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[IC] Tunnel of Contest

Battle of Cornucopia

With the Entry of the Second Wave the chaotic battle over Cornucopia raged with renewed ferocity on both sides. The Venterran First Wave now secure in their flanks chose their targets firing volleys into the center of the arrow head formation while rushing forward at ramming speed. Corvettes and Destroyers zipped around the battle firing their torpedoes agains their respective targets weakening the shields. Meanwhile Fighters on both sides engaged in a deadly dance of plasma and kinetic fire with bombers on both sides making their runs against the slower capital ships of their respective enemies. The ships of the First Wave and the retreating Stoinians engaged in a dangerous game of chicken firing their volleys into each other while rushing headlong at ramming speed hoping that the structural integrity of one or the other might fail in the ensuing ram. The Second wave meanwhile maintained its position filling in the holes of the first wave while fending off the Stoinian reinforcements hoping to relieve their comrades and push open a hole. 

Wave 2 Battle of Cornucopia

Commander Yamraiha chuckled as she listened to the translation of Courvousier's message. Looking over to her AI partner, Al, she said, "Well, he's quite the colorful Terran for one who claims to have honor... A shame he was born a terran and condemned to the sins of his forebears." "Well Commander, we have no way of knowing if these Terrans are the descendants of the Terrrans that inspired great hatred from Venterra." replied Al "Perhaps an in-"

"No," The Commander replied, "We swore an oath to the Federation and the Way of Venterra. It wouldn't matter if these terrans were directly descended from our enemies or evolved differently. What matters is that their blood be spilled to satisfy Venterra. That these Terrans fight back and earn their right to exist alongside Venterra or submit themselves to the judgement of the Venterran Federation. And our duty in this Appraisal war is to determine if these Terrans are meant to be relegated as a footnote in Venterran history or something more."

"I understand Commander," said the AI "Shall we also engage the enemy alongside-" A flash of light interrupted the AI as the northern elevator was destroyed in a blinding light taking destroying Gamma Squad. 

"Ma'am the First Wave Reports the loss of Gamma Squadron, and Commander Pryde has moved to relieve the dreadnaught Wraith and her complement of Battlecruisers from what we suspect is the enemy flagship. Shall we move in to engage as well?" asked Al

"No, let Pryde have his moment of glory, we will maintain the perimeter, plugging in any holes caused by the shifts in the First Wave's tactics. In the meantime... have comms respond to the Terrans with the following message."

'Good, struggle and die well Terran. For your defiance has been noted and we will grant you and your people an honorable death. May your blood absolve your ancestors sins.'

Kings Hand Auxilary Dropship

Captain Hasega was smiling ear to ear as the transport picked up the last of his Hell Divers who jumped into the void confident in their exosuits. The Hell Divers and Marines had suffered some casualties during the station's destruction as falling debris pinned and separated some of the stragglers, but their purpose was fulfilled for now. The Hell Divers achieved glory in battle. The Marines recovered countless bodies and prisoners to be studied and interrogated to corroborate the word of the survivors of the initial skirmish. Now it was a waiting game for Hasega and his troops. Will he be sent back in a boarding action or will he jump down from orbit once the enemy shields go down. Only time would tell, but for now the Captain simply rested on laurels waiting with bated breath for the next chance at combat.
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

Battle of Cornucopia
HMS Eternity

Fortune was smiling on the Stoinian forces. In the last few minutes they had started to pierce the Venterran lines and while the second wave filled in the gaps, some of the Stoinian ships had escaped. Now that Group Delta had begun to re-join the fight, two of the spaceports destroyed, there was ample opportunity for ships to escape. The Venterrans weren't letting it go so easily and 200 more Stoinian ships were destroyed, though they had taken Venterran ships with them. As ships rammed blockading Venterran ships the remaining civilian ships, stuck in-between the fighting, escaped thanks to the sacrifices of the military ships. The holoprojector showed the Group Delta was seriously helping Group Beta to escape. Just a few more minutes of the legendary Stoinian hull's performance and he would have secured the lives of his escaping ships.
- "Sir, incoming dreadnought bearing 145-mark-314. They're chasing us, Sir."
Corvousier looked again at the holoprojector. The Eternity was protecting the last civilian ships of its group and was right between them and the incoming dreadnought. There was no real choice, not against these barbarians who killed civilians without remorse.
- "Tell the Captain to maintain formation, but alter our alignment so that our MAC cannons can fire on the dreadnought."
- "Yes, Sir!"
There was a catch to this tactic however. The Eternity was more than able to sustain prolonged fire, but Corvousier's heavy usage of the Eternity as a ramming and shielding vessel was starting to take its toll. The shields were starting to fade and if the Venterrans focused their fire on it, the ships would eventually be destroyed. Sure the ship had 18 meters of Titanium-A3 armour plating, but it had already taken its tall from the excessive ramming. The ship had sustained major structural stress. That was the bottom line and Corvousier couldn't change that. But in the face of saving the last civilians from his group, he would gladly put his faith in the hands of the Stoinian engineers that helped built this monster under his own supervision. Suddenly he felt it, it was as if the whole ship had shaken. Swinging his entire body and throwing his pipe out of his hand. It could only mean one thing, the ship's structure was beginning to vibrate with the firing of the MAC cannons. Corvousier retook his fallen pipe. Rather thaingn light it up again, he decided to put it away. It's truvacco had been spilled during the fall so there was no point to it.
- "Sir, Captain Carneiro is asking if we should continue with firing MAC rounds. Engineering is up until his ears about it."
- "Continue firing and tell engineering if they can't handle it they should turn to praying if they won't stop complaining!"
With Captain Carneiro, the Eternity's Captain, and engineering following the Grand Admiral's orders only fate would decide if the Eternity would survive.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Battle of Cornucopia,
VNS Tip of the Spear

Commander Pryde grinned, the batteries of the Tip of the Spear returning fire, "All hands focus fire on that dreadnaught. Its survived our forces assault, but now I want the Spear to take a crack at this ship." A deck officer responded as the bridge shook from the impact of the Stoinian railguns, "Sir, Engineering reports that despite the continued enemy rail gun fire, the firing capabilities of the enemy dreadnaught appears to be less than what the Wraith and other surviving warships have described. Perhaps its suffered far too much damage to be a worthy challenge to Spear?" Pryde looked unfazed as another volley was let loose on the Stoinian Warship, "Nonsense, look at her," He said gesturing to the Stoinian flagship, "she's not focused on us at all... Instead she's focused on those 'supply ships'... There is no challenge or glory in destroying a wounded Warvine* if it will not turn and face us. Get me Fleet Commander Yamraiha, I swore to the Commander Mayfeld that I wouldn't contact these terrans, but Yamraiha is bound by no promises." "Understood sir."

Fleet of Pragmatic Union 

Fleet Commander Yamraiha was busy filling in the gaps created by the battle. Her flagship super carrier, resupplied countless fighters and bombers that screamed into Group Delta. Their torpedoes slamming into the hull of the enemy vessels as the enemy responded with anti-starfighter fire. The Commander grimaced as she noted the game of 'whack a mole' they were engaged in since as soon as one hole was plugged another breakthrough would be made forcing her to divert ships to plug those holes. However, unlike Pryde, she noticed something was odd about the enemy retreat. Instead of prioritizing themselves, those vessels identified as military warships were sacrificing themselves for the smaller 'supply ships'.

"Odd" she murmured as a deck officer spoke up, "Ma'am! Priority hails from the Tip of the Spear. Your orders?"
"On screen" she said as she looked up at the monitor as Pryde appeared on view. "Commander Pryde, to what do I owe this transmission?"
"A simple request Commander Yamraiha, I'd like your help in turning the enemy dreadnaught to face me." said Pryde
Yamraiha smirked, "Ho... Well, you could simply open comms with the enemy and ask they turn and fight instead of ask my help. I'm sure that the Terran would be more than happy to oblige?" Pryde scowled, "You know full well that I won't break my oath to Commander Mayfeld and contact those terrans."
"So? I'm busy plugging in the holes your wave has made. I'm under no obligation to help you with your blood sport Pryde. Perhaps itd be best for you to break your word and contact the Terran?" replied Yamraiha. Pryde looked as if he was about to explode with anger, but instead he took a deep breath. "Commander Yamraiha, I have always been a man of my word, and I can't break it now. Please ma'am, I..." Pryde bowed his head "Need you to help me. Please?" This surprised Commander Yamraiha as Officers more devoted to the Way of Venterra tended to be more Prideful and borderline arrogant when interacting with other officers. She smiled, "Very Well, I'll see what I can do. Out." The View screen disconnected before Pryde could offer his thanks to the Commander.

Yamraiha looked at the holoprojector to locate the Enemy Dreadnaught, Pryde's personal squadron was engaging and smiled. Once again in the center of the enemy formation, the Commander noticed that there were smaller supply ships being protected by the enemy warships. She then looked over to the Comms officer and said, "Comms, open hailing frequencies." "Aye ma'am! hailing frequencies engaged," he responded.

"Stoinian Commander, this is Fleet Commander Yamraiha of the Venterran Federation Fleet Pragmatic Union. Another Fleet Commander, has issued a challenge to your Flagship. Should You accept his challenge I will allow you to evacuate the Supply ships that your Flagship is protecting. This I swear on the honor of the Federation."
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

Battle of Cornucopia
HMS Eternity

Corvousier couldn't believe it. A duel of honour in the middle of battle? That was quite unheard of in the history of Stoinian naval warfare. The promise made by Commander Yamraiha didn't carry any weight either. The Venterrans continued to fire on Stoinian civilian ships. They had proven their dishonour and he wouldn't put the fate of the ships he swore to protect into the hands of these barbarians. He would press on, the battle was at an end. In five minutes, most of the remaining Stoinian ships would have made it. Corvousier concluded this must be some sort of stalling tactic, but it had in fact revealed a boon to the Venterran mindset. One Corvousier intended to exploit. He looked at the holomap and scanned for nearby ships. 
- "Ensign, what's the status on the Tangaroa?"
- "Sir, it's bad. Shields are down and so are most of the weapons systems. It's also flooded with boarding parties, but Captain Drache still has the helm."
- "Get me a line to her!"
Corvousier had no intention of responding just yet to the Commander's challenge. He speculated this challenger's ship was the dreadnought chasing them. No other large ships was close in enough to make such a claim, but Corvousier wouldn't give the Commander his satisfaction just yet. He intended to irritate the Commander not just for this battle, but the remainder of this war. He knew just the right words for it, but he'd have to stall him.
- "Sir, commlink's open."
A sketchy hologram appeared of Captain Lore Drache, a towering Nemtian woman and strong stature. Now however she was drenched in blood among flames on board her ship. The Tangaroa would no doubt last maybe just enough until the Stoinian ships would escape. Her Captain had no time for pleasantries and Corvousier prepared himself for what he was about to ask of her.
- "Grand Admiral, your timing could use some work."
- "Sadly this isn't a social call, Captain."
- "Well you better make it quick. The Tangaroa is barely holding up as it is."
- "That's why I called."
Captain Drache visibly became paler as she knew what was going to be asked. She collected her emotions and repressed them just as Corvousier did.
- "I need one last favour from you and your crew, Captain."
- "Anything, Grand Admiral."
- "When I give the signal, I want you to ram the ship chasing us."
A silence of a few heartbeats took over the room. The air grew cold and everyone got goosebumps from the tense situation. 
- "Yes, Sir. One last blaze of glory."
- "Godspeed, Tangaroa. Give them hell."
- "Sit nomine digna!"
The communications then cut off. Corvousier, despite his many experiences with ordering his subordinates to die, never grew used to asking it of them. The more he had to do so, the heavier his chest became. How many more young men and women would he have to send to die? To make the Tangaroa's sacrifice more meaningful, he had to do one last thing. He recorded a short message. Despite his emotions calling out for him to explain that these "supply" ships were in fact civilians, it wouldn't alter the bloodlust of the Venterrans. When the battle was over, they would discover it through the remaining wreckages. He kept his temper, but wanted to plant a seed that hopefully would grow on the Venterran Fleet Commander throughout the war.

Battle of Cornucopia
HMS Tangaroa

As the Tangaroa took another volley, the Bellator-class battleship knew it was going down. But Corvousier had asked a favour from them and they would do anything to uphold that promise. As the bridge crew extinguished the fires on the enclosed bridge, the Captain looked one last time before their final stand. This crew was the best she could have asked for and now through thick and thin, they were at the end of the road. Nowhere else to turn to but death itself. But as any Stoinian, they would do so smiling back at it.
- "Helm, have you plotted in the ramming course?!"
- "Aye Captain!" Ready when you are!"
Captain Drache turned to her tactical officer.
- "What's the status on our weapons?"
- "Just the MAC cannon Ma'am!"
- "What about the boarding parties?"
- "Ma'am... Just two corridors behind us."
Yes... This was it, the shields were gone and if it wasn't for the Stoinian engineering, they'd be already dead. While the hull was crippling and falling apart, it still packed enough to do one last ramming run.
- "Divert all power to the engines."
- "Ma'am?"
- "You heard me Lieutenant!"
Another small explosion on the bridge erupted as they finally received the signal from Corvousier. So this is it. 
- "Helm, ramming speed! Open blast doors!"
In an abrupt launch, everyone on the ship felt the kickback. What seemingly was a dying ship, suddenly became a giant rocket. Now in just 20 seconds, they would ram the Venterran dreadnought and the ship wouldn't have enough time evade them. The blast doors which protected the bridge's window now also opened. During battle they were always covered to protect the bridge, but Drache wanted to look death right back in the eye. 
- "Ma'am, boarding parties have reached the door."
- "Open them!"
In a swift motion she then stood up and grabbed her Magnum pistol she carried from her thigh. Now facing the opening bridge door she was ready for her last stand. As she fired the rounds from her Magnum, the Venterrans coming through would be met by her bullets and the sight of the ship they boarded on its way to ram one of theirs. This was indeed a death worthy of her crew.

The Tangaroa then rammed the Tip of the Spear, forcing it to end its chase of the Eternity. Just like the ancient legend she was named after, she had changed the tide. With the following chaos, the last Stoinian ships pierced through and escaped. While the reinforcing Venterran fleet still picked off some of their ships, the fact was that those still standing could take the last rounds before they jumped to warp. Out of the remaining 4.200 Stoinian ships that were present when the second wave arrived, roughly 2.800 made it out alive. More would have succumbed if Corvousier's quick reaction had failed that day. In mere tens of minutes after the second wave arrived, the Stoinian fleet had in fact disappeared from the battle.
However, that was not all that happened. When the Tangaroa changed its course for the Tip of the Spear, Corvousier sent an open message so that both Fleet Commanders could see his response to the challenge. Corvousier had no time now, but he made the challenger a solemn promise as the battle drew to a close: 
- "On the dusk of war."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Tip of the spear, Cornucopia

Fleet commander Pryde winced as he slumped back into the captain’s chair after being thrown off by the impact of the Tangaroa’s ramming attack. The ship sustained moderate damage from the ramming attack with the shields absorbing much of the impact. Pryde looked over at the bridge crew who were also returning to their posts and asked, “status of the shields?”
“They’re holding steady at 20% sir and cycling back to full power in 1 minute.” Responded one of the officers.

“I see... it seems that we dodged quite the bullet.” Muttered Pryde as he looked toward the view screen and observed the burning wreckage of the Tangaroa with a grin. He was impressed with the sacrifice of the enemy vessel, but mixed in with the admiration was a sense of bitterness. He was aware that some commanders will sacrifice their subordinates to save their own skins in battle. This was true for the federation as Reklez had a penchant for sending his subordinates to their deaths to cover for his hyper aggressive assaults, but it was also true of the Terrans as the crew of the enemy ship died for their flagship.

This fact greatly vexed Pryde as he never thought that the enemy would choose to sacrifice their subordinates but would instead face him and the crew of the tip of the spear. The fact that the enemy commander chose to save themselves over their subordinates was something he was unwilling to forgive. Turning back to the wreckage of the Tangaroa, Pryde whispered, “Your sacrifice saved your Fleet commander, but you’ve only delayed the inevitable. This ship will be repaired in a week and I will hunt down your fleet commander to the ends of this sector. This I swear on Venterra.” He then looked down at the crew who awaited his orders and spoke, “Deploy shuttles to the wreckage and recover the survivors, I want to know who the enemy fleet commander is as well as pick up any information left over. Afterwards we will return to Federation space to repair and refuel the Tip of the Spear. You’ll have a week of r&r before we hunt down the enemy fleet commander.” The crew silently saluted Pryde to acknowledge his orders and began to relay the necessary orders to boarding shuttles.

Fleet of Pragmatic Union

Commander Yamraiha sighed softly to herself as the second wave began the orbital bombardment of the planetary shields in addition to cementing their grasp on the system. The fleet did its job plugging in the holes that the first wave created, but the enemy managed to withdraw 2800 warships of various classes leaving behind a substantial debris field of Stoinian ships. Looking over at the debris field Yamraiha spoke to her ai companion, Al, “It’s hard to believe that there isn’t a single Venterran wreckage from the battle.” “Madam, Commander Pryde initiated void protocols preventing the enemy from being able to analyze our ships when they are effectively “destroyed” and unable to withdraw back to friendly lines.” Responded Al. “I know... it’s just ironic that we leave no trace of our existence when we lose the battle when we are engaging in a war that determines whether these Terrans can continue to exist or if they are meant to be erased from the galaxy.” Replied Yamraiha dryly. “Technically the enemy could still analyze our deceased soldiers from boarding parties that were lost or repelled.” said Al. “That would only give them a rudimentary understanding of our technology, but they could devise weapons that could pierce our unshielded troops. And our personal shields have safeguards that prevent the enemy from analyzing its properties, by self destructing discreetly and leaving only the armor.” Al asked, “And our jet packs?” “Now you’re just pulling equipment that the enemy already has.” Said Yamraiha. “Yes, but this does prove that we Venterrans don’t truly disappear without a trace as we leave some materials behind.” Said Al.

Yamraiha just shook her head and sighed, “perhaps you’re right, but for now, let’s start cleaning this debris field in preparation for Kensei’s invasion force.” Al responds, “Understood madam, issuing orders now for available ships to start clearing the debris field in addition to patrolling the system.”

With that the invasion would soon commence...
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

Cornucopia System,
King's Hand,
A few days later

Colonel Wulf Ular yawned softly as he tapped the hardlight file of the unnamed prisoner aboard the King's Hand. He was asked to interrogate numerous Terran prisoners from the start of the conflict and he did so as any good loyal Venterran and he fulfilled his task with remarkable zeal. He initially tested the terran interaction with the various Venterran subspecies to determine who would be the best to interrogate these Terrans, and he was not disappointed noting that the Venterran B species "Mardakii" were met with extreme hostility when they interact with a prisoner while True Venterrans and Venterran A subspecies were treated as though they were fellow Terrans. He and several colleagues also put together a class system for the terran prisoners with Class 1's being the most collaborative and class 4 being the most unresponsive from the prisoners recovered from first contact. Now he was asked to interrogate a potential class 4 to determine not just the classified military secrets, but also any other information that can be used to verify previous interrogations. The Colonel tapped the hardlight file again and spoke into the comms, "Interrogator to King's Hand, please bring in the prisoner for questioning." 

Major Paul Harrison was dragged in by two Venterran guards and thrown on the ground. He had fought against the different species of the Federation alongside his own men of the 763rd EVA Battalion. His resolve is what had kept him alive and he refused to say a word except his service number which he kept saying over and over again like a mantra. Now he was to face a new interrogator and he wasn't so eager to change his stance. Not after what these bastards had done to his people. He coughed out some blood as he began to recite his service number. "SRA-F05623-J48721-A8721-M/EVA/763-PH"

The Colonel looked at the Terran and listened to the Major as he realized that the Prisoner was reciting his service number. Reciting his service number without being prompted? How interesting, Thought the Colonel as he looked towards the Terran through his helmet. "SRA F058623 J48721 A8721 M/EVA/763 PH... That Service number is rather long, What is your rank and do you have a name to go by? If you don't want to disclose your name and rank, would you mind being referred to as your prisoner designation, Prisoner 6273?

"SRA-F05623-J48721-A8721-M/EVA/763-PH, Major Paul Harrison, 763rd EVA Battalion. SRA-F05623-J48721-A8721-M/EVA/763-PH, Major Paul Harrison, ..."

"I see, Major Harrison then... please take a seat" The colonel said politely as he gestured to a comfortable chair, "If you are unable to... (he gestures to Captain Hasega and Lt. Halsey who stood behind the Major) the guards can assist you." As he waits for the Major to take his seat, The colonel spoke. "Major Harrison, our reports indicate that you are the last survivor of an EVA unit in the battle for the Southern Tower and that you were observed to personally take down 2 Hell Divers in hand to hand combat. An Impressive feat worthy of songs, but the same can't be said about your comrades who've left you to die."

Harrison stood behind the chair, refusing to sit down. Despite the injuries, he still was able to stand at attention. For all he knew, he should have been dead together with his men and not enjoy any comfort offered by these Terran barbarian. "SRA-F05623-J48721-A8721-M/EVA/763-PH, Major Paul Harrison, 763rd EVA Battalion. SRA-F05623-J48721-A8721-M/EVA/763-PH, Major Paul Harrison, ..."

The Colonel looked over at the two guards who shook their heads, "Very well, you can at least stand at ease to reduce the discomfort of your injury, if you insist on standing. Now Major, I will take your non answer to mean that you and your unit were in fact abandoned by your comrades in a bid for them to save themselves and prolonging the inevitable. Although there is honor in death, it is... disappointing to find out that the circumstances of your units final stand was not out of Venterran Grit but of Terran Cowardice, offering up a sacrifice to save themselves. If you wish to correct the record and prove that your fellow comrades are not cowards who left your unit to die, now is your only chance"

"Cowardice?! If anyone befits that description it should be you, who shoots down innocent civilians. You're not worthy to be Terran!" Harrison gave his interrogator a wild glare and actually spat towards his direction.

The colonel chuckled, "Civilians? Oh you must mean the 'noncombatants' we've recovered from the 'supply ships'. I see... Did you have family aboard one of them? Collateral damage is expected in battle though there is no honor nor dishonor in killing a future combatant. Perhaps your navy should have done more to expedite evacuations or mustered a much larger fleet to repel the Appraisal fleet... Of course that's neither here nor there. After all it is apparent that the Federation has been underestimated by your Kingdom, and that you and those so called civilians bore the price of that arrogance." 

"Insult us all you want, we have faced far worse odds. First the Mardakii then the Qoxex, Marcavani and the damned Velutarians. If you want a Crusade, we'll make sure to bombard your homeworld barren and stripped of an atmosphere. We did that to the Velutarians and we'll do so again if we must. Don't tempt the Stoinian Lion for it has survived far greater threats than the cowards federation that your nation is."

"Is that so, I doubt you Terrans have braved the horrors of deep space and the void between galaxies, but that's a tale for another time. And these Mardakii..." The Colonel waved his hand and the door behind them hissed open revealing a Mardakii Venterran enter the room with a tray holding a pitcher of water and two clear cups. "If you please," He said to the unnamed mardakii, who wordlessly placed the cups and poured the water into both cups and setting them onto both ends of the table.

"He'd make a finer carpet than a servant. Its claws fine knives too... Come to think of it, I demand the body of the Mardakii I slew. It's my right." Harrison wanted to make one thing clear to these Venterrans. To them the Mardakii may be friends, but to him, they were nothing short but prey that should be hunted down.
The Colonel was rather intrigued as he replied "A rather utilitarian but also tribal approach to the dead. Tell me do you also reuse the bones and organs of your dead or just non-Terrans like the Mardakii?"

"Oh just the Mardakii. But I prefer to watch them go feral first in Atonement Valley where they are hunted for sports. I hear Mardakii steak is quite good."

"I see," the colonel looked over at the Mardakii who stood at the side with the tray and pitcher and back at the Major, "Its funny really. you would fit right in with the hell divers Major. They too seek trophies and hunt worthy opponents for sport. Some have even tried the flesh of more exotic species not just the Mardakii and yes, Mardakii steak is a delicacy for some Venterran subspecies and with the war dead, there is some renewed demand. After all once their funeral rites are done they are nothing more than lumps of flesh and carpet and members of the Federatiom must contribute to Venterra in life and in death."

"Is that what you did with my men. Ate them? Because by God if you didn't allow them a proper funeral I'll skin you alive!" Harrison had fire in his eyes and even took a step forward closer to the interrogator, though positioned to climb the Mardakii at any moment.

The colonel smile remained unchanged, “Your men’s remains are fine for now. None of the Venterran helldivers have asked the ships cooks to prepare Terran flesh, and as far as I can tell no one from the ship’s crew has also done so as well. In fact, they remain iced away in cargo room 3 with the other dead Terrans scheduled to be dissected and cremated through the fires of Cornucopia’s Star. Of course I can change that to match Stoinian customs if you tell me the names of the Fleet Commander who was in charge of the initial defense and the one in charge of planetary defense. As well as information regarding Stoinian funeral rites.” 

To a Stoinian, tradition was everything. The many religions and ethnicities each had their own customs, but Harrison couldn't possibly know them all by heart. Nonetheless, the alternative was much darker and dishonourable. All the Venterran wanted were the names of the Commanders in charge in exchange for proper funeral rites. But what proof did Harrison have that the Venterrans would honour their word? "I can't possibly know all the funeral rites of the Hasidians, Sikhians and the many other ethnicities. You're far better just keeping them in cold storage. I doubt High Command would expect you to honour our rites, your words don't exactly carry any trustworthy weight to them."

“Your high command is correct in that regard as the Venterran high command merely considers you all sinners who bear the name of Terra and unworthy of respect, but as you can tell the Venterran High command isn’t here to dictate or pull information from you. It is just me, Colonel Wulf Ular and the two hell divers you’ve encountered in battle and the Mardakii ensign. And fortunately for you I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging information with other prisoners some of whom share these ‘ethnic’ traits. Perhaps a secondary interview with them will yield the proper funeral rites for your dead soldiers at a later date.”

There really was no choice here. He had to guarantee his men got the proper funeral. In exchange for just the names of his commanders. He was in a unique bargaining position for the dead and he would take it as honour demanded it. But if by God the Venterran wouldn't honour their request... "All right, it's the least I can do for my men. But if by God you won't uphold your terms I'll personally arrange your death making sure it would be a very slow and painful death." Harrison took a deep breath before answering the Venterran. "The naval Commander is Grand Admiral Corvousier and the planetary Commander is Marshal Häkkinen."

"Thank you, for the information," The Colonel then pulls out a small device and sets it on the table. The Device hums to life and pulls up a a hardlight tablet with a series of service numbers pulled from the bodies recovered from the 763 and a line translated to have the listed troops be buried in accordance with indigenous customs by order of Colonel Wulf Ular. With the failure to comply with the terms resulting in undisclosed penalties such as suicidal runs to be determined by 501st Strike Fleet Commander Akira Kensei. "If you could just confirm that these men are yours or even if they aren't you've done them a service."

"Very well. I'll get started then, but don't think I'll collaborate any further than this with you." Harrison then began to select his men according to their service number.

"You've done more than enough Major, after all I'm not here for your military secrets, Federation intelligence has a way of taking that through other means. I wish to understand your people more, and interviews like these help us properly appraise your people. I unfortunately will be taking my leave now, but if you'd like once you are done, I can have the ship's cook whip up a Mardakii steak as a gesture of good faith and continued cooperation to understand your people."

"It wouldn't be exactly proper since it wasn't the Mardakii I personally slew. You have your rituals, but even we have our own rituals when preparing our prey and I'm no Mardakii hunter. For now I'll pass though." In truth there was some discomfort in simply offering the dead as a dish. And there was still no guarantee they'd honour their part of the bargain.

“Very well,” said the colonel as he rose from his seat and saluted the major and the two Hell divers guarding him. The colonel then left the room with the Mardakii in tow, compiling his report corroborating the information of the Stoinians being a martial and proud race as well as additional new information such as the revelation of dividing up their species under ‘ethnic’ groups with their own unique customs and traditions, further inquiry would be necessary but that would be from the other prisoners. He had also written that funeral rites needed to be done in accordance to the bargain so that the federation can continue to cooperate with the prisoner.

*OOC Note: credits to @Imperial Frost Federation for RP'ing the Venterran characters.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
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Ascension Spire,
CorDefCom HQ,
2/08/1620 PD

It had been a week and a half or so since Grand Admiral Corvousier and the Cornucopia Defence Fleet were forced to retreat by the Venterran invasion forces. The planetary shield was raised as soon as the Venterran forces had arrived, effectively cutting the planet off. This was all part of the plan, though Stoinian command hadn't expected for all three space elevators to be destroyed. Cornucopia's shield were holding, but this was a game of waiting now. Would the shields hold for a week or a month or perhaps a year? These planetary shields were installed during Regent MacArthur's reign, but they had become slightly outdated and even the most sophisticated shields couldn't prevent a giant fleet from breaking it. Now the Venterrans were bombarding them with everything they had. Ever since they cleared out the space debris, Cornucopia and its citizens have plagued by an ever glittering sky as the Venterran weapons flared up the shields. Everyone was growing restless. When would the shield fall? And how long will it take the Venterrans? These thoughts passed through the mind of one person in particular: Marshal Valto Häkkinen.
The old Marshal woke up again after hearing his alarm. He was again greeted by the now familiar sound of the bombardment. His gut was telling him everyday the shields would fall anytime, but his engineers had reassured they would hold for at least a few more weeks. The Marshal underwent his morning routine and then headed to his command centre. There a giant hologram of the planet and the Venterran Fleet reiterated the predicament Häkkinen found himself in. The man had earned the nickname the "Wall" for his defence of Ignis, his own homeworld, during the Velutarian War. This time he couldn't figure out if the odds were with him or against him. Sure the Venterrans had a large fleet, but Cornucopia was the closest thing the Star Kingdom had to a true ecumenopolis like the Ryccian capital, Daonlathas. Spire cities cut through the skies and billions upon billions of people lived on this planet. Häkkinen knew that once the shields fell, the Venterrans would massacre billions from orbit. From what he had seen so far, the Venterrans wouldn't make any distinction between civilian and military personnel. Once again facing extinction, Häkkinen too was prepared as the civilians were relocated in shelter bunkers and the lower levels of the spires. The military however bunkered down every corner they could as the hundreds of firebases from the Support Dreadnoughts were now operating at full capacity. The Stoinians were going to make the Venterrans bleed for every single inch of the planet. That much was certain for it was their duty as Stoinians.
A wailing alarm echoed through the command centre as red lights flickered through the room. Something had gone wrong, but what?
- "Engineering, report!"
- "Sir... A shield reactor has gone in overload."
- "What? How?!"
- "Running diagnostics now."
- "Get me an answer now. Coms, planetwide alert. Mobilize all forces!"
Within a minute, Cornucopia had switched from its waiting stance to utter focus. The shields were slowly to lose their strengths, though the Stoinians still had about half an hour or so before the shields would fail due to the Venterran constant bombardment. Sirens echoed through the corridors of the spires as the grunt soldiers move to secure positions and the anti-aircraft guns tilted towards the sky. Readying themselves for the inevitable.
Häkkinen looked sternly around the Command Centre. Just what in God's name had gone wrong?! He paced around looking for an answer until the Chief Engineer came towards him.
- "Sergeant Major, just what happened to the reactors?"
- "Sir, the continued strain has eroded a pipe towards one of the geothermal reactors. Without that reactor, we won't be able to hold them much longer. An hour at best."
So the hours are numbered then. Häkkinen thought to himself. May God protect us all. Without a second thought he spoke the next words precise and clear.
- "Battle stations! Prepare for battle!"

Cornucan Bay

Ilie Morganu was a Stoinian Royal Air Force pilot. Still a little green behind the ears despite his new promotion to 1st Pilot. His skills however, would be recognized by his superiors and he gained a position in the prestigious Alekto Squadron. Alekto Squadron was one of the more elite and prestigious units within the vast Stoinian Air Force. An entire Squadron of Chimera-class interceptor aircraft specialized in dogfighting enemy fighters. The Squadron had earned its awards during the Velutarian War, but the pilots that wore the insignia of Alekto Squadron then were long retired and the legacy now fell upon the shoulders of new pilots such as Ilie Morganu. Though Cornucopia had a vast Planetary Air Force, Alekto Squadron was one of the many units detached during the days in preparation for the Venterran invasion. At its head was Squadron Leader Androu 'PAPA' Papadoulos a hardened pilot who flew during the First Mardakii Crusade and wore a sizeable moustache just like his distant relative, Gavras Papadoulos, the Governor of Hyperion. His baritone voice chattered over the private channel of Alekto Squadron.
- "All right lads, climbing to Angels 27. Let's greet the bandits."
- "Copy that, PAPA."
Alekto Squadron raised to about 27.000 feet just under Cornucopia's ozone layer. There the nimble interceptors would be the first to meet the incoming Venterran dropships. Stoinian military doctrine was to use specialized vehicles in most circumstances and while the Skyfury was a good all-rounder, the Chimera was a far better dogfighter, especially at the heights they were climbing right now.
- "Alekto-lead, sensors show incoming bandits 10 clicks above us."
- "Alekto, veer up. All bandits are hostiles. Repeat, all bandits are hostiles. Good hunting."

[Image: Alekto-Squadron-1.jpg]
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Fleet Commander Akira Kensei was enjoying green tea in his cabin when news of Cornucopia's shield falling reached him. The Commander sighed softly disappointed with how quickly the shields fell as he accepted the role of invader reluctantly and looked down at the table. "Himiko..." he said summoning a hologram of the Ship's SAI and asked, "What was the previous assessment of their planetary shields?" "Two weeks Commander." Himiko Replied, "But I suspect that several capital ships have slowly diverted power from a nonessential source like the shields or engines to increase power to their weapons and gradually whittle down the enemy shields faster."

Commander Kensei sighed, he understood why some of his captains would gradually ramp up their firepower at the expense of the shield. They weren't zealots like Recklez, but they were still eager for challenge. To those officers, Cornucopia offered a challenge, one that was never offered by the pirates of A10. He then said,  "I see, and how long would it take them to cycle power back to the shield or engines to deal with the Stoinians when they inevitably try to meet us with whatever was left behind?" "An hour at most sir." replied the AI without a skipping a beat. The Commander's lips barely concealed a grin as he responded, 'It seems luck is on their side. They've been given an extra hour by Venterra to flee inside the planet or prepare themselves for the inevitable. However, even though we won't fire at the planet until the fleet finishes cycling power back into balance. Deploy bombers, drones, sentinels and fighter to screen the enemy response."

"Understood sir, relaying orders to the rest of the fleet." Himiko said as the Commander finished his tea. "Oh and Himiko," the commander said, causing the SAI to look up at him. Record the Following message and relay it to the Terrans below.

"Greetings to all the poor souls trapped on Cornucopia. I am Fleet Commander Akira Kensei 501st Strike Fleet and unlike your Marshal Häkkinen, who may defend you to his last breath, I've been tasked with invading and securing the planet for future invasions into Terran territory. Now you may be wondering if I'm going to demand that you all surrender now that your shields are down, your fleets routed and that you are all one step away from being orbitally glassed to Venterra... However, I will not insult your honor by asking for your surrender, but by the Blood of the Tangaloa, you have one hour to make peace with your makers and accept your inevitable demise at my soldiers hands. And to Marshal Häkkinen if you are like the other prisoners of war who threw a fit over collateral damage, you have one hour to evacuate all non-essential personnel deeper into the planet. One Hour, Marshal."

As the Commander finished his message, Himiko looked concerned and said, “Was it necessary to imply that the enemy commander is a prisoner of war?” The commander shook his head and sighed. “Yes… he may not be in a cell in a Venterran prison but his prison is much worse. Unlike ourselves the Marshal can’t simply retreat off world. He is trapped, forced to endure the horrors of war and try to stave off the full might of our strike fleet. If a man is unable to realize his true situation then they have already lost. By knowing his situation he can keep us occupied long enough for his people to mount a rescue.” “And you’re certain they’ll come for him?” “No, but we will inevitably reach a point where our fleets are stretched to the brink and the question is can he survive until we hit that nexus or if he’ll die before and leave the defenders leaderless…”

He then silently refilled his tea listening to hum of the cabin as the silent scream of the fighters echoed across the halls as they flew down to engage the Stoinians rising to meet them in combat.
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

Häkkinen was surprised by the offer though these preparations were already put in place. It proved a monumental task during the two weeks they lived under the planetary shield. If they believed the Stoinians were just now beginning to trench themselves in, they were dead wrong. Ever since the shield had been activated, they had made every effort to fortify their positions. Cornucopia, once a city of glitter, now had become the Star Kingdom's most resolute fortress. If the Titanium-A3 walls wouldn't hold, they would turn to their guns and if even those were to fail, they would still have their iron will. Every Stoinian on the planet knew that and what the Venterran Commander might have hoped to strike fear into their hearts, they would stare back and smile. Such was the Stoinian spirit ever since the reforms of the Philosopher-King. 
Häkkinen listened to the message as the Venterran message repeated itself. He had to give this Commander credit for knowing the Stoinians that much by now, but that thought quickly lead to grief. Were the prisoners of war alive or dead? How many of them had survived? These questions flashed through his mind. These were questions for later. When he had time to spare when he'd actually retire. The universe had made a fool of him. His wife, Kirsi, had given him a rant about old men in uniform, but Häkkinen proved as unmoveable as a wall when it came to retirement. In his eyes he still had much to give to the Star Kingdom and he now wanted to show his still ferocious vigour to the Venterrans. He opened an encrypted channel into orbit and sent out a message in his native Karelian tongue with a strong Ignisan accent.
- "Mikä laulaen tulee, se viheltäen menee."
It would give the Venterran scientist, if they were aboard, something to do during the battle. Perhaps they would decipher it, but Häkkinen loved to do such stunts. It was a most befitting proverb that the Venterrans should turn to in their arrogance. What comes singing, leaves whistling.

Cornucan Bay

While the Venterran fighters may have been fitted to fly in space as well as air, Stoinian doctrine was much more specialized. Perhaps once they had considered such a doctrine, but the Velutarian War firmly changed that believe. As with their spaceships, the Stoinians had overengineered all their military grade-equipment. The Chimera's were no different. Designed specifically for dogfighting, they would be the first to greet the Venterrans. With their tips piercing though the sky, Alekto Squadron along with hundreds of squadrons flew forth to give the Venterrans a Cornucopian welcome. 
BUSTER, Ilie's co-pilot, checked his scanner as the dots of the incoming Venterrans came closer and closer. It wouldn't be long now, before the clash would take place. BUSTER, a Corillian by the name of Seth Madden, was even more inexperienced than Ilie and the tone in his voice revealed it.
- "Well, Ilie. Guess this is it then. Heading straight into the dragon's mouth."
- "Just make sure to make every one of our missiles count, Seth."
- "This is PAPA, weapons free. I repeat, weapons free. Give them hell lads." Interjected Alekto-lead over the coms. 
The Venterran fighters blackened the sky as they approached rapidly towards the Stoinian aircraft. Alekto Squadron immediately broke off to scatter from its formation to throw off the Venterran pilots. Ilie veered off as well and chose out a target. Mere seconds later he was the first to fire his Gatling gun, eager to prove himself. Soon after the air battle for Cornucopia began and the coms spat out as the Stoinian pilots communicated with one another. Firing on the Venterran fighters with no mercy or second thoughts.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor
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"I have no fear, for fear is the mind-killer that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once and live without agony nor regret."
— Codex Stoinius, Philosopher-King Andrei I

Those were the words of the Codex Stoinius. A collection of stoic meditations made by the Philosopher-King to heal the wounds from the War at Home. Not by answering the questions of life, but to teach how to get through it. All Ilie could think were those words drilled into him from an early age as all Stoinians had to. The words had guided the Stoinians throughout their history and Ilie now knew why. The mantra brought him a sense of calmness as the sensors began to flair up as if the fighter was about to explode. Whereas the situation might have brought down Ryccian men in such a situation facing near imminent death, his hands, however, were steadier than ever. The enemy was in front of him and he was his people's first line of defence now.
- "SNAPPLE buddy, here we go. Arm thermal missiles." BUSTER called over the fighter's internal comm.
- "Make them hot, but don't get a lock yet. They probably have shields as well."
- "Copy SNAPPLE. Arming, no locking."
The plasma bullets then reigned from above them as the seared through the sky. Like cavalry of old, the point where they met was utterly chaotic. The fighters were also closer than what Stoinian pilots were used to, but they still had the advantage here. Though the manoeuvres were now increasingly more dangerous given how they might just crash into another craft. Making a barrel roll to the right, Ilie evaded an incoming Venterran fighter, his Chimera still was far more manoeuvrable as a dedicated air fighter. After firing his MAG63C cannons, making a buzzing sound, the Venterran shields began to light up as the bullets made contact. The light blue haze indicated when the shields were still active. Good... Now we just need to shoot until we don't see the blue any more.
- "SNAPPLE, on your six."
Ilie heard it over the radio, coming from CHIP. BUSTER Looked to the back and saw a chasing fighter.
- "On it CHIP. Chase the bastard."
- "Got your ass SNAPPLE."
He then heard a weird energy noise and instinctively looked on his sensors. A sort of plasma missile was shot from the fighter behind him. Luckily it stopped following him once he twirled away. And actually hit a feast moving Venterran fighter disabling hits shields. It must have been some missile designed to bomb capital ships. As CHIP sprayed his rounds on the chasing fighter it popped, making a short, but loud burst noise. Then he heard the familiar noise of the M10 missile. Shortly after an explosion could be heard and sure enough it was the chasing Venterran fighter. Ilie saw it's explosion in the reflection of his cockpit.
- "Thanks, CHIP. We owe you."
- "No probs, SNAPPLE."
Ilie then took out a target. Thrusted the fighter's turbojet-ion engines to give chase. Spraying rounds of bullets at the enemy fighter. It broke off in an attempt to escape, but Ilie quickly turned around and caught it three ways through its manoeuvre. Spraying another round while talking to his co-pilot.
- "Fox 2, prep."
- "Prepping fox 2." BUSTER locked on to the fighter and sure enough, without its shields, its fate had been sealed "Fox 2 hot!"
- "Fox 2, Fox 2!"
Shouting as he pressed the button, Ilie sent off the M10 heat seeking missile. The enemy tried to evade, but alas one of its wing was damaged from the bullets and the M10 vaporized the enemy fighter. One down, twenty-three more to go. Ilie thought as he counted the remaining missiles. The battle dragged on for a few more minutes, but that was when new orders came in.
- "Alekto this is PAPA, new orders from brass. Immediate interception at Bullseye 464 at 24 clicks. Intercept escort bandits headed to Cornucopia."
- "Roger, PAPA."
Alekto then changed course with ease. The Stoinian aircraft were fully entuned with the atmosphere. Much more so than the Venterran spacecraft. Thus Alekto broke off and headed to their new targets. Again Alekto shot down the enemy troop transports wit relative ease, denying them the chance to land down troops. However, the Venterrans were now unto them and when he got the chance, he splashed down the fighter on CHIP's tale.
- "Now we're even, CHIP."
- "No we aren't."
Chip then performed a 180 degree manoeuvre and sprayed bullets just right below SNAPPLE, shooting down an incoming fighter.
- "Always watch your back, SNAPPLE."
- "Wilco, CHIP." He then turned to BUSTER. "BUSTER, what's wrong."
- "Sensor malfunction, SNAPPLE." his co-pilot replied.
- "What?"
- "I think they're figuring out how to scramble out sensors. Damn, we better fly blind then."
- "Dammit."
Ilie once again chased the tails of his squadron and they protected his tail. But he knew the game would change once the fighter's shields would go down. Sure they would regenerate, but it would give the Venterrans the right amount of time for them to finish the job.
- "SLAPSHOT, pop."
Pop meant that a pilot's shields had gone for the moment and were vulnerable. SLAPSHOT had two fighters on his tail and giving them a good run for their money. Twirling as they couldn't within the atmosphere, but with two the odds still were unfavourable. SNAPPLE headed towards them to help him out. Disabling the shields of the chasing fighter, but then the last one fired his plasma missile.
- "SLAPSHOT, hard right." Ilie spoke over the comms under a second from when the missile was fired.
Sure enough SLAPSHOT, evaded to the hard right and escaped imminent doom.
- "SLAPSHOT, shell. Thanks SNAPLE."
Now SLAPSHOT's shield were back on. Safety had been achieved again and all seemed well. Alekto would continue to fly from one escort group to another, but there were so many of them. Some of them made it through, but that was inevitable in the entirety of chaos in the skies. Alekto had performed well, but even they couldn't stop the Venterran dropships which burned through the sky landing within city streets and spire balconies. Tens of thousands of dropship flared up the sky as the air compressed to plasma just underneath their pod. The Venterrans weren't stupid and landed these drop pods in the areas of the city that didn't have their own shield from nearby bases. While Alekto had perhaps softened the blow, the first Venterran landing wave engulfed parts of the city. The ground battle began and wouldn't end for quite a while...
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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