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[IC] Tunnel of Contest

Cornucopia System, Kensei's Flagship Himiko's Revenge

Fleet Commander Kensei remained silent as the other Fleet Commanders awaited Pryde's arrival from the Rhodesian sector. The air between the 4 Fleet Commanders was tense as Yamraiha and Recklez stared daggers at each other. Meanwhile Kensei watched as Fleet Commander Mayfeld reading the most recent intelligence report quietly instead of address the tensions when he heard the hiss of the conference door open. Kensei watched as Pryde enter the conference room of his flagship the Himiko's revenge and listened as Pryde spoke, "Thank you fleet commanders for hearing my request to convene an FC meeting to discuss our next moves for the duration of the war." 

"Indeed, we must plan our next moves in light of recent events." replied Mayfeld. "Before we can plan our next move we do need to resolve the strain on our supply lines. I've noticed recently that supplies meant to resupply our forces in the Rhodesian sector were diverted to the Occupation force under Recklez's command. This is unacceptable, and part of the reason why one of my lesser fleets was repulsed by the Terrans." said Pryde "I agree with Pryde, its bad enough that the planetary invasions are eating up our supplies but they're also dragging our troops into a bloody quagmire. Recent intelligence reports also report that the Terrans have been galvanized by Recklez's decision to glass the Terran world.” Said Yamraiha coldly. “The glassing of Ignis was necessary to break the spirits of the Terran filth and remind them of the fate that awaits them.” Replied Recklez unrepentant of his actions. “And in doing so you’ve only served to unite the terrans against us. Your ploy failed, Recklez, and with that failure you’ve jeopardized the appraisal fleet.” Yamraiha snapped back. Pryde nodded in agreement as the blood within Recklez began to to boil. Recklez started to say “I’ll have you know” “Your brother was killed in combat, an honorable fate for a Venterran officer. His death was already avenged when his troops killed his assassins.” Interrupted Pryde. “No, they did not Kill Häkkinen. It is Häkkinen’s fault my brother died for it was he who sent those assassins." grumbled Recklez.

It was at this moment that Kensei finally spoke, "Do not speak such baseless lies Recklez. Häkkinen has been engaging my forces with little rest and no reprieve for the last few months to plan such an assassination. Furthermore, he would not have been able to identify your brother since my forces have all but destroyed their intelligence capabilities on the ground. Outside of frontline scouts they lack any sensors or means to hack our communicaitions to determine Major General Recklez's position. I'm sorry Recklez but the Terrans simply got lucky when they launched a suicidal raid on Point Obsidian" "I refuse to believe that!" roared Recklez "IT HAS TO BE A TERRAN PLOT!" Mayfeld sighed as he tapped the table and spoke,

"Recklez, shut up." He then continued, "This conversation is going no where. I know you want Recklez to explain his actions, Pryde, but we have more pressing matters to attend like resolving our logistical issues. What's done is done. Grilling Recklez now will not restore Ignis nor will it demoralize the Terrans. Recklez had the right of vengeance and acted upon it, but I can agree that the way he went about it was reckless to say the least. I am aware that Recklez's actions have not only failed to demoralize the terrans but have also galvanized the enemy. However, it was only a matter of time before the enemy would rally their forces to launch a counter attack, and so Recklez merely accelerated that fact." Before Pryde could reply in shock Yamraiha cried out "Merely accelerated?! By the seven rings do you hear what you're saying Mayfeld?!"

"I am fully aware that you think I'm condoning Recklez's actions, but his actions are insignificant in the long term. Yamraiha you must understand that we would have glassed their worlds if we were ordered to commence the Great Purge, all Recklez has done is show a preview of their fate should we judge them to extinction. If these Terrans are as smart as our appraisal forces have indicated then they will perform as we expect or die." said Mayfeld as a matter of fact, Recklez grunted in approval. "Now with these Terrans attempting to counter us we must seize additional worlds and take their supplies for own. I know you and Pryde want us to withdraw from some of the occupied worlds but we will not. We will continue the occupation and strip their worlds for resources." "But Sir Mayfeld, the occupation forces are cutting into the Appraisal fleets' supplies instead of supplying us they are the ones guzzling supplies. I don't believe doubling down on this strategy is a good idea." said Pryde. "I agree with Pryde's assessment, we should relieve our supply lines by withdrawing from some of the costlier worlds." Added Yamraiha, "We will do no such thing." responded Mayfeld calmly.

Mayfeld then continued, "Yamraiha, I'd like you to assist Recklez's forces and push back into the Elysium sector and launch diversionary raids so that Recklez could invade Agnoux, Stigny and Omey systems. Pryde you will assist me in a push into the Rhodesian sector. Intelligence believes that Courvousier was sighted in that sector, and so you will have your chance to duel the Terran. Although I do not know why you seek to challenge the Terran when they aren't worthy to be granted the right of duels." "You were not there Mayfeld, but that Terran performed admirably covering for the non-combatants when we were unaware that they were still in the midst of clearing them from the combat zone. He fought well enough to warrant the honor of a duel, but he chose to flee with the non-combatants as another vessel the, Tangaloa, was ordered sacrificed herself to save them all. That... was unacceptable, and so I swore to hunt him down to avenge the dishonor he wrought by acting in such a cowardly manner after displaying such ferocity in battle." replied Pryde

Yamraiha meanwhile thought about putting aside her opinions, but she couldn't support the reckless strategy put forth by Mayfeld. Furthermore she couldn't stomach working with Recklez who would undoubtedly try to claim that he was the superior officer despite being equal in rank and so she put her foot down saying, "With all due respect Mayfeld I refuse to support this farce any longer. I have enough data on the Terrans to back up my assertions and I refuse to support Recklez's personal vendetta against the Terrans. I will withdraw my fleet here from their current positions in the Elysium sector and Support Kensei's operations here to defend the Cornucopia system. And before you protest Mayfeld, my withdrawal will alleviate the supply chain issues so you can divert my share to yours and Recklez's pet projects in the occupied zone." She then looked over at Kensei who remained quiet for much of the meeting. "I hope you don't mind sharing your supplies Kensei."

Kensei looked over at Mayfeld who quietly considered his options then to Recklez who looked as if he was about to explode with rage, and then to Pryde who briefly flashed a grin in support of Yamraiha. Kensei sighed and replied "If Mayfeld accepts your proposition to give up your share of the supplies sent in from the worm hole, then I will share my supplies with you." Yamraiha was about to thank Kensei when he stopped her, "You have to understand, that accepting my share of supplies will mean that you will be attached to my command. I will give you the tactical freedom to operate within the Cornucopia system and deal with the enemy you see fit, but the final say in regards to the defense of Cornucopia system is mine. I will take your advice as my second in command, but I will choose what our best course is." Yamraiha thought about what Kensei said as Pryde spoke up, "Sir Mayfeld perhaps you can accept Yamraiha's offer to give up her supplies in penance for her decision not to support Recklez's offensive operations. The lack of support will serve as the proper penance for Recklez as well. He will reap what he sows." 

Mayfeld sighed, "Very well, Recklez will continue his push alone, and so he will have 60% of Yamraiha's former share, and Pryde you will have your full share and we will use Yamraiha's remaining share to supply our forces into the Rhodesian sector. Will that be satisfactory," Yamraiha nodded, "It is, and Kensei, You saved my life during the Wako incident, I wouldn't mind being your subordinate temporarily." Recklez simply grunted as he muttered curses towards Pryde and Yamraiha knowing full well that another explosive tantrum would only hurt his operations in the occupation zone. Pryde grinned as he replied, "Perfectly so sir." While Kensei simply sighed and replied with a terse "Aye". Once their logistical situation was handled the 5 commanders carried on discussing and debating other matters until they departed to their respective fleets to engage the Terrans.

08:32 shiptime, 14/11/1620 PD
Captain's Ready Room, HMS Azhdaya, 3rd Star Corps
Chimay, Elysium Sector, Stoinian Star Kingdom

High Admiral Chekov had been requested to join Grand Admiral Winton's ranks in the offensive against the Venterran Incursion. When the call came, Pavel Andreyevich Chekov answered within five minutes. He was perhaps the fiercest Admiral the Stoinian Navy had and when it became apparent the Venterran, Terran Brethren, had allied with the Mardakii against Stoinia, Chekov scrambled his best Fleet Division. Fleet Division Delta of the 66th Fleet of Chekov's 3rd Star Corps was filled with Officers who served with him in the Velutarian War and the First Mardakii Crusade. Most recently, first contact with the Ryccian Empire and Drakari Celestial Imperium. Like Chekov they had spared their fury for the battle field. Reports of Cornucopia's initial defence where the Venterrans targeted civilians and the Venterrans glassing of cities and Ignis had boiled Chekov's anger to a point which he had hope he wouldn't have to face again. Yet his nation called to him again. He didn't fail her then, he won't fail her now. Ol' Blood 'n Guts would indeed roar once more.
Chekov sipped the last bit of his coffee while enjoying the view from the Captain's Ready Room. As a High Admiral he had different luxuries, but he sure did miss the good ol' days when he had such a room for himself. Captain Edina Budai had loaned her ship's command for this occasion. She knew Chekov would want a hands on approach. The scars Chekov wore weren't a merely an accident. They were perforated into his face by a Mardakii he personally slew in the last Crusade. Chekov, like many Hyperions who'd stalk Khisons for hours, was on the hunt again.
He let his coffee pot on the table and stood up. Straightening his uniform as he left the room. He strolled right out of it and turned directly to Captain Budai who'd taken over as Chekov's XO when it came to the Azhdaya's operations.
- "Captain, how's the planetary bombardment going of the Venterran forces?" he asked with a sharp tone.
Captain Budai turned around and towered over the fairly small High Admiral as she came from a high gravity world.
- "On schedule, Sir. Their infrastructure has been completely destroyed."
- "Excellent, we'll start preparing for a ground invasion."
The Tactical Officer of the Azhdaya was actually a brand new officer transferred from East Point. Despite Chekov's choice for veterans, he did wish to pass on their mettle to the newer generations. The only true way to do so, is through direct action.
- "Lieutenant Commander. I saw you raise a brow, why?" Chekov spoke with the same sharp tone. He wanted to teach the young officer, but he couldn't help but enjoy scaring them from time to time.
- "Nothing, Sir."
- "Spit it out, son. Before the Venterrans might do that for you."
- "It's just... Shouldn't we just bombard them from orbit, Sir?"
Ah, the age old question, Chekov thought. The young man clearly still had some green behind his ears. Chekov maintained his menacing stare while pointing to his scars.
- "You see this?"
The officer merely nodded, not wishing to say something that would make the High Admiral angrier.
- "I fought Velutarians before you were even conceived. I damn well earned these scars while you were still suckling on your mother's breast." he circled around, looking at all the new officers of the Azhdaya's crew "Aye, we might just bombard them from orbit. In our comfortable leather chairs, but would that make us better than them? They glassed an entire planet for sports! They have drawn blood first and I don't know about you, but my blood has been boiling for our entire three weeks trip. The same blood that run through our ancestors who fought at Geelvink Hill in Sayed's Charge, Alexandru's duel against Warlord Quclex, Traian's Clipping of the Marcavani and at the Butchering of Velutaria where I stood alongside your fathers. That blood doesn't clot when your nation's being agonized by barbarians. It boils and it unleashes a wrath from within that can only be silenced once all enemies are annihilated. It's what has kept the Star Kingdom alive and will keep it so! And I for one, REFUSE to lower myself to the same tactics as the vile fornicated Mardakii-loving faeces named Sagan Recklez. We stepped towards the stars to prove Terran strength. We cannot do that from orbit. We only achieve that by getting our own humble boots on the ground. That is the true Stoinian way and I shall lead it personally." Chekov turned to the Communications Officer. "Lieutenant, tell our troop carriers that we launch in two hours. I'll personally lead the attack. While you're at it, get line with Colonel Koeremoer to the Ready Room."
The deck then filled with crew saluting Chekov and shouting "Hear the Stoinian Lion roar!"

Two hours later,
Echo-826, Condor-class heavy attack gunship

Colonel Koeremoer had convinced Chekov that his men of the Stoinian Foreign Legion were ready for the task to serve as the first wave against the Venterran ground forces. He would see today if the Colonel's project had yielded a good result. He had changed into Marine Battle Armour and only equipped his sword and a M28 Magnum pistol. The same equipment he used on the First Mardakii Crusade. A few faces of his Marine detachment had actually joined him in that Crusade and he couldn't help but feel a warm feeling as he smiled at his compatriots. It was indeed just like old times. Chekov's Marine detachment would meet up with the Stoinian Foreign Legion's 2nd Mandalore Infantry Regiment and the 5th Cadia Infantry Regiment. The first one was composed of Ryccian Mandalorians who sought out a challenge into the martial Star Kingdom as they felt the Ryccian Empire wouldn't give them anymore challenges. How wrong they were with the recent political development in Ryccia, but now they were stuck to the Legion. The other Regiment was named after a Drakari planet and it had all numbers of the Imperium's species in it.
Chekov grinned at the memory when he compared the Drakari Admiral's claws to that of the Mardakii. Fate had indeed an ironic sense of humour. 
- "High Admiral, ETA to Place de la Chimay is two minutes."
The countdown had begun. There was no significant AA fire as the Stoinian aircraft had diverted the Venterran atmosphere planets away from the city. Chekov pressed the safety harness upwards and grabbed a barrel to stand upright despite the gunship's manoeuvres.
- "Now, boys. We're going to reclaim this planet for our proud nation. Once this door opens..." Chekov clattered his sword against Condor's backdoor "I want you all to follow my lead. Get to cover quickly and all that. You know the drill, for you are amongst Stoinia's finest Marines. Make your fathers proud today and Chimay will never forget you for it. Today we rip out the hope from these xeno-lovers straight from their spines so that they may never forget our Proud Lion's roar!"
The Marines shouted their famous ura as it echoed in the Condor's hull. They were ready for it, the Lion had cried to their hearts.
- "High Admiral, Colonel Koeremoer is requesting a comm line with you now."
- "Now, out of all the times to choose... Patch him through."
Chekov was then shocked to hear a song being sung by all kind of different voices. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but it sounded like they were brothers to each other. Brothers in arms and Chekov couldn't help but feel its unison in his heart. When the song ended Koeremoer chatted over the comms.
- "Vode an, High Admiral. A Mandalorian chant that's become an anthem of the Legion. I hope it helped your blood boil for the battle." Koeremoer said jokingly over the comms.
- "Let's hope your xenos fight better than they sing, Colonel." Chekov sneered back at him.
- "Oh that they'll do, Sir."
The doors of the Condor then hissed open as the light turned green. Chekov's Marines pushed the safety harnesses up and grabbed their guns. Ready for the assault.
- "All right you sons-of-bitches! Let's carve out these xenolovers! Let them hear our roar!" Chekov shouted as he raised his sword and pistol in this other hand.
Chekov and his Marines then charged out of the Pelican towards cover. The Venterrans were now trying to flank them from the street corners, but Chekov rallied his Marines towards them. Swinging his sword to prepare to slice open the Mardakii, he looked back to watch his Marines. What he saw surprised him. Yapatha, Drakari, Limavu, Teetac and fellow Terran brethren from the Imperium and the Ryccian Empire. The Mandalorians even flew with their jetpacks. Species all over the Sector were fighting alongside him. For his nation against an enemy that allied itself to Stoinia's sworn enemy. Chekov didn't know what to think of it. But as the Venterran plasma bullets started to head their way, he smiled as found new brothers in arms. He aimed his pistol straight to head of a Mardakii and pulled the trigger. The first Stoinian shot had made a killing blow and Chekov's hunt had begun. He rallied all of his new brothers and sisters in arms once more.
- "For Stoinia! Hear us roar you dunce wormhole ogres!"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Cornucopia system, Kensei's Flagship Himiko's Revenge

Fleet Commander Kensei remained silent as Yamraiha reported the events occuring outside the Cornucopia system via the comms. As expected Recklez's assault spread his forces too thin and they were thoroughly routed by a numerically superior armada. Recklez's forces were outnumbered 10 to 1 and had no choice but to retreat back to Chimay where they scattered. "One Everant is an insignificant bug, a hundred, a nuisance, but a horde of them... A horde can fell a titan if it isn't careful. Mayfeld's a competent commander on the battlefield, but his compromises to appease House Recklez may have cost us the war. You and I can agree that Mayfeld was in no position to withdraw when the occupied planets finally started to churn out some supplies for the Appraisal fleet, but his decision not to consolidate our forces and follow Recklez's idea to expand and invade other worlds was risky. You smartly refused, but in doing so Yamraiha, the northern sectors are now in jeopardy. I will not ask you to cover for that fool's mistakes, but we must prepare now for the inevitable despite the success of the southern thrust into Rhodesia. Mayfeld and Pryde have managed to repel the enemy at Miracle and Muneron pushing once more towards Rhodesia, but with Recklez's forces collapsing to the north they have no choice but to abandon the spoils of their victory." said Kensei "So we're entering the end game then?" asked Yamraiha.

"Indeed, as I expected the High Command never intended for the 5 of us to destroy this Stoinian Star Kingdom. It should have been obvious by the state of the supplies after the battle lines had stabilized that we would have issues moving beyond our current positions without stretching them. And that we were only meant to make planetary raids taking whats necessary and then leaving before the Terrans could amass a large enough fleet to repel us" said Kensei. He then continued, "I don't intend for my ground forces to fight the incoming Stoinians exhausted when they inevitably arrive to relieve the Terran defenders. Despite allowing Recklez to show Hakkinen and his resistance fighters the footage of the glassing of Ignis, they have yet to break fighting valiantly even when our forces breached the spire." "He's earned your respect hasn't he?" asked Yamraiha, "He's certainly worthy of the title the Terrans have bestowed on him... 'wall'." Replied Kensei chuckling as he looked over to a holomap of Cornucopia and then back to Yamraiha, "Don't tell Mayfeld or Recklez, but I intend to allow the man two days to grieve in peace, and allow both of our forces much needed rest before resuming the fight." said Kensei. "Is that wise?" asked Yamraiha, "I do not know, but what I do know is our men need some rest. If the enemy benefits as well then so be it, that's a bridge I will have to live with." "I understand, Kensei, and I will continue to prepare our defenses for the inevitable battle. Yamraiha, out." she replied as Kensei looked back at the map.

"Himiko order our ground forces to stop their current assaults on the terran world and regroup for some much needed R&R. Tell them to stay vigilant for a Terran counterstrike but to focus on recuperating their stamina since we expect Terran reinforcements in the coming months." "Understood sir. anything else?" replied the SAI. "Yes as a matter of fact, launch a private message down to the planet. I'm sure their surviving comms officers will likely intercept it, but tell the Terrans we will grant them two days to rest, to grieve, and to bury their dead, we will not assault their positions for those two days." Himiko frowned as she said, "I know you convinced Yamraiha that the 2 days of R&R was necessary for our troops but we could just as easily rotate frontline troops with reserves and continue the assault on their spires. Are you going soft Kensei?"

"Perhaps, I wouldn't bat an eye if millions of non-combatants died simply because they are collateral, It is our job to kill the enemy and if non-combatants become mixed in then that is the failure of the enemy... However, what Recklez did... If I had to put it into words was unacceptable nay dishonorable. He claimed the right of vengeance... And rather than take his vengeance upon his self proclaimed target, Hakkinen, Recklez chose to massacre an entire world to satiate his bloodlust and wrath. He murdered those unrelated to the right of Vengeance and disobeyed our directives to take prisoners, showing no mercy..." "Fair enough, but why only two days, you know the Terrans would need more to bury their dead or even grieve?" asked Himiko. "If I unilaterally stopped fighting for longer than two days, Mayfeld and Pryde would be suspicious. After all there are still Terrans on Cornucopia and while I've successfully occupied most of the planet it still has pockets of fierce resistance from the remaining defenders. So Two days is the most I can give our troops and the Terrans." responded Kensei. Himiko was about to say something but shook her head as she responded, "Very well, dispatching message to the Terrans now."

"Häkkinen, by now my voice must be familiar after listening to our towers over the last few months to warrant an introduction. You may choose to continue fighting with your troops, but for the next two days my forces will suspend their current offensives to rest and recover our war dead. My men will not fire the first shot if we encounter your forces while recovering the dead. This I swear as the Fleet Commander in charge of this invading force. And so Häkkinen, I offer you these 48 hours to grieve, to bury your dead or throw your lives away. Kensei Out."
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

06:45, 16/11/1620 PD
CorDefCom, Ascension Spire, Cornucopia

Häkkinen played the Commander Kensei's message over and over. Looking at hints that might suggest the Commander was lying. He didn't quite believe the sincerity of the message. 
- "Dammit, why they giving us two days? What the hell could stop them from continuing to push forward? It's not like them to suddenly stop their advance." Häkkinen spoke in disbelief in the Command Room.
- "Sir, perhaps we've won their respect?" asked Colonel Qiu Ruogang.
- "Mind you that they ripped out the spines of Marines in boarding actions... Or have we forgotten that?"
The room fell silent as no one knew what to make from the Venterran message.
- "We could use the ceasefire however..." Häkkinen muttered, unsure of the course of action he should take.
- "Sir... We should take this opportunity. We've suffered massive casualties as it is." Colonel Ruogang replied.
- "Very well... Send this message to to the Venterrans over the speakers: Agreed."
- "On it, Sir. Right away."
- "All right, let's get everyone on the move to gather our dead. I want squads escorting our burial teams, but if they fire first, I'll personally throw them to the Venterrans."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

22:31, 22/11/1620 PD
Faris Base, Cascanna, Stoinia

John awoke from his cryo sleep, smashing his arms against the pod's window. He'd grown quite used to to the process by now, but the shock always had a strange effect on his body. Taking a few grasps of fresh air to pump up his body with fresh oxygen, he slowly began to see beyond the window. The red alarm sirens flared up the room as John began to hear the noise again. Just what was it this time? The Velutarian War was long gone and that was the last thing he remembered, all but joining a victory parade in Sinaia by the end of it. He'd agreed like all Spartans to remain in cryo for when the Star Kingdom would need their service again. He shook his head to try and straighten the images he saw. He saw a tall man in Army uniform. It must have been some high ranking officer as he was escorted by two or so guards. The door eventually opened upwards and a strong baritone voice could be heard.
- "Chief Sherman, are you all right?" asked the Officer.
- "Sir." John replied coldly while stepping forward and saluting the Officer.
- "Glad to hear it. I'm Lieutenant General Radu Muntoiu, Commander of Faris Base. I hope you're still at 100% capacity?"
John was filled dozens of questions. Where was the previous Commander of the base? How much time had passed? What year is it? But those questions could wait. John's military instincts kicked in, courtesy to his disciplined mind. He was awoken for a reason. He stood silently, waiting for the Officer to continue his briefing.
- "Chief, I know you have a million questions razing through your head right now, but we've awoken you for a reason. Walk with me." Muntoiu said as he turned around.
The tall Officer then strolled out of the room with some of the guards largening their steps to keep up. For John it was just a slightly fast paced walk as he towered well over the tall Officer.
- "The Star Kingdom has discovered a wormhole leading to another Terran nation that collaborates with the Mardakii. The ancient race that attacked our ancestor when Stoinia was still Virtue. It's roughly 20 T-years after the the Velutarian War now. We've had a Crusade against the Mardakii four years ago. Since then xenos have joined our star nation and we've discovered peaceful star nations that for once don't want to kill us. Well... Except for these damned Mardakii-loving Venterrans. You still following?" Muntoiu muttered rapidly as they marched through the base's halls. 
No windows as Faris Base was a top secret military facility not far from Atonement Valley, the reserve where the Stoinians kept the feral ancestors of the Mardakii that hunted them in the War at Home. The situation was tense, John could feel it in the Officer's tone and the way the guards looked around. Even though Muntoiu had rambled the situation, John still could follow it with ease. The neurological augmentations were applied to fasten processing power, but also had the effect that Spartans could absorb information much faster than normal Terrans.
- "Affirmative."
- "Good. Now the situation has escalated quickly. A small strike fleet has entered Stoinia's orbit and engaged the Home Fleet. They're getting pounded as we speak, but a small drop force has slipped through our defences to Atonement Valley. Before you ask, we did allow them to pass for we've got a surprise for them. It involves you." Muntoiu glanced over his shoulder to see if he'd get any reaction, but Chief Sherman stared coldly back. "Command wants us to give these bastards a new experience. Terror. We want you to go into Atonement Valley and wipe off that company of Hell Divers. All while you're broadcasting it through your armour's bodycam. They've poked the wrong planet and for it, they will face the wrath of Mankind. I assume you're up for it?"
- "I'll need a weapon." John replied plainly given how he didn't really have a choice.
- "That's been taken care of. You'll get a variety of weapons. Granted they're a newer generation of what you're used to, but they're still as intuitive as the previous generation. I'm confident you'll get the hang of it quite easily, just like the new armour you're wearing right now."
John was indeed one of the few to have been granted the new Mjolnir-II armour. Or rather he'd been awoken specifically to update his armour shortly after the Mardakii Crusade, though the process was so short he'd actually nearly forgotten it. It was barely a walk out of his cryo pod that the memory was barely there. Regardless, the armour fitted with ease on John's body and had been integrated with the sparse cybernetics. The group walked on for a few more seconds before John finally opened with his big question that pondered his mind.
- "Sir... Where's Aura?"
- "The AI you've been paired up with?"
- "Affirmative."
- "Deleted." There was a certain sharpness in Muntoiu's tone on the matter. "The Velutarian War made us proceed with desperate measures. Six years after the end of the war, the AI's started to go rampant. They thought themselves to death is what I've heard. Once the first AI showed signs of rampancy, all of them were recalled for deletion. Command didn't hesitate as the war left us all scarred with anything synthetic."
It was a weird feeling John felt. As if his heart suddenly become lighter yet hollow. He didn't know what to make of it. He'd lost comrades in the war, despite what Stoinian propaganda said, but this feeling was different. Aura had been paired with him to maximize efficiency and John could feel as if a part of him had vanished. Before he'd let thoughts of sorrow pass through his mind, he answered Muntoiu with a clear and precise answer. He still was a Spartan and Spartans continued with their mission, no matter the circumstances.
- "Understood, Sir."
- "There, the hangar's just up ahead."
Lieutenant General Muntoiu escorted John to the Pelican that would drop him into Atonement Valley and let the towering shoulder embark on it. As a last gesture of good faith, he handed out his hand to shake it with the Stoinian legend. John granted the Officer's wish and gently shook his hand as to not actually break it.
- "Good hunting, Chief. Make their bones tremble."
- "I will, Sir."
[Image: halo-infinite-campaign-footage-reveals-o...d-ns6r.jpg]
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

22:58, 22/11/1620 PD
Faris Base, Cascanna, Stoinia

- "ETA three minutes to drop zone, Chief." the pilot said over the Pelican's intercom.
- "Affirmative. Prepped and loaded." Sherman replied dryly.
He locked the M28 Magnum Pistol to his right thigh first, just close to his 5 grenades he had attached to his lower back. The main pistol of the Stoinian Armed Forces which packed perhaps too much power for the gun's size. Nonetheless, it was the perfect fit for Spartans. He then picked up a X-55 Battle Rifle and holstered it to his backplate through magnetic locks. Last and not least he attached a brand-new combat knife to his left calf before finally equipping his standard M65 Assault Rifle. He had enough ammunition to last a few days with him. Enough to finish off the Battalion's worth Venterran Drop Shocktroops. 500 enemy soldiers he had to eliminate. He'd even received the green light to shoot any feral Mardakii from the reservation if they were to interfere. 
- "Chief, do you copy?" Lieutenant General Muntoiu called over the coms.
- "Roger."
- "We're linking our interface with your helmet's visors. We're going to broadcast your vision live over all battlenets for the Venterrans to intercept it. They'll learn to fear us."
- "Sir, what about our internal communication?" Chief asked worryingly.
- "Will be dealt with by our engineers. Don't worry, any conversations between us won't be broadcasted."
- "Copy that."
- "ETA 30 seconds!" the pilot said again over the coms.
- "Good hunting, Chief."
- "Will do. Sir."
Chief Sherman then stepped forward as the Pelican's backdoor opened up and the sounds of blazing winds filled the holding room. The Pelican was flying at 80 meters above the stream's shore at 350 m/s, just above the speed of sound to mask their approach. Sherman was going in hard and catch the scattered troops by surprise. Bringing fire from above and then engage in close quarters combat.
- "Mark." the pilot finally said.
Chief then sprinted forwards, jumping out of the Pelican and letting himself fall down. He immediately caught a grenade in each hand and calculated the trajectories to eliminate two large squads with the help from his visor. He threw the grenades onto their trajectory of certain doom and began to fire his X-55. Aiming for the scattered few Venterrans with precision shots. 20 meters above ground, he holstered his gun and prepared for the shock, locking his armour into position.
He landed hard, creating a small crater in the dirt and a dust cloud. Landing with his right knee and right fist on the ground he looked up. His visor flared up with red silhouettes. As he stood up, he grabbed the M65 and aimed it towards the enemy. Firing rounds as he now ran towards them before they could react, turning their disorientation to an advantage. However, as the Venterrans shot to him from all direction, Sherman kept running forward as his shield took plasma round after plasma round. Some of the Venterrans stopped firing as they sought a new way to adapt to Sherman's shields. Sherman shot those individuals first. Within the first minute, Sherman counted roughly 36 tangos down. A great start to his mission. The whole Venterran Battalion hadn't linked up yet, so he'd have to eliminate them group by group.
The stream started to fill with blood of all colours as the Venterran corpses fell into it. Sherman picked one such Elite corpse from the river and used it as a shield. Not because his shields had failed, but merely to install fear into the invaders. Sherman kept advancing to another group of Venterrans that was trying to flank him. He sprinted towards the flanking elements. Firing his M65 towards the larger group while he held the corpse up with his other arm. By the time he reach his targets, the corps had been charred by all the plasma rounds it had taken. No doubt the smell would be terrible. Sherman then threw the corpse towards the flanking soldiers and jumped two meters high while shooting three more enemies down. Kicking another Elite's jawless face with the brunt of his left foot and putting his right foot on the chest of a Venterran so as to land straight on it. Sherman's weight ultimately squashed the Venterran's chest open and lungs spilled through its ribs.
Sherman's motion sensor then picked up a fast approaching enemy coming his way. He ducked down and twisted around nearly doing a pirouette. When he turned sufficiently around he saw his first Mardakii for the night. Cladded in armour, the brute tossed its hammer where Chief's chest had stood only a mere seconds ago. A huge miscalculation as Sherman unsheathed his combat knife and stabbed the brute right under his jaw. Lacerating his enemy's throat wide open, he shot a few more rounds, eliminating two more tangos.
He felt a moment of silence and looked around for a moment. It had seemed the first group had been eliminated. The scattered bodies formed a grotesque sight as blood and guts were spilled all over the river. The brief moment of silence was then disrupted by plasma that fired up. Sherman looked immediately towards the source of the sound and saw only a blue visor and double edged plasma sword. A ravenous scream could then be heard coming from its direction, but it was all a distraction. He heard incoming plasma launchers  coming his way and instinctively jumped into the air. As he fell back down the cloaked Elite jumped towards him. Not wishing to grant the Elite's wish, he pointed his M65 straight at him. The Elite tried to sweep his plasma sword towards Sherman, but he kicked it away with his left foot at its handle, breaking the cloak for just enough moments for Sherman to make a clear shot in-between the two lowest jaws. Killing the Elite as he grounded himself before taking a tumble forwards.
[Image: 40ad97fb7c1a0cacf8679aee8103c4c1.jpg]

He took another look around him and located the source of the plasma launchers. Making his way towards it, more and more plasma swords appeared out of thin air. Sherman, though, dodged, blocked and even captured such a plasma sword from the enemy combatants. Slicing them off one by one at the mere ignition of their plasma sword. The night had merely begun.

06:14, 23/11/1620 PD
Faris Base, Cascanna, Stoinia

The night had been long and tiring. Sherman had returned back into the valley where he landed the night before. The corpses were all there still, though no more blood filled the stream. The bodies had dried out. Over the entire Valley, Sherman had completed his mission in eliminating all Venterran Drop Shocktroops. Through trees and caves he had hunted the last Venterran on Stoinia. He could finally receive a pick-up now and hopefully get the answers to his questions. Though not before he heard a sizzle from a far off bush.
[Image: Halo-Infinite-teaser.jpg]
Looking straight at it, he saw a large male feral Mardakii. It was screaming at him. Bearing its fangs and jaws at Sherman in an effort to intimidate him off its territory. Sherman remained unphased though. Turning his body into the Mardakii's direction and challenging him to confront him. He threw his M65 on the ground, using his now free fingers to sign the Mardakii to charge him. The feral Mardakii understood this sign and ran towards Sherman on all fours. Again Sherman just stood, waiting for the Mardakii came closer and closer. Finally the Mardakii leaped towards him. He grabbed his M28 Magnum from his hip and shot the Mardakii straight through its heart as he twisted around to evade it. The beast landed on the ground. It remained there motionless and without any twitches. Sherman then decided it was his time to give his liege a gift. Taking his combat knife again, he started to skin the downed Mardakii. He had been denied his chance when he slept through the Mardakii Crusade and fate had given him this chance. He wouldn't squander it for he had enough experience from the Velutarian War. 
The Battle of Stoinia, was a decisive Stoinian victory. Both militarily and mentally, the Stoinians were turning the tide of the war and wouldn't show the Venterrans any remorse from now on. This was a matter of survival now. A matter too important for the Stoinians to leave undetermined.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Graveron system

Fleet Commander Recklez was beyond furious by the recent string of losses his fleet had suffered. However it was the defeat of the Fleet of Righteous Fury over the Chimay system that had pushed him over the boiling point. He had used the system as a staging area for their assault on the Stigny and Agnoux systems and his fleet was in the midst of conducting repairs and resupplying their weapons when the Terrans entered the system. Recklez was already angered at being repulsed and ordered all ships to engage the Terrans, but was soon forced to order a rearguard action that was hastily organized by Raf and transmitted to the lead ship of the lesser fleet of Roaring Fury due to unforeseen circumstances involving their resupply ships.

The supply ships full of unexploded ordinance became an unintentional threat to the Venterran ships as the Stoinians shifted their fire upon them taking down Venterran and Terran warships in the blast radius of the unexploded ordinance. The lesser fleet of Roaring Fury continued to engage the Terrans despite the added challenges posed by their munitions ships and bought time for the supply ships to jump away and allow the Fleet of Righteous fury to reorganize for a counter attack. However, the counter attack failed, ultimately forcing the fleet of Righteous Fury to scatter like the wind.

Recklez looked down at his bridge crew and hurled a thousand curses their way as the Dreadnaught exited slipspace in the Graveron system. No one aboard the bridge was spared from his terrible fury as he was humiliated by the Terrans and knew that he would receive no sympathy from the other Fleet Commanders. As the bridge crew nursed their injuries from Recklez tantrum, Raf could only shake its head virtually.

Raf was designed like most SAI to assist the Venterran Military and provide tactical advice, but almost every advice he had given to Recklez throughout the Terran Appraisal War was either ignored or warped to suit Recklez distorted world view. When Raf recommended the Ignis system for invasion in response to the death of Major general Recklez, he was cut off and forced to record the glassing the planet. Raf was ignored again when it suggested to form a rear guard to allow an orderly withdrawal from Chimay in response to the Terran counteroffensive to the more defendable Graveron system and avoid the threat posed by their own supply ships. Instead his advice was changed to have the nearest lesser fleet engage the terrans to buy time for the Fleet to organize a counter attack. Raf knew that the counterattack would ultimately fail but did his best to reduce their losses. However, there was only so much a fleet of half and quarter armed warships could do against a numerically superior and fully armed foe and so they were forced to retreat losing hundreds of battlecruisers in the process. As Raf watched the bridge from within his console, He could only think of how envious he was about the other SAI who had a far better relationship with their Venterran partners.
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill
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