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Gate: Thus we united as one and fought there

On January 18, 2021 a mysterious gate had appeared in the capitol causing civilians to approach it in curiosity. A few minutes after this was happening a force of 100,000 strong consisting of Roman looking soldiers, wyverns, orcs, goblins and some other fantasy creatures came out of the gate and attacked the civilians.
After a few minute  the military was sent in to intervene.After hours of fighting they've not just stoped this barbaric invasion but stomped it back from whence it came.

However hundreds if not thousands of civilians were missing and are presumed captured by the the hostiles and more are dead on the street.But the military captured around 10,000 of the hostiles and 25,000 of their camp followers and they secured the gate on our side too.

After a month's worth of preparation the military was sent to secure the other side of the gate.

After going through the gate the Ipugao Military forces have taken the hill the the gate was situated on on the other side.

They have also defeated the 45,000 strong force that have been waiting for them on the other side and captured around 5,000 men and 7,000 camp followers. After the battle, the military fortifide their position with the help of The Technocratic Republic of Noimosini.


The Ipugao government had to execute 8 of the enemy commanders for causing riots, they had tried to do their best but they keep causing them even if they keep them faraway from the others, and and another 7 for war crimes.
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  • Qwert, Stargate Command

On January the 19th, the TNS Endeavour managed to intercept an unknown commercial vessel where the sailors begged the crew of Endeavour to help them. It would later be discovered that the commercial vessel belonged to the nation, Ipugao, a nation whose technological capacity seems to vary depending on the region, the urban areas, seem to be well made and modern despite it being a tribal nation, however in its rural areas it seems to vary between well organised towns with either a focus on agriculture or industry to remote tribal encampments. After Noimosinian diplomats arrived at the nation's capital they were greeted by a massive structure referred as by the natives as the Gate. The leaders of Ipugao would explain the situation of the gate and the events that had transpired and requested aid from Noimosini.

 This request would cause a major debate to occur in the Directorate on whether they should mind their own business or help the Nation, but after several days of furious debate, it was decided that the Technocratic Republic of Noimosini would come to the aid of Ipugao, in return Noimosini would be allowed to conduct research on the Gate and whatever lies on the other side.

 After sometime, it was discovered that the gate was producing an unknown energy signature which was proven harmless to Humans but could be the cause of the temperature drop in the northern territories of Ipugao. And shortly after Ipugao stormed the gate and set up a base of operation, Noimosinian forces were sent to help with the fortifications of the base.
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(01-22-2021, 11:23 AM)UltraUnity Wrote: On January 18, 2021 a mysterious gate had appeared in the capitol causing civilians to approach it in curiosity. A few minutes after this was happening a force of 100,000 strong consisting of Roman looking soldiers, wyverns, orcs, goblins and some other fantasy creatures came out of the gate and attacked the civilians.
After a few minute  the military was sent in to intervene.After hours of fighting they've not just stoped this barbaric invasion but stomped it back from whence it came.

However hundreds if not thousands of civilians were missing and are presumed captured by the the hostiles and more are dead on the street.But the military captured around 10,000 of the hostiles and 25,000 of their camp followers and they secured the gate on our side too.

After a month's worth of preparation the military was sent to secure the other side of the gate.

After going through the gate the Ipugao Military forces have taken the hill the the gate was situated on on the other side.

They have also defeated the 45,000 strong force that have been waiting for them on the other side and captured around 5,000 men and 7,000 camp followers. After the battle, the military fortifide their position with the help of The Technocratic Republic of Noimosini.


The Ipugao government had to execute 8 of the enemy commanders for causing riots, they had tried to do their best but they keep causing them even if they keep them faraway from the others, and and another 7 for war crimes.

Our government is hoping this violence on both sides stops
[-] The following 3 users Like Natavia's post:
  • JamesTheIntern, Stargate Command, UltraUnity

(01-24-2021, 01:11 PM)Natavia Wrote:
(01-22-2021, 11:23 AM)UltraUnity Wrote: On January 18, 2021 a mysterious gate had appeared in the capitol causing civilians to approach it in curiosity. A few minutes after this was happening a force of 100,000 strong consisting of Roman looking soldiers, wyverns, orcs, goblins and some other fantasy creatures came out of the gate and attacked the civilians.
After a few minute  the military was sent in to intervene.After hours of fighting they've not just stoped this barbaric invasion but stomped it back from whence it came.

However hundreds if not thousands of civilians were missing and are presumed captured by the the hostiles and more are dead on the street.But the military captured around 10,000 of the hostiles and 25,000 of their camp followers and they secured the gate on our side too.

After a month's worth of preparation the military was sent to secure the other side of the gate.

After going through the gate the Ipugao Military forces have taken the hill the the gate was situated on on the other side.

They have also defeated the 45,000 strong force that have been waiting for them on the other side and captured around 5,000 men and 7,000 camp followers. After the battle, the military fortifide their position with the help of The Technocratic Republic of Noimosini.


The Ipugao government had to execute 8 of the enemy commanders for causing riots, they had tried to do their best but they keep causing them even if they keep them faraway from the others, and and another 7 for war crimes.

Our government is hoping this violence on both sides stops

If you want to join my official Gate canon, you must first give me a draft of your nation's interaction and history to Ipugao until it leads to the present, then add the final product on the Thread.

Gate: "Alnus Report"
Report on the other side of the Gate:
We dubbed this place "Neo Pugao Singular". After interrogating our POWs and interacting with the locals, we now know this hill is called "Alnus" and the continent is called "Falmart", and most of it is owned by the "Saderan Empire".

Our scouts have reported that the area surrounding the Gate is mostly forrest, the settlements that are in and around the forrest are mostly small towns and remote villages, however we discovered that there is a trading town nearby and thanks to the POWs and locals, we now know that the the is called "Itallica".

Other reports say that there has been chaos in the area surrounding "Alnus". This is mostly due to bandits, decentralization due to imperial authority being weakened in the area, scorched earth tactics being used by the "Saderans" from what the locals have said and from some local reports a "Flame Dragon".

Refugees have also been migrating to our base for help after we took in some locals who couldn't find homes.

End of Report.
[-] The following 2 users Like UltraUnity's post:
  • JamesTheIntern, Stargate Command

Gate:"Refugee Report"

Report on the other side of the Gate:Thanks to the advice of Noimosini
We shall prepare tents for the refugees for now until we can get construction materials to build proper shelters, farmland and terraces.
We have also ordered our Inquisitors and reconnaissance team to investigate further info of the culture and government of the "Saderan Empire". The Technocratic Republic of Noimosini also sent some Anti Air Weaponry to help combat the "Flame Dragon".
End of Report
[-] The following 2 users Like UltraUnity's post:
  • JamesTheIntern, Stargate Command

"Star"Gate:"Construction Incident and Discovery Report"

Report on the other side of the Gate:

Whilst the Ipugao were doing construction on Alnus hill, an incident that led to a discovery happened. While one of the excavators were digging on Alnus hill, a chamber was discovered within it, and within the chamber was a circular ring-like device smaller than the Gate.

This caused some commotion and confusion but was ultimately halted when some of the high ranking military officers arrived on the scene.

While the military was putting the place on lockdown for research and investigation, some of the locals began to gather around and pray near the area where the chamber was discovered.

While some military personal were asking why they were doing that, some elders came and said what the device in the chamber was and why they were praying to it.

They called this device "The Star Door", it was said that this device was used by the 2nd wave of gods to travel to here and it is because of these 2nd wave of gods that made the Gate phenomena happen.

While this conversation was happening, the "Star"Gate opened...

End of Report
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  • JamesTheIntern, Stargate Command

        Kawoosh! At the side of the Ipugaoans, the Stargate flared to life, the bulging, bubbling vortex collapsing into a gleaming rippling puddle. Soon, the men saw something emerging out of the puddle, some kind of unmanned rover seeping through the event horizon. The light whir of its electric engines could be heard as a glinting camera lens panned its surroundings with the rover's robotic arm.
        Meanwhile at the side of the Padnar, everything was silent until telemetry came in from the MALP at the other side. It was a curious sight encapsulated within the computer screen, a band of soldiers, scientists, and civilians gathered before the Stargate within an ancient chamber, with beams of light peeking through the cracks on the dusted ceiling. The small, crawling crevices along the walls told of the chamber's age, with the equipment giving clue that this was only a recent discovery by those people on the other side. The camera turned to another group of people falling prostrate to the ground, worshipping the Stargate, and maybe even the MALP with admiration, perhaps thinking it was a messenger of the gods.
        Colonel Yuliy gazed upon the computer screen and watched with keen interest as the MALP's camera proceeded to pan the view around it. "Looks like we've got company," he stated the obvious. "Open a radio channel and broadcast through the MALP," he ordered, an officer giving him a nod that a comms line had been established. He leaned towards the microphone sticking out of the swathe of consoles, staring at the screen.
        "This is Colonel Yuliy of Stargate Command. If you may understand us, we offer you our peaceful greetings." These warm yet audibly tense words were relayed and broadcasted by the MALP's speakers. "Please respond."
[Image: 30PX-Roundel_of_Indonesia_%E2%80%93_Low_...ty.svg.png]
[Image: 30px-Roundel_of_Indonesia.svg.png]
National Military © 1998 | All Rights Reserved
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Stargate activation video:
[Image: 30PX-Roundel_of_Indonesia_%E2%80%93_Low_...ty.svg.png]
[Image: 30px-Roundel_of_Indonesia.svg.png]
National Military © 1998 | All Rights Reserved
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  • UltraUnity

(02-02-2021, 10:51 PM)Stargate Command Wrote:
        Kawoosh! At the side of the Ipugaoans, the Stargate flared to life, the bulging, bubbling vortex collapsing into a gleaming rippling puddle. Soon, the men saw something emerging out of the puddle, some kind of unmanned rover seeping through the event horizon. The light whir of its electric engines could be heard as a glinting camera lens panned its surroundings with the rover's robotic arm.
        Meanwhile at the side of the Padnar, everything was silent until telemetry came in from the MALP at the other side. It was a curious sight encapsulated within the computer screen, a band of soldiers, scientists, and civilians gathered before the Stargate within an ancient chamber, with beams of light peeking through the cracks on the dusted ceiling. The small, crawling crevices along the walls told of the chamber's age, with the equipment giving clue that this was only a recent discovery by those people on the other side. The camera turned to another group of people falling prostrate to the ground, worshipping the Stargate, and maybe even the MALP with admiration, perhaps thinking it was a messenger of the gods.
        Colonel Yuliy gazed upon the computer screen and watched with keen interest as the MALP's camera proceeded to pan the view around it. "Looks like we've got company," he stated the obvious. "Open a radio channel and broadcast through the MALP," he ordered, an officer giving him a nod that a comms line had been established. He leaned towards the microphone sticking out of the swathe of consoles, staring at the screen.
        "This is Colonel Yuliy of Stargate Command. If you may understand us, we offer you our peaceful greetings." These warm yet audibly tense words were relayed and broadcasted by the MALP's speakers. "Please respond."

Ipugaos' P.O.V.

{One of the Ipugao languages}

"Hello...I...am...{Spearer-of-deer}." said one of the military officers, struggling. "I...am...a...Nungolat(He-Who-Was-Made-the-Sinew or a squad leader)". He then looked back at the group of Ipugaos, asking "{English! ENGLISH!! WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH!!!?}". Many of the Ipugaos were shaking their heads, one of the Ipugao Mumbaki(Shaman or Native Priest) was giving a prayer to "Manahaut" (The Great Deceiver).

"{I speak English.}". A young Inquisitor suddenly said. "{THEN GO SPEAK TO IT!!!}", said {Spearer-of-deer} while pulling the young Inquisitor with one hand and pointing at the rover with the other. Then he pushed him to the rover.

"Hello, I am {Gold}. I am an Inquisitor of the proud Confederacy of Ipugao!" He said while giving the Ipugao-style salute, bringing his right hand to his head and only using his thumb, middle and index finger while putting his ring and pinkie finger at rest.
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