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The Legate's Tower

Sinclair noticed a certain change in the Ryccian audience. He knew that something was off, but he couldn't quite point to it. Flickerman introduced a new topic and Sinclair noticed it. Previously he might have thought of Flickerman as an extravagant idiot, but perhaps there was more to it. After a quick consideration he decided to follow Flickerman's bait. He knew the Ryccians best and there was no malice in him. He didn't push for his military service, which could only deter the current relations. Everyone could stand behind a family!

"Oh, there are plenty of them. Surely you can understand that choosing your favourite moment is quite difficult when you have a large family. But... "

That's it! Stoinian-Ryccian cooperation!

"I suppose the most appropriate one would be one from just a week ago. My wife and I visited my aide, Foixon Perushan. Both our parents were there as well. Apparently both our parents had met each other at the ball in Princess Elena's honour. They are both carpenters you see and had discussed their common interest with one another. Later that evening the finals decision was made. Both our fathers agreed to make a new joint carpentry company: Sinushan Inc.. Bringing peace to the sector, one couch at a time!"

The Ryccian audience laughed at the slogan. It showed promise and cooperation was possible with the Stoinians. Sinclair then would try a sly trick on Flickerman. He moved his body in the couch rather forced, as if he wasn't comfortable. This was all an act, but one which may prove a good PR stunt for Sinushan Inc.

"You know Mr. Flickerman... This couch you have doesn't quite sit well. I know a good Stoinian fellow and a smart Velpan who can make you a new one."

As Sinclair said those words, he gave a grinning smile to Caesar. He was getting quite comfortable with the situation and was willing to enhance the experience for everyone.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"How interesting. These chairs are of the finest make. You're saying that Sinushan's products can surpass even this high quality design? If so, do you want my father? I'll trade with you, come on! He's a talented man himself, I assure you, and if it's that good, I want a filial discount! Ha ha ha!"

Flickerman knew what Sinclair was trying to do, but it was a bit risky. These chairs had been personally crafted by a talented artisan, and the grade of the leather covering was beyond superb. One of them cost 850,000 credits alone, and more if you wanted it to be made faster. If Sinushan's artisans were that skilled, then the pivot would pay off for Sinclair. If not, the wealthy customers interested in this new company could cause a fuss if their products do not meet their luxurious standards. Oh well, he might as well bite. If there are any problems, the Legate can take the fall.

"Well now, I'm certainly intrigued! I'll take a look sometime. Say, I suppose that business is located in your embassy complex, yes?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Well if the interview with Mrs. Corgill taught me something is to never go full head into something you don't entirely know. I have yet to fully understand understand your luxurious lifestyle and I certainly don't want to diminish the artisans who made these fine couches. Sinushan Inc. is a fairly new company so it's still figuring out the paperwork as of yet. Being one of the first joint Ryccian-Stoinian businesses, you can imagine it's quite a new concept for both our nations. However, from what I understand, Sinushan Inc. will have a large selection of couches for all kinds of prices. From more affordable ones to even luxurious ones, perhaps on par such as these. Currently we expect the business to go public in a week or two. As for your father..."

Sinclair pondered for a moment, scanning the Ryccian audience for a moment. He then changed to an enthusiastic smile.

"Oh hell, if it were up to me I'd agree to your deal, but you'll have to discuss it with my father. And yes the business will have branch in the Stoinain Ambassadorial Tower. I certainly look forward to have my people give you a tour when visit. The Vurbentan architect, Kaixgre Vuxotsen, I hope I didn't butcher his name, certainly did a wonderful job of blending both Ryccian and Stoinian architectural styles into a marvellous building. So next time you want to visit a nice shopping complex, visit the Stoinian Ambassadorial Tower! After all isn't it a beautiful small tower?"

Sinclair hoped this would warm up Ryccians to visit the Embassy complex while praising Ryccian architecture and xeno architects. This certainly would also help the Stoinian businesses already established in the complex. A few words for an economic boost? Only time would tell...
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Well, I'm certainly interested! I think a lot of us here are, aren't we?"

Yes, make the audience part of yourself. It was going nicely.

Suddenly, a voice from the crowd.

"You only butchered it a little!"

To everyone's surprise, it was Kaixgre Vuxotsen himself. He was in the audience and found it funny to interject.

"Well well, if it isn't the architect himself! Say hello!"

The audience laughed and clapped. The interview continued, and it was largely positive. Those interested on increasing international commerce were pleased. Now, all they had to do is wait and see if the propaganda bore fruit.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)

[-] The following 1 user Likes Ryccia's post:
  • Maverick

Ryccian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


The Ryccian Foreign Minister was sipping her tea. Taun Liat, a Kaminoan female, had been one of the main architects of the government's efforts to open up to foreign states. As she drank it, she reflected on her decisions. To survive, the Empire must start knowing about what surrounds it. And, perhaps, also what is distant from it. The Stoinian Legate had requested a meeting. It pertained to a conflict somewhere in their territories. What was it now? The Venterans sieging a corn planet? She looked at her datapad. Oh, the Venterrans, and Cornucopia. What a silly mistake.

The Legate arrived to her office. It was beautifully decorated, with sleek black walls and miscellaneous items floating or affixed everywhere.

"Ah, Legate Sinclair. It is an honour to see you. Sit down, if you'd please. If you require anything, do speak with the robotic servant here. It can tend to a variety of needs. You may speak. What does your government wish us to discuss?"

The High Legate had no times for petty chit-chat and expected a sense of deeper concern. His nation was now at war and had been defeated over Cornucopia. He had worked so much here to achieve peace and cooperation with other star nations. Just when everything had been going well and perhaps peace might be achieved in his time, fate decided otherwise. He walked in sternly and didn't flinch at any distractions.

"It's High Legate Sinclair, Minister. And thank you for the offer, but the situation calls us to cut out any pleasantries."
He looked at the towering Kaminoan with a serious look and a certain fire in his eyes. Oh no, he didn't want any of these Ryccian pleasantries right now. These decadent people... Just when will they start realizing this universe isn't what it seems to be to them. Well, perhaps now they will.

"Minister Liat, As you already know, my star nation has just formally declared war on the Venterran Federation resulting their unprovoked attacks following the discovery of a wormhole in the Cornucopia system. The Stoinian Star Kingdom has been handed over to the military authorities to end this war as quickly as possible. Now, we request that you share any information on what you have on these Venterrans. Who and what they are? Where they are located? Those kinds of details."

Venterrans....these people were never heard of in the Ryccian Empire. Several scholars and government officials were, on the order of the Foreign Ministry, scouring through the ancient data sites from the days of the Old Empire. The Emperor had also joined in the search, assisting in these efforts from the royal archives. However, absolutely nothing of relevance had been found thus far .

"High Legate Sinclair, I am afraid to relay to you that we haven't a single clue regarding these 'Venterrans'. Their location, their appearance, their very existence...all of it is a mystery for us. Our scholars and officials are searching through various historical archives dating from the days of the Old Empire in order to see if we possess even an iota of knowledge. Even the Emperor, who has taken a peculiar interest in this dilemma, is assisting the search efforts. As of now, nothing of note has been reported to the Foreign Ministry nor to the government at-large"

So they didn't know anything? Nothing at all? Perhaps this was some sort of ploy to test the Stoinians somehow or let the barbarians be killed. No, I shall pry until I get something.

"Nothing? Nothing at all? I would expect the Ryccian Empire, the cradle of advanced civilization in the Sector as you put it, to have some knowledge on the star nations within the sector. Unless it means our calculations estimating the ends of the wormholes were incorrect..."

Sinclair pondered for a few more moments. Perhaps they were telling the truth. The calculations could be wrong and the Venterrans were coming from the other side of the galaxy.

"Perhaps a first step is for the Ryccian Empire to help us confirm that the Venterrans are coming from this Sector, A1-0. We have limited readings from our travels in the wormhole. We calculated the other end of the wormhole, but a second opinion couldn't hurt. If it is where we believe it to be, perhaps then your government can search more efficiently?"

"Our scientists specialized in wormhole physics and such can help you on this matter. We are interested in the whereabouts of these savages as well. The reports I and many in our government have read were bone-chilling, and thus we shall cooperate in anything you require. You must also recall our policy of isolationism until recently. Our state is grand and vast, but it had no interest in knowing from other countries that were not in its immediate vicinity, and refused to interact with them. Now that we are looking outward, the fog of this sector is beginning to lift, but it has not yet left our sight."

Sinclair took a portable holoprojector from the back of his pocket. Although sceptic at first, he had now grown accustomed to their usage. He clicked a few buttons and large projections filled the room. A section of the galaxy was cut out and focused upon. The known star nations to the Stoinian Star Kingdom were all given a distinct colour. The Stoinians were red, the Treecuu blueish, the Drakari brown and the Ryccians purple. The major powers of A1-0 as of current events. Sinclair clicked again and a red circle appeared south east to the Ryccian border. It was as close as 80 LY and as far 450 LY from the nearest Ryccian border, just south of the Imperial Rim.

"Needless to say, Minister. I suggest you no longer maintain such a hard stance on isolation such as your predecessors. From what we've gathered, they possibly are quite near to your own borders. The true size of their forces hasn't been yet revealed, so we must assume the worst."

Wh-What?!" The Minister clearly looked shocked, no matter how much she attempted to conceal it. These savages who had used the spines of their enemies as weapons, who had attacked for no reason...were right next door?! Possibly even a neighbouring state....?!

"....Seeing that the situation has changed considerably, it is in our vested interest to take a more proactive approach to your predicament. If you would be so kind, allow me to download a copy of the map file and transmit it as an urgent message to relevant officials."

Sinclair couldn't help it, but his soul grinned for a moment. Seeing a scared Kaminoan for once. However, his military training had masked him from even twitching his face. Perhaps now... Now... Will the Ryccian giant awake... Sinclair took a small chip out his holoprojector and gave it to the Minister.

"Given the situation, I will not oppose it. Times have changed now. Stoinian swords once more shall clash in battle, but don't let the Ryccians forget this one, Minister. Your people have slumbered long enough, it's time they took an active stance. For the sake of the survival of us all."

"....We shall see. Time only can tell us our fate. We shall take this information into consideration and determine whatever policy changes are adequate for the Empire"

This had the potential to bring down the entire political dichotomy of the Empire, even if the information could turn out to be false. The mass hysteria and sheer horror such a revelation would entail....Liat was already fearing an electoral defeat that has never been seen in the Empire. A tsunami of fear and panic, washing the pacifists out of everywhere. Liat had always been a pragmatist with an almost psychopathic zeal. She only cared for power and her standing, like many ambitious politicians in the Empire. She had prevailed as a pacifist in the polls. Well, if she had to survive, ideals could always be fluid. Intangible trinkets to feed the populace along with a healthy dose of charisma and speech. This had to remain secret if the government wanted to remain in power, at least for now. It has to.

"Anything else you wish to discuss or add, High Legate?"

"I think that will be all as of now. Perhaps as the war drags on we might come with more requests, but we'll have to see if the Venterrans continue to supply this incursion. Let me tell you this, Minister. I have been in a brutal war myself, but even I fear what this war has in store for us. Being in such positions isn't pretty at all. Smashing with rocks is one thing, but using each other's spine as a club is something else. I fear what is yet to come. It might be the fiercest war, second to our War at Home. If it proves to be such a war, we will stand up and fight once more as our forefathers did. And if..."

Sinclair stopped for a moment. The realization of what he was just about to say had shocked him. To lose his friends and family in the Star Kingdom, the very ideals he fought for... It was confronting, but he reclaimed himself. For the first time in his diplomatic career, fear could be heard in his voice.

"If we're to go into the night... Remember us. Remember those worthy of the name: Stoinian!"

"Understood. You may leave now, High Legate. Have a nice day"

This had the potential to destroy everything, and in more ways than one. The military high command was having a panic attack. The Cabinet was also having one, but for different reasons. This single file had sent shockwaves of unprecedented magnitude across the Imperial political and military elite. Now, the question to answer was: how do we deal with it?

"It's too late for that, but thank you for the gesture. Minister Liat."

Sinclair then clicked his heels together in an alternative military salute. Staring into the eyes of the Kaminoan. Though fear encompassed his thoughts, Sinclair, like any other true Stoinian, would face the challenge head on without any regrets. For when the Ryccians panicked as how to deal with this, the Stoinians already knew how all too well. The stoic and persevering way, that made them worthy of the name: Stoinian.

*OOC Note: Credits to Ryccia for RP'ing the Ryccian Ambassador. Original conversation is posted in the A1-0 IC Discord channel.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
[-] The following 1 user Likes Maverick's post:
  • Ryccia

Stoinian Ambassadorial Tower,

The Stoinian Star Kingdom and the Ryccian Empire had both underwent changes in these last few months. Following the interview, Foixon had decided to press on with his marriage with Ferala. Despite the regime changes and the recent instability, the new Emperor lead interim government had proven to be just the time they needed to find a moment for their marriage. Sinclair and Rebecca had just returned back from Sheilan where his friend's marriage took place. The Velpan marital customs were secluded and private. It was a miracle Sinclair was allowed by the Velpan grandparents to witness this marriage, let alone stand as an equivalent as a best man for Foixon. Now his aide was enjoying his honeymoon back home and Sinclair returned to the bureaucratical chaos on Daonlathas. His friend had given him a small sense of peace during these troubling times. However fate would have other plans for Sinclair. He enjoyed his morning staring at the skyline of Daonlathas when he received an incoming message. He wasn't expecting a call this early and was surprised when he saw the encrypted codes. Purple Channel, the King's own.
- "Sir, to what do I owe the pleasure? How's Cornucopia?"
- "As well as it can do High Legate. I hope I wasn't disturbing your morning skyline gazing?"
- "As a matter of fact you were, but having your morning routine interrupted by our King is part of the job description I guess. Glad to hear we're holding up just like in the War." The King chuckled at his remarks.
- "Well I guess it does. We're giving them hell like they've never seen it before. You're doing a wonderful job there on Daonlathas, but I'm afraid we'll have to change for a bit."
- "How so, Sir?"
- "You are to have a new assignment. Despite us being at war, we can't let our plans for the Sector be inhibited. We must continue our work to become the powerhouse of this Sector if only through political means. To that end, you'll be reassigned."
Sinclair was perplexed. He was here merely for five months here, barely enough time to grow attached to the place. Now he was to be assigned to another post. But why? Wasn't he doing a good enough job? For all he knew, he was acclaimed as the role model for the Stoinian Legateships. No, something was different and he could smell it. Given the King's gracious mood, he knew something was afoot. But nothing terrible. Perhaps something that can be a beacon of hope in these troubling times.
- "Where am I to be assigned, Sir?"
- "To the Meridian system."
- "Meridian? I've never heard of it."
- "That's because it's a newly claimed star system in the Tiyanki Territories."
- "The Territories? That far of in a secluded area, Sir? I've read the reports, but surely no Terran star nation there is in need of a High Legate."
- "No star nation indeed, High Legate." The King smiled as he tapped onto a console, transmitting holograms. Soon a map appeared of the Territories and a star system was dotted in red. "This is the Meridian System, it will become our best hope for peace. I'd like for you to help us in that quest."
- "I'm not sure how a single star system could achieve all that, Sir."
After uttering those words, the King tapped again and a planet appeared. This was no ordinary planet however. It had a geosynchronous ring around it, connected by two equatorial space elevators. But even the surface seemed to have hexagonal patterns on it. It was similar to Kuatis, yet different and alien to Sinclair.
[Image: Epsilon-Eridani.jpg]
Epsilon Meridiani, the techno-organic world in unclaimed space in the Tiyanki Territories.
- "This is Epsilon Meridiani. Vice Admiral Lupei and the 4th Joint Fleet Division have secured the system during Operation Farsight. Scientists so far have come to the conclusion that this world is a symbiosis between technological and organic lifeforms. Perhaps it's even artificially created. Something they couldn't have dreamed of in their wildest dreams. Though the "native" sapient species seem to be robots called the Galetrons. They act as the caretakers of the planet.
- "Sir, why haven't we eliminated these Galetrons then?"
- "Sensor data has revealed a large data storage room. As of yet, we don't know what these archives contain and don't wish to harm them in any way. Millenia of history and technological data may be hidden there. We wish to investigate this further and the Galetrons have invited us to inhabit the ring. That's why we have already sent a Fleet Division to secure the star system. We hope it will become a beacon of science, trade, history and even diplomacy."
- "Diplomacy?"
- "Indeed. A central place where all star nations, big or small, can come together to set aside their differences. The grounds where diplomatic and warfare rules can established for within the Sector to uphold. A place where all governments can meet without sending too many representatives on long journeys to far away worlds."
- "Do any of the other star nations know about this system. Only the Treecuu Star Empire and they have accepted to keep this a secret for a while. Regardless, I need someone who can run this operation efficiently."
- "Me."
- "Exactly. You have proven to be the best diplomat our realm can offer. However, it isn't simply a diplomatic mission. I want the exterior of the ring to be retrofitted to dock our ships and act as a shipyard. It will operate as a dockyard for our Star Kingdom to exert influence in the Territories and our new allies in the Kezimite Kingdom and Dunedari Free-Standings. If the Venterrans should arrive there, then we should still fulfil our Stoinian duty as Protectors."
- "I doubt the other governments would agree that a shipyard would make a fitting place for peace."
- "If anyone can convince them otherwise, it's you Sinclair." The King gave a reassuring smile to him.
- "But... What about my children? I assume they can't join me there yet?"
- "I've discussed that with the Emperor of the Ryccian Empire himself. He's assured me that you children will be able to continue their studies in the Imperial Academy. If they even have the slightest drop of the courage and will of compromise you've shown, they're more than welcome to continue there. Needless to say, you won't be able to see them for quite a while."
- "Just one question... Who will be my successor?"
- "Legate Edmond Sallow."
Sallow was a good man. A diplomat like Sinclair despite being a battle-hardened veteran like Sinclair. He'll make a fine replacement if not a bit more cheery. Sinclair looked down as he came to the realization that he had no real choice in the matter. His country had once again called for his service elsewhere and he would do the only thing he could do. Answer it.
- "When do I have to leave?"
- "As soon as you can. Preferably within two days."
- "Thank you, Sir."
- "One more thing... The Emperor and I both agreed that the Ambassadorial Tower should be renamed to... Sinclair Tower."
- "Sir... I..." The proudness Sinclair felt in that moment was surreal. He hadn't wished for any glory, but his name would now remain cemented in history. And on the capital of another star nation! The emotions overtook him for a moment. "Thank... Thank you, Sir. I hope I continue to live up to the name!"

Sinclair Tower,

The following days were filled with bureaucratic protocols. The Ryccians were surprised by this sudden change, let alone Sinclair's own family. However, Sinclair knew these were the risks of the job and was happy that his family could stay here on Daonlathas. While Foixon was away on Sheilan, Sinclair decided that he too should receive a commendation for his work. Without him, Sinclair would have long been eaten alive by the Ryccian journalists. So he sent a letter to the Ryccian Department of Foreign Affairs with the strongest recommendation for Foixon to receive a promotion. Who knows what this Velpan would be able to achieve now that thousands of politicians had been arrested. If he would live up to his species, he might even become a Chancellor one day. Sinclair smiled at the idea. Perhaps a dream to keep during his next assignment.
On August the 21st, nearly six months from his first arrival on Daonlathas, Sinclair spent his last day in the spire wandering between the trees and markets. Smiling at every shop owner and bidding to each of them farewell. Sinclair would leave the way he came to this place. By giving a speech on the landing pad. However, as he walked from the central market complex to the landing pad, he was met with his staff all lined up through the hallways. All the way to the landing pad. Stoinian Royal Guardsmen to Ryccian aides, all of them had come to give the Legate their respects. Sinclair never could help but feel proud of his staff like they were his own men. On Reach, at the Line and now here. On Daonlathas, the city-world and crown-jewel of the Ryccian Empire. He was moved to tears by their gesture, but the Fighting Legate had paved the way for cooperation between the two star nations which once were at the brink of war. Sinclair stood behind his speech desk circled by the holo-cameras. He gave them a smile before straightening his dress uniform and looking at the crowd with a high chin.
- "People of Daonlathas and the Ryccian Empire. I, High Legate Jeffrey David Sinclair, must finally part ways with you. I came here to better understand your people and now that my country calls me elsewhere, I cannot help but miss this place. From the beautiful skylines to my visit to the Imperial Senate, it has all been a wonderful experience. An experience that I hope more of my people will come to learn. For despite our differences, we are still much alike. Terran and otherwise. We can learn much from one another, even in these troubling times. Both our peoples are strong and we will persevere. I know the Ryccian people is in shock, but I have complete faith in you. Yes, even the journalists who can be annoying at times, to do what each of you must do. These times call for all of you to be what you were meant to be: Ryccian. The government may seem in shambles, but you, the Ryccian people still can help repair the damage. You're all in a position of uncertainty. Though I have one bit of advice, if my words have gained any meaning during my stay here. Follow the path of your Emperor, for he has no ill will to you. Look to him for guidance and whenever you are in doubt of what it means to be Ryccian. As I, a battle-hardened Stoinian, bid my farewell, I salute you all, not as a Terran, Kaminoan, Velpan or even Uraktiksak. But as a Ryccian."
Sinclair followed his words with the Ryccian salute, moving his hand from his chest to his front. As a military man he felt he still should salute, but wished not to give the Ryccian people a message from the past. Instead he showed them his will to change in the hope that they might see it as a symbol of cooperation. A symbol he wished to keep alive as a preparation for his next assignment's succes.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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