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(OOC) What happened to Flight HIA 402?

List of Ships - Navy
HMS Sting Ray - Aircraft Carrier
RV Iceberg - Deep Sea Research Vessel with small Deep Sea Submarine RV Subby McSubface
HMS Manta Ray - Radio ship (Communication observation)
HMS Mako - Stealth Corvette
HMS Beluga - Supply and Technology Hub
RV Deep Blue - Oceanic Research Vessel with Deep Sea Sun RV Yellow Submarine
HMS Komodo - Submarine
HMS Invincible - Destroyer

The Salvation - Deep Sea Salvage Vessel

Ships - Private
The Rombold - Shipping Vessel, specially equipped and deep sea sonar with 4 Helipads.
The Royal Yacht - Empress Astrid and Hugo Heinriksen, equipped with deep sea sub and helicopter.
The Jolly Roger - Treasure Hunters from the TV show “Treasure Me Hearties”, equipped with sonar.

Green ships advance to port as per what’s expected. Blue remain at sea. Purple see action 2.

Action 1 - Ships marked green go to port for repairs and improvements.
Action 2 - The Royal Yacht proceeds to Deep island hiding in natural port to assist in search.
Action 3 - Submarine HMS Komodo uses closer approach to achieve more accurate sonar results.
Action 4 - HMS Stingray uses drone submarine to ID the two strange signals outside search area.
Action 5 - Aircrew (inc Royal Yacht if action 1 successful) search Deep island.

Please note that all vessels of the Besernian expeditions follow Action 1.

Action 1: Aforementioned vessels of the Besernian expeditions reunite together at Winston Island
Action 2: Aforementioned vessels of the Besernian expedition are sent for repairs and improvements
Action 3: Aircrew searches Deep Island
Action 4: The Chancellor and the Minister of Transport boards a Bersches Luftefhart Gesellenschaft flight to Winston Island
Action 5:
attempt to join the Besernian federal expedition at Winston Island before the hurricane

1The document is classified.
[Image: UFog2ZY.png]

Action 1: The crew packed the General Commander of Anserisa suit for the President?
Action 2: The Anserisana Airlines AV-10 chartered plane heads for Winston Island with the President on board.
Action 3: The FAA Princio-Stéphano I heads for Winston Island.

Every move to Winston Island by plane for the delegation is assumed to have arrived.

Meaning you don't need to roll in order to join the diplomatic meet

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Action 1: Fix HMS Sonny's computer.
Action 2: Request the copy of the pilots background from Zhanghai again.
Action 3: Use HMS Heile's computer to see the pilots background.
Action 4: Ask Winston Island for the water current data again.
Action 5: Search for more possibilities of what else could've happened.

Action 1: Restock and Prepare for both ships
Action 2: Deep Sea Search Interpretation
Action 3: Backstory
Action 4: Establish Seismographers
Action 5: Clues from Huawan Intercontinental

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

ROLLS (Location/Search is in SUPER HARD modifier. Island search is very hard.

Shang Ye:

Action 1: Send the only submarine currently in the area on a general scouting mission as deep as possible in the surrounding region. (Movement) 20, (CRITICAL Success)
(The submarine will operate at 200 meters below sea level, which is below the maximum depth that a violent storm can be felt.)
(In the event of a 20, please roll one more D20 for that sweet 1/400 chance to find the wreckage.)
Action 2: Find wreck (Deep Sea Recon, VERY HARD) 6 (High Failure)

Action 2: Send Chairman Li Zhixian on a flight to Winston Island, taking stops if weather conditions are too harsh.

Apartment 11F:

Action 1: Order some food.
(Misc) 13 (Success)
Action 2: Send Chen to the summit.


Action 1 - Ships marked green go to port for repairs and improvements. (Movement, Asset) 17 (High Success)

Action 2 - The Royal Yacht proceeds to Deep island hiding in natural port to assist in search. (Movement to Area, SUPER HARD) 13 (Failure)
Action 3 - Submarine HMS Komodo uses closer approach to achieve more accurate sonar results. (Deep Sea Recon) 1 (CRITICAL Failure)
Action 4 - HMS Stingray uses drone submarine to ID the two strange signals outside search area. (Deep Sea Recon, SUPER HARD) 5 (High Failure)
Action 5 - Aircrew (inc Royal Yacht if action 1 successful) search Deep island. (Surface Recon, Very Hard) 19 (Critical Success


Action 1: Aforementioned vessels of the Besernian expeditions reunite together at Winston Island (Movement, Asset) 17 (High Success)
Action 2: Aforementioned vessels of the Besernian expedition are sent for repairs and improvements (Asset) 6 (Failure)
Action 3: Aircrew searches Deep Island (Search, VERY HARD) 1 (CRITICAL Failure)
Action 4: The Chancellor and the Minister of Transport boards a Bersches Luftefhart Gesellenschaft flight to Winston Island
Action 5: Attempt to join the Besernian federal expedition at Winston Island before the hurricane (Movement) 14 (Success)


Action 1: The crew packed the General Commander of Anserisa suit for the President? (Misc) 10 (Mild Success)
Action 2: The Anserisana Airlines AV-10 chartered plane heads for Winston Island with the President on board.
Action 3: The FAA Princio-Stéphano I heads for Winston Island. (Movement) 10 (Mild Success)


Action 1: Fix HMS Sonny's computer. (Asset, VERY HARD) 5 (High Failure)
Action 2: Request the copy of the pilots background from Zhanghai again. (Clue Searching) 12 (Mild Success)
Action 3: Use HMS Heile's computer to see the pilots background. (Clue Interpretation) 11 (Mild Success)
Action 4: Ask Winston Island for the water current data again. (Diplomacy) 20 (CRITICAL Success)
Action 5: Search for more possibilities of what else could've happened. (Clue Searching) 5 (Failure)


Action 1: Restock and Prepare for both ships (Asset) 17 (High Success)
Action 2: Deep Sea Search Interpretation (Deep Sea) 12 (Mild Success)
Action 3: Backstory (Misc) 7 (Failure)
Action 4: Establish Seismographers (Asset) 15 (Success)
Action 5: Clues from Huawan Intercontinental (Diplomacy) 1 (CRITICAL Failure)

Weather: 5 (Clear Weather)
Disaster: 8 (No Disaster)

Shang Ye:

Action 1: Brief all submarine crew members about threats, potential items of importance, signal location, and safety protocols.

Action 2: Deploy Hai Niao submarines in the following manner:
HN-13 (Focus): Southwest Signal
HN-12 (Royal): Southwest Signal
HN-3 (Telecom): Center Signals
HN-5 (Victory): Center Signals
HN-9 (Assassin): Center Signals
HN-7 (Gigabyte): Northeast Signal
HN-18 (Godsend): Northeast Signal
HN-2 (Monster): Navigation around perimeter
HN-8 (Invictus): Navigation around perimeter (Please do the 1/400 thing again if this particular sub rolls a 20)
HN-6 (Solo): Return to port for repairs to communication system (This was the poor whale mate)

Action 3: Fly in a Hei Ye Deep Sea Explorer and a Wan Guang Research and Collection Submarine via cargo plane, then helicopter. Do not place either vessel in the water in fear of Izaakian attacks (Other subs should be able to sustain mild damage and retreat).

Apartment 11F:

Action 1: Purchase a large supply of food and store said food in the yacht's fridge.

Action 2: Purchase several of those USB sticks that allow you to have WiFi on the go.

Action 3: Set off to sea for the day and dock at port in the evening. Chen and Wen-Bo will sleep on the ship while it is docked. (It IS a yacht, after all)

Action 4: Search for the wreckage, for the lols. (For this, I'd like to propose that 3 D20s are rolled without consequence. Rolling only 19s or 20s would constitute finding the wreckage through some miracle of science and other reasons. The odds of this happening are 1/1000.)
Hi. I'm Scar, and I live in an apartment. I'm the owner of Apartment 11F on NationStates. In TSP-RP, I'm usually seen as Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner who declared sovereignty, Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner and runaway son of two successful galactic businesspeople, or Chen "Scar" Xu, an apartment owner with unknown dimensional capabilities.

Either way, there is a person who calls himself Scar in every universe, and he always lives in an apartment.

Action 1 - Share scary thing under the sea with fleet
Action 2 - IAF from Montacia Airdrop 100 men to assist deep island search
Action 3 - Royal yacht moor off deep island and assist with search.
Action 4 - RV Deep Blue sonar ocean floor
Action 5 - The Salvation, attempt to recover HMS Komodo.
Gianni: “Izaakia, I hate you so much. You’re such a good bad guy. Must be because of your genes“.
Gianni, 21:42 14 Dec 2020, # Pacifica Discussion

Action 1: Attempt to return to search area1
Action 2: BS Elisabeth Schmid aircrew attempts to drop 50 airmen on Deep Island to assist with search and rescue current aircrew
Action 3: Attempt to send RV Rungenbouenport and RV Haoenesport to search for wreckage in signal areas
Action 4: Minister Gertie attempts to not have diarrhoea and/or go insane while in the restroom
Action 5: Attempt to get information from Huawan Intercontinental

1If Action 1 is unsucessful in that the fleet does not exit the port and return to search area, Action 2 and 3 are voided and become dead weight tasks.
[Image: UFog2ZY.png]

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