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The War That Shook The Empire

Imperial Chancellery, Executive District, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

Sometimes, even the most microscopic of trivialities can create a wind of revolution.

The startling revelation that blood-thirsty savages could exist in the very backyard of the Empire sent shockwaves across the Imperial government. Ferul ordered the Empire’s prominent wormhole scientists to investigate and verify if the Stoinian calculations were indeed correct. On the surface, this may appear as a rightful measure to ensure the Empire’s security, but, as political as ever, Ferul was actually stalling. This new wildcard threatened the entire political establishment, and it could do far, far more. He knew all too well that immediately releasing this information would be akin to setting a mighty rainforest ablaze. His government, his power, the Ryccian political culture itself...all of it, gone in a single second.

Ferul spent the time not trying to address this new danger, but ensuring that its knowledge remained secret, at least, for the time being. As the holder of this data, he wanted to use it as a political card when he was ready and whenever it was most convenient for him and his coalition. As many people know of it, he was actually focusing on suppressing internal dissent and reducing the potential for any leaks. He had his private spy ring center on the military high command and other…”suspicious” members of the Cabinet. He was made aware of any potential leakers, from the righteously naive to the boldest opportunist, and began sending threats or offers accordingly so they could keep quiet.

The Chancellor was truly shameless. Then again, who wasn’t? This is how politics is conducted. The current governing coalition was made up of mostly ideologically pacifist parties. In the lower and middle levels, honesty could exist. However, in the highest echelons of the political ladder, it was hard to be a saint, or at least have the integrity of one. Whilst brazen forms of open corruption such as government nepotism, bribery through cash and assets, and other such old-school tactics were uncommon, it was expected that, if politicians favoured certain interests, they could obtain certain rewards. You’re down in the polls on your own planet? Pester the higher ups and make some political deals to gain favour from the central government. Want to secure your future after you retire from politics? Why, a regulation or two favouring a certain company could sure use some cutting or expanding, either for them to operate easier or so their rivals are crushed under the weight of bureaucracy. Sure, their rivals will also prosper in the former case and the company in question would also bleed with the latter, but you have to know when to lose and when to win some, right? Maybe you’re a narcissist who wants power and not wealth to satisfy your ego, or maybe you’re intelligent enough to be useful but also righteous enough to have somewhat of a moral spine. The political game also has a road for you! Go up the ladder, you greedy devil! Or, use your intellect to be a willing pawn in order to do some good within the system! Maybe you have another agenda that doesn’t fit with any of these parameters. Whatever your motivations, though, remember one thing: if you want to go up, you have to be willing to kick anyone down to the abyss of failure when the opportunity presents itself, or if you’re forced to do so. Show no mercy.

So, the Chancellor had national security at the back of his mind. It was his position that he was concerned for. Once he had a plan to control the narrative and wade off any bad PR, then he would reveal it to the public.

But the military wasn’t the government. In the military, the cult for meritocracy was alive and well. Ideals flourished there. One officer, deeming it her duty to the Empire, leaked the information. She didn’t care if the Chancellor or the ISB were spying on her. Let them touch her, and she would personally gnaw on their flesh!...Well, not really, but, y’know.

Autuxorra Folishinawan was one of the Grand Admirals of the Imperial Navy. Her husband was a university professor on national criminal law, and, after consulting him, she made her move. As this was information “relevant to the general public”, she saw it fit to leak it.

The barbarity of the Venterran menace, the irrational behaviour, the fact that they were right there...all of it was leaked to the press.

The Cabinet had a meltdown. Most military officers were pleased. The ISB saw it fit to not intervene for the moment.

The fire had begun to burn.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)

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Sienar Fleet Systems Headquarters, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

Fear is a great motivator. Fear can move mountains.

The CEO of Sienar Fleet Systems, Antonius Sienar, was smiling. Upon hearing of the threat the Empire faced, most would've shrieked in horror, but, if you were cunning enough, you could see an opportunity. This new danger would turbocharge military spending in the Empire. For the arms manufacturing industry, this was a dream come true.

"Sir, may I ask why you're smiling?", said the Vurbentan secretary.

"Mr. Gonoxo, do you know what 'perspective' is?"

"I suppose it refers to our points of view, sir"

"Yes, Mr. Gonoxo. A perspective can be described as a 'point of view'. How about an angle?"


"Everything can be seen in a particular light. It just depends on how you perceive facts and events. For example, take this chair. To you, it is a tool for sitting, resting perhaps. For a criminal, it could be an obstacle or a weapon. For a recycling bot, it is another chunk of wood, as fine as it may be, meant to shred into infinitesimally tiny pieces. Now, Mr. Gonoxo, what you do think of the recent developments in national security?"

"Well, I-"

"If you believe I shall fire you for an opinion, rest assured, I have no incentive to sack you"

"It is a profitable opportunity"

"It is excellent to hear that we are of the same opinion. We are seeing this threat from the same angle of vision. I shall grant you a raise for your intelligence"

"Thank you, sir!"

"No need. The upcoming opulence for our company shall more than make up for it. Now, arrange a meeting with this 'marketing' company...."

The arms manufacturing industry was over the moon with this news. They were already investing in political propaganda to boost support for militarization, even if such funding was legally restricted, but they didn't care. This chance was too golden to miss.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Palace, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The revelation that there were bloodthirsty savages on the frontier caused panic and horror across the Empire. Suddenly, there was a sense of mortal insecurity all over the realm. The military was horrified. The cabinet was also mortified, but for completely different reasons.

Whilst the prevailing discussions amongst the political elite in both the government and the opposition seemed to be dominated by electoral strategy and shameless opportunism, the military elite, not tainted by the near-psychopathic nature to the extent their civil counterparts were, was actually concerned. Even the most ardent pacifists amongst them began to voraciously call for a drastic uptick in military spending. The mainstream militarists, although alarmed, were also happy. They felt vindicated.

Fear leads to action.

Some radical militarists were now voicing...seditious thoughts. Although a perennial minority in the higher echelons of command, their fiery discourse was the most aggressive, and the most notable. Most of them had held out hope that the politicians would finally see their way and get their act together. They were horrified as their sources indicated that they not only didn't give a farthing, they were also looking towards ways on how to exploit a national crisis. As a result, they lost all faith in the government and democracy in general.

Fleet Admiral Yen Tien, a Kaminoan male, decided to take action. He contacted his radical friends and allies inside the military to see if they could save the nation from what they saw as an apocalyptic fate. In their minds, the armed forces had to take charge of the Empire. Democracy, although cherished by some radicals including Yen Tien himself, was ill-suited for an emergency of this magnitude.

What may be distant and unfeeling can have consequences back home.

The radicals admired the Stoinian barbarians. Although they were impure, the martial society they had was a dream to them. Moreover, when the Stoinian armed forces took over the government, they were emboldened. The government had been foolish in believing that Stoinian affairs were a distant sideshow. They had forgotten that ideas, whether right or wrong, spread.

Yen Tien began to gather up senior officials sympathetic to his cause to remove, replace, and cleanse. In their eyes, a coup was necessary to prepare the Ryccian Empire for a future conflict.

The Empire had not faced a serious conspiracy of this nature in centuries. It had, in general, always known peace and prosperity in its seclusion. Therefore, this plot was unprecedented for the era, and the ISB failed to detect it.

Some officers who joined saw the coup as a protest, and they never in their wildest minds believed it could ultimately succeed. These were mostly commanders who were close to retiring, and thus they did not mind if they finally and truly sacrified themselves for the Empire. Others, younger and idealistic, saw this conspiracy as a genuine chance to get rid of the inefficient and inactive civilian government that exercised power, and yet, in their minds, also refused to. A coalition of the elderly and the young were about to strike at the very heart of Imperial power at the capital.

No, not the Executive District, although I don't blame you if this was your guess.

It was the Imperial Palace.

The Emperor was a ceremonial figure in the nation he nominally ruled. He was, officially, the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Armed Forces, but such enormous power was practically and entirely delegated to the Executive. The Emperor had never commanded anything in his life, and thus he held no actual power in reality.

It was this living paradox, a person who held all power and yet had none, that was taking a leisurely stroll at one of the palace's gardens. He personally tended to a patch of white roses, his favourite, when he heard something he believed was impossible.


The Emperor was about to call the head of palace security when he was contacted by this person. If he called the Emperor instantly, that could only mean bad news.

"Your Majesty, there are attackers at the Gate of Imperial Serenity! The royal guard is engaging, and a squad is en route to evacuate Your Majesty with haste!"


"Worry not, Your Majesty, we-"

"What is...the appearance...of the assailants?"


"Answer me"

"....Your Majesty, they appear to be...units from the Imperial Army's elite New Stormtrooper Corps"

"You know what they are here for. Surrender immediately"

"But, Your Majesty, we cannot-"

"I said surrender! There is nothing else that can be done! I shall not lay waste the lives of the royal guard!"

"...As you wish"

The Emperor had decided to surrender. He knew that these plotters, whoever they were, had military expertise. They must have calculated every single avenue of flight for him. Thus, in order to save Imperial soldiers and his royal guard from certain slaughter, he would leave his fortune and his life in the hands of fate.

General Antonia Arzixite Lustbright, Princess of the Fourteenth Rank, was one of the plotters of this insurgency. On the cusp of retiring, she held her distant ancestor, the legendary Empress Alice, in high regard, and thus, in her eyes, bold action was required to save her legacy. She personally took the surrender of the royal guard, and began to speak with the Emperor.

"Royal relative, it is an honour to be in your presence"

Nonsense. These acts of respect were a mockery of his title and person.

"I am General Antonia Arzixite Lustbright, Princess of the Fourteenth Rank. I see it in your eyes that you believe I am making a joke out of you"

A princess of the royal clan? Such treachery-

"I am not. It is precisely why I hold the title you were fated to hold in high esteem that I am risking my life"

"You are a member of the royal clan?! Treacherous kin of mine, how dare you-"

"Royal relative, tell me, what are your thoughts on our common ancestor? Our royal ancestor, Alice?"

"I...beg your pardon?"

"I grew up in her shadow. We all have, royal relative, or am I mistaken?"

"......We all indeed have"

"Yes. We all share the tales of our royal ancestor. From the first day I could forge a memory of my own, I was regaled with stories of what she had built, and why we are inordinately fortunate to have been descended from her. To be her blood coursing through history, even after a millenia of her passing. All of us in the royal clan have inherited her legacy. Why do you refuse to defend it?"


"You, as the Emperor, have thus far neglected your ancestral duties. Tell me, what honour shall you, no, we hold if we refuse to protect what she constructed? How can we face our royal ancestor if we refuse to stand by her works?"


"I shall make you fulfill your responsibility of honouring the title you hold"

She handed him a datapad containing an Imperial decree. It mandated that the civil government be permanently dissolved, that martial law was declared, and that the Empire would now be governed by the State Security Council, a body made up of the main coup plotters who would govern in the Emperor's name. Of course, the royal General would make him sign it.

"You are aware of your duty to the Empire"

"....When this is over, I shall strip you of all the titles and privileges confered upon you. My patience has long run out"

"I am aware. However, who would have truly performed their duty as a member of the royal clan? You, or I?"


"Sign it. Now"

"....As you wish"

The order was given. The State Security Council was supposed to be in command. However, as this decree was signed under duress, it would eventually be rendered legally void.

For the time being, however, there was confusion.

Imperial Congress, Anobel
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The Cabinet was in Anobel in order to talk to senior members of the Imperial Congress. The annual Imperial budget had to be drafted, and thus it was crucial for the government to be there.

It was then when the Chancellor received the news.

"Your Excellency..."

"Cannot you see I am speaking with Congressman Heirande?"

"It is urgent, I-"

"I shall deal with it later. Congressman Heirande is one of the members of the Financial Committee, and his vote is cru-"

The attendant turned on the holovision. Immediately, Ferul's jaw dropped like it had never done, and so did Mr. Heirande's.

Six military officers were shown on screen, Yen Tien and Antonia Arzixite included. They were at a table, and they all sat in one neat row. In the middle, the Emperor, secretly being threatened at gunpoint by a soldier off-camera, spoke for them.

"Citizens of the Ryccian Empire..."

Due to his fear, the Emperor's voice was cracking. Despite his best attempt to remain calm, the all-powerful and irrelevant monarch was scared to death.

"We are all aware of the startling details we have learned recently. The barbarian Venterran threat, which we had foolishly dismissed as a trivial, distant affair, has turned out to be in our front door. As the Emperor of this nation, I could no longer ignore my duty..."

This was all rubbish. The Emperor was being used as a pawn by the insurgents. His terror-white face said it all. His hands were even shaking for a few seconds as he read this speech. It may all have appeared genuine on the surface, with the Emperor dressed in ancient military attire and the statement being written in archaic fancy royal paper to boot, but it was all a farce. A keen eye could tell all of this was such an obvious lie.

Alexander was not going to go down so easily, however. Even as a powerless puppet currently being pointed at with a gun, he would still fight back. He knew an ancient code...what was it now, Mors? Mors code, yes. Few, if any people still knew of this pre-Imperial dash code, and its purpose seemed to have been for an archaic tool called a "telegraph" or something of the sort. He began blinking in "Mors" code, hoping in vain someone would listen with their sight. It was a desperate measure, but it was the only trick he had as a ceremonial prop.

Pretending that the camera lights were too bright for him, he began to scream in silent with his eyes:

Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Congress, Anobel
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The Chancellor immediately began to contact senior military officers to verify their loyalty and to ask for help. Most remained loyal to the civil government, and, across the Empire, they had refused to obey this false and unconstitutional decree. Most planets and their garrisons still recognized the civil government as the only legitimate authority. Some pacifist officers were already suing the so-called “State Security Council” with civil officials in court to declare the decree and the seizure of power illegal. However, a court order would take some time. The civil government feared it couldn’t have enough of it.

Sure enough, they didn’t.

The High General in command of the planetary armies in Anobel, Ignatius Lightleaf Coronius, was a radical militarist, but he wasn’t in on the plot. The ones behind the coup knew he was too talkative and impulsive, and they didn’t trust him to keep it secret. However, they knew he was quick to react and strongly sympathetic to their cause. He was one of the few commanders in the Empire who followed the false decree, even as the Anobelian planetary government vehemently declared itself for the loyalist side. He ordered all armies available to arrest the Imperial Congress and the Cabinet, which was also in Anobel.

Most armies disobeyed this order. However, one did comply, and it was the most crucial: the Anobelian Fifth Army.

The Fifth Army was stationed near the Imperial Congress. Its commanding officer, General Gaius Forenia Colius, Baron of Forenia, was also a radical, and happily obeyed. He stormed the Imperial Congress District, intent on taking thousands of politicians prisoner. Indeed, some soldiers of the elite New Stormtrooper Corps burst into the Chancellor’s office and proceeded to arrest him.

“What is the meaning of this?! Unhand me, you treacherous scum!”

“My apologies, Chancellor, I have my orders”

“Well then, I order you to disregard them! Halt!”

They did not listen. Their orders were to arrest the Chancellor. That was it.

“Tell me your operating numbers, you slime! I shall deal with you…!”

Irritated, one of the soldiers hit the Chancellor with his blaster. He then proceeded to aim.

“Shut it, or there shall be more where that came from”


Most Congressmen were arrested. Some lucky ones weren’t on Anobel and escaped this purge. Most Cabinet members were also detained, but a few fortunate ones were also not on Anobel. The same occurred on Daonlathas, with most Senators currently under arrest. There was a casualty, as the Senator from Mandalore, Tal Merrik, refused to be detained and shot several soldiers before being injured and taken into custody. The Imperial Order of the Revolution, fanatical loyalist elite troops who were supposed to defend the Executive District, had been shocked by the attack from their fellow soldiers and surrendered. Their commanding officer, the Vonmisian Major General Giliard Rilinc, was actually dining at a restaurant near the Executive District and was confused when he saw gunfire. When he arrived at his post in a hurry, the stunned IOR troops, who inflicted heavy casualties on their opponents, had been nonetheless beaten back due to their extreme disorganization and loss of cohesion. In order to avoid carnage, the Major General surrendered despite the objections of his fanatical subordinates.

The surviving members of the Executive, scattered on several loyalist planets, organized via text and formed an interim government, with the Vonmisian Minister of Communications, Mihard Alirec, taking on the role of Acting Chancellor. However, all would depend on the decision of the highest military body: the Strategic Security Command.

Strategic Security Command HQ, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The Strategic Security Command, the group of Grand Admirals and Generals who, in effect, ran the military, was stunned by the coup. No Grand Admirals or Generals were involved in it, and as such they were both blindsided and furious. Luckily for them, the State Security Council wished for their assistance, and thus the military HQs remained one of the few administrative buildings of the capital to not be stormed by the putschists.

The military’s duty was to defend the Democratic Revolution by force of arms. This so-called "State Security Council" was an usurper. Their radical members may have believed that they were actually defending the revolution, but, to the Strategic Security Command, they were traitors who were destabilizing the Empire.

They clearly knew that the Emperor was being forced, and, even if some of them strongly sympathized with the insurgents, they refused to obey these false "orders". They had been notified of the firefight at the palace, even. However, they needed definitive proof that the Emperor was not involved. In came a surprise to help them.

Sinclair entered the room with a calm look. Perhaps some would expect a smug expression on the Stoinian's face given the whole military coup. After all, his nation had just underwent the same process due to the Venterran Incursion. However, he was here to help them to the Strategic Command's surprise. He then greeted the Ryccians with his alternative military salute.

"My Ryccian friends, I think I can lighten up your day. Given the current situation, that shouldn't be too much of a challenge."

The Grand Admirals and Generals were there, seated. Grand Admiral Tarkin spoke for them.

"High Legate Sinclair, welcome. We have been told you have urgent information to provide to us. As you are aware, we have a more pressing situation to deal with. Hence, we request you keep it brief and relevant"

"Very well, Grand Admiral. I will keep it briefly. Please replay the message the State Security Council has broadcast over the Empire. I'll need it."

"Um, very well"

The table's holo projector began to broadcast the treacherous address. The Emperor looked quite nervous, but, other than that, the Strategic Security Command had no idea why Sinclair needed this. What, was he going to point out that he was clearly in fear? That they already knew. Regardless, they would humour him.

"Clearly you have all seen the Emperor's nervousness, but I think we may have found proof hidden in the message that he is in fact on our side. Replay the message again, but zoom in on the Emperor's eyes."

After the message had played again, he turned towards the Ryccian officials again.

"Some might have seen something. At first I didn't either until I noticed a certain pattern in his eyes. It was then that it occurred to me that he might be sending a message."

Sinclair laid out his datapad in front of Tarkin. It showed the Morse Code with its letters. The language likely wasn't used by the Ryccians for thousands of years, but the Stoinian Military still used it for the most dire situations.

"It appears His Majesty is more clever than I thought, he was sending us a message. Hidden in plain sight. DO NOT OBEY. HELP ME."

Sinclair now showed the message again without audio with each letter just after the Emperor had completed the Morse Code for each letter.

Stoinia was full of surprises.

The Strategic Security Command was, yet again, surprised. It appeared this day was full of them. It suited the history-phile Emperor to send out such a message in such an ancient code. The ancients had helped them ward off the threats of the present. They were thankful beyond words for Sinclair's assistance. With this message, they could act immediately instead of waiting for a court to rule the coup unconstitutional. Their relief was immense.

"You haven't a clue how important this was", said Tarkin. "Thank you, High Legate. We are forever indebted to you and the Stoinian nation"

"I wouldn't be so sure as of yet. Maybe we made some errors or the Emperor uses a different code. Either way, you should have it checked with your experts. I recall you Emperor being a student of history from my conversations with our King, but I'm afraid I don't have access to your archives."

As he seemingly felt he had done his duty, he stopped for a few heartbeats before continuing.

"I know some of you might wonder how we don't support these military insurgents, given the recent military takeover in our own nation. The Stoinian made the decision to allow it after the Velutarian War, the Ryccian people haven't had that choice. It's the military's role to protect its people, not govern them without permission. I was posted here to help the Ryccian civilian government and that is what I'll keep doing. If you need any more help from us, we'll answer the call."

"Understood, High Legate. We thank you once more for your assistance"

"Perhaps one last thing... This may be the first time you tasted what real war might look like. I have seen it before and currently live in it. I know it isn't pretty, but if you want to go through it, keep smiling or you will succumb to cynicism. That'll be all."

Sinclair gave them a last advice concerning their stern and worried attitude. Dark humour is what kept the Stoinian sane during their many wars, a lesson which the Ryccians might have forgotten. He gave them a last alternative salute and then headed back towards his tower. Hopefully, the situation would ease up now that the loyalists had proof of the Emperor's intention.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Palace, Temporary State Security Council Headquarters, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The coup was quickly collapsing. Most planets had declared themselves for the government, and in those few who did follow the orders of the State Security Council, police and army units refused to follow their superiors. Only two out of the dozens of armies in the capital obeyed the false decree, but the true fate of the Empire rested on the Strategic Security Command, who commanded absolute authority in practice.

After getting their justification to act immediately, the Strategic Security Command called the State Security Council’s members and subordinates. They told them all two words.

Stand down.

Yen Tien was the chief architect of the coup. This was quickly deduced by the Strategic Security Command, who noticed that the members and subordinates of the State Security Council held him in particular in high esteem. Thus, all the Grand Admirals and Generals, pretending to be interested in “negotiations”, had one aim in mind.

Make Yen Tien capitulate.

Upon the holographic channels opening, Yen Tien and the other members of the insurgent Council gave them a Ryccian salute. Yen Tien still considered them his superiors and respected them all, even if he was flagrantly disobeying them for the good of the Empire.

“Hail the Empire!”

Wasting no time, the firebrand Grand General Rihard Altrec asked him one thing. She was an aggressive and authoritative commander, just the voice they needed to put these insubordinate traitors in their place.

“Where is the Emperor?”



“Grand General, I-“


The Emperor was brought from a neighbouring room, and he was put in the call. Aleric continued.

“Here is what shall happen. We are recording you right now. The Emperor shall be released from custody. The decree is, after all, not valid. In return, we shall give you an honourable firing squad if a court of law deems to sentence you to death instead of shooting you by executive action”

“What? The Emperor signed it out of his own free-“

“Shut the fuck up, you treacherous scum! We have conclusive proof he was forced into signing. Never mind the palace shootout, His Majesty’s Morse code message gave us all he needed to say”

The Emperor was relieved. They did receive it after all.

“Mors code?”

“Release him and dissolve your illegitimate council now! Revert everything to how it originally was immediately!”

“Grand Ge-“


“….Allow us a mo-“


“……..Very well”

“Do not resist the detachment we shall send to arrest all of you. Order your subordinates to surrender unconditionally to the relevant authorities”

“….At least we took a stand. Hail the Empire!”

The Emperor was let free, and he immediately declared his decree null and void. It was as if it never existed. The poultry few officers who willingly obeyed the commands of the council either fled as fugitives or handed themselves into custody. The tens of thousands of politicians under detention were released. A few cheered in boastful defiance. A few cried from relief. Most were silent.

The Chancellor was lost in thought. He never imagined this would happen. The future was uncertain, and he had no clue what to do next.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Chancellery, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

It had been a few weeks since the botched coup by those hotheaded officers. Ferul knew that they didn't think they would succeed. Neither did he. However, he understood why they did what they did perfectly.

It was true: the Empire faced an imminent danger on its doorstep. The Chancellor had intended to continue on as normal. After all, even if they were close, domestic affairs were far more pressing in his mind.

However, once he had been briefed by the military brass, he was alarmed. Initially, Ferul had opted to slowly engineer a gradual shift within his own party in order to both prepare the Empire for the coming storm and to keep power. The coup made him think otherwise.

Unbeknownst to almost everyone, Yen Tien and the Chancellor had spoken by hologram when the latter was thrown into jail by the former. The Fleet Admiral explained his reasoning, and, surprisingly, Ferul was secretly convinced. The structures of power that held the narcissistic, psychopathic political elite in place had to be struck down, fast. There was no time to reform it gradually, it had to adapt quickly or be swept aside.

Ferul was a cunning politician, and he didn't hesitate to resort to such nefarious acts like murder to get his way. It would be proper to assume that he sought power due to an insatiable lust for it.

Everyone but one person was wrong. Yes, even you, dear reader.

Ferul had been raised in a political family. In his youth, he wanted to be a florist of all things, but his family pressured him to continue the prestigious Blesforn dynasty. In the end, they had won, or so it seemed. His real aim for shooting to the top was to take revenge on his kin: he wanted to destroy the whole status quo from within. To that end, he climbed the ladder, gathering information on the Empire's most prominent officials and businessmen all while furthering his status so he could ingratiate himself more and more with the crème de la crème of the Imperial elite. From the old money nobles and recent burghers of the Core to the rising financial barons of the frontier, he had collected a great deal of intel on it all. Governors, Senators, Congressmen, Ministers, Directors...he knew who they were all beholden to and what their ulterior motives truly were. His personal spy network was one of the finest in the entire realm, with eyes and ears from the populated west to the frontier east and everything in between. 

All these secrets, plans, motives, connections, and other data...he collected it all. If it were released to the public, there would be a firestorm. That was the plan, for Ferul planned to leak it to the press after his death in the hopes that his final act would be to tear the whole structure down. It would be his wife, his only confidant, who would be entrusted to give it all to the press. However, given the current danger the Empire faced, this inactive and unmoving political machine had to get going, or get replaced. 

We only experience life once. For some, it's a blessing. For others, it's a curse. For most, it's everything in between. Taking it, then, is the way we forcibly end our sole interaction with it. After that, all links from this reality are severed. Perhaps there is another world out there, perhaps not. All we know for certain is that, once we cut what binds us here, it is forever. A few have ended it all for something greater, whether it be in war or some other fight. Most have decided to leave for personal reasons.

Ferul was, perhaps, one of those few.

He knew that, if he did this, the entire system would come crashing down. In the past weeks, he had spent all his energy in rewiring it to make sure a coup wouldn't take democracy itself down, just the present status quo. He had hundreds of high-ranking radical military officers who had expressed sympathy for the coup sacked under the pretense of a "cleansing" of the military to ensure this never happened again. Those officers who had participated in or aided the coup were arrested and put on trial for treason. Yen Tien's trial had already ended yesterday, with a special military-civilian court set up for the coup plotters sentencing him to death by firing squad. To everyone, it seemed as if this was just yet another purge. What was peculiar was that it was the military getting purged by the civil authorities, something rare. The only reason the Chancellor was allowed to proceed at all was because his actions were sanctioned by the high command, who had sworn to defend the constitutional order and thus wanted to avoid another incident like that impromptu coup. 

Ferul wrote several letters, signed one last order, and then locked himself in his personal quarters. His wife already knew what was coming. She did not shed a single tear, for she knew what had to be done. He proceeded to put his favourite musical genre: traditional Velpan Firilien music. Grabbing a glass of water, he gulped down a pill meant to induce sleep. Finally, he instructed a droid to do what must be done. Carbon monoxide was pumped into the room, and the oxygen was slowly sucked out.

Ferul could finally rest. So relaxing...so peaceful...the life he had always wanted...

He slowly went to sleep. He never opened his eyes again.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Directorate of the Imperial Anti-Corruption Agency, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

Marcus Corelinus Snou was the incorruptible anti-corruption czar in the Empire. Thanks to him and his efforts, he had led a crusade against corruption in the elite.

But one man can only go so far.

The system went beyond him. Try as he might, he would never get to eradicate corruption completely. So many worlds, so many politicians, so many titans of finance...the situation was improving, but it would never be enough for an ideal outcome.

A miracle can arise even from death.

The wife of the former Chancellor, Axvis Valnatt, had requested an urgent meeting with him. She had something of importance to convey. 

Marcus had expected some intel to crush some partisan opponent, or data that would absolve someone of blame. He had no idea that the datacards she carried were a bomb with no equal in the world.

"Baroness Blesforn, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll attend the state funeral of the late Chancellor as requested"

"Cease with the pleasantries, for that is not what I wish to speak of here. In his memory, I have information that is not only worth your time, but worth a lifetime"

"Curious...what intel did your late husband leave for us? Did he want to target one of Rusia Pionica's subordinates? Maybe a company against his interests?"

"No. In these datacards, I hold all the information you could possibly wish for regarding every single member and institution of the political and financial elite your agency is chasing, and many which you are not. This is a window to the whole, entire truth. It is the key to everything"

Did he hear her correctly? Everything?

"That's a bold, ambitious statement. Okay, let's see it. Prove to me the worth of those datacards. I'll wait"

"You have no reason to. I know your office has been chasing the Senator of Ventus for colluding with industrial interests on his homeworld. What if I could provide you everything? Bank statements, proof of motives, even incriminating recordings that would instantly solve your case?"

The Director took a datacard and put it in his holocomputer. It was true. All of it. The evidence he needed to complete the case was there.

"...No one gives such valuable intel like this away for free. What do you want in exchange?"

"Amnesty and protection for me and this short list of people. They are my family members, as well as a few friends who were forced into illicit dealings to bring prosperity to their constituents. If you see the proof, you shall be aware that I am not lying regarding the latter. Should you honour the deal, you shall not regret it. If you touch them, however, I shall make certain that you are crushed utterly. You wish not know how"

"....Alright. I won't go after you and your chosen individuals. Just give me everything you have and I'll get you your amnesty"

"Excellent negotiating with you, Grand Duke. I shall see you at the funeral"

The doors were open. How many people would fall? Who knows. All that is certain is that this information was a timebomb.

Once detonated, you cannot stop a bomb. It will destroy all it can. This bomb would help wipe the slate clean, destroying the present status quo and creating space for a brighter tomorrow. Or so it was hoped.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Chancellery Avenue, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

Everything was ready. The cannons were in their places. Flags were at half-mast. The crowd was in their seats. Senior politicians and officers were at the Imperial Chancellor's Palace. Foreign dignitaries were invited to attend, and thus ambassadors such as the Stoinian High Legate Sinclair were there, right next to the elite of the Imperial cabinet and the Imperial high command, as well as Blesforn's family.

The Vossk Acting Chancellor, Shorossore Ka'niak, greeted all the top officials, as well as the politicians from the opposition. Previously an irrelevant minor player who was once the Vice-Minister of Housing, he was now, officially, the acting chief executive of the realm. He had been put there as Vice-Chancellor as a compromise between the various coalition parties of the government. Whilst being the deputy of the head of government may be an important position in many foreign countries, in the Ryccian Empire, a millennia of peace and stability had relegated such recognition to the sidelines. After all, Chancellors kept on not dying, so the position of Vice-Chancellor was declawed over the ages. Other than attending ceremonies on the Chancellor's behalf and being their coffee boy, the Vice-Chancellor did very little nowadays in practice. Even the Ministry of the Imperial Parks Authority was better than this dead end job. Shorossore was acutely aware of this, and he knew that the only reason he was staying on as Chancellor for the time being was due to the fact that the bigwigs of the governing coalition would take their precious time squabbling amongst each other to determine who will really lead. Ferul was counting on it when he died, and he knew the political machine would be helpless to stop an impending legal purge by the incorruptible Snou.

Shorossore had no illusions he would be strong enough to take power for himself, at least not now. He would just enjoy the ride as Acting Chancellor, using the privileges of the office to get new contacts and forge new alliances. It wasn't his time yet to be the one on top, if Fate opted to grant such fortune, that is.

This person was wholly unsuited for the challenges that were to come. Instead of a visionary who would take heed of the threats facing the country, the Empire now had a political operative at the helm who was preoccupied with undermining the military at every turn. Shorossore was a pacifist at heart, and he had built his career on cutting the military budget. He now wanted it to bleed more despite it all. The military elite knew this, and thus there were no smiles for the cameras, just stern faces when the Grand Admirals and Generals greeted him. This was not reserved for Ryccian military cadres only: the Acting Chancellor also treated the Stoinian High Legate coldly, merely shaking his hand out of formality and nothing more. To Shorossore, Sinclair was a butcher not unlike the demons that once ruled in the Old Empire. He also treated Princess Elena in a frigid manner, bowing with a stern, unemotional mask.

The corpse of the late Ferul Blesforn was on the centre of a large hall, draped in the stately colours of the Empire, his family and his people. Guards of honour surrounded his coffin. As was tradition for the Velpan race he descended from, his body was covered with a special black cloth from head to toe. In Velpan culture, cadavers could not be seen by others, and thus not only was his coffin covered in the relevant flags and symbols, but the body within was covered with the dark Velpan mourning cloth inside said container for the dead.

The top officials were all gathered there, officially mourning him in front of the cameras. Rehearsed faces of stoic melancholy were visible for all to see. Velpan priests were giving him his last rites, chanting archaic prayers and lighting up incense to "please" the soul upon its departure to the spiritual realm. Although most Ryccians were not religious anymore, it was still tradition for many species to hold religious funeral rituals, even if they didn't believe it. Then the time came for the coffin to be carried over to the Imperial Chancellery Avenue.

The avenue itself was a relic of the bygone days of the Old Empire. It was used in the past for royal ceremonies of all kinds, from military to civil. Although the buildings around it had changed, this area had not. It was repurposed by the New Empire as a rallying place for festivities celebrating the revolution, as well as for state funerals.

The top officials proceeded to the Imperial Chancellor's Palace's balcony. Soldiers carried the coffin of the late Chancellor and placed it in the middle of the Imperial Chancellery Square, in front of an enormous hologram portrait of the deceased Blesforn. As soon as they put it in the correct place, 63 seconds passed, and multiple individuals then gave their eulogies. Ministers and family members spoke of Ferul in high esteem. After the speeches were done, 63 cannons on the avenue began firing. They each fired 63 times, symbolizing the age of the late Chancellor.

63 seconds after the cannonade stopped, a sombre version of the Imperial anthem was played. The attendees all took off their hats as a sign of respect, barring the military personnel, who saluted at the direction of the coffin. All across the Empire, everything came to a halt. Workers stopped working. Non-airborne traffic stopped. Teachers paused in their classes. The entire country was paralyzed as a respectful sign of tribute to the late Chancellor.

Then, a surprise.

Normally, the alternate war anthem would not be played. Only the military reserved the right to use it in peacetime, and since Ryccian culture emphasized pacifism and aversion to militarism, not many people had heard it before. However, a Chancellor who had served for more than five years had the right to customize their own state funeral. As one of his last warnings to the Empire, Ferul insisted that it be performed.

An alien tune now rang, unheard of for generations. It was sombre, but it was also martial. The military officers were taken aback at first, but then proudly saluted the anthem. The civil officials, however, were perplexed. What was that music doing here of all places? The confusion was clear as day to everyone who was not a soldier by profession. Even Ferul's wife was shocked, but she quickly deduced why he left this as one of his last wishes.

Another shock for most came as the funeral ceremony officials told the Emperor to step forward and give the order to march. Who was marching? A procession of mourners?


In his honour, and as another of Ferul's last warnings, a military parade commenced. The military high command immediately rose and saluted the columns of marching soldiers. The civil authorities' reactions were mixed. Some were confused. Others, who were pacifist idealists, were horrified. One minor Cabinet minister, disgusted by this "retrograde" display, left the event in protest.

The Vice-Chancellor proceeded to ask the Grand Admiral behind him one question. He was confused as most of his colleagues were.

"Admiral Natoxa, what is this bombastic display of martial bravado?"

"What had to happen, Acting Chancellor. This was a welcome surprise"

"I shall deal with your insubordination la-"

"Acting Chancellor, this was your ol' pal Ferul's wish. Don't go around accusing us military folks of disobeying you wackos. I'll sue you for slander myself if I have to"


This was humiliating for the Vice-Chancellor, more so as foreign ambassadors were present. They would report this incident to their capitals. This frosty exchange couldn't be ignored.

The soldiers kept marching, saluting the coffin as they passed by. This was surreal: at the funeral of a pacifist Chancellor, rows upon rows of soldiers surged forward in his name.

After the parade, the guard of honour picked up the coffin and slowly made their way across the avenue. The procession of political faux-mourners, foreign notables and actually grieving persons walked behind them. The audience in the stands looked on with a stoic expression. A few in the crowd sobbed. The ceremony ended as the procession disappeared from view, entering a building. As per Velpan tradition, Ferul's body was to be cremated in an indoor setting.

The fire was lit. The smoke of his burning body was tinted by a machine with the stately Imperial blue and then released into the outside, where the crowd could see some of the last remnants of the person that once was the highest authority in the land. Now, he was ash.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Chancellery, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

It had only been a day after Ferul's funeral, and the coalition government was eating itself. Ministers and other prominent politicians jockeyed for posts and promotions in a new cabinet, whoever was going to lead it. Prospective candidates for the Chancellery were making allies, promising offices and punishment to political partners and adversaries alike. For his part, Shorossore was officially backing a radical pacifist candidate for the Chancellorship. He knew that the ultrapacifist Congresswoman Leonarda Kurloit was going to fail in her bid, but his "support" was both an ideological as well as pragmatic move: by lending publicity to Kurloit as Acting Chancellor, he and his faction of radicals could get a better deal from the other factions and parties in the coalition in exchange for either "defecting" or suspending their bid for power. 

Shorossore was not aware of the tidal wave that would bring this whole game down.

Imperial Directorate of the Imperial Anti-Corruption Agency, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

Finally, everything was set. The warrants were ready, the Imperial Armed Police had been notified and the evidence was thoroughly analyzed. Marcus could finally release the dogs.

"Director Snou", said the Kaminoan chief of the IAP, Kaun Kin, "we're ready. As soon as you give the order, we shall order our personnel in all departments and divisions to arrest all the people in your list"

"Good. Director Kin, I trust you'll be able to handle it. If you need help from the IACA's security officers to aid you as auxiliaries, make sure to contact me"

"I must say, Director, this is quite the monumental undertaking. My impression cannot be understated. One million politicians, tycoons and others under arrest? You had better be hiring some beefy personal security. I can already see those in power trying to assassinate you in retaliation for this titanic purge"

"Whether I die or not alone is irrelevant. This goes beyond me. However, I know that, if I'm killed, the steam for these prosecutions will halt due to fear of death among my personnel. Rest assured, if I have survived rooting out corruption now, I'll breathe in this swamp"

"Let's hope so, Director"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Imperial Chancellery Avenue, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The fires of change had now begun to shine bright. After an army of politicians, bureaucrats, professionals and business titans were arrested, trillions were furious. Almost instantly, anti-corruption protests erupted all across the Empire. Social media urged as many as possible to travel to the capital and hold a massive rally. Many came from all the corners of the realm, and many more showed up via hologram. Between the holograms and the actual flesh present, around three billion people demonstrated in and around the Executive District of the capital. Protests were widespread on other planets, with both local and national government offices under siege by oceans of angry protesters.

The Imperial Chancellor's Palace itself was now guarded like a fortress, with legions of heavily-armed riot police, IOR troops and palace guards protecting the compound. No one was allowed to enter or leave other than by the Chancellery's secured private platforms on the upper levels.

Shorossore and the cabinet ministers who were not detained were in a panic. No one had anticipated this to occur. The race for the leadership had been halted. What they were concerned about now was dealing with the apocalyptic public uproar.

Due to the sheer scale and decentralization of the protests, there were no concrete leaders to negotiate with. They could only placate the population with concessions. The main demands that demonstrators wanted were fresh elections, anti-corruption reforms and, less prevalent, an increase in military spending.

Under normal circumstances, this unrest would be a delusional, fantastical dream come true for the opposition. However, since the legal purge had also taken many high-profile opposition leaders under custody, they weren't celebrating either. People were livid at both the governing coalition and the main opposition parties. Some opposition Congressmen and Senators had tried to take a shot at earning cheap political points by decrying corruption in impassionate speeches at the legislative chambers, but the public was not convinced. A few of them were even arrested for corruption charges after sacrificing their colleagues to the infernal fire of the mob, which showed just how hypocritical and opportunistic many of these politicians were.

In all of this, there would be an unprecedented - and unintended - act of brutality that would seal the fate of the government.

The second-in-command of the Chancellery Palace Guard and a high-profile police chief from Daonlathas plotted a nefarious plan. They were both involved in corruption, and both feared they would be next in Snou's purifying purge of the state. In a desperate bid to divert attention from their cases, they schemed something not seen since the Old Empire.

Shooting protesters

It may seem insane, but the desperate hope was that this massacre of the protesters would bring even more heat to the government, thus concentrating the public's - and also Snou's - ire on them. They would then quickly attempt to run into hiding. Perhaps they could flee the country if they got lucky. So, they carried on this mad gamble.

Feigning to have orders from the Chancellor himself, both officers ordered their subordinates to open fire. A few did, many refused. The shooting only lasted 63 seconds. But it didn't matter. The deed was done.

In the chaos, both officials fled, the stars know where. The country couldn't believe what it was seeing. News anchors covering the protests were left stunned, speechless and horrified. The Acting Chancellor saw what was transpiring from his window and immediately ordered them to cease fire. The cabinet was mortified. Not only was this going too far, they all knew that their careers could be over.

In order to save themselves from the coming storm, the ministers cynically piled on Shorossore.

"You monster!"

"How dare you!"

"Radical pacifist, will you stop at nothing to maintain your fanatical idealism?!"


Shorossore knew what they were doing. They were desperately trying to save face, and their lives. They knew he had nothing to do with this. Nuance wouldn't matter in the coming days, however.

An urgent hologram message from the palace guard chief came in. In anger, Shorossore answered.


"I have no clue where the orders to shoot the multitude, and I am investigating this as we speak. More importantly, Your Excellency, the Emperor was shot! He was in the crowd without our knowledge, and he was hit in his leg!"

With that, Shorossore knew it was all truly over. The fact that the Emperor was shot would only inflame public anger even more. Not only that, shooting the Emperor was not only attempted murder, but high treason, the only crime in the national penal code punishable by death. He had nothing to do with this, but he knew he would be blamed for it. The Minister of Justice looked him in the eyes.

"You're fucking done. I'm out of here"

All the ministers present left the room, preparing to cynically go to the crowd and "stand with the people" or whatever. A few ministers who were friends with the Emperor went to him, helping him stand and get into the ambulance. The rest berated the security detail in public, trying to get some good political points.

Shorossore was left alone in the meeting room. He began to fear the worst was to come. Refusing to be taken under custody and have some opportunistic prosecutors put him in jail or worse, he rushed to his personal speeder and left for his personal spacecraft. To hell with it all, he would flee the planet and go into hiding. Once the truth was discovered, he would go back, but he was not sitting in some prison or losing his head for the pleasure of his opponents.

Imperial Palace Fortuna Hospital, Daonlathas
The Core, Ryccian Empire

The Imperial Palace was now a fortress, guarded by the royal guards and the army units the Emperor trusted. The Emperor could've gone to a nearer hospital in the Executive District, but, wishing not to become a burden to those injured and to the patients in general, he insisted to be transfered to his residence, and now he lay bedridden, being tended to his wounds.

The Emperor was livid beyond belief. Unusual for a man of political inertia, he summoned high-ranking ministers, demanding their presence before him three days after the massacre. He began his own personal interrogation.

"What in the living stars transpired there?! You butchers, answer me NOW! Pray tell, why is the Acting Chancellor absent?! I ordered his presence without any delay!"

The ministers were stunned. As politicians who had only seen the crown as a ceremonial prop, they were not expecting such fury from this symbolic, irrelevant man. Many of them were offended, believing the Head of State was beneath them.

"Your Majesty", said Alissia Puvragin, Minister of the Interior, "we are conducting an investigation as we speak. We cannot divulge any more details as of this time-"

"ENOUGH! I knew you elitist slime were ruthless and shrewd political hacks, but I never assumed your rotten nature could go this far! Minister, I demand to be let privy to the contents of this 'investigation', without a single detail being obscured from me!"

One of the palace servants walked in to the hospital room. He informed the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, the Acting Chancellor is nowhere to be encountered"

"Pardon me? Have the relevant officials searched with thorough precision?"

"I have been assured they did. He appears to have fled the planet, for a spacecraft similar in appearance to one of his personal ships was detected exiting the system"

Immediately, the Imperial Chief of Staff turned to the Emperor. As the next official to the Chancellorship in the informal line of succession, he intended to claim it.

"Your Majesty, I shall assume the duties and responsibilities-"

"You shall do nothing of the kind"

"Umm, I beg your pardon?"

"Was I not as clear as the sky, Chief of Staff? You are to remain in your post. I shall decide an interim Chancellor"

One of the ministers couldn't take it any more. The only reason the highest officials of the cabinet were there was due to respect the ceremonial protocols of a constitutional monarchy. They never intended for the Emperor to wield any actual control.

"Oh, enough! You inane, useless princeling, we shan't let you decide for us! Did you lose your mind when you were shot?! Face it, you have no true power here! You are not qualified to-"

"You are not the sole members of this society that can partake in this silly game of yours. I have the backing of the armed forces and the police chiefs of both Daonlathas and Anobel. Here is my decree: the Empire shall prepare for fresh elections to all offices chosen by popular suffrage within three standard months. The current cabinet is to be dissolved, replaced by civil technocrats from all major parties and sectors of society or, wherever expedient, by members of the armed forces. Some ministers of the former government shall be retained, and they shall be informed in due course"

The ministers were now horrified. In essence, they were all fired on the spot in a legal coup. A powerless idiot, or so they perceived him to be, now wielded the authority to kick them out of power.


"You have severed your ties with the people long ago with your political psychopathy. All is now revealed. Now, ministers ex officio, you are dismissed"

"You are keenly aware of what you are doing, correct? You are destroying a thousand years of precedence and democratic tradition! Insolent dog-"

"I would rather be scorned and demonized by trillions in this life than regret the fate of a trillion future generations of this Empire in the possible next! My ancestor founded this state, sacrificing everything that could have been hers to let the light of liberty shine for all time! I shall not let any of you destroy it with your inaction and avarice! I am quite certain you would sell the realm to the highest bidder if you had the means and pressure to do so, you pillocking hypocrites! Now, begone from my sight!"

And, just like that, the Emperor had signed the path to the political graves of many. He knew that what he was doing was risky. It could lead to further instability in the future. But he had to take this chance. Otherwise, the Empire would continue to degenerate from within, and the threats the realm was destined to face would destroy it.

It had to be now, or never.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)

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