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[IC] Man in the High Chair

Around 5 PM in the 'Presidential Palace,' Unity City, Gordharmi

"Sir! Sir!" cries a messenger to Eternal President Timothy Spacey.

"What!? What is it now? Did someone scratch my car?"

"No, sir. The Frost Empire has made an advance on the southern front! They have currently encircled the 7th Battalion."

"I thought we had a cease-fire!? Mobilize the tanks! And get me General Jameson! We need to act fast."

He stomps off angrily into his office, trying to figure a plan.

After years of peace and heightened tensions, the five empires of the world may once again go to war. Only time will tell. One thing is certain;
Peace Was Never An Option

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

In the heart of the FiHamian Empire, right at the base of the volcano, was a large palace built of gold. At certain parts of the morning and evening, the sun illuminates the palace, setting it ablaze with all the wealth of the Empire.

The empress of the empire, Kuha of tribe Fi'Shi, is a relatively tall, well built woman. Her dress always compliments her light bronze skin, and her smooth, dark, curly, long hair complimented by an intricate golden headdress that sets her apart as the ruler of the empire.

Her cohort was her husband, who she had named the High Priest of the lands. With his help, Kuha continued to invade the territories she conquered, forcing everyone to worship Ha'Finix and sacrificing those who refused into the volcano.

At this moment, Empress Kuha had been basking in the rays of the setting sun, enjoying a cold cup of hibiscus and pineapple smoothie. The thin beige dress she wore fluttered in the light breeze, causing the gold embroidery to twinkle between sun and shadow.

"Ki Ha'Coron' Kuha, the golden empress." a rather tall man walked in. She recognized him as one of the slaves she had captured years ago from the East lands. His Finixi was atrocious but he was a hard worker. Elo'a had earned Kuha's admiration throughout the years, and now was the boss of all her servants and slaves.

"You may now speak." Kuha spoke, yet remain unmoved.

"Thank you. I have recieved information that one of the empires attacked another." Elo'a bowed to the ground after he spoke, and stayed there ontil Kuha turned around.

"Attacked, you say?" Kuha pondered over this new information for a few moments.

"Frost attacked the Gourd empire." Elo'a nodded.

"I see. Elo'a, send a message to the Ha'Toa. Tell him to enact the Anu Protocol."

"Yes, ki Ha'Coron'." Elo'a stood up and swiftly walked away, leaving Kuha to bask alone once more.

Of course, the Anu Protocol was just fancy speak for "Reinforce our defenses at the very edges of our empire", but the slave wasn't aware of any of these.  He was just tasked with doing whatever his master told him to do, even if he didn't understand what was going on.  But, unknown to Kuha, the slave knew a bit more than he let on.

Imperial Frost General Staff Office

'Who knew a random border skirmish would yield such great results.' thought General Kurihara (GK) as he puffed his cigar smiling at his colleagues within the General Staff Office who were divided between jubilant army officers and stoic naval officers who sat across from them.

"Gentlemen," one of the Naval officers, Admiral Yamamoto (AY) said as the Army officers settled down into their seats, "While today is certainly a momentous occasion against the Gordist upstarts, we must deal with the other Empires."

"Indeed, we can deal with the Pax Draconians and Ryccians through civilized talks, but the Fihami Barbarians are a different ilk. They respond only to force, sacrificing labourers to a pagan god." responded Admiral Kenshin (AK)

"The Gordists are no better as our scouts believe they started their disastrous border skirmish." General Anno (GA) remarked

"Typical of them to negotiate for peace while probing our borders..." murmured General Ikko (GI)

"Now now, the Goddess saw fit to reward our diligence and we now have their invading force under heel of our boots while making significant gains. Our diplomats will issue the usual demand the immediate withdrawal of their troops from Rekina (the Southern Landmass), but now we can threaten them with the total annihilation of their battalion." responded Lieutenant General Kuribayashi (LGK)

"As if they would accept such demands, you and I know the Gordists will throw everything they have to retake the land and their army." said Admiral Nagumo (AN)

"Well Admiral Nagumo, I don't believe that the Gordists will throw away the chance for peace when we can easily carve their empire with the Ryccians and Drakari. Plus the 9th fleet is enroute to blockade the Southern Ports." noted Admiral Adachi

"Well in any case we have much to discuss and plan, but for now let us allow the politicians to do their thing while our frontline commanders handle the situation." said General Kurihara.

Deep inside the cliche war room underneath the palace, trouble was brewing.

President Spacey was smoking a cigarette as the top brass argued about what to do. He began to lose concentration until Supreme Commander Russel Jameson slammed his fist on the table.

"Sir, pay attention! I am not doing this anymore! You have done nothing your entire reign, while the military have done everything to keep this country together."

Spacey sunk lower into his chair, while the hulking brute of a man continued to yell.

Spit spewed profusely from Jameson's mouth as he told off the president.
"To be frank, the people don't like you. You only got the job because your dad said so. This country is a mess and so is your life. This nation may have been founded through diplomacy, but it sure won't survive because of it. While you have fun with your wives and send dainty letters to the leaders of the world, I'm out there with my men, keeping the dogs at bay. We are younger and weaker than the other empires, but we sure would be a lot smarter if you weren't leading us."

In a fit of rage, Spacey stood up and slammed his hands on the table, throwing ashes everywhere.
"Weak!? Who are you calling weak, you spineless lump of lard!? This nation was only founded because you Gords threw us into an eternal war. Harmakmis would have been a bastion of hope, peace, and technology if we hadn't formed this silly empire. Anything can be solved with diplomacy. Another war will destroy this planet for sure! I'm the one who kept the real menace at bay, your trigger happy finger. Defy me again, and I'm shipping you off to the Hamis."

The president threw his cigarette onto the floor and took the elevator back to his office, while the echoes of their anger still reverberated throughout the room. The remaining officials made plans for defense, awaiting further orders from the Eternal President
  • Artillery will be set up all along the southern coast and front
  • The navy will patrol the sea between Gordharmi and Frost
  • The massive air force will patrol the southern coast and front, while bombing missions will be conducted
  • The main army will hold the southern front, while an eastern push will be made

Russel picked up the phone and dialed a number.
"Hello, is this the... Remover?"

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

Imperial Frost Foreign Affairs Bureau

Foreign Minister Ikeda Uesugi sighed as he read the General Staff Office’s reports.
He understood That his new orders were to negotiate a favorable outcome before it becomes a full scale war. With that he called the Harm-Gords who undoubtedly were embarrassed by their failed incursion into Frost lands.

“Hello, operator, please contact your President. The Empire would like the president to answer for his country’s breach of the recent ceasefire.”

"Ki Ha'Coron' has told me to tell you to activate the Uta Protocol." Elo'a bowed, showing respect for the commander of the armies. The commander glared at him, however. Elo'a broke out into a cold sweat when the commander pointed at him.

"Slave, explain yourself. Ki Ha'Coron' has said to activate the Anu Protocol."

"M-my apologies... sir..." Elo'a stuttered.

"Do you know what the Anu Protocol is?" The commander invaded Elo'a's personal space, slowly cornering the lowly slave.

"Uh, no sir..." Elo'a responded. He was nervous and had no escape. He had been warned that the elite Finixi would catch wind of the slave revolution if he wasn't careful, and now he really felt the heat.

One wrong move and you're out, Henry..

"You dumb slaves... go back to your master. I won't tell ki Ha'Coron' of your mistake this time, but the next time yiu better watch out." The commander waved him away, and he ran out of the command room as fast as he could.

The massive heat from the bowels of the volcano hit the group like a wave. Kuha led from the back, making sure none of the captured prisoners would escape. A few soldiers went in front of her to shoot them down if they tried to run. And 5 prisoners, who were caught trying to plot a slave revolt, who were either going to die from gunshot or from being pushed into the volcano. And the soldiers were never clean or merciful with their shots.

"Halt!" Kuha shouted, and the slaves stopped suddenly. They were right at the edge now. The heat was almost unbearable, but the slaves would face much hotter fires very soon. Kuha cleared her throat.

"You lowly slaves, traitors to the empire, dared to revolt against me. However, I am in contact with Ha'Finix directly, and learned of your plans. And now, you will all be sacrificed to Ha'Finix. Now, turn around, face the flames!"

The slaves turned around, facing the volcano. Kuha walked up to the first slave, using her dagger to carve a small flame on each shoulder.

"Ki Ha'Finix, I present to you this offering. A plague to society, to be purified by your flames and devoured by your fire."

And with that, the slave was pushed into the volcano. Kuha did this with the other 4 slaves, watching each one fall to their certain deaths.

Palace of the Divine Dragon, Elysium, Pax Dracon

To say that the past seventy years have been difficult would be the greatest understatement in recent memory.  The Great War, once thought to be the opportunity to create a golden age of prosperity and expansion for the Imperium, soon turned into source of collective horror by the Drakari people.

Upon the realization that many factions in the war were resorting to slave labor of those they deemed inferior or worse, the outraged Senate had invoked Clause 24-A of the Grand Imperial Charter, granting full control of the Imperial government to the ruling Emperor at the time.  Millions of the Imperium's declared their willingness to fight, to bring an end to the injustice plaguing the nations.

That same declaration soon became a beacon of hope to Pax Dracon's neighbors, and within a mere handful of years during the fighting, half a continent flocked to the Imperial banner, standing as one against the advances of the FiHamians and the Ryccians, the legions spurred to one victory after the next after horrific stories emerged from refugees fleeing the Ryccian Empire to the north.

The hatred that the Imperium soon had for their northern neighbor had not abated, not even in the decades since the war's conclusion.

'The blasted cowards sued for peace,' Hestia thought as she gripped at the arms of her throne, 'They knew they would not be able to maintain their fight and hold off the wrath of the Imperium, especially after we pushed deep into the heart of their territory.'

The Empress sighed as she descended from the dais, looking down at the map of the world in its current state placed onto the marble floor of her home, her family's silver hair flowing behind her.

"The people desire justice... they have not forgotten what was witnessed at the labor camps..." she muttered as she looked at the assembled Praetors.

One of the Praetors, a son of those forced from their home by the Ryccians, spoke first.  "With all due respect, your Majesty, as much as I would want to claim revenge for the crimes visited upon my people, we cannot risk open war.  Not yet."

"He is right, as loathe as I am to admit it.  The Ryccian Emperor fears us, and with good reason," another intoned as she turned her gaze to the Empress.  "Why do you think he set up those buffer states between him and us?  He no doubt hopes that in the event of conflict, they would slow our advance."

"I understand your concern, my friends, but we have all spent nearly a century rebuilding.  Our economy marches on strongly, the nations of our empire desire to enact justice long denied, and our legions beyond counting!  What have the Ryccians and the despots across the sea have to show for all their claims of strength?"  Hestia pointedly narrowed her eyes at the members of the Praetor council, even those who had not yet spoken.

"You have all heard the rumors:  Ethnic cleansings and violence, pogroms, slavery, forced migration and resettlement... we must be ready."

"Perhaps..." One of the Praetors, a rather meek looking individual, stepped forward, "we can achieve this without having to fire a shot?"

"Explain, Praetor Nazari."

"In due time, My Empress.  All I ask is that you and the others reconvene later tonight.  I think I have a solution to our dilemma..."

Castiana, Ryccian Empire
Imperial High Council

The Imperial High Council had been convened to discuss the latest victory of the Frost Empire against the Gordistani Empire. General Arthur Parsivilien briefed those present, pointing to Gordharmi territory on an electronic map.

"Your Imperial Majesty, gentlemen. As we have seen, the Frosts have attacked territory in Gordharmi Australia. Our sources indicate that a border skirmish between the Imperial Frost Army and the Gordharmi forces resulted in the latter's 7th Batallion getting encircled. Our forces in the Siculite Islands and Irykia have been alerted of the situation and thus are updating their defenses as a routine precaution"

Chancellor Antonius Concillen spoke.

"Impressive...and concerning. A war erupting between these two powers is not preferable, for there is the possibility that one of them may gain power. Director, tell our intelligence network in the Neutral Zone and in the Frost Empire to double their efforts during the following few months. We must be aware of what they are plotting"

"I disagree, Your Excellency"

That was Admiral Thomas Cantburgen. He was cautious of the naval power of the Frosts. After all, the Imperial Ryccian Navy was only built for the defense of the Empire's coasts, and if Ryccia went to war with the Frosts, his power base would suffer. The Empire's focus was its territorial forces necessary to counter the dreaded Pax Dracon to its south and to keep control of the imperial domain. Moreover, he was a man of peace, wishing for the Empire to focus on itself and continue to develop itself.

"If we anger the Frosts, they shall attack our overseas territories in the Pacific Ocean and Antarctica. You must be aware of this. Intensifying our spying efforts shall annoy them intensely. Our army can defeat the Frosts without much issue, but our navy cannot guarantee the security of all territories outside of the Cordillian mainland. We should instead adopt a policy of neutrality"

"I smell cowardice, Admiral"

That was Minister of Foreign Affairs Anastasia Contrein. A rarity amongst the elite, she was a female. In the fascistic Ryccian Empire, a Ryccian woman's role was to bear and raise children. The fact that she has risen to such a high level in the Imperial hierarchy was unprecedented. She was the heir to the Contrein political dynasty in the Empire as her parents failed to have a single son, so she was born with political connections to the elite. She expertly made use of them to honour her father's legacy.

"If we cower in the face of the storms of this world, how can we face our forefathers in the next life? The founders of the Empire built it on blood and iron, not passivity and cowardice. We should take our place in the world and act as such"

"Minister, the only thing you shall encourage is the weakening of our operations in the Southern Protectorates"

The Director of the Imperial Security Bureau, William Vonholme, interjected. He was nervous that his operations in the Southern Protectorates would be disrupted by the increased scrutiny in the Neutral Zone and the Frost Empire, thus threatening the rise of his allies in the security services.

"We cannot afford rebellion within our territories and war with the Frost Empire for an insignificant spying incident. Our intelligence capibilities are required at full capacity in order to maintain peace and prosperity amongst our Imperial subjects in the Southern Protectorates. Rebellion cannot have a single avenue to be forged into existence. I insist that we adopt a policy of neutrality as the Admiral has responsibly suggested"

"Director, is it truly your belief that the Frost Empire shall engage in war with us for a mere spying incident when their main target is the Gordharmi Empire? No matter how fanatic their army officers may be, they cannot risk overextension"

"We cannot risk the survival of our Empire and our overseas territories. Unlike the mainland, the Frosts can take over the latter quickly"

"If you are unable to cope with a reduced labour pool, Director, then perhaps we must call your competence into question. The Empire shall not cower even in this"

"I resent that accusation. Insolent wo-"


The Emperor had talked. Despite his mostly ceremonial powers, he still commanded respect.

"We must never forget that our main focus is the barbaric Draconians to our south. Those inferior subhumans dare to threaten the prosperity of the Ryccian race, and we must be prepared for it. Chancellor, we can ill afford an escapade into the Frost Empire. Our resources must be at full capacity to rein in our territories and secure ourselves against the Pax Dracon Imperium. We do not require to give the Frosts a provocation to seize complete control of the Pacific Ocean. They are aware that the Draconian savages are itching for any pretense to engage in their egalitarian crusade, and thus they need not worry in regards to overextension in a war. We cannot allow the Eastern Empires to have any justification to seize any of our territories, nor should we lapse in judgement and confer victory to the southern rabble"

"Your Imperial Majesty, if I may"

"Proceed, Chancellor"

"The Eastern Empires fight amongst each other or are otherwise distracted. The Fihami government is a barbaric and zealous theocracy that throws its subjects to a volcano for who knows what, and thus they are of little concern, for they are insane. The Gordharmi and Frost Empires are constantly locked in warfare, however briefly. If one of the latter domains gains more territory to the point where the other is rendered insignificant, the global balance of power shall be affected. Unchallenged in their region, perhaps they shall focus their full attention to the West, and thus to us. Our master race cannot risk an alliance between one of these powers and the Draconian rabid dogs"

"Let fate be so, Chancellor. It is preferable to have war then than now. If such a scenario is certain, then we shall be the prime candidate for an alliance with this particular empire. After all, the foolish egalitarian ways of the Draconian primitives shall not endear the Eastern Empires to them"

Then, an aide rushed in to the conference room with some news.

"My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty and company, but our sources indicate that the Frost Empire wishes a negotiated peace to renew the ceasefire between them and the Gordharmi Empire"

Relief spread across the room. If there was no conflict to be had, then this topic would be dismissed. The council proceeded to speak of other matters such as the Southern Protectorates and the Imperium of Pax Dracon. When they finished, they all stood up. The Chancellor spoke.

"This meeting is adjourned. Hail to the Empire"

They all lifted their left arms like dark arrows in an evil salute. Indeed, for an alternative universe, this would be horrific. To the Ryccian Empire, however, it was a symbol of its strength.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Somewhere hidden amongst a sparsely settled island...

"Be more careful, Henry. Commander Ara'el is not afraid to murder slaves. Remember, your task is just to glean information as you can. Your effort was noble, but commanding an attack against all borders is suicide for all of us."

The young girl with fire in her eyes and fearlessness on her face spoke over the small flip phone. Her long, curly hair fluttered in the light wind. She wore a cloth dress with one long sleeve over her left shoulder, and a gold necklace with a flame-shaped amber pendant around her neck, which was the only sign that she was ever the family of the empress.

In fact, the young girl here was the rightful empress of the FiHamian empire, unknown to almost everyone. After the empress Samikaita died from old age, her daughter Aia was set to take the crown. However, It was in that ceremony when bombs went off, killing Aia and her youngest sisters. Kuha then came in and announced gerself as the next-of-kin to empress Samikaita and Aia, and took the infant child of Aia as her own to raise in the tragic incident. The cause of the bombing? Kuha, of course. She raised the child lovingly, and the girl grew up to be known as "Finix the Kind", for she grew up and did all that she could to care for the people. However, as she grew older, Kuha grew wary of the young girl, and began trying to hide her away. The girl developed a rebellious nature as she entered her teens, where Kuha would go as far as to call her a "man" and forced her to do a man's work when she wouldn't stop fighting. She ran away from the palace, and that's when she had a dream. Since then, she began doing her utmost best to liberate the enslaved people and reclaim the empire before her aunt could begin another great war.

That is the life of Finix of the tribe Fi'Shi.

"I apologize, ki Ha'Coron'. I sincerely do."

"It's ok, Henry. We will get to the point to take over the palace soon, but not yet."

She suddenly became acutely aware of a fleet of airplanes passing close by over the island, so she quickly made her way under the heavily-camoflauged shelter she had built over the time she resided on the island.

"It is our utmost duty to work to reclaim the rest of our islands to our west and north, and the empires who lay claim to our lands only respond with violence. I should know, I have tried many times to talk to them diplomatically. Those who dissent must be presented as sacrifice to Ha'Finix or we risk becoming impure."

Kuha stared down her advisors and military commanders, her face serious and angry.

"Ki Ha'Coron', The Frost Empire just beat the Gordhami Empire in a skirmish. I do not think it is wise to provoke them in a war." Her Army Commander, Kenei of tribe Hastofi, began. "It would be better to wait for them to be in a weak position before engaging them."

"If the Gordhami officially declare war, it would be easy to ally ourselves with them, and fight the Frosti together." One of the advisors spoke. Kuha smirked when the man spoke, rolling her eyes.

"Wait, why is a man in my advisory council? I wanted qualified, intelligent people. Not brute barbarians."

"Ki Ha'Coron', with all due respect, I studied hard to get here. I do not wish to identify as a brute barbarian." The man shifted uncomfortably in his chair, feeling all the eyes suddenly turn to him.

"Then you are woman enough for the job, I guess." Kuha sighed. "Back to the matter on hand, who owns the islands to the north?"

"Not sure, ki Ha'Coron'." Her Navy Commander, Ara'el of tribe Fi'Shi, stated. "But, it would likely be the same story. Not wise to engage unless they get distracted."

"Then we wait for the Gordhami to make the first move. If they decide to take too long, we stir something up, rile the Frost against the Gordhami."

Kuha stood up from her chair, and flicked her hand. The others in the room stood and bowed low to the ground before exiting.

I still remember it. When the empire fell.

[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQO_YS6u__ae5baUTuJA...DuMzTUIgMs]
We enjoyed times of peace, fortune and economic development. There were times of crisis, here and there, none that impacted us fully. We were naive to think that there was no threat, that like an incubating virus, the fanatical sympathists of La Verde striked suddenly. A couple of explosions and gunfights that took the Eastern Continent and Zhanghai. Within a few weeks Zhanghai fell, and with it a bombard of cruise missiles aiming at the East, penetrating it into submission. The forests are burnt and the waters are dried up, for the sake to expand further west into the heart of the Royal province, sparing nothing in its path.

With its fleet split in two, and the loss of the Eastern continent, Huawan decided to employ the help of its Pax Draconian allies. The Peony had been in great relations with Empress Hestia for years, and it didn't take long until Pax Draconian infrantry swarmed the garrisons of La Verde and ejecting them out of Peonic history forever. Little was known that the Pax Draconian military had placed itself in what's left of the Peonic Armed Forces, and had placed the country under martial law, declaring a de facto military state where the Pax Draconian military holds the government.

[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSKURnAlF_9wB9K12pL3...xZb8AhDzDN]
As for the Peony, the shining beacon of peace, progress and defence of the Peonic homeland. Became exactly just that, a stone saint on a pedestal that shone hope to its people to continue working, while she herself did not hold an office of worth and was mostly put on house arrest in her imperial palace.

The royal government was no longer in control, only a figurehead for the Pax Draconian banner. Most, including some of the Peonic Royal Guardians were evacuated to its Knightisian Allies, leaving The Peony that willfully protect Huawan as its final guardian.

There are some who defied the Pax Draconian control over the military, and was swept away as rebels or remnants from the La Verde rebellion. My father was one of them, Captain Lee Siew, an honorable member of the Peonic guardians that, with knowledge and a nod from the Peony, revolted against the Pax Draconians. My mother was evacuated to her homeland, the FiHamian empire, she was a member of the Finixian nunnery that worked in Lian, and the Ha'Coron had ordered the followers of the order to come back in its alms.

My mother cried in a river of tears when she heard my father was slaughtered by the Pax Draconians in an attempt to secure their military base in Hai Lan. Her belief was strong, and just, bless her. She attempted to sacrifice me to the gods in an attempt to resurrect my father. A dagger to the heart where she will drink my blood and drop my body to the flames of the gods, providing me safe passage to heaven. It was fortunate that my mother was restrained by the other priestesses, and was sent away for treatment, or execution, depending on the day I sorrow myself in thought.

[Image: 6301983559_b98b1d1277_b.jpg]
It was such a pity, for she is a beautiful woman and one who had taught others of peace, of victory and of atonement. The woman I knew as my mother, who have cradled me in her womb for years, I know not of it now. The thoughts of her are all in ashes, cleansed by the blessing fire of Ha'Finix.

I grew in the impoverished home of the nunnery, where the nuns taught me peace, something the other children did not preach, let alone act. As such, my peers hated me, and the priests putting me down like a dog. At one point there was a priest that took advantage of me under the cover of darkness, when I prayed to Ha'Finix at night before bed. He took control and pushed me down, knowing that a far greater sin was to halt your prayer.

Besides, who would believe me? The lovechild of an outsider with a member of the nunnery, one that has solemnly pledged herself to be the virgin in the afterlife and a soldier for the goddess? One that has desecrated her own self into insanity?

[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSpSa1YOGq-OuuAkyQsc...GiVHEm9h7Z]
Upon adolescence I grew as a soldier, a chaplain that fought against our invaders. A machine, a figure that only carried the orders of what the gods tell us. That in order to survive this world, we need to sacrifice as much as possible. I was lucky that my constitution relieved me from being a slave, and I had a comfortable position in the military and the priesthood.

I pledged that I were to rid those who have wronged me so, and that in order to fully provide myself to Ha'Finix, I must put the sinners to justice. To dirty ones hands in order to cleanse this world. Now ten years later. I am on my 34th year living this wretched life, I am the High Chaplain with my own military order, with my own flee! Those who wronged me have been punished in the afterlife in the scorching blaze of the Holy volcano, now I need know what I must do next to save my soul.

I prayed to the gods to cure the world of this injustice, and to provide me with the map for the path in where I should take. I drank the brew of insight to know what future beholds for me. For divination is one that must be made, and I must follow, what is foretold, for they are the ones that the gods will.

[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSrScHY4y1qKxVMlKRN3...Gm28-cZO5v]
I took a sigh as I finished my divination, for fate has gives us the perfect opportunity to provide more chances to sacrifice and cleanse the world of its impurities. Another priestess asked me what I had divined, for she must report it to the High Priest.

"The ancestors have spoken to me, for Fi'nix wills that the world is to be cleansed! We must make more sacrifices, and have the sinners pay for their wrongs with their blood... The message is clear, it is time for a crusade!"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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