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Gate: Thus we united as one and fought there

"Gate: Colt Formal P.O.V."

Colt woke up once more in his cell. seeing the concrete walls around him and the metal bars that let him view the corridor outside. He heard through the night the thunder that led to fewer nobles coming back to their cells. He initially thought that these people would know nobility and treat him a bit better.But this was different. He was given food that was strange, they offered him snails, roasted locusts, some weird looking berries and a boiled orange root covered in a violet skin that he was told to peel. The orange root was sweet and so were the berries, but the rest of the food was average. His clothing was colored like the strange orange thing he was offered. Some spots of the clothing itched but weren't that bad.
The time in this dark cell had given him time to think. He wasn't proud of coming through the gate and raiding a civilization, bringing slaves back and plundering was against his ideals. Yet he thought that it was better if he took some just so the more lacking moral nobles couldn't have them. Then there was his daughter he left telling her he would come back with tales of a good war, maybe something to entertain her, and maybe an elder to tell her tales of the other world. Now he was going to die, in some world with magic that he's never seen before. His daughter would grow up without a father and rule over Italica without his guidance. she was just a child and would soon have to deal with the horrible reality that was noble politics. He should have stayed should have not bent to the taunting nobles.
Colt: Myui... I'm sorry I... I hopped it would have gone differently. I should have stayed. your father made a mistake. hopefully your sisters will take care of you and the maids guide you. Hopefully you won't make the same mistakes I did.
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(02-10-2021, 11:35 AM)UltraUnity Wrote: -snip-

Thanks  Montron/The Galactic Empire of Nova Montron for helping me write this!
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Janus perspective

He was terrified, for the first few days he was bedridden and had to suffer the pain of having something metal in him till one of the doctors healed him. He guess he could count himself lucky. Instead of dying in front of the gate he simply got hit in the back of the skill by whoever was standing on his back. Yet it didn't help with him listening to the screams and thunderous echos coming from nearby rooms. With each day that passed, the screams and echoes started to grow quiet. He always had that feared that he would be next. Either die from those metal poles or through whatever was causing those screams. Then the day came the men in black he saw walk past his door with bloody hands and the ones he knew were the cause for so many deaths. He tried to fight them off but as soon as one pulled out a smaller metal object he stopped. He knew he would die either way and it would have been better to die from that metal. But the phantom pain of the magic those things cause ringed through his gut and he stopped fighting. And simply followed these black-shirted men to a different room with a mirror in it and a metal table. He was forced to sit and have his hands chained to the table. The black-shirted men left him alone in this room. He tried to jostle the chains and see if he could move. But the table didn't move and the chains were still around his wrists. So he waited and waited. He soon started to feel warm as the heat of the room seemed to scale up. the clothes that were given to him seemed to itch more and more. He tried to find a more comfortable place to sit in his chair yet nothing worked. He looked on with envy at the seat across from him. It looked much more comfortable than whatever these people called a chair. Then after what felt like hours the door opened and a man with bloody gloves and a strange pile of paper under his arm entered the room.

Nero: By pluto its hot in here. Guess they forgot to turn the AC on. heads over to the thermostat and lowers the temperature. That should help. looks at the table. They didn't get you any water? turns towards the door and opens it looking at the guard standing there. Oi Van get us a jug of water the kid looks parched.

The man went over to the chair in front of janus and smiled. Yet the only thing janus could look at were the bloody gloves on his hands. Nero blinked and then chuckled.

Nero: Sorry had to deal with a very rude prisoner. Takes off his gloves and throws them in the trash. I mean I know that style of interrogation doesn't work and barely gets you any real information. But sometimes you get something real you just gotta break enough fingers and toes to find out what's the truth or the lies.  Course with him he already lost his fingers and toes to a previous vig so I had to get a little creative. I mean you can't imagine what information you can get out of a person once you- See's the terrified look on janus. Oh sorry about that. chuckles I get a little caught up in my own work sometimes. But anyway from what names that I was able to get out of some people I'm guessing you're Janus. snaps his fingers and looks like he's trying to remember the last name.

Janus: gulps Orion. 

Nero: smiles and slams his hands on the table. Yes Orion was on the tip of my tongue. I gotta say you have a strange first name and last name. Named after a god and a famous hunter. Strange how much your world reflexes ours. So how old are you.

Janus: I turned 18 this spring sir.

Nero: A bit young to be going around trying to get slaves. Also, don't call me sir you may call me Nero.

Janus: goes wide eye I didn't-

Nero: opens the file he had with him. From what we could gather from the other prisoners we had. Which to tell you isn't a lot. You talked to a few about how you wanted to get slaves to work on your farm for your famliy.

Janus: Those are lie-

Nero: raises a hand. Kid, I'm not one to torture someone your age. I let someone else do that for me. lowers his hand. Now unless you want me to get the table with all my little toys. You won't lie to me. Is that understood. 

Janus: gulps. Yes Nero. 

Nero: smiles. good. 

The door opens and a black-shirted vig comes in and places a jug of water in the middle alongside two empty glasses.

Nero: Thank you van. If you could take the cuffs off of the kid that would help.

Van: nods and takes his key off unlocking the cuffs. Anything else sir.

Nero: Ah bring in a radio I think Caesar is going to start his speech soon. 

Van: Yes sir. van leaves the room.

Nero: looks away from the door and back to janus who is rubbing his sore wrists. Now then. Slaves.

Janus: tenses up. I... I did plan on bringing slaves back my father's back is starting to fail him. My mother isn't able to work the fields and my brother is never anywhere near the house to help out. I thought going through the gate would get me riches and some loot to help out with my home... And when the first gate failed I thought... I thought maybe just taking from the empire could help out instead. looks at nero who's looking down at him. janun's gulps. Yet we didn't we thought about attacking Italica but that city had strong wall and even with most of the defenders gone it would be a multi-day siege where many would die. The legate who was in charge at first got usurped by someone else and told us to move past italica. When we got a few miles away we found another gate and he said the gods had cursed the previous gate and that this one would be the true one forward. Yet this one was cursed as well we went through the gates and.

Nero: Yes yes then like barbarians you marched through the gate and nearly razed half of the eastern district of Roma. We know the rest of this story. Now is there anything else which you can give us.

Janus: gulps and shakes his head. 

Nero: Alright now then. Due to an imperial declaration, anyone recommended by their attached vig integrator can request that their subject can be given the new rank of Servant Auxliary. And since you are of young age you'll be put through a program of reformation. Alongside it a multiclass of understanding of the polical and history of the union. And by the end of a few months, you'll be sent through the gate as a scout and or translator. Nero signs a piece of paper in front of him. No you don't have a say in this and yes this is the only good choice you have. 

Van opens the door and turns on the radio to Aurelian giving a speech.

Nero: well then Janus. It's time for you to listen to history then.

Janus: Janus could only nod and accept his fate. Hopefully, this would be better than his time in the legion. As he listend to the voice on the other side of this strange speaking box he only grew worried. This man whoever he is will bring down the empire. 
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It had been a few days after the gate incident, and Aurelian was not happy. He was brought before the UN where he had to bend the knee and allow a UN survey team. He also to his annoyance had to allow a multinational force to pass through the gate to "prevent further breaches of the Geneva convention by the Latin forces." From all this he had a headache and had to deal with both the council and imperial high-command badgering him about the whole troubles. Yet those events were currently behind him as he marched through a large expeditionary force of around five thousand legionnaires and around five hundred additional forces from Japan, Russia, America, Germany, and the UN. Yet he could let a little smile as he walked through the straight back men and women of his legions. It gave him a sense of power like nothing else as his forces seemed to grow as he walked past him. Of course, it couldn't stop the looks that some of the legionnaires gave to the plus one that wasn't a guard with him. Myuute who towered over many of the men around her walked behind Aurelian with a more modern outfit to fit her into the legions. Of course, the foreign forces saw Myuute, and of course, what he wore they seemed to blink to make sure their eyes were working. He smiled a bit more as he saw those looks and shined when he saw the centurions and aquilifers at the head of this force. As he passed these bearers he looked toward the eagles of Rome on top of the bearer's poles. Aurelian stepped onto the platform in front of the expeditionary force and started.

Aurelian: My brothers and sisters. Nearly a week ago this gate opened up and a force wearing the armor of our ancestors marched into the eastern district. None of the people there raised any sign of aggression. Yet these barbarians didn't care. They marched into our world onto our holy city for one purpose and one purpose alone. To pillage. To take our people, our statues, and gold. So they may profit from our destruction. Yet we stood, in the few hours the police were able to form their lines, and regular men and women marched out of their homes and fought bravely against a force they knew nothing about. Yet their spirit would not break! They fought knowing that we were watching and that they would be remembered! They fought for Rome! They fought for their brothers and sisters across the city! I know many of you here wished to march through this gate with the banner of Rome glorious flying in the wind as we made these barbarians flee from our might. from our anger and hate that they dared step onto our holy city and desecrate it. Many legionnaires charged through the gate into the new frontier, we were worried if they would ever return and when they did. I did not take their medals away, I did not order them to lay down their swords and face trial. These men were passionate about fighting for Roma. The world seems to forget that this was an attack on our capital. People before the attack were walking down the streets celebrating the grand reopening of the Circus Maximus and the Grand Coliseum. 

Aurelian gestures to the surroundings that are still trying to be rebuilt from the attack.

Aurelian: The people were jovial as they saw the rebirth of the greatness of the Roman Empire. I know many nations of the world don't see us as such and I accept that. But many people here across the world see Rome as a safe city, a city where one can grow up and die old without ever having to worry about things like this. So yes people will overreact yes legionnaires will break a few rules. But I will not apologize for the actions of the legions. But this is not a time and place for disunity through slander of other nations. This is a grand moment for humanity. Aurelian turns towards the gate. For beyond this gate is a new frontier one where we shall meet others like us. Other civilizations that we have never met, races we only thought of as fantasy, and above all a world where magic exists. Aurelian turns towards Myuute and nods. The harpy returns the nod and starts to chant. Blades of wind wrap around her arms as it seems like a storm is starting around her. she holds her arms to her chest and in a single move throws them outwards making a high-speed wind blow through the force in front of them making the banners flap against the breeze. Both the legionaries and the International force are shocked. This is Myuute a mercenary mage that has fought across the new frontier. I know some of you have seen her fighting for the invaders. But she was a merc and through heavy discussion, she will become the lead guide into this new world. I know some of you will be outraged by this but let me make myself clear. leans forward staring down at the men and women before him. She has imperial protection praetorians who will guard her. And if hear from any of them or are informed that someone roughed her up. Brusied her, or even dared to kill her. Inferno has no furry for what I shall bring upon you. IS THAT CLEAR!

In one loud voice, the legion shouts out. YES CAESAR! 

Aurelian: Now are you prepared to march onto the new frontier sons and daughters of Romulus and Remus! 

Again in one voice, the legion shouts out. YES CAESAR!

Aurelian: turns sideways and points towards the gate. THEN MARCH! FOR SOL! FOR THE FATHER! FOR OUR ANCESTORS! AND FOR THE GLROY OF ROME!

Many of the legionaries snap a semi roman salute instead of having the plan down form a fist. But many of the centurions and bearers at the front go for the palm out and down.

Aurelian had his headache start again seeing that. He would have to make sure the news agencies didn't have their cameras on that. He really didn't want to deal with foreign nations thinking that he had nazis in his legions. It was always a pain to tell them that the hand gesture was roman. But he held face as the legionnaires and the international force mounted up and rode in their tanks, IFVs, AFVs, and armored cars past him and into the gate.

Aurelian: turns towards Myuute. Well, then this is where we part ways. turns towards Hadrian. Hadrian that threat goes to you and your men as well. I don't want Myuute to be harmed when she is beyond these gates. I will visit the troops from time to time but. Aurelian pats Hadrian's shoulder. Make sure she isn't harmed.

Hadrian: Of course Caesar. No harm shall fall upon her. 

Aurelian: Turns towards myuute having to raise his head a bit to look into her eyes. He stretches out a hand. I'm betting a lot on you. But we both know that those legionnaires won't trust you. But I have put my trust in you. Hopefully, you and hadrian will try to reign them in. 

Myuute: shakes Aurelian's hand. I will try my best. 

Aurelian: brings his hand back to his side. Take care, I'll visit often to make sure the legion is in order.

Myuute: smiles. Hopefully you'll bring me my pay on those days.

Aurelian: chuckles. I'll make sure to do that. Be well Myuute may sol guide you.

Myuute: And may Emroy protect you. 

Myuute and the guard get in an armored car and drive through the gate at the rear of the expeditionary force. Aurelian looks through the gate as the sound of the troop movements and the hums and songs of Rome grow further and further away. He takes in a breath of  air as he turns towards the stairs to descend into his car to drive back to the palace. He sees the construction crew leave the sidelines and get back to work fortifying the gate and starting on the construction of a fiberoptic cable through the gate. As he gets closer to his car a breeze goes through his hair towards the gate. He quickly turns towards it and see's someone there a golden aura around them looking at whatever is on the other side. Aurelian blinks and the person is gone. Aurelian enters his car and wonders if he was seeing things... He looks up at the roof of his car and towards the heavens. or maybe... he looks forward and drives not noticing that his headache that was raging on for the whole week had suddenly vanished. 
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The roaring engines echoed through the woodlands, the grumbling six tires climbing the rolling plains. The roads were studded with uneven stones, making it an unpleasant trip for Colonel Lyubomyr. He and the fellow members of SG-1 and SG-3 were bobbing left and right like springing spines, complemented by a pulled, tired whir of the engines. Despite being trained and wired for the violent practicalities of war, his body was disagreeing with the practicality of physics. But the colonel was still able to press his stomach's opinion for the time being.

"You might wanna pull over before the truck gives in, you hear those engines?" Lyubomyr certainly couldn't hold his stomach for very long.

"Italica is now only a few minutes away, sir," the marine driver answered. He glanced at the colonel's pale face with a humorous grin. "Just pull down the windows and throw up, no need to pull over."

Lyubomyr looked back with an uneasy, yet deadpan face, saying: "Your care for a senior officer is admirable."

"Thank you sir," the marine replied with a larger grin on his face, accepting the sarcasm with sarcasm. "And looks like we're here."

As the truck rolled over the peak of a hill, the medieval walls of Italica rose over the horizon. The road slithered through the green pastures to the city.
[Image: 30PX-Roundel_of_Indonesia_%E2%80%93_Low_...ty.svg.png]
[Image: 30px-Roundel_of_Indonesia.svg.png]
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JSDF Perspective

1 hour before Aurelian's speech.

Itami yoji, age 33. Otaku who only works to support his hobby, if he had the choice he would prioritize his hobby. But now he couldn't support his hobby since he was nearly ten thousand kilometers from the closest shop that sold anything that he wanted. Currently, he was sitting and watching the soldiers of the self-proclaimed Roman empire run around and make sure everything was in order for the arrival of their leader. five thousand men and women had been brought in from the surrounding garrisons with a few elites from the African legions. Itami let out a sigh as he tried to get his mind back on things he wanted to think about... As he looked towards the gate dread took over. His eyes widened as he now just realized he was in Rome, and he doubted that they would have anything good when they connected the FOB to the other side. So he looked around and started to think about leaving his post and trying to find a shop to grab what he could. But before he could he heard a voice ring.


Itami let out a groan as he quickly ran to his assigned positions of the collation forces. He snaped in formation as the Japanese regiment formed up around him. Ge quickly looked around to make sure everyone was here. To his right was his fellow Otaku Takeo Kurata, in front of his was the old man Sōichirō Kuwahara, and to his left was the short and in his perspective hot head Shino Kuribayashi. He tried to suppress a snicker as Shino tried to make the helmet that they were given when they arrived. But he guesses she heard him cause soon he heard a thump and his foot was now in pain. He hopped on his one good foot and tried not to yelp. His regiment looked at him a bit questioning and he could see the Romans looking at him with disdain. He just smiled and put his foot back on the ground and waved to the Romans who quickly snapped almost robotically to the front.

Shino: Nearly got yelled out.

Itami: Well my foot just really hurt all of a sudden.

Shino: Maybe you shouldn't laugh when someone was given a helmet that is a bit too big for them. 

Itami: I'll make sure to do that. He winced as his foot still hurt whenever he put too much weight on it. 

Sōichirō: So is this how the youngins show their love. Things have certainly changed.

Shino: Real funny gramps!

Itami: groans.

Takeo: is suppressing some laughter. 

The American regiment gives them a strange look, the Russians are just confused, the germans start whispering, and the UN team is just looking around. The Romans on the other hand are glaring daggers at them. quickly everything calms down as they notice that everyone is looking at them. After a few more minutes of awkward silence, Aurelian arrives and walks past their regiment with myuute towering over many of the soldiers at attendance. Takeo leans over towards Itami and starts to whisper.

Takeo: What do you think she is? She's really tall but at the same time she's got feathers, so I'm thinking siren. 

Itami: No she's most definitely a harpy. But it's weird she doesn't have the wings.

Takeo: It is... Do you think they'll have cat girls beyond the gate?

Itami: side-eyes. Really catgirls.

Takeo: What. there are harpies so it's a possibility. 

Itami: Cat-girls are old dragon girls are where its at.

before they could get further into their discussions Shino once again stepped on Itami's foot making him nearly yelp out in pain once more.

Shino: Stop your otaku talk to focus. 

Itami: holds back a tear of pain as he's forced to listen to Aurelian's speech. Halfway through it he zones out and thinks about all the anime and figurines he will miss out once he goes through it. He lets out a little curse to his commander for forcing him to come here. But he guess this is slightly better than being shoved out of a helicopter for parachuting training. His thoughts get interrupted as all the Romans near him shouted. YES CAESAR! After their second shout after hearing something about the glory of Rome they all quickly ran into their vehicles and started to drive to the gate. Inside the Amromed car Itami finally had the moment to take off his boot for his foot and start to massage it. 

Takeo: So the new frontier. wonder what will be through it.

Itami: rubbing his foot. Hopefully nothing that stomps on your foot all the time.

Shino: Glares at Itami.

Itami: gives a nervous chuckle. 

Takeo: Looking ahead.  Damn This place is dark, can barely see the walls if there are any. You think if I drove to the side we would hit a wall or just fall into the abyss.

no one laughs.

Takeo: okay so no jokes got it. 

It took them an hour to get to the other side of the gate driving around 96 KMH to reach the other side of the gate. Looking outside the windows everything looked pure, was how they could describe it. The sky was bluer the grass was greener and the trees looked different. As the convoy stopped and everyone stepped out, everyone just seemed to freeze and look around. Tanks had their hatches opened as the crew looked around at the site. The legate Scipio walked out of the command car and looked around. He looked around and took in the fresh air. He saw the trail leading away from the gate and he thought. 

Scipio perspective 

Looking around the forest that the gate leads to Scipio thought about his past. He had led legions across the deserts of Africa, marched into the jungles of the congo destroying the remnants of the African liberation front. He had marched alongside his ageing father when Rome was united with the union. He saw the rebirth of the empire. And looking here he saw the forests of Rome. The one's his ancestors would look upon when marching towards further conquests. He knew why he was chosen for this expansion of the empire. He was both cunning and wise when it came to dealing with foreign forces. He wasn't like the other yelling legates in the high command. He knew that he needed to keep the blade sheathed when marching into this new land. There were too many foreign eyes here for what Aurelian and the empire had planned. So once more he looked around, he would have to have the bulldozer tanks clear the forests ahead of the gate to allow the scouts to leave. He would also need to have the men clear the woods around them so they could set up the foundations of the first castra in the new frontier. He looked towards his right and saw there weren't any hills in that direction. He would have to send men to clear out an area a bit further away to allow heavier aircraft to come through and launch. But for now, he would order and an area cleared for some helicopters. Then slowly his eyes turned to the collation forces that came with them. He let out a low groan as he looked upon them. He truly wished that those nations who have let them march through the gate alone. He hated how those nations thought of themselves as their betters when the union cleaned up Africa they armed terrorists and ceased trade with the union. When the union helped stabilize France they threatened war. And when the rebirth was complete when an empire once lost to the ashes of time was reborn like a mighty phoenix they dared call them by their own name. They were no longer the Latin union. THEY WERE THE HEIRS OF ROME AND SHOULD BE CALLED AS SUCH! Scipio let out his rage-filled breathe as he looked to his attache that drove up to his command car.

Hadrian: steps out of the armored car alongside the squad of Pratroians and their guide. Hadrian walks towards Scipio and snaps a true roman salute. Scipio returns the gesture. Well then was does the bearer of the greatest roman general's name have planned.  

Scipio: We will need to clear the forest. Have an area to our east started to get cleared to allow helicopters to go through. Then have our bulldozer tanks clear the trail so we can send our scouts out with heavy armor. from there will we use what building supplies we have to start setting up a Castra.

Hadrian: Do you already have a squad selected for sending our diplomat to Italica.

Scipio: I have. The Japanese first recon will be attached to the 3rd Cohort and sent towards Italica once the path is cleared. 

Myuute: interjects. And what will I be doing?

Scipio: We need to get the lay of the land currently. Once the command tent is set up we will talk about the local area and nearby states. Your information about Italica has helped us dearly but we need to get a further understanding of the region. 

Myuute: I was told to be a guide, not a mapmaker.

Scipio: And once we gather more information you'll be attached to the 3rd cohort and help with further diplomatic efforts.

Myuute: Looks down at Scipio who is looking up at her showing no fear at the mountain of a lady. Fine. 

Scipio: Very good. Hadrian Your men will also join in the work. The scout teams will be the only ones that won't be having to get their hands dirty.

Hadrian: We are men and women of Roma, we won't be idile.

Scipio: Quite. looks around and see's all the men and women still looking at the forest. Keeping his gaze locked on the collation forces. How many of the people from the collation speak Latin. Especially first recon.

Hadrian: We have the files of every member of the collation forces. The Vigs and Frumentraii have made sure that we have a profile of everyone. The leaders of each squad has been assured to speak and understand Latin. But I would say it's a barely good understanding. Those of first recon Itami Yoji was trained by the frumentarii during a diplomatic exchange during the Union era, and Mari Kurokawa who learned Latin during her time within the union when she was an exchange student at Madrid University. 

Scipio: Madrid University. So does she have a connection with our diplomat then?

Hadrian: Indeed she does, she was a student in his class on medical practices of the Roman era.

Scipio: Has he been informed?

Hadrian: He is a dear friend to Caesar so he most likely has. 

Scipio: That will be interesting. Now then. Turns towards the legion and collation forces. First Cohort and first recon mount up! Bulldozer clear the trail towards the road once you reach it double back and help with the build. Starts rattling off commands as the legion and collation forces start moving.

First recon perspective

Itami quickly got back into the Armored car letting his little break watching the forest end. As he mounted upfront he looked out and saw his team get guided to the trail as the rest of the Vehicles of the expeditionary force move out of the way. All around them the latins ran around like a storm of ants getting ready to cut down trees planning the best layout, and a bunch of other things Itami didn't really care for. As the force cleared the way for the bulldozer tanks and the recon teams to move towards the road. As the tanks clear the path itami's car is stopped by a legionnaire as the door to the back of their car opens up.

Lucius: in latin Alright first recon you have been chosen by the diplomat to guard him. If there's a scratch on him by the time we reach Italica expect a heavy hand. 

Shino: uh what's he saying?

Tacitus: enters the view of the squad, and in perfect Japanese. He was just making sure that you knew that I was in your care. 

Mari: Wait professor Tacitus? 

Tacitus: looks at Mari. Mari Kurokawa my dear how are you doing. 

Shino: I feel like I'm missing something here.

Tacitus: Waves off Lucius, who snaps a salute to Tacitus. Simple I was the professor for Miss Mari when she was an exchange student at Madrid University. If I remember correctly the class was-

Mari: The medical practices of the Roma era, and a few in your modern medical history classes. 

Tacitus: Indeed you made many of the Latin students there feel incompetent to your level of understanding. Truly you are one of my best students.

Mari: blushes. I mean Vari was also good, he was the second-highest grade in your class. 

Tacitus: That he was but your last segment on the practices of modern and Roman era surgeries was just fantastic. One of the best papers I have ever read. 

Mari: Well its only cause I had such a great teacher to help me. I couldn't be the person I was today if it wasn't for you. I get into the medical field because of everything you taught me.

Tacitus: Oh my dear you're making me blush. I help only guide people along their path, and you most certainly have changed from the woman you were before. 

Mari: Nervous chuckle. Yeah I was kinda going through a phase at the time.

Shino: Smiles and looks at Mari. Oh please tell.

Mari: looks away.

Tacitus: You won't get anything out of me. 

Shino: sighs. Great. 

While Tacitus and Mari continued their little chat the tanks had cleared the path for the scout teams as first recon and their Latin counterparts made way for Italica.

Itami: Italica here we come.
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Saderan perspective

Princess Pina Co Lada strode back and forth in her assigned room during her stay at Italica. She had decided to take up stay at the city after she wasn't allowed to join the legions in their march through the gate. But can suppose she was lucky from what reports she was able to gather the Legions that marched through the gate were decimated by the defending force on the other side. She sent out scouts from her order to see if they could rally any of the survivors to prepare for a defense. Yet when her scouts returned they came back telling that many of the once-proud legionnaires of the empire had turned to banditry and were coming to the city in the thousands. After she heard these reports she had ordered many of her knights to leave the city to intercept the bandit army and use their cavalry to wipe them out in a field that the bandits would have to go through to lay siege to the city. Yet as the days went by she became more and more worried as none of her knights returned. Yet on the fourth day, they did return without any losses. Yet instead of reporting on a glorious victory they only reported that the bandits never came towards them. They sent out scouts and found out that the bandits had turned northwards towards the mountains and heavily forested area. So to prevent a siege of the city she ordered her knights to patrol around the area and protect any of the outlining villages to protect them of any raids. So again she waited and soon her knights returned with the traitors. Yet the stories they told terrified the princess, and only gave Myui less hope about her father. The men that returned were ghosts of what they once were terrified of any loud noise and telling tales of the vengeful golden eagle. So from what she gathered these fools had found another gate and had opened it to an even worse world if their stories were true. So now she had to raise the local populace into a defensive force and have her knights scouting out every day. She could be relaxed with the force at the first gate knowing that they were weeks away but this one was too close. By for they could arrive in a by a handful of days and by horse within maybe two. She looked out the window of her room towards the walls. Seeing the militia and her knights walk along it. She hoped that the walls of Italica could hold against whatever is coming their way. She heard a knock at her door she jumped a bit at the noise and quickly composed herself. 

Pina: Enter.

Entering the room in full battle dress was Pina's second in command Bozes Co palesti. She gave a nod to pina as she closed the door.

Bozes: Nothing from the scouts. It seems that whatever was on the other side of the gate hasn't moved yet.

Pina: sighs in relief. That's good to hear. Hopefully we'll have enough time to set up better defenses and get the people ready for battle.

Bozes: do you think they'll be enough? You heard the stories from those traitors. Metal dragons casting explosions, men executing prisoners, beast speaking our tongue as they-

Pina: BOZES! Bozes freezes.  Sorry, I sighs. Those stories terrify me as well. But we can't let fear grip our hearts! We must stand strong so others don't grow afraid. Whatever comes through those gates we shall be prepared. For we are the rose order and we shall not fai-

Beefeater: Barges into the room breathing heavily. The golden eagle is coming. The scouts came in their 30 minutes out. 

Pina: Thousands of thoughts run through Pina's mind. Both her comrades are looking at her Bozes terrified Beefeater looking at her for guidance. She can't fold now. She can't show fear. Swallows the clumb in her throat. Sound the alarm and get archers to the walls. Bozes get a conteginet of the knights read. Beefeater make sure the gates are secure and fortified. We will show those foes that we shall not fall so easily! 

Both smile and their fear is casted off. They both saulute and run out of the room following their orders. Pina looks outside her window and see's far off in the distance a dust cloud approaching. She looks at the door than the cloud once more. She swallows her fear, grabs her sword and leaves the safety of her room for the walls.
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SG-1 and SG-3 laid themselves upon the soft grass of the hills, a cloud of dust and echo of grumbling tires rippling through the air. With magnifying sights and squeezed eyelids, Lyubomyr observed the convoy, to which he commented: "That's a lotta cars." Piercing a sharp gaze through the fog of dust, he made a mental note of the armed and armored convoy. They certainly don't look Ipugaoan nor Noimosini, albeit the road traces from Alnus Hill. His first guess was the other factions of Earth. The rumble was certainly reminiscent of a clapping horde of horseshoes, with a distinct mechanical roar of the engines.

"If they're the other nations of Earth, there's no need for hiding, then why don't we just... Come over and say hi?" SG-1's doctor Danylov asked, laying on his back at Lyubomyr's side. He isn't a trained soldier, yet his knowledge of ancient languages and egyptology as well as his check-physique made him the fifth member of SG-1. As a scientist, he also prefers diplomacy over violence, and in this case, salience over hiding.

"Well... If they start shooting at the city gates, it's most-likely they'll do the same to us," Lyubomyr replied. "It's called observation, not hiding," he continued, turning his head off the scope to Danyl. "Your kind of people do that to."

Danyl coupled his reply with a raised brow. "Can't say you're wrong about it."

Hmph, the colonel whiffed. Lyubomyr always appreciates the opportunity to show his intellectual side despite still being "dumb" in his own perspective. Yet he also prides in being "dumb", afterall the Asgard needed someone dumb enough to think of a plan to rescue their galaxy, and there's nobody dumb enough than the CO of SG-1.

"You know what- what if they start... Shooting at the city gates?" Danyl asked. "We can't just leave the Italicans be."

"These are Humans as advanced as us, not the Goa'uld," the colonel answered. The Goa'uld, despite operating thousands of spaceships and space fighters and being equipped with blasters, were still outpaced by the modern military tactics and performance of the Padnar, and it would be the same in the case of these Humans of Earth.

"So you're saying-"

"What I'm saying is... Y- you know what? Just shut up and go away."
[Image: 30PX-Roundel_of_Indonesia_%E2%80%93_Low_...ty.svg.png]
[Image: 30px-Roundel_of_Indonesia.svg.png]
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saderan perspective
Molt Sol Augustus sat on his throne as he listened to the ramblings of the Senate. The discussions or more like shouting matches involved a myriad of subjects. Ranging from the new doctrine the legions were expected to adopt, the recruitment quotas that each region had to follow, and of course the scorched earth policy that was put in effect. Of course there were other things to worry about besides the internal squabbling of the senate. The cartiagians were raising their armies and hiring mercenaries. Either they were planning on pushing out of the western desert and attacking the weaken frontier of the empire. Or building up their defences against what the empire had failed to contain at the gate. Then there were the greacians to the south that were building up their armies and their fleets. So either they were preparing another war with each other or they were hunting to kick the imperial colonies that were there off their island. Yet molt knew the empire would endure he read over the reports from the various encounters from those who came through the gate. They were masters at range but weak when it come to close up combat. So to help elevate the problems molt had sent out an imperial decree to have fletchers craft longbow and crossbows fof the imperial legions. Alongside this he started to conscript many members of the various mage guilds that were dotted around the empire. He knew the guilds would complain but some words about the vengeance of those from the gate should have the guilds affairs enough to walk in lockstep with molt. The enemy was strong there was no doubt about that. The allied kingdoms a thorn on his side, he could send them to the gate to get a better grasp on this new enemy. Of course he would have to deceive them, maybe say he is going to send a legion that will never arrive. If they fail the allied kingdoms are weakened, if they succeed somehow. He still wins. Of course he would have to plan on how to deal with this new threat. So he thought on how to deal with them. Forts would most likely be destroyed at range and mages could help but having so many in forts and not in the legions wouldn't help when field battles were needed. The crossbows and longbow were a stop gap to help the legion they would still need to get up and fight sword to sword. Maybe the mages could put up a fog or a mist to block the enemies vision. But what if they had something to counter that or grew the ability to counter it. If he over used the vision blocking abilities of the mages the enemy would catch on and find a way to counter it. If he pulled all his resources and attacked with the fog as his trump card he could fail and loose everything again. He would have to come up with plans within plans to deal with his foes. Maybe an unconventional war could work like the northern tribes his father fought. Use their terrain and knowledge of the land to their advantage. That could work. He would have to think more on this the empire has always adapted to its foes and won in the end. This was no different than to any near defeats the empire has had before. Finally after some time molt noticed that the senate floor was starting to slowly turn to violence. So to prevent blood spilling he stood up and raised his hand. The floor went silent as he spoke.

Molt: I know many of you are nervous of this new foe we face and the laws tha we have enacted. But this is for the good of the empire, during our most dire times the empire had always made sacrifices so that it may find victory. Yes we lost a large majority of our legions in a single battle but this has happened before. When the cartiagians under the command of Barca marched into our heartland we sent a force of over seventy thousand men to deal with his army. And in a single battle we lost all of them. Yet did we bend the knee. No! We stood strong and raised another army with a better idea of how to defeat barca. In that war we lost many but we pushed them out of our lands and back to their desert. This is just another barca that we shall defeat! We shall stand strong and win this war. For the glory of the empire. SADERAN INVICTA!

the Senators rejuvenated by their emperor words shouted back. SADERAN INVICTA! molt smiled at this, he prevented the senate from devolving into a fist fight and made the senate a bit more aligned towards his goals. As he sat back down on his throne a strange feeling of nostalgia wafted through him. Like a old part of his history had arrived. He didn't know why he suddenly got these feelings. But a very small part of him was worried, he quickly snuffed that feeling out. If something else came he would be ready for it. The empire would persevere like it always has.
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I am so sorry this took so long. My state is currently going through a horrible winter storm and has been causing massive blackouts across the state. So while this might not be my best work its what I could make over the small amount of time I had the internet. So enjoy 2k words of this long arse script. 

Tacitus perspective

Tacitus: Looking towards the walls of Italica Tactics was overwhelmed with a feeling of nostalgia. Those walls were much like the ancient walls of Roma. He smiled as he remembered the first time he saw the walls of the holy city. Yet something else started to rise in the back of his mind. The walls were almost too familiar, they were built in the same style that the Romans did. Pieces that he didn’t know about slowly falling into place. While there were hundreds of ideas running through his mind. The people here spoke Latin, many had Latin names, their emperor had sol and Augustus in his name. There were too many little and big things coming together. His thoughts were going near light speed as he tried to process what his mind was thinking. They spoke Latin, built like Romans. Something wasn’t right. If these people were somehow long descendants of the roman empire from coming through the gate. Why were they so less advance? By now they should be comparable to earth or more advance. Maybe there was a temporal time difference between earth and the gate. Yet if that was true he should have heard something from the base by this point about something going on. Something wasn’t right here a mix of magic and tech should have made things easier for technological advancement. Something was going on.

There were other little from the reports from the vigs the people spoke as they could meet with the gods in person. The world had magic in it so maybe people who study magic long enough could become gods. But that brought up another line of thought. If there were “gods” here why was everything lacking. If magic had advanced to the degree where people could become gods then… Unless. He looked towards the walls again. Something happened if people got powers like that to become “gods” then they of course would try to prevent others from getting this power. Yet if others did get this power then there might likely be a war. A war between people like that would end with the world would have been decimated. Maybe that’s why the gates exist these gods didn’t have anything to watch over. Maybe there were other races on this world. The gates were to bring people in to settle this world. But still it didn’t make sense. If people came during the imperial era to this world why did they only advance to the medieval age… Maybe… Maybe the gods were making sure no one got too advanced. There were possible hints to that. But why would they prevent them from advancing. If they were afraid of people advancing magically they could easily just destroy a city or two killing anyone who got close to becoming a "god". And when people asked why the city blew up randomly. blame it on the another. Or just don't say anything about it and just blame it on something else. 

Mari: Professor?

Tacitus: Yet that brought up the problems with the gates. What were they for. was it for entertainment like a gladiator match to see if one nation can fight against another? Or maybe they were made to bring in different cultures and people. Mix up the population a bit see what happens with new things being thrown into the world 

Itami: Sir?

Tacitus: But why a second gate? Maybe this always has happened. Two gates opening, but the reports said no one knew that there was another gate within the empire. So what was going on why did this second gate open. did one "god" piss off another so they opened a second one as a fuck you to the other. But things still didn't make sense, why were there gods, why were they so lacking in tech. WHY WERE THEY RO-


Tacitus: blinks and looks at shino. Sorry dear, I was-

Shino: glares. Don’t call me dear. 

Tacitus: Blinks. Of course, I will make sure to keep that noted.

Itami: Well we’re pulled out about a few clicks out from the gate of Italica. Lucius radioed us for you to head on up. 

Tacitus: Ah yes, sorry was getting caught up on some theories in my head. Alright now then which one of you was the assigned diplomat for your group?

Shino: Wait what?

Itami: Huh?

Takeo: You guys didn’t get the paper?

Mari: I did.

Itami: What paper?

Tacitus: We sent out a paper to all coalition forces telling them that each group should have an assigned diplomat in these cases. 

Itami: looks at Mari and Takeo. Why did you guys not tell me this?

Takeo: I asked you when we were in formation if you got someone for the diplomat position and you nodded. Thought you had this handled. 

Tacitus: well to make this easier. Mari.

Mari: Yes professor?

Tacitus: chuckles. My dear, please call me Tactius. Why not you?

Mari: rapidly blinks then places a hand over her chest. Me?

Tacitus: of course you speak perfect Latin, you understand roman history, this will be the best course. 

Mari: beams with joy. Thank you professo- I mean Tacitus. 

Tacitus: Of course, now who will be your bodyguard. 

Mari: Hmmm. Itami.

Itami: Yes?

Tacitus: Well alright lets get a move on before the centurion decides to start shooting. 

Itami: wait what did I agree to.

Takeo: Good luck buddy tell me if they have any catgirls in the city.

Tacitus: Opens the back door and jumps out of the car alongside Mari. 

Itami: sighs and gets out of the armored car following Tacitus. 

As the group moved up to the lead of the convoy the centurion snapped a salute to Tacitus who returned in kind.

Lucius: Sir. It seems like the city is expecting us and has raised its defenses. 

Tacitus: looks towards the walls and even from here can see multiple banners and heavily armored people on the walls. It seems like some of the bandits ran to this city and gave them a wrong perspective about us.

Lucius: it does seem like that sir. I suggest we have the convoy move right up to the gate and ask to enter. If they try to strike at us we’ll have the whole convoys firepower to hit them hard.

Tacitus: If we move the convoy towards the gate we will only make them fear us. I suggest you and the aquilifer and a few guards walk with us towards the walls and ask for an audience for the governor. 

Lucius: Sir if we move to the gate like that we’ll have hundreds of arrows ready to hit you and you’ll only have a contubernium to defend you.

Tacitus: I know the risk Lucius. This is how we shall handle it.

Lucius: Let's out a half grunt half sigh. Fine. Victus, Trojan, Equa. Your with me, we’re moving towards the gate on foot. Trojan if we have to run protect the Aquila with your life. 

Trojan: Yes sir.

The group moves towards the gate of the city Tacitus, Mari, and itami. Are in the center while the rest of the guards formed a wedge formation ahead of them. Once they got close to the gate a voice rang out. From the walls as archers and crossbowmen appeared pointing their weapons at them.

Grey: HALT! State your name and intentions!

Tacitus: clears throat. My name is Tacitus Victoria! I’m here to open up talks between the Roman empire and the city of Italica! If there is a representative of the Sadera empire I would also like to talk to them! We are not here for conflict!

Grey: You are beares or the golden eagle we heard tales of your barbarity you only wish for conflict! 

Tacitus: If I am to understand those reports came from men who threw away their honor of war for banditry! Are you really to take what those who threw away the cloth of their nation for one of raiding so easily! We have come to simply talk nothing else! 

The man on the wall turns around as someone talks to them. He looks down at Tacitus then back to the person he’s talking to. He turns once more to Tacitus. 

Grey: You may enter but you will have to hand over your weapons!

Lucius: Sir we shouldn’t-

Tacitus: We shall hand over our weapons to our own people if that is alright with you!

Grey: That can be agreed on!

Tacitus: turns to Lucius. Hand over your rifles and pistols to the convoy. Ask for the holdout pistols we have in the second car. When the handover is over move towards the gate and hide them well.

Lucius: nods.

Itami: I don’t like this.

Tacitus: well just know that if we do die this whole city will most likely be razed by our convoy or by direct order from Aurelian.

Itami: blinks.

Tacitus: I jest. They’ll most likely shoot the walls and charge in and seize the central building. Of course Trajan you must not allow them to get the Aquila defend it with your life or take it with you before you fall.

Trajan: Nods. I will not let it fall into their hands if it comes to that.

Itami: I really don’t like this.

After handing over their rifles and pistols in exchange for holdout guns the group was allowed to enter past the gate and come face to face with an armored woman with a long red ponytail. She looked at Tacitus then to his guards and spoke.

Saderan perspective.

When Pina rode as fast as she could to the gate she was expecting arrows and bolts to be flying and maybe the wall being assaulted. Instead, she met grey yelling over the wall at someone. She heard overheard that they were a diplomat from the Roman empire she told Grey that they would be allowed in as long as they lost their weapons. After they said they would hand their weapons over to their own Pina allowed them to enter. She didn’t see them past the walls not wanting to allow one of their sharpshooters to take a shot on her. From the stories that those bandits told she was ready to face beast kin, monsters in human skin, or even rabble that wore black armor to terrify their enemies. Instead, she was met with people wearing green clothes and one wearing what seemed like a strange set of clothing with what looked like a vest with the words diplomat attached to the front of his vest. Pina saw they didn’t have weapons but saw they had someone with something akin to a standard banner with them, on top of it stood a golden eagle. Its wing were spread out seemingly ready to lift off. Below it was a metal plate with the initials SPQR written on them. Pina didn’t know why but looking at this eagle and its initials seemed to feel her with nostalgia. Yet she didn’t know why. She shook her head to the confusion of everyone around her and looked towards the man with the strange vest.

Pina: Are you the diplomat.

Tacitus: Indeed I am. Tacitus Victoria, diplomat of the Reborn Roman Empire. And may I ask who I am speaking to and which title you hold?

Pina: Pina Co Lada daughter to Emperor Molt Sol Augustus, and Princess of the Saderan empire.

Tacitus: Ah. Does a formal bow. Then might I say it’s a pleasure to meet royalty. Now may I ask where we might have our discussion? I don’t think its a great place to talk at the front gates. 

Pina: No it isn’t. We shall go to the palace here and talk about diplomacy there. The local governess will also be in these talks since this is her city. 

Tacitus: Why of course, I do expect she would like to talk about trade opportunities with the roman empire.

Pina: You already seek trade?

Tacitus: well more along the lines of mining rights. But we shall discuss this at the palace. 

Pina: that we shall. Now come along we have a short trip to the palace.

Pina thought back to the enemy at Alnus Hill these people seemed to speak their language quite easily. Alongside the fact that they had weapons that sounded like the ones from the invaders. Maybe she could get this empire to help defend Italica from them. Maybe even help the empire fight against them. If she could talk to this diplomat or bribe them to go back to their leader to help them. They could push these invaders back. Maybe even tell the empire how to much such vicious weapons. As she walked to the carriages that had arrived she smiled. This would be great, she would be able to help the empire massively. The empire would win this war and not have to use any more drastic measures to survive. 
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