsoever. It is our attitude that Huawan plays a neutral role and maintain its neutral position in order to gain the trust of our humanitarian expeditions abroad.

We are however concerned that the increase of aggression by certain parties may threaten our interests, as well as the intercontinental shipping lanes, of which FiHami is one of our valuable trading partner. Should said parties threaten the stability and pull us into a war, either by the execution of a defense pact by our allies, or direct assault to our sovereignty, we shall not hesitate to respond accordingly.

Should you see fit honorable Ha'Coron', I would be happy to respond to your invitation to meet, in particular at Café Sonata at Government Island. Perhaps we could pen a mutual agreement between us.

Thank you for reaching out to us,


With Regards,

The Peony of Huawan
Doctor Yan

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Just before her meeting with the new Minister of Defense in FiHami, Ha'Coron' Finix had picked up a letter and read it. She decided to write back immediately.

To the Honorable Peony,

Your response is much appreciated. I accept your invitation and look forward to meeting you as soon as possible.

Finix Fi'Shi, Ha'Coron' ki FiHami

Finix sent the letter off and entered the top secret meeting confidently.

As The Peony discusses the matter of international security with her ministers, Caitlin sat by her café in Government Island, she sipped Gi-Lanndian chocolate with cinnamon and nutmeg shavings. She had rejected the addition of gold leaves, claiming its worthlessness towards the taste.


Her maitre'd enters her side.

"Yes ma'am."

"A slice of apple pie, please."

"Excellent choice ma'am."

"....Darach, the nights are getting cold, are they not?"

"The summer breeze does hit you harder, ma'am."

Caitlin then pondered a bit as she looked at the seas. She had known of the situation surrounding the region right now, and there should be something that could be done.

"Does Doctor Kane know of the dossier?" asked Caitlin, referring to Darach

"I have given it to him only yesterday. The news had gone global just this week."

"I suppose there are no qualms if we were to know of those warheads."

"There is no guarantee that the missiles are still in international waters."

"They must make the missile first. I'm sure our new partners would have information about it."

"And if they are inbound?" asked Darach as he placed the pie on the table. Caitlin sipped her chocolate and licked off her foamy moustache. Chuckling, before responding.

"Sink them!"

"Is it on?" Asked Doctor Kane

"We should be getting the reception soon." Responded Shikabane. "It's difficult getting a secure reception in the forests of Bruuma."

"Apparently we have to change targets once more." Said Doctor Kane.


Upon the words flashing in the video call. Doctor Kane gave a bow, and answered his partner.

"Good Morning Mr. Broker, are you well?" Greeted Doctor Kane, he was going to get answers now.

Battle cruisers make their way from Zhanghai to FiHami, sailors could see yet another rocket launched from Valedilene island.

Commodore Lei Ning watched the trail of white smoke from Valedilene Island. He was notified that a missile was launched to one of the frigates attacking the harbor, and contact was already made by the fighter planes.

Two corvettes and one frigate was launched almost immediately from the coast of Zhanghai, and a submarine shall join in from the Bruuman coast. It won't be an battle, and there will be a second wave of attacks from the Finixian rebels.

"What's our Eta?"

"Eta 3 hours honorable commodore."

"Very good. Establish contact with the Finixians."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"Sir, the S.S. Reti'ira has sunk. The situation is dire." A short, young man ran into the commander's tent, about 5 kilometers away from the shores of Huah-Huah. The dense jungle provided ample cover should the unknown ships decide to invade inland. The young man pulled his long, curly hair out of its ponytail, and sat face-to-face with an older-looking man with much shorter, straighter hair.

"Any communication from Ha'Hani?" The older gentleman asked.

"None so far. I doubt anyone even cares."

"Of course the important people don't care. That's because it's our job to care, so they can sip their tea and chat about the latest Ha'Coron' gossip" The older gentleman stood up, stepping outside his tent.

"Commander, we have a transmission coming in, from some 'lee neeng' inside the radio!" Another young man with considerably lighter skin than the others appeared, holding the troops' radio.

"Kokostali, take idiot cracker and allow me to communicate with whoever this 'lee neeng' is." The older man snatched the communication device from the fair-skinned man and went back to the tent.

"This is Commander Atoei Shi, of the Rainbow Feather Troop, who is it that I communicate with?" The commander said into the radio, speaking almost-perfect Austral.

The Broker was handing out the sentences for the masterminds behind Shikabane's attempted assassination when Ms. Toudou entered the room and said,"Father, Shikabane requests an audience with you." 

"Very Well..." He responded as he waved his hand gesturing for the door guards to take the prisoners away. "Patch him through."

Ms. Toudou nods as she types into her tablet causing the broker's monitor to flicker to life and reveal both Shikabane and Dr. Kane.

The Broker listened to the Doctor's greeting and responded in kind. "Hello Dr. Kane, it is a pleasant surprise to be hearing from you since our last encounter. I am feeling much better after apprehending the fools who masterminded Shikabane's attempted assassination behind the family's back. How are you feeling?"

"I am well, thank you, honourable Broker. I am sorry to contact you in such a rushed time, pressing matters you see. My employer has imparted an invitation for you in Government island, a cafe where they sell the best of drinks and produce, and one where she plans an offer with regards to our cooperation." Responded Doctor Kane, "however she is rather inquisitive with the recent armaments the RIM has obtained and would like to know about it from you. If you'd kindly oblige, honourable Broker."

The Peony rested her head for a while on the large table, resting her cheek and having it squished looking to the side. Her gaze set on a potted plant, wondering whether such greenery are something that's real, and how long such plants have been standing.

Of course, potted plants are a staple in royal halls, or perhaps any sort of natural greenery. It has been a standing tradition for nature and the state to be intertwined in Huawan, and she wonders whether the potted plant has been sitting longer than her. Perhaps since her grandmother? It's a possibility, that vase looks expensive afterall.

She got her head up. Her ministers are in front of her, as well as some of her advisors and councillors. They dare not disturb the Peony's time and have been discussing the matters of late in front of her. Her ministers are well aware that The Peony would sometimes rest her head and take a nap in the middle of meetings, surgeries demand more energy than one would assume.

"If we join the Sedunno-Frostian party in assaulting RIM we would risk our humanitarian centres in Reizen, and with it their trust." Said the Royal Health High Chancellor Professor Wah Zai, "It wouldn't be the best interest of the Octagon of Health and the Foreign Affairs office that so much of what we've built and invested in humanitarian aid go to waste."

"Doctor, we must act now and strike while the iron is hot!" Affirmed PAF Grenadier High General, General Roy Mansoor, "expand our power further, if we help them we would definitely gain more power over these two superpowers."

"And what of the shipping lanes?" Asked People's Premier, Premier Sima Yi. "A full-scale war in our region would severely dampen our shipping lanes to ZhangHai, international waters would not be as safe and secure."

"We already have Ryccia attacking Reizen through the south, and both FiHami and Ela are getting pressure from unmarked pirates." Said Royal Admiral Jian Huang. "Now with Valkyria and Hystagia taking the fight in the high seas, we must increase the security of our routes, and further augment our navy."

"Have we not forget that Valkyria is our neighbour?" Asked High Commodore Lord-Admiral Zheng He. "Their main ports cross the coastal reservoir between Hai Lan and Hai Men. If both of them are taking the battle to sea, their ships will cross the reservoir and increase traffic."

"It won't eliminate the possibility that there will be a chance that their fight will be on our doorstep." Acknowledged the Empire's Exchequer Lord Kim Sol. "I suppose what would severely halt investor's confidence towards our ports."

"Their ports are small and they demand much fuel. We have the refinery and an abundance of ship ports for them to use. I think we could expect them to ask about it soon." Analyzed High Diplomat Lady-Miss Diao Chan.

"That's just it isn't it! They'll use our ports to enter their troops! The Mikotoba tunnel is not made for this! It is made for high traffic automobile and railroads." said Minister of Transport, Lord Zuuko Yamanashi. "It is not made to mobilize troops across the Cordillera range, certainly not into our ports."

"Our noble Peocracy is looped into such a problem, and it is unnerving." said High Commodore and Trade Minister, Lord-Admiral Zheng He "Our aid to FiHami has made us, world polices, they certainly won't let that go."

"It's time to reaffirm some contingency plans." Said Premier Sima Yi.

The Peony then nodded in agreement, and had been writing a couple of things for her ministers to prepare. She had also mobilized the People's council to vote on these plans, and have the Royal Council coordinate with the provinces.

"These are tough times indeed." Lamented The Peony, having taken the full attention of a room filled with ministers. "I had expected much turbulence with the new parliament in Valkyria, but I certainly did not expect such to happen."

The Peony then paused.

"What of our defensive pact with them? I suppose this would mean that it is nullified?"

"We have signed a military treaty with Harrison's government before, and as such entitles us to help them in the conflict." Answered Imperial Military Advisor Lord Roland Young. "However in the events of them proclaiming war first, the defensive pact is nullified."

"I suppose it is in the interest of the Peocracy to stay clear from this conflict and be neutral?" Asked The Peony to her Premier.

"The People's council is voting as we speak, my Peony. The cooperation superintendent and the governors will provide details shortly. As for the Royal Council, an 82/110 majority supported neutrality."

"If neutrality is defeated in the people's council. We won't have a choice..." Said The Peony, she gazed to her minister of food security and research. "Madam Ramadhana. If you'd please."

"Our food stocks have taken a hit from the drought and the monsoon." Said Minister of Food Security and research, Professor Luna Ramadhana. "However, we expect the harvest to start in the coming weeks. We have also prepared large quantities and emergency amounts of food stored from the winter. Our rations are safe, my Nuwang."

"Lord-Admiral, make sure that tariffs are increased to any goods going to Valkyria. The war effort would definitely set an imbalance in the markets. I will not allow the Peocracy to starve as they suffer from supply shortages." Ordered The Peony, "Lord Sol... Please balance the books and meet with the Lian stock exchange. Make sure that we are well buoyant for whatever happens later."

"Yes, my Nuwang."

"Honorable Admiral." Addressed The Peony to her Royal Admiral. "Please make sure that our ships are safe."

"It has already been arranged, my Peony."

"Meimei, please get me an audience with the Valkyrian Chancellor, King Vimmru, the Hystagians and the Bruumans. We must solidify our position in all this."

"Yes My Peony."

"I trust the judgement of the honourable ministry, the council and our allies. Ensure that we stay safe in these dark times." Ended The Peony, "Wassalamualaikum."

The meeting ended, and The Peony moved to prepare her address.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The Broker's silhouette shifted subtly as he changed his posture, "You and I both know doctor, that I do not respond to invitations and that I choose who my clients are. However, as a favor to you I will send Ms. Toudou to represent me, as she has the information your employer seeks. Would that be acceptable Doctor?"

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